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Agronomy ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 211
Giulia Maesano ◽  
Mirco Milani ◽  
Elisabetta Nicolosi ◽  
Mario D’Amico ◽  
Gaetano Chinnici

In the agri-food sector, the Life Cycle Assessment method (LCA) is used to evaluate the environmental impact of a product. Within agri-food products, wine is among the most analysed products, not only for its economic importance but also for the environmental impact of its activity. The paper aims to identify the main trends in the wine sector revolving around environmental evaluation using the LCA method in the academic literature. The aim is to investigate the literature on life cycle assessment analysis of grape and wine production through the systematic grouping of papers into clusters of research. So, the purpose is to discuss the gaps and insights identified by the study in order to aid in the development of a comprehensive state of the art on the topic. Scopus and Web of Science were used to search all articles following a clear and replicable protocol. The results (keywords) were subjected to co-occurrence analysis using VOSviewer, after which the articles were further analysed. Through a bibliographic coupling analysis, the research results were grouped through a network analysis that allowed identifying the research trends on the topic. Three clusters were identified containing the main lines of research on the subject. The results show that nowadays the literature is focusing on concerns related to climate change and consumer awareness on sustainability issues and certifications as well as environmental impacts generated mainly in the production phase in the vineyard. The research results are of interest for future research on LCA analysis in the wine sector in order to contribute to the discussion on the current model in the global wine sector.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 219-224
A. Batyraliev ◽  
U. Alibekova ◽  
S. Ismailova ◽  
Zh. Abdullaeva

Research relevance: teaching the Epic of Manas is relevant in connection with formation of patriotic feelings among young people. Research objectives: according to results of survey, modern youth confidently believe that Kyrgyz people came from Altai, and Altai is indigenous homeland of Kyrgyz people. However, textbooks on Kyrgyz literature do not address the questions: where did the Kyrgyz come from to Altai, where the ancestors of the great Manas came from. Research materials and methods: the article provides interesting and substantiated materials that will help resolve some of the controversial issues of teaching the epic. Research results: the ways of teaching epos given by authors provide opportunities in formation of patriotic feelings among young people. Conclusions: in teaching, we need to expand the origin of Manas among our youth, and a civic idea that ancestors of Manas lived in Sary-Kol and Alai, and the Kyrgyz lived in this region before leaving for Altai.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 212-218
A. Batyraliev

Research relevance: the issues of organizing and conducting teaching practice at Osh State University are relevant in connection with the increase and improvement of teachers and students educational activities in general. Research objectives: to reveal the goals, objectives, content and criteria for assessing adaptation, vocational-base and vocational-profile practice. Research materials and methods: the article construction based on analysis of educational standards on pedagogical practice, on the main goals and objectives definition in adaptational-pedagogical practice. Research results: experience of organizing and conducting pedagogical practice can be theoretically and practically useful for several pedagogical universities. Conclusions: based on specialties specifics, methodological departments of pedagogical faculties have developed educational methodological complexes and syllabuses for each type of pedagogical practice.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 252-257
K. Baimuratov ◽  
T. Daminov ◽  
Zh. Abdullaeva

Research relevance: article discusses problem in organizing lessons on the school subject of pre-army physical training of youth with subdivision into external and internal organization moments. Research objectives: to determine the conditions for organizing classes and preparing students for the perception of the proposed information. Research materials and methods: distribution of class students into educational subgroups; setting up work within each subgroup; change of places of employment, sports equipment and equipment, a combination of educational and disciplinary requirements; organized ending of classes. Research results: the general level of organization is a kind of assessment of a teacher’s ability to competently manage educational cognitive process (ECP) in a wide variety of situations. Conclusions: an important condition for increasing the ECP organization is full preparation of material and technical base for its implementation.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 281-285
R. Anarkulov ◽  
Zh. Bekboev

Research relevance: article deals with the problem of increasing the effectiveness of educational and cognitive independence of those who go in for the Kyrgyz national wrestling kuresh. Research objectives: setting educational, upbringing and health-improving tasks that contributes to the increase of educational and cognitive independence (OPS) of those who go in for kuresh wrestling. Research materials and methods: the work describes teaching method, the originality of the theoretical and practical approach to the transfer of special information through the implementation of: observation, discussion and partial search. Research results: the type of occupation of young kuresh wrestlers predetermines the ratio of ways and techniques, their mutual significance, use of unusual approaches in the upbringing of those who go in for kuresh wrestling. Conclusions: in kuresh wrestling, the system of questions should correspond to the traditionally established stages of the studied aspects of educational and cognitive material and technical and tactical action.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 258-264
Kh. Anarkulov ◽  
N. Matazimov

Research relevance: article discusses problems in evolution of rules and refereeing of sports competitions in Kyrgyz national wrestling kuresh in connection with the Kyrgyz people folk physical culture, in which the Kyrgyz richest folk art should be mentioned. Research objectives: to determine functions and problems in evolution of rules and refereeing at sports competitions in the Kyrgyz national sports wrestling kuresh. Research materials and methods: analysis of rules, circumstances and recommendations from organizations during sports competitions in national wrestling kuresh. Research results: physical exercises have become a necessary and more effective preparation of student youth for social activities (protection of territories and population from foreigners, physical labor associated with the extraction of food, preparing the younger generation for work and protection in difficult climatic and geographical conditions, change of residence, etc.). Conclusions: competitive process and objective refereeing of sports competitions opened the way to sports glory, violating objective and subjective obstacles.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 230-235
A. Batyraliev ◽  
N. Usenova ◽  
Zh. Abdullaeva

Research relevance: this article deals with problem of determining the goal of educating students and youth in Kyrgyzstan. The republic government has adopted a number of documents in the field of upbringing and education; however, the goals in upbringing are not clearly defined until today. Research objectives: to analyze the literature on upbringing goals in pedagogy and make conclusions about this problem. Research materials and methods: the work used various scientists, educators and politicians points of view in defining the essence of education process in pedagogy. Research results: in developing the upbringing goals, we should not forget about ideas from religious pedagogy, which is promoting the idea, that child should be brought up on religious morality to form good child “yimanduu bala”. Conclusions: our opinion in determining the upbringing goal is to form a spiritually moral personality prepared for life.

Kristian Wijaya

One of the good news of the new normal era is all humankind’s sectors are opened gradually by following the restricted health protocols. Without an exception, the educational sector is also allowed by the government to open schools in the green zone. As a result, a blended learning strategy is inevitably essential to support this post-covid-19 era. Blended learning strategy is a novel pedagogical approach where the online and offline systems are combined to promote more purposeful, organized, and meaningful learning dynamics for learners. This current small-scale qualitative study aimed to investigate the specific benefits of a blended learning strategy based on Indonesian EFL teachers’ perceptions. Thus, 5 open-ended written narrative inquiry questions were sent to two randomly invited Indonesian EFL teachers working in different elementary school institutions. The obtained research results unveiled that the effective utilization of blended learning strategy had successfully promoted more meaningful language learning enterprises, elevated EFL learners’ learning motivation, and increased their proactive learning behaviors. However, it should also be pondered carefully that the more contextualized language learning approaches, as well as stable internet connection, are urgently needed to strengthen the effectiveness of this learning approach. Due to the obtained research results, it is reasonable to be expected that Indonesian EFL experts, teachers, practitioners, and policy-makers can establish more collaborative networking to better design more qualified and meaningful blended learning activities in the future.  

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Yanlin Guo

The study of accounting profitability was initiated by the famous American scholars Ball and Brown in the 1960s. In recent years, with the continuous development of market economy, the continuous improvement of the accounting legal system and accounting standards for enterprises has promoted the research on accounting profit in capital market in China. Due to the restriction of some objective conditions, there are not many valuable research results on the relationship between accounting earnings and stock price changes, and the research methods suitable for the study of accounting earnings still need to be explored and summarized. The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) has required listed companies to publish quarterly financial and accounting reports since 2002, and the condition of using the regression analysis method to study the accounting profit of listed companies is available. In this context, this paper designs a vector autoregressive model to study the correlation between stock price and accounting profit. First, combining the literature and the research results of accounting profit at home and abroad, this paper expounds the statistical analysis of accounting profit. Then, this paper analyzes the accounting profitability of listed companies in China from static and dynamic perspectives. Finally, according to the accounting profit status and profitability statistical analysis of accounting information, accounting profit and growth relationship, and accounting profit information and the relationship between stock prices, this paper is concluded. Also, this paper shows how to improve the profitability of listed companies and how can investors effectively use the accounting earnings information of listed companies for stock investment and put forward corresponding policy suggestions.

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