Two Islamic Movements in conflict in terms of linguistic nationalism

2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 247-261

AbstractReligion and nationalism are not only two distinctive but also closely related concepts when it comes to nation-building. Their role in language policy and linguistic nationalism is pervasive. Today, in Turkey, two religious movements of the same origin play a key role in linguistic nationalism and decision-making in language policy: the Gülen movement and the Med-Zehra movement. These two non-governmental affinities are important groups in the Nur movement. The Gülen movement is supportive of Turkish nationalism and thereby Turkish language and identity, while the Med-Zehra group emphasizes Kurdish identity and separatism. This study makes a comparison between the two movements and investigates in detail their role in language policy and linguistic nationalism.

2008 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-180 ◽  
Kerry Taylor-Leech

Language choice in the newly independent Republic of East Timor can be usefully examined in the wider context of language policy in multilingual states. The present article reports on ethnographic research investigating official and popular discourses of language and identity in East Timor and the role of past and present language policies and practices in shaping national and social identity. It focuses on the discursive reconstruction of identity through five official instruments of language policy development. Hostile discourses in the Australian and Indonesian press towards the choice of Portuguese (the former colonial language) and Tetum (the endogenous lingua franca) as official languages provided the context for the investigation. A persistent theme in these discourses is that English and/or Indonesian would be preferable choices. The article puts these discourses into perspective by presenting findings from two data sets: (i) the 2004 National Census and (ii) analysis of the discourses of 78 participants in semi-structured interviews and student focus groups. The census shows clear signs of the revival of Portuguese and the reinvigoration of Tetum. It also shows how diverse linguistic identities have become in East Timor. The research findings show that there is less hostility to official language policy than claimed in the Australian and Indonesian press. However, the findings also emphasise the urgent need to reconstruct an inclusive, plurilingual national identity that can encompass diversity.

2013 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 55-79 ◽  
Niklas Foxeus

The achievement of independence in 1948 was in many ways a watershed in Burma’s history. At this time, a variety of Buddhist movements emerged that were part not only of a ‘Burmese Buddhist revival’, in which even the government was involved, but also a general re-enchantment of Asia. In the period following World War II, projects of nation-building and further modernization were implemented in many newly independent Asian nation states. The theories of modernization adopted by the rulers had presupposed that a new, rationalized and secularized order that had set them on the path of ‘progress’ would entail a decline of religion. However, instead there was a widespread resurgence of religion, and a variety of new, eclectic religious movements emerged in Southeast Asia. In the thriving religious field of postcolonial Burma, two lay Buddhist movements associated with two different meditation techniques emerged, viz.; the insight meditation movement and the concentration meditation movement. The latter consisted of a variety of esoteric congregations combining concentration meditation with esoteric lore, and some of these were characterized by fundamentalist trends. At the same time, the supermundane form of Buddhism became increasingly influential in the entire field of religion. The aim of the present article is to discuss how this supermundane dimension has reshaped the complex religious field in Burma, with particular emphasis on the esoteric congregations; to present the Burmese form of esoteric Theravāda Buddhism, and to situate the fundamentalist trends which are present in these contexts.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 44
Ümmet Erkan

<p align="center"><strong>Some Polemics and Discussions which were Subjected In Turk Yurdu Magazine Between 1911-1918</strong><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>Started to press in 1911, The Turk Yurdu Magazine which is the longest press in Turkish Nationalism, leaded by the Turks in Russia whose aims were the Turkish Nation’s going up in all areas. This article examines some polemics, letters and replies for these letters took place in the issues between the years 1911/1918. In this polemics, the topics of what should be understood from the simplification of Turkish and its boundaries, the lack of idealism in education, education with Turkish language, the damages of minority schools on the social life of Ottoman people, the success of the programs of Tanzimat, the effects of national ID on religious ID and the like were discussed. These polemics which the authors of Turk Yurdu and the other intellectuals who took place in the discussion from different newspapers and magazines got a very rich content. This article focuses on the topics which the debates revolves around and and the intellectual discussions about them. </p><p align="center"><strong><br /></strong></p><p align="center"><strong>1911-1918 Yılları Arasında Türk Yurdu Dergisine Konu Olan</strong></p><p align="center"><strong>Bazı Tartışma ve Polemikler </strong></p><p><strong>Öz</strong></p><p>Türk Yurdu Dergisi 1911 yılında yayın hayatına başlamış, Türk milliyetçiliinin en uzun soluklu yayın organıdır. Rusya Türklerinin öncülük ettiği dergide Türklüğün her alanda yükselmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu makalede Türk Yurdu dergisinin 1911-1918 yılları arasındaki sayılarından yola çıkılarak dergideki bazı kalem tartışmaları, mektuplar ve onlara verilen cevaplar incelenecektir. Bu kalem tartışmalarında Türkçenin sadeleştirilmesinden ne anlaşılması gerektiği ve sınırları, eğitimde ideal eksikliği, eğitim dilinin Türkçe olması ve azınlık okullarının Osmanlı sosyal bünyesine verdiği zararlar, Tanzimatçı reform programının başarılı olup olmadığı ve nedenleri, milli kimliğin dini aidiyete zarar verip vermeyeceği konuları ele alınacaktır. Türk Yurdu dergisi yazarları ile dönemin diğer önemli entelektüellerinin çeşitli gazete ve dergilerde dâhil olduğu bu kalem tartışmaları zengin bir muhteva kazanmıştır. Bu tartışmalar dönemin entelektüel fikir hareketleri ve siyasi akımlar hakkında önemli bilgiler içermektedir. Bu araştırma, yapılan tartışma ve polemiklerin hangi konular etrafında yoğunlaştığını ve Türk Yurdu dergisinin bu tartışma ve polemiklerde ne tür bir yöntem izlediğini ortaya koymaktadır. </p>

O. Kazakevych

The article discusses the problem of national identity and linguistic consciousness of the Ukrainian social and economic elite in turn of the 19-20 cc. In contrast to the widespread opinion, the author states that a lot of the Ukrainian entrepreneurs and rich landowners were deeply involved in the process of the Ukrainian nation building. They shared the Ukrainian identity and promoted the usage of the Ukrainian language. Some of them, including O. Alchevskyi, V. Symyrenko, E. Miloradovych, H. Galagan, E. Chykalenko, belonged to the upper class of the Ukrainian society and invested large sums of money into the development of the Ukrainian studies and teaching in Ukrainian language in both Russian and Austro-Hungarian empires. Their financial support potentiated the activity of Ukrainian research, literary and artistic societies, including the Kyiv Hromada, Prosvita, South-Western branch of the Russian Geographical society, Shevchenko Scientific Society, publishing the Ukrainian journals and newspapers “Osnova”, “Kievskaya Starina”, “Hromada”, “Literaturno-naukovyi visnyk”, “Hromadska dumka”, “Rada” etc. In conclusion it is stated that during the late 19 – early 20th cc. the financial support provided by the social and economic elite was critically important for the formation of the modern Ukrainian nation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 351-374 ◽  
Samuel W. Watters

Critics of the Turkish interpretation of secularism,laiklik, describe it as authoritarian and repressive. Indeed, rather than establish state neutrality toward religion,laiklikhistorically entailed state control of Islam, the religion of the vast majority of the Turkish population, and the exclusion of religion from the public sphere in an effort to control religious belief and identity. Many, including leaders in the ruling AKP, assert, though, that recent reforms herald a move away from this model of control toward a secularism defined by state neutrality toward religion. To determine whether this transformation is actually occurring, I evaluate, based on Turkish language sources, the recent reforms under the AKP using the framework of the secularized state described by the German legal scholar Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde. Because of its significant role in implementing Turkish policies toward religion, I evaluate these reforms by analyzing developments in the programming and messaging of the Directorate of Religious Affairs (Diyanet) under the AKP. I find little evidence thatlaiklikis transitioning to a state neutrality toward religion. Rather, the AKP has coupled a greater presence of religion in the public sphere with expanding state authority in religious programming and messaging. Although these reforms reflect a transformation in Turkish nation-building policies, they maintain the state control of religion that separateslaiklikfrom neutral secularism.

2019 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
pp. 126-142
Frederik H. Bissinger

Lithuanian language discourses and family language policies of Lithuanian families in Sweden: A case studyThis case study shares first insights of the family language policy of a Lithuanian family in Sweden. It identifies Lithuanian language discourses that might affect this policy and analyses discourse strategies applied by the family members. The aim is to shed some new light on the negotiation processes of family language policies that either support the maintenance of an ethnic language as the means of intra-family communication in immigrant contexts or, conversely, work against it. Applying a linguistic ethnographical approach, the study indicates that in this case the family language policy is mostly shaped by the mother in a protective and monolingual way in order to foster the maintenance of the Lithuanian heritage in anticipation of an external threat for Lithuanian language and identity. Litewskie dyskursy językowe a polityki językowe litewskich rodzin w Szwecji. Studium przypadkuNiniejszy artykuł przedstawia wstępne uwagi analityczne dotyczące polityki językowej litewskiej rodziny mieszkającej w Szwecji. Autor identyfikuje litewskie dyskursy językowe, które mogą mieć wpływ na jej politykę językową, i analizuje strategie dyskursu stosowane przez jej członków. Celem studium jest nowe spojrzenie na procesy negocjacji rodzinnych polityk językowych (family language policies), które mogą być pomocne w utrzymaniu ojczystego języka jako środka komunikacji w rodzinach emigrantów lub temu nie sprzyjać. Przedstawione badania opierają się na metodach etnografii lingwistycznej (linguistic ethnography) i wykazują, że w tym przypadku rodzinna polityka językowa jest kształtowana głównie przez matkę, jest jednojęzyczna i ma charakter ochronny – jest nakierowana na zachowanie litewskiego dziedzictwa kulturowego w związku z przewidywanymi zagrożeniami zewnętrznymi dla języka litewskiego i tożsamości litewskiej.

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