2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (29) ◽  
pp. 148-165
طالب منعم حبيب الشمري ◽  
عبد الرزاق حسين حاجم

  The obelisk is a large stone block with a height ranging from 50 cm to 3 m. It varies in width from one obelisk to another. It is sculptured from one side or two or four sides with prominent picture inscriptions, often accompanied by cuneiform texts for immortalising kings and their military campaigns. This obelisk is constructed in a rectangular or square, and some of them a dome convex or semi-circular or pyramid. The lower section of the obelisks is wide, similar to the base of the base, and another section is sculpted on a slightly sloping end, so that it can easily be attached to the ground or placed on a special base. The rulers and kings of Mesopotamia established and displayed the obelisk in public places in order to be seen by the public.  It also was placed in the yards of temples or public squares and squares and the streets of cities. It used to celebrate their religious, military and historical achievements in order to immortalise their actions. These obelisks are held to commemorate the deeds of kings and their achievements in peace and war as confirmed by the cuneiform texts and the artistic scenes implemented on them.

2001 ◽  
Vol 79 (22-25) ◽  
pp. 2165-2181 ◽  
Pierre Pegon ◽  
Artur V Pinto ◽  
Michel Géradin

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (14) ◽  
pp. 6630
Bernardo Anes ◽  
Joao Figueiredo ◽  
Mouhaydine Tlemçani

Nowadays, the inner shape and economic viability of a stone block is dependent on the skill and experience of the “expert” that makes predictions based on external observations. This actual procedure is an extremely high empirical method, and when it fails, substantial work, time, and money is wasted. At present, researchers are committed to developing models to predict the stone block internal structure based on non-destructive tests. Ultrasonic tomography and electrical resistivity tomography are the tests that best fit these objectives. Trying to improve the existing procedures for collecting stone information and data exporting, a novel approach to perform both tomographies is proposed in this paper. This novel approach presents sound advantages regarding the current manual procedure: namely, (i) high accuracy due to a new automatic positioning system; (ii) no need for highly skilled operators to process measurements; (iii) measurements are much easier to derive, and results are quickly delivered. A comparison between the new automatic process and the current manual procedure shows that the manual procedure has a very low accuracy when compared to the new developed automatic system. The automatic measurements show extremely significant time savings, which is a relevant issue for the future competitiveness of the stone sector.

Goniuk O.V. ◽  
Sydorenko O.Yu.

Стаття є спробою дослідження провідних складників концептосфери хронотопу війни в книзі малої прози сучасної української письменниці та перекладачки Катерини Калитко «Земля Загублених, або Маленькі страшні казки» на прикладі циклу оповідань із середньовічно-лицарською темпоральністю та оповідання «Мартин», в якому художньо висвітлено сучасну війну на Сході України. Концептний аналіз оповідань дозволяє простежити, яким чином сучасна війна концептуалізується в хронотопі художніх творів покоління українських письменників, передусім Катерини Калитко, та як це позначається на особливостях творчої манери, індивідуального стилю авторки, а також способах взаємодії з читачем. Мета роботи – виявити та дослідити провідні компоненти концептосфери хронотопу війни в книзі короткої прози Катерини Калитко «Земля Загублених, або Маленькі страшні казки».Методи. В основі дослідження – методи біографічного, порівняльного, герменевтичного аналізу.Результати. З’ясовано, що для творчості сучасної письменниці характерне концентроване смислове та вербальне напо-внення хронотопічних концептів, їх герметичність і водночас зовнішня простота. Концептосфера війни в аналізованій збірці складається з концептів води (субконцепти дощу, зливи, річки, моря), субконцептів кам’яного простору (стіни, кам’яної брили та фортеці) та субконцептів-символів національної ідентичності (материнської мови, дерева черешні). Традиційні національні концепти в художньому світобаченні авторки трансформуються та зазнають несподіваних способів переосмислення, що є яскравим індикатором глибоких зсувів у соціальному, духовному, філософському та творчому мисленні письменниці.Висновки. Концептуальними домінантами авторського хронотопу в збірці малої прози К. Калитко є простір землі як притулку в умовах війни не лише як збройної агресії, а і як протиріччя та дисгармонії всередині самої людини, що спричинені усвідомленням своєї інакшості, загубленості, відстороненості й відкинутості соціумом. Моделювання метафоричного та фантасмагорійного часу та простору для письменниці є чи не єдиною адекватною стратегією опису абсурдності війни, як явища у загальнолюдському масштабі: через закладені в оповіданнях багатошарові сенси, переосмислення та конструювання тра-диційних і самобутніх, новаторських, суто авторських концептів хронотопу авторка наголошує на антигуманності будь-якого воєнного конфлікту, що загострює й до того складну екзистенцію людей, переконаних у власній інакшості, несумісності з тією географією, в якій з певних причин вони змушені перебувати.Ключові слова: війна, концепт, субконцепт, художній час/простір, ідіостиль. The article studies the leading components of the conceptosphere of the chronotope of the war in the book of the small prose of the modern Ukrainian writer and translator K. Kalytko “The Land of All Those Lost, or Little Scary Tales” on the example of the cycle of short stories with medieval and chivalrous temporality, and the short story “Martyn”, which artistically enlightens the current war in the East of Ukraine.Purpose of the work is to identify and study the leading components of the conceptosphere of the chronotope of war in the book of short prose by Kateryna Kalytko “Land of the Lost, or Little Scary Tales”.Methods. The study is based on the methods of biographical, comparative, hermeneutic analysis.Results. Short prose of a modern writer is characterized by a concentrated semantic and verbal content of chronotopic concepts, their tightness and at the same time external simplicity. The conceptual sphere of war presented through the concept of water (subconcepts of rain, river, sea), subconcepts of stone space (wall, stone block) and fortress) and subconcepts-symbols of national identity (mother tongue, cherry trees). Traditional national concepts in the author’s artistic worldview are transformed and undergo unexpected ways of rethinking, which is a clear indicator of deep shifts in the social, spiritual, philosophical and creative thinking of the writer.Conclusions. The conceptual dominants of the author’s chronotope short prose by K. Kalytko are the space of the earth as a refuge in conditions of war not only as armed aggression, but also as contradictions and disharmony within man himself, caused by the realization of his otherness, loss, alienation and rejection. Modelling metaphorical and phantasmagoric time and space for the writer is almost the only adequate strategy for describing the absurdity of war as a phenomenon on a universal scale: through the multilayered meanings embedded in the stories, rethinking and constructing traditional and original, innovative, purely authorial concepts – some military conflict, which exacerbates the already complex existence of people convinced of their own otherness, incompatibility with the unelected geography in which for some reason they are forced to be.Key words: war, concept, subconcept, artistic time/space, idiostyle.

2013 ◽  
Vol 55 (3) ◽  
pp. 205-220 ◽  
Mordechai Aviam

Abstract In the center of the first century CE synagogue which was discovered at ancient Magdala (Migdal), a large decorated stone block was found. It is covered with decorative-symbolic elements on four sides and on the upper face as well, standing on four short legs. As the façade is carrying the Temple’s Menorah, this article will suggest that all other elements are not decorative but rather symbolic and symbolizing the Temple in Jerusalem. Another conclusion is that the block was used as a base for the Torah reading table in the synagogue. These symbols show that there was a very strong connection between Galileans and Jerusalem with the Temple in its center, and that there is an important reflection and relations between Jewish symbolism and Jewish heavenly mysticism as it appears in ancient Jewish sources, both Biblical and non-Biblical.

Starinar ◽  
2005 ◽  
pp. 181-195
Marko Popovic

Discussing the results of archaeological investigation at two important medieval sites - remains of the monastery of St George at Mazici near Priboj and of the church at Drenova near Prijepolje - the author puts forward his critical observations that make significant revisions to the conclusions suggested by excavators. The remains of a monastery at Mazici have long ago been identified with the monastery of St George in the zupa (district) of Dabar known from early 13th-century records. In the 1310s a monastery of St George is referred to in association with the toponym of Orahovica. After a long gap, the monastery is referred to again several times in the 1600s until its final destruction in 1743, as St George?s at Orahovica or simply Mazic(i). The report following systematic archaeological excavations suggests the unacceptable and unfounded conclusion, with dating and interpretation that the monastery church was built in the 13th century, received additions in the 14th, and was renovated in the 16th-17th centuries when there was a hospital attached to it. Careful analysis of the structural remains and the site?s stratigraphy clearly shows that the monastery was built on the site of a medieval cemetery of a 14th-15th-century date, which means that the church and its buildings cannot be older than the 16th century. The author also argues against the assumed presence of a monastic hospital, the assumption being based upon metal artifacts misinterpreted as "medical instruments" (parchment edge trimmer, compasses, fork!!!). The author?s inference is that the ruins at Mazici are not the remains of the monastery of St George, which should be searched for elsewhere, but possibly the legacy of a 14th-century monastic establishment which was moved there from an as yet unknown location most likely about the middle of the 16th century. The site at Drenova, with remains of a church destroyed by land slide, has been known since the late 19th century when a stone block was found there bearing the opening part of an inscription: "+ Te Criste auctore pontifex...", long believed to date from the 9th-10th century. Following the excavations, but based on this dating the church remains were interpreted as pre- Romanesque, and the interpretation entailed some major historical conclusions. From a more recent and careful analysis, the inscription has been correctly dated to the 6th century. With this dating as his starting-point, the author examines the fieldwork results and suggests that the block is an early-Byzantine spolium probably from the late-antique site of Kolovrat near Prijepolje, reused in the medieval period as a tombstone in the churchyard, where such examples are not lonely. It follows that the inscribed block is not directly relatable to the church remains and that it cannot be used as dating evidence. On the other hand, the church remains show features of the Romanesque-Gothic style of architecture typical of the Pomorje, the Serbian Adriatic coast. According to close analogies found for some elements of its stone decoration, the date of the church could not precede the middle of the 13th century. The question remains open as to who had the church built and what its original function was, that is whether a monastic community center round it. Its founder may be sought for among members of the ruling Nemanjic house, but a church dignitary cannot be ruled out. Anumber of complex issues raised by this site are yet to be resolved, but the study should be relieved of earlier misconceptions. Fresh information about this ruined medieval church should be provided by revision excavations in the future.

Liber Annuus ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 70 ◽  
pp. 357-384
Jürgen K. Zangenberg ◽  
Anna Lena ◽  
Carmelo Pappalardo

1970 ◽  
Vol 73 (619) ◽  
pp. 1154-1160
Masahiro ISHIZAWA ◽  
Hiroshi MARUYAMA ◽  
Tadao OHYAMA ◽  

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