scholarly journals Physical conditions of star forming sites in the S247/252 molecular complex

1991 ◽  
Vol 147 ◽  
pp. 443-444
C. Koempe ◽  
G. Joncas ◽  
J.G.A. Wouterloot ◽  
H. Meyerdierks

By now, it is well established that massive stars form in giant molecular clouds. Numerous studies have shown that star formation, instead of being spread uniformly throughout molecular clouds, occurs in dense condensations located within these clouds. The physical conditions in these condensations are therefore critical input parameters for any theory of star formation.

1991 ◽  
Vol 147 ◽  
pp. 443-444
C. Koempe ◽  
G. Joncas ◽  
J.G.A. Wouterloot ◽  
H. Meyerdierks

By now, it is well established that massive stars form in giant molecular clouds. Numerous studies have shown that star formation, instead of being spread uniformly throughout molecular clouds, occurs in dense condensations located within these clouds. The physical conditions in these condensations are therefore critical input parameters for any theory of star formation.

2002 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 140-142
Jonathan Williams

AbstractMassive stars form in clusters within self-gravitating molecular clouds. The size scale of these clusters is sufficiently large that non-thermal, or turbulent, motions of the gas must be taken into account when considering their formation. Millimeter wavelength radio observations of the gas and dust in these clouds reveal a complex, self-similar structure that reflects the turbulent nature of the gas. Differences are seen, however, towards dense bound cores in proto-clusters. Examination of the kinematics of gas around such cores suggests that dissipation of turbulence may be the first step in the star formation process. Newly formed stars, on the other hand, replenish turbulence through their winds and outflows. In this way, star formation may be self-regulated. Observations and simulations are beginning to demonstrate the key role that cloud turbulence plays in the formation and evolution of stellar groups.

2009 ◽  
Vol 5 (H15) ◽  
pp. 406-407
Doug Johnstone

AbstractCoordinated multi-wavelength surveys of molecular clouds are providing strong constraints on the physical conditions within low-mass star-forming regions. In this manner, Perseus and Ophiuchus have been exceptional laboratories for testing the earliest phases of star formation. Highlights of these results are: (1) dense cores form only in high column density regions, (2) dense cores contain only a few percent of the cloud mass, (3) the mass distribution of the dense cores is similar to the IMF, (4) the more massive cores are most likely to contain embedded protostars, and (5) the kinematics of the dense cores and the bulk gas show significant coupling.

2012 ◽  
Vol 8 (S292) ◽  
pp. 19-28 ◽  
Jonathan C. Tan ◽  
Suzanne N. Shaske ◽  
Sven Van Loo

AbstractAll stars are born in molecular clouds, and most in giant molecular clouds (GMCs), which thus set the star formation activity of galaxies. We first review their observed properties, including measures of mass surface density, Σ, and thus mass,M. We discuss cloud dynamics, concluding most GMCs are gravitationally bound. Star formation is highly clustered within GMCs, but overall is very inefficient. We compare properties of star-forming clumps with those of young stellar clusters (YSCs). The high central densities of YSCs may result via dynamical evolution of already-formed stars during and after star cluster formation. We discuss theoretical models of GMC evolution, especially addressing how turbulence is maintained, and emphasizing the importance of GMC collisions. We describe how feedback limits total star formation efficiency, ε, in clumps. A turbulent and clumpy medium allows higher ε, permitting formation of bound clusters even when escape speeds are less than the ionized gas sound speed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 495 (3) ◽  
pp. 2682-2712
Selçuk Topal

ABSTRACT Molecular emission lines are essential tools to shed light on many questions regarding star formation in galaxies. Multiple molecular lines are particularly useful to probe different phases of star-forming molecular clouds. In this study, we investigate the physical properties of giant molecular clouds (GMCs) using multiple lines of CO, i.e. CO(1–0, 2–1, 3–2) and 13CO(1–0), obtained at selected 20 positions in the disc of NGC 0628. A total of 11 positions were selected over the radial cut, including the centre, and remaining 9 positions were selected across the southern and northern arms of the galaxy. A total of 13 out of 20 positions are brighter at $24\, \mu {\rm m}$ and ultraviolet (UV) emission and hosting significantly more H ii regions compared to the rest of the positions indicating opposite characteristics. Our line ratio analysis shows that the gas gets warmer and thinner as a function of radius from the galaxy centre up to 1.7 kpc, and then the ratios start to fluctuate. Our empirical and model results suggest that the UV-bright positions have colder and thinner CO gas with higher hydrogen and CO column densities. However, the UV-dim positions have relatively warmer CO gas with lower densities bathed in GMCs surrounded by less number of H ii regions. Analysis of multiwavelength infrared and UV data indicates that the UV-bright positions have higher star formation efficiency than that of the UV-dim positions.

2010 ◽  
Vol 6 (S277) ◽  
pp. 67-70
N. Kuno ◽  
T. Tosaki ◽  
S. Onodera ◽  
R. Miura ◽  
K. Muraoka ◽  

AbstractWe have conducted all disk imaging of M33 in 12CO(1-0) using the 45-m telescope at Nobeyama Radio Observatory. We present preliminary results of this project. The spatial resolution of ~ 80 pc is comparable to the size of GMCs. The identified GMCs show wide variety in star forming activity. The variety can be regarded as the difference of their evolutionary stage. We found that Kennicutt-Schmidt law breaks in GMC scale (~ 80 pc), although it is still valid in 1 kpc scale. The correlation between molecular gas fraction, fmol = Σ(H2)/Σ(HI+H2) and gas surface density shows two distinct sequences and shows that fmol tends to be higher near the center. We also made partial mapping 12CO(3-2) with ASTE telescope. These data show that the variation of physical properties of molecular gas are correlated with the GMC evolution and mass. That is, GMCs with more active star formation and more mass tend to have higher fraction of dense gas.

2019 ◽  
Vol 623 ◽  
pp. A66 ◽  
Isadora C. Bicalho ◽  
Francoise Combes ◽  
Monica Rubio ◽  
Celia Verdugo ◽  
Philippe Salome

The extended ultraviolet (XUV) disk galaxies are some of the most interesting objects studied in the last few years. The UV emission, revealed by GALEX, extends well beyond the optical disk after the drop in Hα emission, the usual tracer of star formation. This shows that sporadic star formation can occur in a large fraction of the HI disk at radii up to 3 or 4 times the optical radius. In most galaxies, these regions are poor in stars and are dominated by under-recycled gas; they therefore bear some similarity to the early stages of spiral galaxies and high-redshift galaxies. One remarkable example is M83, a nearby galaxy with an extended UV disk reaching 2 times the optical radius. It offers the opportunity to search for molecular gas and to characterize the star formation in outer disk regions, traced by the UV emission. We obtained CO(2-1) observations with ALMA of a small region in a 1.5′ × 3′ rectangle located at rgal = 7.85′ over a bright UV region of M83. There is no CO detection, in spite of the abundance of HI gas, and the presence of young stars traced by their HII regions. Our spatial resolution (17 pc × 13 pc) was perfectly fitted to detect giant molecular clouds (GMC), but none were detected. The corresponding upper limits occur in a region of the Kennicutt–Schmidt diagram where dense molecular clouds are expected. Stacking our data over HI-rich regions, using the observed HI velocity, we obtain a tentative detection corresponding to a H2-to-HI mass ratio of < 3 × 10−2. A possible explanation is that the expected molecular clouds are CO-dark because of the strong UV radiation field. This field preferentially dissociates CO with respect to H2, due to the small size of the star-forming clumps in the outer regions of galaxies.

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (S315) ◽  
pp. 61-68
Shu-ichiro Inutsuka ◽  
Tsuyoshi Inoue ◽  
Kazunari Iwasaki ◽  
Takashi Hosokawa ◽  
Masato I. N. Kobayashi

AbstractWe discuss an overall picture of star formation in the Galaxy. Recent high-resolution magneto-hydrodynamical simulations of two-fluid dynamics with cooling/heating and thermal conduction have shown that the formation of molecular clouds requires multiple episodes of supersonic compression. This finding enables us to create a new scenario of molecular cloud formation through interacting shells or bubbles on galactic scales. We estimate the ensemble-averaged growth rate of individual molecular clouds, and predict the associated cloud mass function. This picture naturally explains the accelerated star formation over many million years that was previously reported by stellar age determination in nearby star forming regions. The recent claim of cloud-cloud collisions as a mechanism for forming massive stars and star clusters can be naturally accommodated in this scenario. This explains why massive stars formed in cloud-cloud collisions follows the power-law slope of the mass function of molecular cloud cores repeatedly found in low-mass star forming regions.

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