Numerical models of the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf: An assessment of reinterpreted ice thickness distributions

1986 ◽  
Vol 91 (B10) ◽  
pp. 10457 ◽  
M. A. Lange ◽  
D. R. MacAyeal
2021 ◽  
Jan De Rydt ◽  
Ronja Reese ◽  
Fernando Paolo ◽  
G Hilmar Gudmundsson

<p>Pine Island Glacier in West Antarctica is among the fastest changing glaciers worldwide. Much of its fast-flowing central trunk is thinning and accelerating, a process thought to have been triggered by ocean-induced changes in ice-shelf buttressing. The measured acceleration in response to perturbations in ice thickness is a non-trivial manifestation of several poorly-understood physical processes, including the transmission of stresses between the ice and underlying bed. To enable robust projections of future ice flow, it is imperative that numerical models include an accurate representation of these processes. Here we combine the latest data with analytical and numerical solutions of SSA ice flow to show that the recent increase in flow speed of Pine Island Glacier is only compatible with observed patterns of thinning if a spatially distributed, predominantly plastic bed underlies large parts of the central glacier and its upstream tributaries.</p>

1989 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 97-103 ◽  
M.A. Lange ◽  
D.R. MacAyeal

We present model calculations that describe the flow of ice shelves of different configurations. We consider “ideal” models with well-defined boundary conditions and simple geometry in order to explore the response of an ice shelf to transient variations in ice-stream input. Gradually increasing the complexity of these simple models allows a better understanding of ice-shelf behavior without the complications that would arise in considering natural ice shelves. We find that the dissipation of ice-thickness variations caused by ice-stream transience is strongly influenced by ice rheology. The presence of an ice rise significantly alters the velocity field of the adjacent ice, when changes in ice-stream input occur. With models of “real” ice shelves, we demonstrate the ability of numerical models to test successfully working hypotheses on ice-shelf thickness distributions. Ice velocities, obtained by diagnostic models of Filchner–Ronne Ice Shelf that use different ice-thickness distributions, are compared with measured ice velocities. This comparison demonstrates that the model employing regions of thin ice in the central part of the ice shelf yields velocities significantly different from the field data. We therefore conclude that zones of thin ice on Filchner–Ronne ice Shelf are unlikely. This conclusion has recently been confirmed by field measurements.

1988 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 64-70 ◽  
M. A. Lange ◽  
D. R. MacAyeal

Radar ice-thickness surveys and bore-hole measurements suggest that the central part of Ronne Ice Shelf possesses a lobe-shaped basal layer of undetermined nature (probably saline ice). This layer is characterized by high radio-wave absorbtivity and by thicknesses up to approximately 300 m. We reconstruct this basal layer and the associated ice-shelf thickness and flow distributions, using a time-dependent ice-shelf model forced with prescribed basal freezing rates. Characteristics of the basal layer are controlled by two factors: (i) long ice-column residence times in the unventilated pocket between Henry and Korff ice rises and Doake Ice Rumples, and (ii) basal freezing rates in this pocket that exceed the snow-accumulation rate (currently averaging 0.35 m/a ice equivalent across the ice shelf).

1988 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 64-70 ◽  
M. A. Lange ◽  
D. R. MacAyeal

Radar ice-thickness surveys and bore-hole measurements suggest that the central part of Ronne Ice Shelf possesses a lobe-shaped basal layer of undetermined nature (probably saline ice). This layer is characterized by high radio-wave absorbtivity and by thicknesses up to approximately 300 m. We reconstruct this basal layer and the associated ice-shelf thickness and flow distributions, using a time-dependent ice-shelf model forced with prescribed basal freezing rates. Characteristics of the basal layer are controlled by two factors: (i) long ice-column residence times in the unventilated pocket between Henry and Korff ice rises and Doake Ice Rumples, and (ii) basal freezing rates in this pocket that exceed the snow-accumulation rate (currently averaging 0.35 m/a ice equivalent across the ice shelf).

1989 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 97-103 ◽  
M.A. Lange ◽  
D.R. MacAyeal

We present model calculations that describe the flow of ice shelves of different configurations. We consider “ideal” models with well-defined boundary conditions and simple geometry in order to explore the response of an ice shelf to transient variations in ice-stream input. Gradually increasing the complexity of these simple models allows a better understanding of ice-shelf behavior without the complications that would arise in considering natural ice shelves. We find that the dissipation of ice-thickness variations caused by ice-stream transience is strongly influenced by ice rheology. The presence of an ice rise significantly alters the velocity field of the adjacent ice, when changes in ice-stream input occur. With models of “real” ice shelves, we demonstrate the ability of numerical models to test successfully working hypotheses on ice-shelf thickness distributions. Ice velocities, obtained by diagnostic models of Filchner–Ronne Ice Shelf that use different ice-thickness distributions, are compared with measured ice velocities. This comparison demonstrates that the model employing regions of thin ice in the central part of the ice shelf yields velocities significantly different from the field data. We therefore conclude that zones of thin ice on Filchner–Ronne ice Shelf are unlikely. This conclusion has recently been confirmed by field measurements.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 1801-1817 ◽  
Tyler C. Sutterley ◽  
Thorsten Markus ◽  
Thomas A. Neumann ◽  
Michiel van den Broeke ◽  
J. Melchior van Wessem ◽  

Abstract. We calculate rates of ice thickness change and bottom melt for ice shelves in West Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula from a combination of elevation measurements from NASA–CECS Antarctic ice mapping campaigns and NASA Operation IceBridge corrected for oceanic processes from measurements and models, surface velocity measurements from synthetic aperture radar, and high-resolution outputs from regional climate models. The ice thickness change rates are calculated in a Lagrangian reference frame to reduce the effects from advection of sharp vertical features, such as cracks and crevasses, that can saturate Eulerian-derived estimates. We use our method over different ice shelves in Antarctica, which vary in terms of size, repeat coverage from airborne altimetry, and dominant processes governing their recent changes. We find that the Larsen-C Ice Shelf is close to steady state over our observation period with spatial variations in ice thickness largely due to the flux divergence of the shelf. Firn and surface processes are responsible for some short-term variability in ice thickness of the Larsen-C Ice Shelf over the time period. The Wilkins Ice Shelf is sensitive to short-timescale coastal and upper-ocean processes, and basal melt is the dominant contributor to the ice thickness change over the period. At the Pine Island Ice Shelf in the critical region near the grounding zone, we find that ice shelf thickness change rates exceed 40 m yr−1, with the change dominated by strong submarine melting. Regions near the grounding zones of the Dotson and Crosson ice shelves are decreasing in thickness at rates greater than 40 m yr−1, also due to intense basal melt. NASA–CECS Antarctic ice mapping and NASA Operation IceBridge campaigns provide validation datasets for floating ice shelves at moderately high resolution when coregistered using Lagrangian methods.

1989 ◽  
Vol 35 (121) ◽  
pp. 406-417 ◽  
Niels Reeh

AbstractSimple analytical models are developed in order to study how up-stream variations in accumulation rate and ice thickness, and horizontal convergence/ divergence of the flow influence the age and annual layer-thickness profiles in a steady-state ice sheet. Generally, a decrease/increase of the accumulation rate and an increase/decrease of the ice thickness in the up-stream direction (i.e. opposite to the flow direction) results in older/younger ice at a given depth in the ice sheet than would result if the up-stream accumulation rate and ice thickness were constant along the flow line.Convergence/divergence of the up-stream flow will decrease/increase the effect of the accumulation-rate and ice-thickness gradients, whereas convergence/divergence has no influence at all on the age and layer-thickness profiles if the up-stream accumulation rate and ice thickness are constant along the flow line.A modified column-flow model, i.e. a model for which the strain-rate profile (or, equivalently, the horizontal velocity profile) is constant down to the depth corresponding to the Holocene/Wisconsinan transition 10 750 year BP., seems to work well for dating the ice back to 10 000–11 000 year B P. at sites in the slope regions of the Greenland ice sheet. For example, the model predicts the experimentally determined age profile at Dye 3 on the south Greenland ice sheet with a relative root-mean-square error of only 3% back to c. 10 700 year B.P. As illustrated by the Milcent location on the western slope of the central Greenland ice sheet, neglecting up-stream accumulation-rate and ice-thickness gradients, may lead to dating errors as large as 3000–000 years for c. 10 000 year old ice.However, even if these gradients are taken into account, the simple model fails to give acceptable ages for 10 000 year old ice at locations on slightly sloping ice ridges with strongly divergent flow, as for example the Camp Century location. The main reason for this failure is that the site of origin of the ice cannot be determined accurately enough by the simple models, if the flow is strongly divergent.With this exception, the simple models are well suited for dating the ice at locations where the available data or the required accuracy do not justify application of elaborate numerical models. The formulae derived for the age-depth profiles can easily be worked out on a pocket calculator, and in many cases will be a sensible alternative to using numerical flow models.

1980 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 55-55
Sion Shabtaie ◽  
Charles R. Bentley

Recent geophysical and glaciological investigations of the Ross Ice Shelf have revealed many complexities in the ice shelf that can be important factors in iceberg structure. The presence of rift zones, surface and bottom crevasses, corrugations, ridges and troughs, and other features could substantially modify the hydraulics of iceberg towing and lead to disintegration of the berg in the course of transport.The relationships between the elevation above sea-level and total ice thickness for three ice shelves (Ross, Brunt, and McMurdo) are given; from them, expressions for the thickness/freeboard ratios of tabular icebergs calved from these ice shelves are obtained. The relationships obtained from the measured values of surface elevation and ice thickness are in agreement with models derived assuming hydrostatic equilibrium.Areas of brine infiltration into the Ross Ice Shelf have been mapped. Examples of radar profiles in these zones are shown. Absorption from the brine layers results in a poor or absent bottom echo. It is probable that little saline ice exists at the bottom of the Ross Ice Shelf front due to a rapid bottom melting near the ice front, and that the thickness of the saline ice at the bottom of icebergs calving from the Ross Ice Shelf is no more than a few meters, if there is any at all.We have observed many rift zones on the ice shelf by airborne radar techniques, and at one site the bottom and surface topographies of (buried) rift zones have been delineated. These rift zones play an obvious role in iceberg formation and may also affect the dynamics of iceberg transport. Bottom crevasses with different shapes, sizes, and spacings are abundant in ice shelves; probably some are filled with saline ice and others with unfrozen sea-water. Existence of these bottom crevasses could lead to a rapid disintegration of icebergs in the course of transport, as well as increasing the frictional drag at the ice-water boundary.Radar profiles of the ice-shelf barrier at four sites in flow bands of very different characteristics are shown. In some places rifting upstream from the barrier shows regular spacings, suggesting a periodic calving. Differential bottom melting near the barrier causes the icebergs to have an uneven surface and bottom (i.e. dome-shaped).Electrical resistivity soundings on the ice shelf can be applied to estimate the temperature-depth function, and from that the basal mass-balance rate. With some modifications, the technique may also be applied to estimating the basal mass-balance rates of tabular icebergs.

1998 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 427-432 ◽  
Anthony P. Worby ◽  
Xingren Wu

The importance of monitoring sea ice for studies of global climate has been well noted for several decades. Observations have shown that sea ice exhibits large seasonal variability in extent, concentration and thickness. These changes have a significant impact on climate, and the potential nature of many of these connections has been revealed in studies with numerical models. An accurate representation of the sea-ice distribution (including ice extent, concentration and thickness) in climate models is therefore important for modelling global climate change. This work presents an overview of the observed sea-ice characteristics in the East Antarctic pack ice (60-150° E) and outlines possible improvements to the simulation of sea ice over this region by modifying the ice-thickness parameterisation in a coupled sea-ice-atmosphere model, using observational data of ice thickness and concentration. Sensitivity studies indicate that the simulation of East Antarctic sea ice can be improved by modifying both the “lead parameterisation” and “rafting scheme” to be ice-thickness dependent. The modelled results are currently out of phase with the observed data, and the addition of a multilevel ice-thickness distribution would improve the simulation significantly.

1982 ◽  
Vol 28 (100) ◽  
pp. 413-430 ◽  
Sion Shabtaie ◽  
Charles R. Bentley

AbstractRecent geophysical and glaciological investigations of the Ross Ice Shelf have revealed many complexities in the ice shelf that can be important factors in iceberg structure. The presence of rift zones, surface and bottom crevasses, corrugations, ridge/troughs, and other features could substantially modify the hydraulics of iceberg towing and lead to disintegration in the course of transport.The relationships between the elevation above sea-level and total ice thickness for three ice shelves (Ross, Brunt, and McMurdo) are given; from them, expressions for the thickness/freeboard ratios of tabular icebergs calved from these ice shelves are obtained. The relationships obtained from the measured values of surface elevation and ice thickness are in agreement with models derived assuming hydrostatic equilibrium.Areas of brine infiltration into the Ross Ice Shelf have been mapped. Examples of radar profiles in these zones are shown. Absorption from the brine layers results in a poor or absent bottom echo. It is probable that little saline ice exists at the bottom of the Ross Ice Shelf front due to a rapid bottom melting near the ice front, and that the thickness of the saline ice at the bottom of icebergs calving from the Ross Ice Shelf is no more than a few meters, if there is any at all.We have observed many rift zones on the ice shelf by airborne radar techniques, and at one site the bottom and surface topographies of (buried) rift zones have been delineated. These rift zones play an obvious role in iceberg formation and may also affect the dynamics of iceberg transport. Bottom crevasses with different shapes, sizes, and spacings are abundant in ice shelves; probably some are filled with saline ice and others with unfrozen sea-water. Existence of these bottom crevasses could lead to a rapid disintegration of icebergs in the course of transport, as well as increasing the frictional drag at the ice-water boundary.Radar profiles of the ice shelf front at four sites in flow bands of very different characteristics are shown. In some places rifting up-stream from the front shows regular spacings, suggesting a periodic calving. Differential bottom melting near the front causes the icebergs to have an uneven surface and bottom (i.e. dome shaped).Electrical resistivity soundings on the ice shelf can be applied to estimate the temperature-depth function, and from that the basal mass-balance rate. With some modifications, the technique may also be applied to estimating the basal mass balance rates of tabular icebergs.

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