Characterization of the age-dependent shape of the pediatric thoracic spine and vertebrae using generalized procrustes analysis

2017 ◽  
Vol 63 ◽  
pp. 32-40 ◽  
James R. Peters ◽  
Robert M. Campbell ◽  
Sriram Balasubramanian
2001 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-47 ◽  
F. Sinesio ◽  
L. Guerrero ◽  
A. Romero ◽  
E. Moneta ◽  
J. C. Lombard

This work summarizes an interlaboratory study on full sensory profiling designed with the aim of finding some key attributes relevant to describe the sensory quality of walnuts. The study compared descriptive sensory profiling by different laboratories in different countries (Spain, France and Italy) Three trained panels in those European countries in the characterization of walnuts were used. Samples of walnuts belonging to different cultivars were harvested from experimental fields and some commercial lots. Multivariate methods (generalized procrustes analysis and varclus procedure) of analysis were used for extracting useful sensory information about the products and the variability between the panels. The descriptive profiles generated by the panels independently showed some analogies and provided similar product classification.

Foods ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (7) ◽  
pp. 1473
Sanjuana Rodríguez-Noriega ◽  
José J. Buenrostro-Figueroa ◽  
Oscar Noé Rebolloso-Padilla ◽  
José Corona-Flores ◽  
Neymar Camposeco-Montejo ◽  

For any food, it is important to know consumption, preference, and the characteristics as quality parameters that are important to consumers of a product. The descriptive methodologies are an important tool to know the quality attributes of the products. Within these methodologies is the flash profile (FP), which is based on the generation of the distinctive attributes of the products without any expensive and time-consuming training sessions. The aim of this research was to study the consumption and preference of flour tortillas by consumers and to develop the descriptive characterization of the tortillas by using the flash profile method. The wheat flour tortillas used were two commercial and two handcrafted samples. Ten experienced panelists participated as the FP panel. The panelists generated 22 descriptors, six for texture, seven for appearance, five for odor, and four for flavor. These descriptors differentiate the samples of the flour tortillas. The panelists’ performance was assessed using the consensus index (Rc = 0.508). The first two dimensions of the Generalized Procrustes Analysis represent 83.78% of the data variability. Flash profile proved to be an easy and rapid technique that allowed the distinctive attributes of flour tortillas to be obtained.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-45
Andrea Lina Lavalle ◽  
Raquel Defacio ◽  
Mariano De Leo ◽  
Sergio Jorge Bramardi

Characterization of plant material conserved in germplasm banks allows the study and analysis of the genetic variability within a collection. When germplasm banks have a large number of accessions, field evaluation should be performed using assays with manageable accession subsets. Common checks connecting the different assays are required to compare these accession subsets. In this study, the Generalized Procrustes Analysis was proposed as a basis for obtaining a factorial plane where all individuals are projected. This technique is applied to genotypes common to all assays, iteratively generating scale factors and rotation matrices. Accessions only belonging to a given assay are considered supplementary elements. This proposal was illustrated using datasets of 54 maize accessions from the Pergamino Active Germplasm Bank of the Experimental Station at the Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA) in Argentina. The proposal achieved highly satisfactory results. Highlights: In field evaluation of large germplasm collections, the material must be divided into manageable experimental trials, in which different accession subsets are evaluated in different environments. A new algorithm based on Generalized Procrustes Analysis (GPA) allowed to find the consensus of several configurations of individuals connected by common checks. The characterization data analysis strategy was illustrated using a set of accessions from the Argentine Maize Germplasm Bank. The new proposal stands as a useful tool for evaluate germplasm collections, providing good results with easy implementation and considering the multivariate structure of the data set.

V.N. Voloshin ◽  
I.S. Voloshina ◽  
I.Yu. Vash

The aim of the paper is to study thymus variability in white rats, which were exposed to formaldehyde, and to compare these data with the indicators in control animals. Materials and Methods. The trial enrolled 72 white male rats, initial body weight 40–50 g. The animals were divided into 2 groups (36 rats in each). The first group consisted of control rats. Animals of the second group were exposed to formaldehyde inhalation, 2.766 mg/m3. To characterize the variability of the organ size, centroids were determined. The superposition of landmark configurations was performed using the generalized Procrustes analysis method, MorphoJ 1.06d program. The principal component analysis and canonical analysis of the obtained data were carried out. Results. One-Way ANOVA revealed a high level of intergroup differences in Procrust distance (F=1.34; p<0.0001). The significant effect of the duration of formaldehyde exposure on centroid size was established. The Kruskal-Wallis criterion was 19.778 (p=0.0014). The analysis of the principal components indicated that each of the first 10 components stands for more than 1 % of Procrustes coordinate variance. In this case, the first 7 components compatibly explain 91.398 % of thymus variability. The proportion of the first main component to the total variance of the Procrustes coordinates is 40.236 %. PC1 (-) shows changes in the thymus shape, mostly affecting the tops of its lobes, the middle part of the right boundary and the entire left thymus boundary. The scattering ellipses of the thymus ordinates in rats exposed to formaldehyde, in the first two canonical variables are located higher than those in the control animals. Conclusion. Formaldehyde inhalation leads to thymus changes in white rat. The most significant differences with control data are determined along the second canonical variable. Keywords: thymus, form, rat, formaldehyde, geometric morphometry. Цель. Изучение изменчивости формы тимуса белых крыс, находившихся в условиях влияния формальдегида, и сравнение этих данных с показателями, полученными у контрольных животных. Материалы и методы. Работа выполнена на 72 белых крысах-самцах с начальной массой тела 40–50 г. Животные были разделены на 2 серии (по 36 крыс). Первую серию составляли контрольные крысы. Животные второй серии подвергались ингаляционному воздействию формальдегида (ФА) в концентрации 2,766 мг/м3. Для характеристики изменчивости размеров органов определяли размер их центроидов. Процедуру суперимпозиции конфигураций ландмарок выполняли методом генерализованного прокрустова анализа с использованием программы MorphoJ 1.06d. Проводили анализ главных компонент и канонический анализ полученных данных. Результаты. Однофакторный дисперсионный анализ выявил высокий уровень межгрупповых различий по показателю прокрустовых расстояний (F=1,34; р<0,0001). Установлено значительное влияние продолжительности нахождения животных в условиях воздействия ФА на размер центроида. Критерий Краскела–Уоллиса составил 19,778 (р=0,0014). Анализ главных компонент указывал на то, что каждая из первых 10 компонент объясняет более 1 % дисперсии прокрустовых координат. При этом первые 7 компонент совместно объясняют 91,398 % изменчивости формы тимуса. Вклад первой главной компоненты в общую дисперсию прокрустовых координат составляет 40,236 %. РС1 (–) показывает изменения формы тимуса, в большей степени затрагивающие верхушки его долей, среднюю часть правого контура и весь левый контур тимуса. Эллипсы рассеивания ординат тимусов, принадлежащих крысам, подвергавшимся влиянию ФА, в пространстве первых двух канонических переменных расположены выше по отношению к таковым контрольных животных. Заключение. Ингаляционное воздействие формальдегида приводит к изменению формы тимуса белых крыс. Наибольшие различия с контрольными данными определяются вдоль второй канонической переменной. Ключевые слова: тимус, форма, крыса, формальдегид, геометрическая морфометрия.

Atena Fadaei Jouybari ◽  
Matteo Franza ◽  
Oliver Alan Kannape ◽  
Masayuki Hara ◽  
Olaf Blanke

AbstractThere is a steadily growing number of mobile communication systems that provide spatially encoded tactile information to the humans’ torso. However, the increased use of such hands-off displays is currently not matched with or supported by systematic perceptual characterization of tactile spatial discrimination on the torso. Furthermore, there are currently no data testing spatial discrimination for dynamic force stimuli applied to the torso. In the present study, we measured tactile point localization (LOC) and tactile direction discrimination (DIR) on the thoracic spine using two unisex torso-worn tactile vests realized with arrays of 3 × 3 vibrotactile or force feedback actuators. We aimed to, first, evaluate and compare the spatial discrimination of vibrotactile and force stimulations on the thoracic spine and, second, to investigate the relationship between the LOC and DIR results across stimulations. Thirty-four healthy participants performed both tasks with both vests. Tactile accuracies for vibrotactile and force stimulations were 60.7% and 54.6% for the LOC task; 71.0% and 67.7% for the DIR task, respectively. Performance correlated positively with both stimulations, although accuracies were higher for the vibrotactile than for the force stimulation across tasks, arguably due to specific properties of vibrotactile stimulations. We observed comparable directional anisotropies in the LOC results for both stimulations; however, anisotropies in the DIR task were only observed with vibrotactile stimulations. We discuss our findings with respect to tactile perception research as well as their implications for the design of high-resolution torso-mounted tactile displays for spatial cueing.

1998 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 111-114 ◽  
Sijmen de Jong ◽  
Johannes Heidema ◽  
Henk C.M. van der Knaap

Gazel Ser

Generalized Procrustes Analysis (GPA) is a multivariate statistic method that is used at the evaluation of sensory analyses in the food industry. GPA provides benefit in terms of decreasing the difference between the panellists and bringing the data obtained from different panellists together. In this study, the aim was to determine the effect of a pre-slaughter fasting period on sensory characteristics of lambs fed with different rations using GPA. Semi-trained panellists formed from twenty-six persons were requested for evaluation of the meat samples such as tenderness, juiciness, flavour and overall liking rated on a scale of 1(extremely dislike) to 9 (extremely good). The first two factors obtained by GPA explained 66.74% of total variability. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that 12 h and 24 h fasting of lambs fed barley supplemented with alfalfa hay were less preferable when compared to lambs fed alfalfa hay only. In addition, lambs in both groups with 48 h fasting were preferred less by the panellists. In conclusion, GPA analysis provides useful data concerning the sensitivity of each panellist in a sensory panel test.

1994 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-27 ◽  
Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp ◽  
Hans C.M. Van Trijp ◽  
Jos M.F. Ten Berge

The authors describe a compositional perceptual mapping procedure, unrestricted attribute-elicitation mapping (UAM), which allows consumers to describe and rate the brands in their own terminology and thus relaxes the restrictive assumptions of traditional compositional mapping techniques regarding the structure and interpretation of the set of attributes. They compare the performance of three estimation techniques for constructing a group space based on the idiosyncratic data, namely, INDSCAL, CANCOR, and generalized procrustes analysis (GPA). Their findings indicate that the three estimation techniques perform about equally well. UAM also is compared with traditional compositional mapping. They find that UAM is superior on fit of the solution, interpretability, and sample reliability. UAM probably holds an edge with respect to data collection. Traditional compositional mapping is superior on ease of data analysis. No major difference was found on predictive validity and structural reliability.

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