work performance
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2022 ◽  
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2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 880-894
Ana Marfuah ◽  
Kusuma Chandra Kirana ◽  
Didik Subiyanto

This research aims to determine the effect of competence and work ethic on work performance with motivation as a moderating variable. In this study using a population of all employees of PT. Sapta Sentosa Jaya Abadi Muko-Muko with a total of 70 respondents, the sampling technique used saturated sampling with questionnaires which were distributed to all employees of PT. Sapta Sentosa Jaya Abadi Muko-Muko. This research is a quantitative research. Data analysis techniques used in this research are descriptive analysis, multiple regression analysis, and Moderate Regression Analysis (MRA). The results of this study indicate that the competence variable has a positive and significant effect on work performance, the work ethic variable has a positive and significant effect on work performance, the motivation variable has a positive and significant effect on work performance, the motivation variable can moderate competence on work performance, The motivation variable cannot moderate work ethic on work performance Keywords: Motivation, Competence, Work Ethic, Work Performance

2022 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 96-114
Cristiano L. Guarana ◽  
Bruce J. Avolio

Psychological ownership represents feelings of responsibility for and possession over a target, which can be both tangible in terms of physical resources, or intangible regarding one's relationships. Here we examine how two well-established leadership styles can trigger six different facets of psychological ownership and their corresponding ownership behaviors, by using regulatory focus and identity theory to explain how psychological ownership emerges and influences an individual's work behavior. We provide specific propositions that link two leadership styles to an individual's activated regulatory focus and self-identity, which results in six different facets of ownership. We use these different facets of ownership to examine how each contributes to explaining how leaders motivate their followers to engage in and take on different work challenges and opportunities, thus advancing both the leadership and psychological ownership literatures. We combine leadership style and psychological ownership to determine the type of ownership behavior and work performance that results based on which ownership facets are triggered.

2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-70
Nur M. Ridha Tarigan ◽  
Rahmat Akbar Syahputra ◽  
Tri Kartika Yudha

In fact, the work performance of employees does not match the expectations of an agency, and they still encounter low employee performance. As a result of low employee performance, the impact on agency productivity decreases and cannot meet the targets set by the agency, so that the agency suffers losses and experiences obstacles in its development. Meanwhile, for employees who have low work performance, it will hinder the career development and income of the employee.Descriptive analysis is a research method that provides an overview regarding situations and events so that this method intends to Base data accumulation applies.From the results of the analysis with the number of respondents as many as 63 people, the following conclusions are drawn: 1) Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance in Simalungun Regency Agriculture Office. 2) Leaders are expected to improve the promotion appraisal system based on performance and work results. 3) Maintaining the current good condition of employees, who are able to work hard to get awards, a well-developed family atmosphere and an interesting and challenging work atmosphere has been created.

2022 ◽  
Vol 25 (6) ◽  
pp. 720-732
P. A. Polyakov

This study aims determine a relationship between the aerodynamic and heat exchange characteristics of the air flow in a segmented ventilation system of the brake disc with improved heat dissipation in the boundary layer of the air flow. Classical equations of heat and mass transfer in the boundary layer of the air flow cooling the brake disc ventilation chamber were used. The cooling performance of the system was assessed using the method of similarity. The obtained theoretical findings were confirmed by CFD-modelling. Mathematical models were developed for vented discs with both continuous grooves and slotted grooves. A criterion for assessing the performance of brake disc ventilation systems was proposed, consisting in turbulization of the air flow inside the device under study. According to the obtained analytical dependencies, a 20-fold acceleration of the air flow decreases the turbulization parameter by 1.24 times. An increase in the temperature difference in the boundary layer by 8 times leads to an increase in the turbulization parame-ter by 86.2 times. Using the criterion proposed for assessing the work performance, the aerodynamic and heat exchange characteristics of the system under study were calculated. As a result, a relationship between the design parameters of the segmented ventilation system and improved heat dissipation in the boundary layer of the cooling air flow is proposed. The conducted CFD modelling confirmed the aerodynamic characteristics of the system under study obtained theoretical-ly. This mathematical model together with the turbulization parameter can be used when both developing modern vented brake discs and assessing the existing cooling systems of friction units in order to minimize the possibility of reduced heat exchange processes.

2022 ◽  
Vol Publish Ahead of Print ◽  
Asuka Sakuraya ◽  
Akihito Shimazu ◽  
Kotaro Imamura ◽  
Norito Kawakami

Tatyana Suvalova

The need for effective management of young talents is due to the modern conditions of globalization of the economy, the impetus for the development of which is the intellectualization of business processes, the use of advanced technologies, and the disclosure of the multipotential of employees of organizations. Talented employees are an important asset for solving business problems of companies, as well as a resource, the development of which must be planned. The aim of the study is to analyze modern practical approaches to managing young promising employees. The importance and significance of the development of soft skills (soft skills), such as critical thinking, analysis, problem solving and communication, was noted. The article discusses the concept of talent management: planning, selection, introduction to work, performance management, training and development, compensation, analysis of critical skills. Attention is focused on the connection between training and the implementation of assigned tasks, development of potential and strengths of each employee.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 57-66
Md Al Amin ◽  
Arka Chakraborty

Workers’ performance and efficiency are dependent on their workplace facilities. The present study attempts to identify the six physical factors of the workplace environment: furniture and equipment design, air quality, temperature, sanitation, lighting and noise. Workers' feedback is evaluated by using 5 scale Likert method and it is found that found workplace temperature is most critical for workers' performance. The purpose of this study is to identify workers' impressions about their workplace environment and provide a better understanding to the managers about improvement. Industry-level emphasis on these factors can improve workers' performance standards and production quality. Previous work performance studies are not focused on hygiene and sanitation facility but due to the corona pandemic situation sanitation concern has been raised. This study aims to explore the relationship of these factors with gender and work experience of the workers. Variation in each group has provided an understanding of the basic demand of each type of worker. Journal of Engineering Science 12(3), 2021, 57-66

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 251-258
Firdha Muharraran ◽  
Ivan Elisabeth Purba ◽  
Donal Nababan

Background: The national health system is essentially an order that reflects the efforts of the Indonesian people to increase their ability to achieve health status. Puskesmas is a leading health service organization unit that provides comprehensive and integrated health services to the community. Human resource management is a planning, organizing, coordinating, implementing, and supervising the procurement, development, provision of remuneration, integration, maintenance, and separation of workers in order to achieve organizational goals. One way to improve resource management is leadership support for outstanding employees. Purpose: This study aims to determine the relationship between leadership support and employee performance at the Sei Suka Health Center, Sei Suka District, Batu Bara Regency in 2019. Method: This research was conducted cross sectional with data collection method (questionnaire). Each group with an age range of 20-30 years, 31-40, 41-50, 51-60 was given a questionnaire to fill out. Determination of the relationship between leadership support and employee performance can be seen from the results obtained after filling out the questionnaire, then the data is analyzed using the chi-square test. Results: The results obtained that the most respondents in the category of good leadership support as many as 16 people (48.5%) had poor work performance and the least was good leadership support 2 people (6.1%) had good work performance after being tested with the chi test square can be seen that the value of Significancy p value = 0.003 (P <0.005) which shows that the relationship between leadership support and employee performance is significant. Conclusion: there is a significant relationship between leadership support and employee performance.

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