World Archaeological Congress 2

Antiquity ◽  
1990 ◽  
Vol 64 (245) ◽  
pp. 829
P. J. Fowler

After an adventurous birth bouncing from Venezuela to Colombia and back, the Second World Archaeological Congress duly and amicably took place in Barquisimeto, Venezuela, between 4 and 8 September 1990. Some 500 people attended, many of them gratifyingly young. Sadly absent were representatives from the USSR, China and the Middle East, but otherwise participants came from the Americas, North (not many), Middle (Mexico), and South (notably Venezuelans, Peruvians and Colombians); the whole of Europe (including former Eastern bloc countries but numerically mainly Britons); Africa and India, intellectually articulate and influential as ever; and Australasia. Jack Golson (Canberra) was elected new President with Larry Zimmerman (South Dakota) taking over as Secretary, and Sue Bulmer (Auckland) as Treasurer.

English Today ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 28-38 ◽  
Špela MeŽek

ABSTRACTSlovenia, like many former Eastern bloc countries, is now coming to terms with the increasing popularity of English.Today English is the most widely used foreign language in Europe. It is used in business, education, science, the media, advertisements, music, graffiti, and in many other places, although its greatest use can be found in commerce, culture, science and education (Phillipson, 2003). The presence of English is felt more in some parts of Europe than in others, however. In the Scandinavian countries, for example, English manifests itself in all parts of society and the knowledge of English is so high that some consider it a second language (McArthur, 1996). In Eastern Europe, the acquisition and use of English has traditionally not been as widespread, although in recent years, the picture has changed greatly, as English has become more and more popular in what were formerly Eastern bloc countries.In many ways Slovenia has been following the trends in other Central and Eastern European countries. The influence of English has been growing since the Second World War and in particular after the end of the Cold War. Its influence has intensified even more after Slovenia became an independent country. Today, Slovenes feel both cautious and enthusiastic about English. There is extensive legislation to protect the Slovene language, while at the same time there is a ‘certain enthusiasm for both “western” ideas and the world language, English’ (Schlick, 2003: 4).

2019 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 263-287 ◽  
Anna Marcinkiewicz-Kaczmarczyk

This article explores the establishment of the Polish Women’s Auxiliary Service (was) as part of the complex story of the formation of a Polish army in exile. In 1941, after the German invasion of the Soviet Union, the Polish Army in the Soviet Union was established. The Women’s Auxiliary Service was formed at the same time as a means to enable Polish women to serve their country and also as a way for Polish women to escape the Soviet Union. The women of the was followed the Polish Army combat trail from Buzuluk to London, accompanying their male peers first to the Middle East and then Italy. The women of the was served as nurses, clerks, cooks and drivers. This article examines the recruitment, organization and daily life of the women who served their country as exiles on the battlefront of the Second World War.

2017 ◽  
pp. 253-262
Marek Rajch

From all of the German literature distributed in Poland during the first half of the nineteen fifties, that of the GDR was the most strongly represented, because like the People's Republic, it was part of the Eastern Bloc. A substantial part of this literature touched upon the themes of the Second World War. As some prominent Eastern German authors had taken part in the Spanish Civil War in 1936-1939, this subject also couldn't be ignored.The introduction in 1949 of socialist realism as the most important criterion of art, and particulary strong political pressure, led to a great deal of confusion and insecurity, not only for Polish publishing houses, but also among the censors, whose task was to take decisions about what literature could be printed. Censors’ opinions in this period often differed, not only in terms of detailed matter, but also in the final decisions about the eventual fate of the title submitted for evaluation.

1971 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-31
Keith Jackson

Direct diplomatic relations between New Zealand and Malaya/Singapore are a relatively recent innovation dating back only to 1955, and, significantly, the original decision to station troops in the area in peacetime preceded the establishment of formal diplomatic links. It is true that even before the Second World War there had been a growing consciousness of the strategic significance of the area, but it was seen in terms of Singapore as a link in the chain of Imperial defence, never as a region in its own right. Regions were subsumed in the worldwide defence strategy of the British Empire. Thus New Zealand contributed financially to the construction of the base for the Royal Navy at Singapore, but her military commitments were in helping to guard the Suez ‘lifeline’. New Zealand air-force units were stationed in Singapore in 1940, but despite the national trauma associated with the fall of the base and the apprehended threat to New Zealand’s own security, the ground forces remained in the Middle East. Indeed, New Zealand's formal Commonwealth responsibilities were to remain in the Middle East until 1955 and public interest continued to focus on that area to a surprising degree. The lessons of the Pacific War for New Zealand, therefore, were less concerned with the strategic importance of any particular area than with the indispensability of a United States alliance. As one research group put it, ‘in the immediate post-war years New Zealand showed a greater sense of international awareness, but no sense of particular involvement with the Far East; still less with South-East Asia.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-85
Діана Каліщук

У статті розглянуті мовленнєві маніпуляції як інструментальне вираження персуазивності у мовленні. Маніпуляцію розглядають як особливу комунікативно-мовленнєву стратегію здійснення впливу в політичному дискурсі, яка реалізується через низку тактик. Вибір тактик зазнає впливу концептуального стилю автора політичного дискурсу. У статті проаналізовані тактики реалізації стратегії негативної презентації «інших», зокрема, тактики «Надгенералізація» та «Екземпліфікація», як маркери концептуальних стилів президентів США Дж. Буша мол. та Б. Обами. Доведено, що особливості мовлення носіїв різних стилів зумовлюють вищу частотність певних тактик та, відповідно, нижчу частотність інших тактик. Тактика «Екземпліфікація» – це перенесення рис, що притаманні певній етнічній (чи іншій) групі загалом на конкретну подію чи особу. Ця тактика може вважатися типовою для дискурсу Дж. Буша мол., концептуальний стиль якого є аналітичним, що пояснюється дедуктивністю мовлення носіїв аналітичного стилю та їх схильністю до надмірного використання ярликів. Індуктивність мовлення Б. Обами, який є носієм реляційного концептуального стилю, пояснює вищу частотність тактики «Надгенералізація» у його дискурсі. «Надгенералізація» – це узагальнення одиничної моделі, певних аспектів часткового досвіду до загальної групової схеми. ЛітератураReferences Бережанська Ю. В. Лінгвостилістичні особливості персуазивного медичногодискурсу, присвяченого проблемі евтаназії // Наукові записки Національногоуніверситету «Острозька академія». Серія «Філологічна»: зб. наук. праць. 2014. Вип.44. С. 39–41.Berezhanska, Yu. (2014). Linhvostylistychni osoblyvosti persuazyvnoho medychnohodyskursu, prysvyachenoho problemi evtanasii [Linguo-stylistic peculiarities of medicaldiscourse dedicated to the issue of eutanasia]. Naukovi Zapysky NatsionalnohoUniversytetu “Ostroz’ka Academia”, 44, 39–41. 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