The raw, the cooked and the burnt

2000 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 184-198 ◽  
Ewan Campbell

AbstractThe iron age settlement at Sollas, North Uist, Scotland, provides an unusually varied set of data relating to food and the role of animals in society. By comparing the evidence of food residues on pottery with animal remains from middens, foundation burials and cremations, structural patterns emerge which throw light on the relative status of domestic species. Sheep and cows are treated differently, with sheep being mainly buried, and cattle cremated. This patterning enables a speculative world view of the inhabitants to be constructed, and further analysis shows that mature cattle were classified differently from younger animals. It is suggested that these normally hidden structuring principles cause difficulties for the conventional interpretation of animal remains on other iron age sites.

2019 ◽  
Kelemen Imola

A settlement and a necropolis from the 4th-3rd centuries BC, with typical North-Thracian materials, were discovered at Olteni – Cariera de Nisip/The Sand Quarry in northern Covasna county. The few animal remains analysed in the present study were found in 3 pits of this settlement. The faunal material is not necessary very representative but completes the picture of the already published archaeological and anthropological reports concerning the assemble of discoveries at Olteni which depict a local North-Thracian community in all its life aspects, funerary and domestic. There are only 12 bone fragments from which only 8 could be determined in species. These come from 3 different domestic species (cattle, sheep/goat, pig). Four bones showed burn marks, while a whole metatarsus offered the possibility to identify a very short cow, with the wither’s height of only 97 cm.

1970 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 198-207
Євген Карпенко

У статті проаналізовано місце феномену емоційної компетентності в становленні дискурсу життєтворення особистості. Відзначено, що її засадничими ознаками є відкритість і діалогічність, що фасилітують процеси життєтворчості в інтра- та інтерпсихічному просторі та сприяють здобуттю певних експірієнтальних «знань» і формуванню відповідних комунікативних «умінь». Отже, емоційна компетентність виконує функцію орієнтації в знаково-символічній реальності внутрішнього та зовнішнього середовища і, відповідно, бере участь у прийнятті рішень стосовно них. Це сприяє реалізації функції особистісного вибору у значущих обставинах життя. Вважається, що цей вибір повинен ґрунтуватися на домінуючій екзистенційній ідентичності та релевантно реалізовуватися на всіх її рівнях: базовому, характерологічному, ситуативному. В цьому контексті емоційна компетентність виступає в якості з’єднувальної ланки між ідентичністю та її зовнішньою поведінковою маніфестацією, в якій вона, власне, й проявляється. Інтегруючи первинні емоції, емоційна компетентність сприяє формуванню системи цінностей, мотивів і світоглядних орієнтацій особистості, а також сприяє їх коректному втіленню в практиці міжособистісного спілкування і, відповідно, конструювання дискурсу власного життя. У цьому полягає ключова роль емоційної компетентності в процесі життєтворення особистості. The article analyzes the role of emotional competence in establishing the discourse of personal life creation. It has been stated that its basic features are openness and readiness to dialog that facilitate life creation processes in the intra- and interpsychic space and promote acquirement of certain experiential "knowledge" as well as formation of relevant communicative "skills". So, emotional competence has a function of orienting in sign and symbol reality of the internal and external environment and, therefore, takes part in decision-making in respect thereof. This enables realization of the function of personal choice in significant life circumstances.  This choice is considered to be based on dominant existential identity and realized in the relevant manner at all its levels: basic, characterological, situational. In this sense emotional competence forms a link between identity and its outer behavioral manifestation.  While integrating primary emotions emotional competence facilitates formation of a system of values, motives and world view of personality as well as their correct implementation in the course of interpersonal communication and personal life discourse construction. This embodies the key role of emotional competence in the process of life creation of personality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Arne Verbrugge ◽  
Maaike Groot ◽  
Koen Deforce ◽  
Guy De Mulder ◽  
Wouter Van der Meer ◽  

Abstract Archaeological research at Aalst – Siesegemkouter revealed several pits within a Middle to Late Bronze Age settlement. Most of them hardly contained any artefacts, but one exception showed a structured stratigraphy with an abundance of finds, including a large amount of shattered pottery, charcoal and calcined animal bone. The study of this assemblage, and comparison with two other pits showing similarities, provides strong indications of a closing deposit or another type of ‘site maintenance practice’. In the Low Countries, comparable contexts generally date from the Iron Age, suggesting that the finds from Aalst – Siesegemkouter represent early forerunners of this ritual practice. On top of this early date, the large volume of cremated animal bone represents an almost unique characteristic for which, until now, parallels from the Metal Ages have hardly been found, even on a Northwestern European scale. In general, the role played by organic remains in ritual contexts from these periods and regions is poorly understood, often due to bad preservation conditions or the lack of a multidisciplinary approach.

Александра Викторовна Фролова

В данной статье на основе архивных, публицистических и полевых материалов, собранных автором в деревнях Архангельского Севера в 1992-2011 гг., рассматриваются традиции употребления хлеба в праздничной и обрядовой пище севернорусского населения. Севернорусская, как и вся русская, традиционная кухня отражает преимущественно земледельческий характер народного хозяйства. Ведущее место в ней занимали хлебные, мучные и крупяные блюда в многочисленных вариантах. В статье рассмотрена роль хлеба и в центральном семейном торжестве крестьянина - свадебном обряде. Свадебные застолья - сложное, значительное и интересное явление народной культуры, вобравшее в себя разные стороны крестьянского мировоззрения и быта. Хлеб и другие изделия из муки располагались на столах особым образом и становились атрибутами этого действия. Так, ковриги хлеба, символизирующие жениха и невесту, способствовали их соединению и сами имитировали его. С хлебом связаны и обрядовые кормления скота на праздники, в частности, егорьевская обрядность. Как показало исследование, подобные традиции достаточно устойчивы и обладают локальной спецификой. This article considers the traditions of bread consumption in the festive and ritual food of the northern Russian population based on archival, journalistic and field materials collected by the author in villages of the Archangel North in 1992-2011. Like all Russian traditional cuisine, that of northern Russia reflects the character of the national economy, based on grain. The leading place in it was occupied by bread, flour and cereal dishes with many variations. The article considers the role of bread in the main celebration of the peasant family - the wedding rite. The wedding gathering is a complex, significant phenomenon of folk culture, which has reflected different sides of peasant life and its world view. Bread and other flour products were placed on tables in a special way and became attributes of this occasion. Thus the kovrigi (large round loaves) symbolized the groom and bride and contributed to their connection by offering a visual image of it. Bread is also used in the ritual feeding of livestock on holidays and in the Yegorievskaya rite. The study indicates that such traditions are quite stable and manifest local particularities.

Starinar ◽  
2016 ◽  
pp. 173-191
Aleksandar Kapuran ◽  
Dragana Zivkovic ◽  
Nada Strbac

The last three years of archaeological investigations at the site Ru`ana in Banjsko Polje, in the immediate vicinity of Bor, have provided new evidence regarding the role of non-ferrous metallurgy in the economy of the prehistoric communities of north-eastern Serbia. The remains of metallurgical furnaces and a large amount of metallic slags at two neighbouring sites in the mentioned settlement reveal that locations with many installations for the thermal processing of copper ore existed in the Bronze Age. We believe, judging by the finds of material culture, that metallurgical activities in this area also continued into the Iron Age and, possibly, into the 4th century AD.

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 ◽  
pp. 376-393
Leticia López-Mondéjar

The aim of this paper is to analyse some strategies of power, social control and legitimation during the Iberian Late Iron Age (6th–1st centuries BC). It addresses how the Iberian elites exploited the domain of the ‘outside’ to legitimise and to retain their status. A diachronic approach is presented seeking to analyse the role of the outside realm throughout all the examined period and the variety of its expressions within the Iberian societies. In particular, the paper focuses on the south-east of Spain, an area with a rich archaeological record which, however, have never been approached from this view.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 174-192 ◽  
Chiara Bonacchi ◽  
Mark Altaweel ◽  
Marta Krzyzanska

This article assesses the role of the pre-modern past in the construction of political identities relating to the UK’s membership in the European Union by examining how materials and ideas from Iron Age to Early Medieval Britain and Europe were leveraged by those who discussed the topic of Brexit in over 1.4 million messages published in dedicated Facebook pages. Through a combination of data-intensive and qualitative investigations of textual data, we identify the ‘heritages’ invoked in support of pro- or anti-Brexit sentiments. We show how these heritages are centred around myths of origins, resistance and collapse that incorporate tensions and binary divisions . We highlight the strong influence of past expert practices in shaping such deeply entrenched dualistic thinking and reflect over the longue durée agency of heritage expertise. This is the first systematic study of public perceptions and experience of the past in contemporary society undertaken through digital heritage research fuelled by big data. As such, the article contributes novel methodological approaches and substantially advances theory in cultural heritage studies. It is also the first published work to analyse the role of heritage in the construction of political identities in relation to Brexit via extensive social research.

2019 ◽  
Vol 53 ◽  
pp. 247-260
Stefan Schmidt ◽  

According to Hans Ruin, there are two ways to approach the examination of freedom in Heidegger’s writings: One can use the notion of freedom as a heuristic concept to interpret the entirety of Heidegger’s work as a philosophy of freedom, which was famously done by Günter Figal, or one can reconstruct Heidegger’s actual use of the notion of freedom. In my paper I’ll focus on the second approach and show that although “freedom” or, rather, “being-free” can already be found in Being and Time, his more elaborate concept of freedom as transcendence is developed in the years 1928-1930. These years are part of a time period in which Heidegger tried to develop his own positive concept of metaphysics. The main texts which show this development are the lecture course The Metaphysical Foundations of Logic and the essay On the Essence of Ground. Based on Aristotle’s twofold metaphysics—consisting of ontology and philosophical theology—Heidegger sketches his own concept of metaphysics. The fundamental ontology which plays the role of ontology is complemented by his cosmological interpretation of theology: metontology. Together, they form Heidegger’s novel notion of metaphysics: the metaphysics of Dasein. Whereas fundamental ontology is concerned with the question of Being, the main subject of metontology is world as beings as a whole. Heidegger develops his concept of transcendence, i.e., metontological freedom, which describes the connection between freedom and world, on the basis of the terms world-projection (Weltentwurf), world-view (Weltanschauung), and world-formation (Weltbildung), each describing an aspect of transcendence.

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