On-bicycle exposure to particulate air pollution: Particle number, black carbon, PM 2.5 , and particle size

2015 ◽  
Vol 122 ◽  
pp. 65-73 ◽  
Steve Hankey ◽  
Julian D. Marshall
Hypertension ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 77 (3) ◽  
pp. 823-832
Neelakshi Hudda ◽  
Misha Eliasziw ◽  
Scott O. Hersey ◽  
Ellin Reisner ◽  
Robert D. Brook ◽  

Exposure to traffic-related air pollution (TRAP) may contribute to increased prevalence of hypertension and elevated blood pressure (BP) for residents of near-highway neighborhoods. Relatively few studies have investigated the effects of reducing TRAP exposure on short-term changes in BP. We assessed whether reducing indoor TRAP concentrations by using stand-alone high-efficiency particulate arrestance (HEPA) filters and limiting infiltration through doors and windows effectively prevented acute (ie, over a span of hours) increases in BP. Using a 3-period crossover design, 77 participants were randomized to attend three 2-hour-long exposure sessions separated by 1-week washout periods. Each participant was exposed to high, medium, and low TRAP concentrations in a room near an interstate highway. Particle number concentrations, black carbon concentrations, and temperature were monitored continuously. Systolic BP (SBP), diastolic BP, and heart rate were measured every 10 minutes. Outcomes were analyzed with a linear mixed model. The primary outcome was the change in SBP from 20 minutes from the start of exposure. SBP increased with exposure duration, and the amount of increase was related to the magnitude of exposure. The mean change in SBP was 0.6 mm Hg for low exposure (mean particle number and black carbon concentrations, 2500 particles/cm 3 and 149 ng/m 3 ), 1.3 mm Hg for medium exposure (mean particle number and black carbon concentrations, 11 000 particles/cm 3 and 409 ng/m 3 ), and 2.8 mm Hg for high exposure (mean particle number and black carbon concentrations, 30 000 particles/cm 3 and 826 ng/m 3 ; linear trend P =0.019). There were no statistically significant differences in the secondary outcomes, diastolic BP, or heart rate. In conclusion, reducing indoor concentrations of TRAP was effective in preventing acute increases in SBP.

2019 ◽  
Vol 127 (10) ◽  
pp. 107012 ◽  
Petter L. S. Ljungman ◽  
Niklas Andersson ◽  
Leo Stockfelt ◽  
Eva M. Andersson ◽  
Johan Nilsson Sommar ◽  

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-103 ◽  
Eka Fithriani Ahmad ◽  
Muhayatun Santoso

Abstrak Pencemaran udara merupakan dampak yang sangat merugikan, tidak hanya bagi manusia tetapi juga akan berdampak buruk bagi ekosistem hewan dan tumbuhan. Pada penelitian ini akan mengkaji pencemaran udara dari Oktober 2012 hingga Februari 2014 melalui penelitian konsentrasi dan komposisi dari partikulat udara dengan ukuran PM 2.5. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentuan sumber asal pencemaran di Surabaya sehingga dapat dijadikan referensi berbasis ilmiah sebagai langkah untuk membuat keputusan dan kebijakan yang tepat dalam menanggulangi dampak pencemaran. Metode pengolahan data dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan analisis reseptor modeling yaitu Positif Matrix Factorization (PMF) untuk mengetahui sumber asal pencemaran. Hasil pengukuran yang diperoleh pada konsentrasi PM 2,5 adalah 15.05 μg/m3 sehingga telah melebihi baku mutu tahunan yang telah ditetapkan PP 41 tahun 1999, USEPA, maupun WHO. Dalam partikulat terdapat konsentrasi black carbon (BC) sebesar 3.20 μg/m3 dan unsur Pb dengan konsentrasi 0.28 μg/m3 yang telah melebihi nilai baku mutu USEPA. Sedangkan hasil analisis reseptor modeling di dapatkan sumber asal polutan berasal dari biomass, vehicle, soil, industri Pb, industri Zn dan indutri Fe. Kata kunci: Partikulat mater 2.5, black carbon, Pb, positive matrix factorization, Surabaya   Abstract Air pollution is a very adverse impact, not only for humans but also the ecosystem of plants and animals. This research examine air pollution from October 2012 until February 2014 through the research of concentration and composition of airborne particulates with a size of PM 2.5 μm. This study aims to determine the origin and location of pollution sources in Surabaya so that it can be used as scientific reference as a step to make the right decisions and policies in tackling the impact of pollution. Data processing method in this research used analysis of receptor modeling that is Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) to determine the source of the pollution. Results obtained at a concentration of PM 2.5 was 15.05 μg/m3 so PM 2.5 has exceeded the quality standard yearly, based on PP 41 1999, USEPA and WHO. There are 3.20 μg/m3 concentration of black carbon (BC), element Pb in particulate matter with a concentration of 0.28 μg/m3 which has exceeded the value of the quality standard USEPA. The source of the pollutants come from biomass, vehicle, soil, industrial Pb, Zn and industries Fe industry.   Keywords: Particulate matter 2.5, black carbon, Pb, positive matrix factorization, Surabaya DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15408/jkv.v0i0.3602

2021 ◽  
Vol 157 ◽  
pp. 106799
Katrien Witters ◽  
Yinthe Dockx ◽  
Jos Op't Roodt ◽  
Wouter Lefebvre ◽  
Charlotte Vanpoucke ◽  

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