Ganoderma Diseases of Woody Plants of Indian Arid Zone and their Biological Control

2011 ◽  
pp. 209-239
Rikhab Raj Bhansali
2019 ◽  
pp. 55-70
И.Р. Грибуст

Введение. Лесомелиоративное обустройство территорий малолесных регионов коренным образом преобразует ранее пустынные пространства. Позитивные изменения влажностнотеплового, почвенного, гидрологического режимов, обогащение аборигенной дендрофлоры новыми видами влечет за собой также и трансформацию животного мира, в том числе населения насекомых. Энтомосообщества формируются за счет представителей степной группы, обитателей естественных ценозов, а также группы лесных насекомых, в числе которых виды, являющиеся опасными вредителями и их энтомофаги. Цель работы анализ изменения разнообразия насекомыхэнтомофагов в насаждениях засушливой зоны различных параметров и состояния. Объекты исследований насекомыеэнтомофаги, обитающие в энтомокомплексах защитных насаждениях различного дендрологического состава ФНЦ агроэкологии РАН на территории Волгоградской области (кадастр. 34:34:000000:122 34:08:000000:6). Материалы и методика. Сбор материала проводили в насаждениях различного хозяйственного значения. Объектами исследования являлись полезные насекомые. Отбор проб проводили посредством окашивания крон энтомологическим сачком, визуальным осмотром модельных ветвей и ручным сбором хищников и паразитированных видов филлофагов с последующим выведением имаго в лабораторных условиях. Результаты и обсуждение. В сообществе полезных насекомых защитных лесных насаждений сухостепной зоны зафиксирован 221 вид энтомофагов, относящихся к 7 отрядам и 32 семействам. Различия экологических условий, ассортимент древесных растений в каждой из посадок, характер и интенсивность негативного внешнего влияния определяют особенности фаунистического населения, в т. ч. энтомофагов. Оценка распределения количественного обилия паразитов и хищников показала, что в лесных полосах хищников в среднем в три раза больше паразитических насекомых. Отчетливо прослеживаются вариации изменения разнообразия энтомофагов в насаждениях разного класса жизнеспособности. Конструктивные особенности, флористическая обедненность и сформировавшийся микроклимат существенно ограничивает жизнедеятельность энтомофагов в малорядных (23 ряда) насаждениях, численность которых здесь снижается в среднем в 2,5 раза по сравнению с многорядными посадками. В вертикальном градиенте посадок по мощности накопления биотического потенциала полезных насекомых выделяется травянистый ярус, наличие которого в лесополосе обусловливает увеличение числа особей энтомофагов в сообществе в 1,32,7 раза. Наименьшую роль в накоплении полезной группы насекомых играет наличие развитого подлеска. Заключение. Наличие в насаждениях энтомофильных древесных растений и развитого травостоя важнейшие экологические факторы для накопления биотического потенциала энтомофагов. Максимальный эффект обеспечивает совокупное влияние определяющих экологоструктурных элементов в многорядных посадках. Introduction. Forest reclamation area developmentpoor regions is radically transforms the previously desolate space. Positive changes in moistureheat, soil, hydrological regimes, enrichment of native dendroflora with new species also entails the transformation of the animal world, including the insect population. Entomologiste formed by the representatives of the steppe group of the inhabitants of the natural coenoses, and the group of forest insects, including species that are dangerous pests and their entomophages. The purpose of the analysis of changes in the diversity of insect entomophages in the plantations of the arid zone of different parameters and conditions. The objects of research insectsentomophages living in entomocomplexes protective plantation of different dendrological composition of the Federal scientific center for Agroecology wounds on the territory of the Volgograd region (the cadaster number is 34:34:000000:122 34:08:000000:6). Materials and methods. Collection of material was carried out in plantations of various economic importance. The objects of study were useful insects. Samples were collected by hilling crowns entomological net, by visual inspection of the model branches and handcollection of predators and parasitism species of phyllophagous with subsequent excretion of adults in the laboratory. Results and discussion. 221 species of entomophages belonging to 7 groups and 32 families were recorded in the community of useful insects of protective forest plantations of the dry steppe zone. Differences in environmental conditions, the range of woody plants in each of the plantings, the nature and intensity of the negative external influence determine the characteristics of the faunal population, including entomophages The estimation of distribution of quantitative abundance of parasites and predators showed that in forest bands of predators on average three times more parasitic insects. Variations in the diversity of entomophages in plantings of different classes of viability are clearly observed. Design features, floristic depletion and formed microclimate significantly limits the life activity of entomophages in smallrow (23 rows) plantations, the number of which is reduced by an average of 2.5 times compared to multirow planting. In the vertical gradient of plantings on the power of accumulation of biotic potential of useful insects, a grassy tier is allocated, the presence of which in the forest belt causes an increase in the number of entomophages in the community by 1.32.7 times. The least role in the accumulation of a useful group of insects is played by the presence of developed undergrowth. Conclusion. The presence of entomophilic woody plants and developed herbage in the plantations are the most important environmental factors for the accumulation of the entomophage biotic potential. The maximum effect provides a cumulative effect of determining ecological and structural elements in multirow landings.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
Matt T. Kasson ◽  
Lindsay R. Kasson ◽  
Kristen L. Wickert ◽  
Donald D. Davis ◽  
Jason E. Stajich

Verticillium nonalfalfae, a cosmopolitan soil-borne phytopathogen, causes vascular wilt in agricultural crops and perennial woody plants. Select strains of V. nonalfalfae can cause lethal disease in the invasive tree Ailanthus altissima and several have since been utilized as a biological control (biocontrol) against this widespread invader.

2021 ◽  
pp. 35-51
А.В. Семенютина ◽  
А.Ш. Хужахметова ◽  
А.А. Долгих ◽  
В.В. Сапронов

Вопросам адаптации, интродукции, селекции и семеноведения для подбора ассортимента древесных растений, используемых на деградированных землях в аридной зоне при обогащении дендрофлоры малолесных регионов, до настоящего времени уделялось мало внимания. В последние годы согласно нацпроектам «Наука» и «Экология» уделяется большое внимание адаптивной организации территории агро- и урбоэкосистем в целях повышения комфортности проживания населения и экологизации производства сельскохозяйственной продукции. Объекты – дендрологические искусственные насаждения, научно-производственные комплексы, питомники, ассортимент, адаптированный в засушливом поясе России (Нижневолжская станция по селекции древесных пород - филиал ФНЦ агроэкологии РАН; кад. №34:36:000014:178; Волгоградская обл.). Цель – обоснование и подбор адаптированных видов, форм деревьев и кустарников для обогащения дендрофлоры в агролесоводстве и озеленении в Нижнем Поволжье. Методология исследований построена на биоэкологических принципах интродукции, селекции и питомниководства на основе изучения растений в системе «генотип-среда», использовании эколого-хозяйственного потенциала древесных видов с учетом их изменчивости и специфики условий засушливого региона и обогащения дендрофлоры в лесомелиорации и озеленении. На маточных гибридных плантациях сосен, тополей, дубов, кленов и ясеней проведен учет роста, состояния, репродуктивного развития. Дано обоснование и методология биоэкологического подбора адаптированных видов, форм древесных растений в засушливых условиях. Представлен каталог ассортимента для питомниководства экономически важных адаптированных деревьев и кустарников. Получены материалы по выделенным таксонам для оформления объектов интеллектуальной собственности. Внедрение научных разработок проводилось на производственных питомниках Нижневолжской станции по селекции древесных пород. Ежегодная реализация сеянцев и саженцев на сумму около 7 млн. рублей из селекционного улучшенного семенного материала для обогащения дендрофлоры. Область применения: лесное хозяйство, озеленение, питомнические хозяйства, агролесомелиорация, природоохранные органы, образование. Until now, little attention has been paid to the issues of adaptation, introduction, selection and seed science for the selection of an assortment of woody plants used on degraded lands in the arid zone during the enrichment of dendroflora in sparsely forested regions. In recent years, according to the national projects "Science" and "Ecology", much attention has been paid to the adaptive organization of the territory of agro- and urban ecosystems in order to increase the comfort of living for the population and greening the production of agricultural products. Objects - dendrological artificial plantations, research and production complexes, nurseries, an assortment adapted in the arid belt of Russia (Lower Volga station for selection of tree species - branch of the Federal Research Center of Agroecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences; cad. No. 34: 36: 000014: 178; Volgograd region). The goal is to substantiate and select adapted species, forms of trees and shrubs for the enrichment of dendroflora in agroforestry and gardening in the Lower Volga region. The research methodology is based on the bioecological principles of introduction, selection and nursery based on the study of plants in the "genotype-environment" system, the use of the ecological and economic potential of tree species, taking into account their variability and the specific conditions of the arid region and the enrichment of dendroflora in forest reclamation and gardening. On the parent hybrid plantations of pines, poplars, oaks, maples and ash trees, the growth, state, and reproductive development were recorded. The substantiation and methodology of bioecological selection of adapted species and forms of woody plants in arid conditions are given. A catalog of assortment for nursery of economically adapted trees and shrubs is presented. Materials were obtained on the allocated taxa for registration of intellectual property objects. The introduction of scientific developments was carried out at the production nurseries of the Nizhnevolzhskaya station for the selection of tree species. Annual sale of seedlings and seedlings worth about 7 million rubles from the selection of improved seed material for the enrichment of dendroflora. Scope: forestry, landscaping, nursery farms, agroforestry, environmental authorities, education.

2018 ◽  
Vol 66 (3) ◽  
pp. 278 ◽  
Boyd R. Wright ◽  
Peter J. Clarke

In arid Australia, fires in different seasons often result in markedly different recruitment rates of woody plants, and this can have important and long-lasting impacts on post-fire community structure and composition. The current study investigated ecological mechanisms behind this effect in four widespread arid Acacia species: Acacia aptaneura, Maslin & J.E.Reid Acacia kempeana F.Muell., Acacia maitlandii F.Muell. and Acacia melleodora Pedley. Specifically, the study examined whether increased recruitment after summer compared with winter burning relates to (1) higher soil temperatures during summer fires having increased capacity to overcome dormancy of seeds with heat-stimulated germination; (2) warmer soil temperature conditions after summer fires providing more favourable incubation temperatures for germination; and/or (3) summer fires coinciding with seasonal fluxes in seedbank densities, which may occur in response to granivory and/or rapid rates of seed deterioration after dispersal. Results supported hypotheses (1) and (2), as germination of all species responded positively to heat shock and warmer incubation temperatures. Some support was also demonstrated for hypothesis (3), as seedbank densities were shown to fluctuate seasonally, most likely in response to strong granivory. This multi-species study provides insights into mechanisms behind enhanced shrub recruitment after arid zone summer fires; and reinforces the notion that season of burn can be a strong determinant of regeneration trajectories of woody plants after fire.

2016 ◽  
Vol 167 (5) ◽  
pp. 249-257 ◽  
Mélanie Siegrist ◽  
Ottmar Holdenrieder

The Verticillium wilt – an option for control of Ailanthus in Switzerland? Ailanthus (Ailanthus altissima), a species native to China, is becoming increasingly invasive in Australia, Europe and North America. More and more frequently, the tree is also found in Swiss forests and, due to its high competitiveness, is regarded as an invasive species. In Europe and North America, A. altissima is occasionally affected by a wilt disease, which is caused by several species of the genus Verticillium. The precise identity of the pathogens was only recently clarified by molecular genetic methods. In addition to Verticillium dahlia, a wide spread fungus mainly affecting agricultural crops as well as woody plants, the recently described species Verticillium non alfalfae was detected on dying A. altissima trees. Individual genotypes of this pathogen in North America show high host specificity and are already used for biological control of A. altissima in US forests. Our article summarizes the current lit er ature on Ailanthus and the Verticillium wilt and furthermore discusses the question of whether the use of V. nonalfalfae as a mycoherbicide should also be considered for Switzerland.

M N Belitskaya ◽  
I R Gribust ◽  
E E Nefed’eva ◽  
O S Filimonova ◽  
M A Golovanova

2011 ◽  
Vol 77 (15) ◽  
pp. 5100-5109 ◽  
Inbal Gal-Hemed ◽  
Lea Atanasova ◽  
Monika Komon-Zelazowska ◽  
Irina S. Druzhinina ◽  
Ada Viterbo ◽  

ABSTRACTThe scarcity of fresh water in the Mediterranean region necessitates the search for halotolerant agents of biological control of plant diseases that can be applied in arid-zone agriculture irrigated with saline water. Among 29Trichodermastrains previously isolated from MediterraneanPsammociniasp. sponges, the greatest number of isolates belong to theTrichoderma longibrachiatum-Hypocrea orientalisspecies pair (9),H. atroviridis/T. atroviride(9), andT. harzianumspecies complex (7), all of which are known for high mycoparasitic potential. In addition, one isolate ofT. asperelloidesand two putative new species,Trichodermasp. O.Y. 14707 and O.Y. 2407, from Longibrachiatum and Strictipilosa clades, respectively, have been identified.In vitrosalinity assays showed that the ability to tolerate increasing osmotic pressure (halotolerance) is a strain- or clade-specific property rather than a feature of a species. Only a few isolates were found to be sensitive to increased salinity, while others either were halotolerant or even demonstrated improved growth in increasingly saline conditions.In vitroantibiosis assays revealed strong antagonistic activity toward phytopathogens due to the production of both soluble and volatile metabolites. Two marine-derivedTrichodermaisolates, identified asT. atrovirideandT. asperelloides, respectively, effectively reducedRhizoctonia solanidamping-off disease on beans and also induced defense responses in cucumber seedlings againstPseudomonas syringaepv. lachrimans. This is the first inclusive evaluation of marine fungi as potential biocontrol agents.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 343-361
Maria Belitskaya ◽  
Irina Gribust

The problem of optimization of ecological conditions of urbanized and agricultural areas of the arid zone is especially urgent nowadays. Severe forest conditions make it necessary to optimize the environment due to the protective plantations of different types and ecological categories. The use of woody plants unusual for a given area as part of multifunctional stands is one of the main methods for increasing the ecological capacity of the territory, changing the structure and population of insects. The study was conducted in Volgograd, Samara and Rostov regions. By the degree of biotic potential accumulation among the trees adapted in the arid region, plants of the Ulmaceae, Rosaceae and Fabaceae families are distinguished. The introduction of woody vegetation into new territories is also accompanied by the penetration of alien species of pests. Currently, among the phyllophages of woody plants used in landscaping various landscapes, there are invader insects. In urban areas, these species are particularly closely associated with Robinia pseudoacacia L. The most numerous as part of the pests of assimilation apparatus of this plant are Obolodiplosis robiniae (Haldeman, 1847) and Nematus tibialis (Neuman, 1837). Dissemination of Robinia by these insects in the protective forest plantations varies greatly. In the roadside forest plantations and the agroforest plantations in the composition of dendroflora the species of the family Ulmaceae are predominant. Among the invasive species that appeared in them is Aproceros leucopoda (Takeuchi, 1939); in these stands, it almost completely destroys the elm foliage. In the crowns of trees of recreational landscaping, single individuals of this species are found. Among the dendrophages of the stands of urbanized and forest-agrarian landscapes, open-living leaf-eating insects giving outbreaks of mass reproduction (Xanthogaleruca luteola, Dicranura ulmi, Cladius ulmi, Aproceros leucopoda) stand out. Wide spread and increase in the number is observed in Obolodiplosis robiniae and Fenusa ulmi.

J. R. Adams ◽  
G. J Tompkins ◽  
A. M. Heimpel ◽  
E. Dougherty

As part of a continual search for potential pathogens of insects for use in biological control or on an integrated pest management program, two bacilliform virus-like particles (VLP) of similar morphology have been found in the Mexican bean beetle Epilachna varivestis Mulsant and the house cricket, Acheta domesticus (L. ).Tissues of diseased larvae and adults of E. varivestis and all developmental stages of A. domesticus were fixed according to procedures previously described. While the bean beetles displayed no external symptoms, the diseased crickets displayed a twitching and shaking of the metathoracic legs and a lowered rate of activity.Examinations of larvae and adult Mexican bean beetles collected in the field in 1976 and 1977 in Maryland and field collected specimens brought into the lab in the fall and reared through several generations revealed that specimens from each collection contained vesicles in the cytoplasm of the midgut filled with hundreds of these VLP's which were enveloped and measured approximately 16-25 nm x 55-110 nm, the shorter VLP's generally having the greater width (Fig. 1).

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