scholarly journals The magnetic field of the B3V star 16 Pegasi

2008 ◽  
Vol 4 (S259) ◽  
pp. 393-394 ◽  
Huib F. Henrichs ◽  
C. Neiner ◽  
R. S. Schnerr ◽  
E. Verdugo ◽  
A. Alecian ◽  

AbstractThe slowly pulsating B3V star 16 Pegasi was discovered by Hubrig et al. (2006) to be magnetic, based on low-resolution spectropolarimetric observations with FORS1 at the VLT. We have confirmed the presence of a magnetic field with new measurements with the spectropolarimeters Narval at TBL, France and Espadons at CFHT, Hawaii during 2007. The most likely period is about 1.44 d for the modulation of the field, but this could not be firmly established with the available data set. No variability has been found in the UV stellar wind lines. Although the star was reported once to show Hα in emission, there exists at present no confirmation that the star is a Be star.

2010 ◽  
Vol 6 (S272) ◽  
pp. 222-223
Ruslan V. Yudin ◽  
Swetlana Hubrig ◽  
Michail A. Pogodin ◽  
Markus Schoeller

AbstractWe report the results of our search for magnetic fields in a representative sample of classical Be stars carried out during 2006-2008 using low-resolution spectropolarimetry with FORS1 at the VLT. Among the 28 classical Be stars studied, detections of a magnetic field were achieved in seven stars (i.e. ~25%). The detected magnetic fields are rather weak, not stronger than ~150G. Among the Be stars studied with time series, one Be star, λ Eri, displays cyclic variability of the magnetic field with a period of 21.12 min.

1987 ◽  
Vol 92 ◽  
pp. 82-83 ◽  
C. T. Bolton ◽  
A. W. Fullerton ◽  
D. Bohlender ◽  
J. D. Landstreet ◽  
D. R. Gies

Over the past two years, we have obtained high resolution high signal/noise (S/N) spectra of the magnetic Be star σ Ori E at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope and McDonald Observatory. These spectra, which cover the spectral regions 399-417.5 and 440-458.5 nm and the Hα line and have typical S/N>200 and spectral resolution ≃0.02 nm, were obtained at a variety of rotational phases in order to study the magnetic field structure, the distribution of elements in the photosphere, and the effects of the magnetic field on the emission envelope. Our analysis of these spectra confirms, refines and extends the results obtained by Landstreet & Borra (1978), Groote & Hunger (1982 and references therein), and Nakajima (1985).The Hα emission is usually double-peaked, but it undergoes remarkable variations with the 1.19081 d rotational period of the star, which show that the emitting gas is localized into two regions which co-rotate with the star.

2020 ◽  
Vol 633 ◽  
pp. A48 ◽  
C. P. Folsom ◽  
D. Ó Fionnagáin ◽  
L. Fossati ◽  
A. A. Vidotto ◽  
C. Moutou ◽  

Context. 55 Cancri hosts five known exoplanets, most notably the hot super-Earth 55 Cnc e, which is one of the hottest known transiting super-Earths. Aims. Because of the short orbital separation and host star brightness, 55 Cnc e provides one of the best opportunities for studying star-planet interactions (SPIs). We aim to understand possible SPIs in this system, which requires a detailed understanding of the stellar magnetic field and wind impinging on the planet. Methods. Using spectropolarimetric observations and Zeeman Doppler Imaging, we derived a map of the large-scale stellar magnetic field. We then simulated the stellar wind starting from the magnetic field map, using a 3D magneto-hydrodynamic model. Results. The map of the large-scale stellar magnetic field we derive has an average strength of 3.4 G. The field has a mostly dipolar geometry; the dipole is tilted by 90° with respect to the rotation axis and the dipolar strength is 5.8 G at the magnetic pole. The wind simulations based on this magnetic geometry lead us to conclude that 55 Cnc e orbits inside the Alfvén surface of the stellar wind, implying that effects from the planet on the wind can propagate back to the stellar surface and result in SPI.

2002 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 311-320 ◽  
J. Mĕrka ◽  
J. Šafránková ◽  
Z. Nĕmeček

Abstract. The width of the cusp region is an indicator of the strength of the merging process and the degree of opening of the magnetosphere. During three years, the Magion-4 satellite, as part of the Interball project, has collected a unique data set of cusp-like plasma observations in middle and high altitudes. For a comparison of high- and low-altitude cusp determination, we map our observations of cusp-like plasma along the magnetic field lines down to the Earth’s surface. We use the Tsyganenko and Stern 1996 model of the magnetospheric magnetic field for the mapping, taking actual solar wind and IMF parameters from the Wind observations. The footprint positions show substantial latitudinal dependence on the dipole tilt angle. We fit this dependence with a linear function and subtract this function from observed cusp position. This process allows us to study both statistical width and location of the inspected region as a function of the solar wind and IMF parameters. Our processing of the Magion-4 measurements shows that high-altitude regions occupied by the cusp-like plasma (cusp and cleft) are projected onto a much broader area (in magnetic local time as well as in a latitude) than that determined in low altitudes. The trends of the shift of the cusp position with changes in the IMF direction established by low-altitude observations have been confirmed.Key words. Magnetospheric physics (magnetopause, cusp and boundary layer; solar wind – magnetosphere interactions)

2020 ◽  
Vol 633 ◽  
pp. A87 ◽  
L. Griton ◽  
F. Pantellini

Context. As proven by measurements at Uranus and Neptune, the magnetic dipole axis and planetary spin axis can be off by a large angle exceeding 45°. The magnetosphere of such an (exo-)planet is highly variable over a one-day period and it does potentially exhibit a complex magnetic tail structure. The dynamics and shape of rotating magnetospheres do obviously depend on the planet’s characteristics but also, and very substantially, on the orientation of the planetary spin axis with respect to the impinging, generally highly supersonic, stellar wind. Aims. On its orbit around the Sun, the orientation of Uranus’ spin axis with respect to the solar wind changes from quasi-perpendicular (solstice) to quasi-parallel (equinox). In this paper, we simulate the magnetosphere of a fictitious Uranus-like planet plunged in a supersonic plasma (the stellar wind) at equinox. A simulation with zero wind velocity is also presented in order to help disentangle the effects of the rotation from the effects of the supersonic wind in the structuring of the planetary magnetic tail. Methods. The ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations in conservative form are integrated on a structured spherical grid using the Message-Passing Interface-Adaptive Mesh Refinement Versatile Advection Code (MPI-AMRVAC). In order to limit diffusivity at grid level, we used background and residual decomposition of the magnetic field. The magnetic field is thus made of the sum of a prescribed time-dependent background field B0(t) and a residual field B1(t) computed by the code. In our simulations, B0(t) is essentially made of a rigidly rotating potential dipole field. Results. The first simulation shows that, while plunged in a non-magnetised plasma, a magnetic dipole rotating about an axis oriented at 90° with respect to itself does naturally accelerate the plasma away from the dipole around the rotation axis. The acceleration occurs over a spatial scale of the order of the Alfvénic co-rotation scale r*. During the acceleration, the dipole lines become stretched and twisted. The observed asymptotic fluid velocities are of the order of the phase speed of the fast MHD mode. In two simulations where the surrounding non-magnetised plasma was chosen to move at supersonic speed perpendicularly to the rotation axis (a situation that is reminiscent of Uranus in the solar wind at equinox), the lines of each hemisphere are symmetrically twisted and stretched as before. However, they are also bent by the supersonic flow, thus forming a magnetic tail of interlaced field lines of opposite polarity. Similarly to the case with no wind, the interlaced field lines and the attached plasma are accelerated by the rotation and also by the transfer of kinetic energy flux from the surrounding supersonic flow. The tailwards fluid velocity increases asymptotically towards the externally imposed flow velocity, or wind. In one more simulation, a transverse magnetic field, to both the spin axis and flow direction, was added to the impinging flow so that magnetic reconnection could occur between the dipole anchored field lines and the impinging field lines. No major difference with respect to the no-magnetised flow case is observed, except that the tailwards acceleration occurs in two steps and is slightly more efficient. In order to emphasise the effect of rotation, we only address the case of a fast-rotating planet where the co-rotation scale r* is of the order of the planetary counter-flow magnetopause stand-off distance rm. For Uranus, r*≫ rm and the effects of rotation are only visible at large tailwards distances r ≫ rm.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (S354) ◽  
pp. 268-279
Dmitry V. Bisikalo ◽  
Andrey G. Zhilkin

AbstractHot Jupiters have extended gaseous (ionospheric) envelopes, which extend far beyond the Roche lobe. The envelopes are loosely bound to the planet and, therefore, are strongly influenced by fluctuations of the stellar wind. We show that, since hot Jupiters are close to the parent stars, magnetic field of the stellar wind is an important factor defining the structure of their magnetospheres. For a typical hot Jupiter, velocity of the stellar wind plasma flow around the atmosphere is close to the Alfvén velocity. As a result stellar wind fluctuations, such as coronal mass ejections, can affect the conditions for the formation of a bow shock around a hot Jupiter. This effect can affect observational manifestations of hot Jupiters.

2001 ◽  
Vol 203 ◽  
pp. 276-279
J. Ireland ◽  
A. Fludra

The Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) on SOHO carries out daily synoptic observations of the Sun in four EUV (extreme ultraviolet) spectra: He I 584 Å, O V 630 Å, Mg IX 368 Å and Fe XVI 360 Å, over a 4 arcmin-wide strip along the solar central meridian. Using 53 active regions observed in this data set along with co-temporally observed SOHO-MDI (Michelson Doppler Imager) magnetograms we study the correlation of the chromospheric, transition region and coronal emission with the photospheric magnetic field for meridional active regions, probing the relation between the radiative output and magnetic observables. We also establish empirical, quantitative relations among intensities of different lines, and between intensities and the magnetic field flux.

1993 ◽  
Vol 138 ◽  
pp. 394-404 ◽  
Kurt Hunger ◽  
Detlev Groote

AbstractThe He-rich variable HD 37479 has 2 axes of symmetry, one characterized by the depletion of metals, and one by the enrichment of He. The former is oriented along the axis of the magnetic dipole, while the latter is off set by some 45°. The 2 axes represent 2 different modes of diffusion, the first one being controlled solely by the magnetic field, irrespective of wind, the second one being due to stellar wind that is controlled by the magnetic field and intertial forces. It has been attempted to formulate simple physical conditions that allow to determine the diffusion regions on the surface. It is shown that the resulting surface map can well reproduce the observed phase variations of the equivalent widths of HeI 4471, of UV resonance lines of C IV and Si IV, and the effective magnetic field.

2019 ◽  
Vol 219 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. S137-S151 ◽  
Julien Aubert

SUMMARY The geodynamo features a broad separation between the large scale at which Earth’s magnetic field is sustained against ohmic dissipation and the small scales of the turbulent and electrically conducting underlying fluid flow in the outer core. Here, the properties of this scale separation are analysed using high-resolution numerical simulations that approach closer to Earth’s core conditions than earlier models. The new simulations are obtained by increasing the resolution and gradually relaxing the hyperdiffusive approximation of previously published low-resolution cases. This upsizing process does not perturb the previously obtained large-scale, leading-order quasi-geostrophic (QG) and first-order magneto-Archimedes-Coriolis (MAC) force balances. As a result, upsizing causes only weak transients typically lasting a fraction of a convective overturn time, thereby demonstrating the efficiency of this approach to reach extreme conditions at reduced computational cost. As Earth’s core conditions are approached in the upsized simulations, Ohmic losses dissipate up to 97 per cent of the injected convective power. Kinetic energy spectra feature a gradually broadening self-similar, power-law spectral range extending over more than a decade in length scale. In this range, the spectral energy density profile of vorticity is shown to be approximately flat between the large scale at which the magnetic field draws its energy from convection through the QG-MAC force balance and the small scale at which this energy is dissipated. The resulting velocity and density anomaly planforms in the physical space consist in large-scale columnar sheets and plumes, respectively, co-existing with small-scale vorticity filaments and density anomaly ramifications. In contrast, magnetic field planforms keep their large-scale structure after upsizing. The small-scale vorticity filaments are aligned with the large-scale magnetic field lines, thereby minimizing the dynamical influence of the Lorentz force. The diagnostic outputs of the upsized simulations are more consistent with the asymptotic QG-MAC theory than those of the low-resolution cases that they originate from, but still feature small residual deviations that may call for further theoretical refinements to account for the structuring constraints of the magnetic field on the flow.

Geophysics ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 81 (3) ◽  
pp. J47-J60 ◽  
Nathan Leon Foks ◽  
Yaoguo Li

Boundary extraction is a collective term that we use for the process of extracting the locations of faults, lineaments, and lateral boundaries between geologic units using geophysical observations, such as measurements of the magnetic field. The process typically begins with a preprocessing stage, where the data are transformed to enhance the visual clarity of pertinent features and hence improve the interpretability of the data. The majority of the existing methods are based on raster grid enhancement techniques, and the boundaries are extracted as a series of points or line segments. In contrast, we set out a methodology for boundary extraction from magnetic data, in which we represent the transformed data as a surface in 3D using a mesh of triangular facets. After initializing the mesh, we modify the node locations, such that the mesh smoothly represents the transformed data and that facet edges are aligned with features in the data that approximate the horizontal locations of subsurface boundaries. To illustrate our boundary extraction algorithm, we first apply it to a synthetic data set. We then apply it to identify boundaries in a magnetic data set from the McFaulds Lake area in Ontario, Canada. The extracted boundaries are in agreement with known boundaries and several of the regions that are completely enclosed by extracted boundaries coincide with regions of known mineralization.

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