From risk perception to information selection…And not the other way round: Selective exposure mechanisms in the field of genetically modified organisms

2017 ◽  
Vol 58 ◽  
pp. 10-17 ◽  
Brigitte Bardin ◽  
Stéphane Perrissol ◽  
Léo Facca ◽  
Annique Smeding
2014 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Mahrus Bio

ABSTRAKRekayasa genetika adalah transplantasi satu gen ke gen lainnya baik antara gen danlintas gen untuk menghasilkan produk yang berguna bagi mahluk hidup hidup. Padaawalnya, rekayasa genetika hanya dilakukan pada tanaman untuk memecahkankekurangan pangan penduduk dunia, dan dalam pengembangannya rekayasa genetikatidak hanya berlaku untuk tanaman dan hewan yang serupa, tetapi telah berevolusi padamanusia dan lintas jenis. Prinsip dasar teknologi rekayasa genetika adalah memanipulasiperubahan komposisi asam nukleat DNA atau menyelipkan gen baru ke dalam strukturDNA mahluk hidup penerima, hal ini berarti bahwa gen yang disisipkan pada mahlukhidup penerima dapat berasal dari mahluk hidup lain. Saat ini, penyebaran danpenggunaan produk rekayasa genetika telah mengundang kontroversi masyarakat, olehkarena itu tulisan ini bertujuan untuk meninjau kontroversi rekayasa genetika mahlukhidup pada beberapa aspek kehidupan masyarakat.Kata Kunci: gekayasa genetika, gen, DNA, GMO, kontroversi.CONTROVERSY OF GENETIC ENGINEERINGPRODUCT CONSUMED SOCIETYABSTRACTGenetic engineering is a transplant of one gene to an other gene both between genesand gene cross to produce a useful product for living organisms. At first, geneticengineering was only conducted on plant to solve the food’s lack for world population,and it does not only apply to the plants and animals are similar in its development, but ithas evolved in humans and cross types. The basic principle of genetic engineeringtechnology is manipulating the composition changes of the nucleic acid of DNA ortucking new genes into the DNA structure of the recipient organisms, this means thatinserted genes on a recipient organism can be derived from the other organisms. Today,the deployment and use of genetically modified organisms have been inviting society'scontroversy, therefore this paper aims to review the controversy for genetically modifiedorganism (GMO) on several aspects of community life.Keywords: genetic engineering, gene, DNA, GMO, controversy.

Ignacio Ventura ◽  
Isaias Sanmartín ◽  
Ana Lloret ◽  
Francisco Revert ◽  
Jesús Ángel Prieto

Synthetic biology represents a scientific and bioethical challenge for the future, both at the environmental level, as well as in the human and other species improvement. Therefore, the work will mainly address two aspects. The synthesis in the laboratory of artificial cells for the manufacture of a pharmaceutical active principle and, on the other hand, the bioethical reflection on the potential of these techniques, noting the difference in the limits of the synthesis of life and creation of life. Currently, there are an estimated 1.7 million known species out of the estimated 14 million in the wild. In the last 10 years, more than 3,000 patents have been generated for genetically modified organisms. We have advanced in the fields of bioengineering for the improvement of beer-producing species, bakeries, etc. provide to the advancement of molecular biology.

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