Faculty discuss study strategies, but not the best ones: A survey of suggested exam preparation techniques for difficult courses across disciplines.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-114
Amy S. Hunter ◽  
Marianne E. Lloyd
2016 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 675-684 ◽  
Julia Y. K. Chan ◽  
Christopher F. Bauer

Students in general chemistry were partitioned into three groups by cluster analysis of six affective characteristics (emotional satisfaction, intellectual accessibility, chemistry self-concept, math self-concept, self-efficacy, and test anxiety). The at-home study strategies for exam preparation and in-class learning strategies differed among the three groups. Students in the high group (strongly positive affective characteristics) were more autonomous learners, reporting they understood the notes they took in lecture more frequently than the group with low (more negative) affective characteristics. The high group also relied less on tutors and teaching assistants for help when preparing for exams. Participating in explanatory behavior (with self or other students) was correlated positively with stronger exam performance, whereas rapt attention or assiduous note-taking in lecture was negatively correlated. The high and low affective groups were indistinct in their reports of amount of quality time spent studying, but did differ in their approach to using a practice exam as a resource.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 77-91
Eugene S Henry ◽  
Naomi Quinton

The Practical Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills (PACES) examination is considered the most difficult component of the three-part Membership of the Royal College of Physicians (MRCP) United Kingdom (UK) diploma, which provides budding physicians with access to a diverse pathway of subspecialties and a rewarding medical career. Preparing for the exam is onerous, especially when also juggling work and family demands. This research explored how candidates can prepare for this exam in an organised manner to improve their chances of first-pass success. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 participants in the West Yorkshire region in the UK who had passed the PACES examination within 24 months. The interviews were transcribed onto QSR NVivo software, coded reflexively and analysed using thematic analysis. The analysis identified 25 codes that were aggregated into the following themes according to their density; (a) mental conditioning, (b) clinical exposure, (c) external factors and support, (d) revision courses, (e) knowledge acquisition, (f) playing the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) game, (g) change of strategy, and (h) novel methods. In summary, it takes more than just clinical exposure and rote learning to pass the exam; preparation involves a complex, multifaceted approach. With proper mental conditioning, organisational skills and confidence, the adverse effect of test anxiety could be reduced to improve chances of success. Peer learning is an effective tool for facilitating examination preparation among candidates, besides providing a supportive framework. Cues from this study could act as a guiding framework for future PACES candidates to further refine their study strategies.

2018 ◽  
Vol 26 (5) ◽  
pp. 551-555 ◽  
Rahul Khanna ◽  
Gabrielle Matta ◽  
Bharat Visa ◽  
Anna Ryan

Objectives: This study explored trainee preparation for the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) written examinations. We examined the relationship between candidates’ prior psychiatry experience, preparation techniques and expenses, perceptions of the exam and a pass result. We also examined perceptions of well-being. Method: A web-based survey was sent to RANZCP trainees. The association between responses and exam outcome was analysed using SPSS Statistics 23. Results: A total of 23% ( n = 38) of the cohort responded to the survey. Respondents studied for an average of 7.8 months for the essay-style exam and 4.4 months for the multiple-choice questions. The mean months of total psychiatry experience prior to sitting was 36.1 months. Every additional 50 hours of study increased odds of passing by 23%. Respondents who believed that exam preparation would affect outcome had an almost 4-fold higher odds of passing than those who did not. Ratings of well-being before release of results were also positively associated with passing. Conclusions Trainees are sitting the written exams with clinical experience commensurate with RANZCP recommendations. Total study hours and favourable perceptions of exam processes appear to be predictors of success.

Earl R. Walter ◽  
Glen H. Bryant

With the development of soft, film forming latexes for use in paints and other coatings applications, it became desirable to develop new methods of sample preparation for latex particle size distribution studies with the electron microscope. Conventional latex sample preparation techniques were inadequate due to the pronounced tendency of these new soft latex particles to distort, flatten and fuse on the substrate when they dried. In order to avoid these complications and obtain electron micrographs of undistorted latex particles of soft resins, a freeze-dry, cold shadowing technique was developed. The method has now been used in our laboratory on a routine basis for several years.The cold shadowing is done in a specially constructed vacuum system, having a conventional mechanical fore pump and oil diffusion pump supplying vacuum. The system incorporates bellows type high vacuum valves to permit a prepump cycle and opening of the shadowing chamber without shutting down the oil diffusion pump. A baffeled sorption trap isolates the shadowing chamber from the pumps.

F. Thoma ◽  
TH. Koller

Under a variety of electron microscope specimen preparation techniques different forms of chromatin appearance can be distinguished: beads-on-a-string, a 100 Å nucleofilament, a 250 Å fiber and a compact 300 to 500 Å fiber.Using a standardized specimen preparation technique we wanted to find out whether there is any relation between these different forms of chromatin or not. We show that with increasing ionic strength a chromatin fiber consisting of a row of nucleo- somes progressively folds up into a solenoid-like structure with a diameter of about 300 Å.For the preparation of chromatin for electron microscopy the avoidance of stretching artifacts during adsorption to the carbon supports is of utmost importance. The samples are fixed with 0.1% glutaraldehyde at 4°C for at least 12 hrs. The material was usually examined between 24 and 48 hrs after the onset of fixation.

Tokio Nei ◽  
Haruo Yotsumoto ◽  
Yoichi Hasegawa ◽  
Yuji Nagasawa

In order to observe biological specimens in their native state, that is, still containing their water content, various methods of specimen preparation have been used, the principal two of which are the chamber method and the freeze method.Using its recently developed cold stage for installation in the pre-evacuation chamber of a scanning electron microscope, we have succeeded in directly observing a biological specimen in its frozen state without the need for such conventional specimen preparation techniques as drying and metallic vacuum evaporation. (Echlin, too, has reported on the observation of surface structures using the same freeze method.)In the experiment referred to herein, a small sliced specimen was place in the specimen holder. After it was rapidly frozen by freon cooled with liquid nitrogen, it was inserted into the cold stage of the specimen chamber.

M. Müller ◽  
R. Hermann

Three major factors must be concomitantly assessed in order to extract relevant structural information from the surface of biological material at high resolution (2-3nm).Procedures based on chemical fixation and dehydration in graded solvent series seem inappropriate when aiming for TEM-like resolution. Cells inevitably shrink up to 30-70% of their initial volume during gehydration; important surface components e.g. glycoproteins may be lost. These problems may be circumvented by preparation techniques based on cryofixation. Freezedrying and freeze-substitution followed by critical point drying yields improved structural preservation in TEM. An appropriate preservation of dimensional integrity may be achieved by freeze-drying at - 85° C. The sample shrinks and may partially collapse as it is warmed to room temperature for subsequent SEM study. Observations at low temperatures are therefore a necessary prerequisite for high fidelity SEM. Compromises however have been unavoidable up until now. Aldehyde prefixation is frequently needed prior to freeze drying, rendering the sample resistant to treatment with distilled water.

M. John Hicks

Acid-etching of enamel surfaces has been performed routinely to bond adhesive resin materials to sound dental enamel as a caries-preventive measure. The effect of fluoride pretreatment on acid-etching of enamel has been reported to produce inconsistent and unsatisfactory etching patterns. The failure to obtain an adequate etch has been postulated to be due to fluoride precipitation products deposited on the enamel surface. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of fluoride pretreatment on acid-etching of carieslike lesions of human dental enamel.Caries-like lesions of enamel were created in vitro on human molar and premolar teeth. The teeth were divided into two fluoride treatment groups. The specimens were exposed for 4 minutes to either a 2% Sodium Fluoride (NaF) solution or a 10% Stannous Fluoride (SnF2) solution. The specimens were then washed in deionized-distilled water. Each tooth was sectioned into four test regions. This was carried out to compare the effects of various time exposures (0 to 2 minutes) and differing concentrations (10 to 60% w/w) of phosphoric acid (H3PO4) on etching of caries-like lesions. Standard preparation techniques for SEM were performed on the specimens.

O. L. Shaffer ◽  
M.S. El-Aasser ◽  
C. L. Zhao ◽  
M. A. Winnik ◽  
R. R. Shivers

Transmission electron microscopy is an important approach to the characterization of the morphology of multiphase latices. Various sample preparation techniques have been applied to multiphase latices such as OsO4, RuO4 and CsOH stains to distinguish the polymer phases or domains. Radiation damage by an electron beam of latices imbedded in ice has also been used as a technique to study particle morphology. Further studies have been developed in the use of freeze-fracture and the effect of differential radiation damage at liquid nitrogen temperatures of the latex particles embedded in ice and not embedded.Two different series of two-stage latices were prepared with (1) a poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) seed and poly(styrene) (PS) second stage; (2) a PS seed and PMMA second stage. Both series have varying amounts of second-stage monomer which was added to the seed latex semicontinuously. A drop of diluted latex was placed on a 200-mesh Formvar-carbon coated copper grid.

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