scholarly journals Effect of corticosterone treatment on muscle protein turnover in adrenalectomized rats and diabetic rats maintained on insulin

1982 ◽  
Vol 204 (3) ◽  
pp. 663-672 ◽  
Bhanu R. Odedra ◽  
David J. Millward

The effect of corticosterone on protein turnover in skeletal muscle was investigated in growing rats. Protein synthesis was measured in vivo by the constant infusion of [14C]tyrosine. The extent to which any effect of corticosterone is modulated by the hyperinsulinaemia induced by steroid treatment was examined by giving the hormone not only to adrenalectomized rats but also to streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats maintained throughout the treatment period on two dosages of insulin by an implanted osmotic minipump. Approximate rates of protein degradation were also estimated in some cases as the difference between synthesis and net change in muscle protein mass. Measurements were also made of free 3-methylhistidine concentration in muscle and plasma. At 10mg of corticosterone/100g body wt. per day, growth stopped and muscle wasting occurred, whereas at 5 mg of corticosterone/100g body wt. per day no net loss of protein occurred. However, this low dose did induce muscle wasting when insulin concentration was regulated by a dose of 1.2 units/day. Protein synthesis was markedly depressed in all treated groups, the depression in the insulin-maintained rats being marginally more than in the hyperinsulinaemic adrenalectomized rats. The oxidative soleus muscle appeared to be less susceptible to the effect of the corticosterone than was the more glycolytic plantaris or gastrocnemius muscle. Any effect of the corticosterone on protein degradation was much less than its effects on protein synthesis. Where increases in the degradation rates appeared to occur in the rats treated with 10mg of corticosterone/100g body wt. per day, the increases were less than 20%. The free intracellular 3-methylhistidine concentrations were doubled in all groups treated with 5 mg of corticosterone/100g body wt. per day and increased 5-fold in the adrenalectomized rats treated with 10mg of corticosterone/100g body wt. per day, with no change in plasma concentration in any of the groups. It is therefore concluded that: (a) the suppression of protein synthesis is the main effect of glucocorticoids in muscle; (b) marked increases in insulin afford only minor protection against this effect; (c) stimulation of protein degradation may occur, but to a much lesser extent.

1984 ◽  
Vol 222 (2) ◽  
pp. 395-400 ◽  
V R Preedy ◽  
D M Smith ◽  
N F Kearney ◽  
P H Sugden

Starvation of 300 g rats for 3 days decreased ventricular-muscle total protein content and total RNA content by 15 and 22% respectively. Loss of body weight was about 15%. In glucose-perfused working rat hearts in vitro, 3 days of starvation inhibited rates of protein synthesis in ventricles by about 40-50% compared with fed controls. Although the RNA/protein ratio was decreased by about 10%, the major effect of starvation was to decrease the efficiency of protein synthesis (rate of protein synthesis relative to RNA). Insulin stimulated protein synthesis in ventricles of perfused hearts from fed rats by increasing the efficiency of protein synthesis. In vivo, protein-synthesis rates and efficiencies in ventricles from 3-day-starved rats were decreased by about 40% compared with fed controls. Protein-synthesis rates and efficiencies in ventricles from fed rats in vivo were similar to values in vitro when insulin was present in perfusates. In vivo, starvation increased the rate of protein degradation, but decreased it in the glucose-perfused heart in vitro. This contradiction can be rationalized when the effects of insulin are considered. Rates of protein degradation are similar in hearts of fed animals in vivo and in glucose/insulin-perfused hearts. Degradation rates are similar in hearts of starved animals in vivo and in hearts perfused with glucose alone. We conclude that the rates of protein turnover in the anterogradely perfused rat heart in vitro closely approximate to the rates in vivo in absolute terms, and that the effects of starvation in vivo are mirrored in vitro.

1999 ◽  
Vol 96 (6) ◽  
pp. 639-646 ◽  
Steven W. M. OLDE DAMINK ◽  
Nicolaas E. P. DEUTZ ◽  

Glutamine is considered to be a ‘conditionally’ essential amino acid. During situations of severe stress like sepsis or after trauma there is a fall in plasma glutamine levels, enhanced glutamine turnover and intracellular muscle glutamine depletion. Under these conditions, decreased intramuscular glutamine concentration correlates with reduced rates of protein synthesis. It has therefore been hypothesized that intracellular muscle glutamine levels have a regulatory role in muscle protein turnover rates. Administration of the glutamine synthetase inhibitor methionine sulphoximine (MSO) was used to decrease glutamine levels in male Wistar rats. Immediately after the MSO treatment (t = 0 h), and at t = 6 h and t = 12 h, rats received intraperitoneal injections (10 ml/100 g body weight) with glutamine (200 mM) to test whether this attenuated the fall in plasma and intracellular muscle glutamine. Control animals received alanine and saline after MSO treatment, while saline was also given to a group of normal rats. At t = 18 h rats received a primed constant infusion of l-[2,6-3H]phenylalanine. A three-pool compartment tracer model was used to measure whole-body protein turnover and muscle protein kinetics. Administration of MSO resulted in a 40% decrease in plasma glutamine and a 60% decrease in intracellular muscle glutamine, both of which were successfully attenuated by glutamine infusions. The decreased intracellular muscle glutamine levels had no effect on whole-body protein turnover or muscle protein kinetics. Also, glutamine supplementation did not alter these parameters. Alanine supplementation increased both hindquarter protein synthesis and breakdown but the net balance of phenylalanine remained unchanged. In conclusion, our results show that decreased plasma and muscle glutamine levels have no effect on whole-body protein turnover or muscle protein kinetics. Therefore, it is unlikely that, in vivo, the intracellular muscle concentration of glutamine is a major regulating factor in muscle protein kinetics.

1982 ◽  
Vol 202 (2) ◽  
pp. 363-368 ◽  
B R Odedra ◽  
S S Dalal ◽  
D J Millward

The effect of insulin infusion in vivo on muscle protein synthesis was investigated in rats. In 10-days-streptozotocin-diabetic rats infused in vivo with amino acids and glucose, the rate of protein synthesis per unit of RNA (RNA activity) was markedly decreased. Pre-treatment with large doses of insulin at 17 and 1 h before the infusion fully restored RNA activity to normal. Infusion of insulin for 6 h with amino acids and glucose did not restore RNA activity to normal in the diabetic rats. However, in diabetic-adrenalectomized rats similar infusions of insulin fully restored RNA activity to normal. Measurements of plasma corticosterone concentrations indicated a 50% increase in the diabetic rats. Since pre-treatment with corticosterone suppressed the stimulatory effect of insulin infusion on RNA activity in adrenalectomized rats, and since corticosterone treatment for 6 days suppressed RNA activity even though insulin concentrations were elevated, it is suggested that increased concentrations of corticosterone are responsible for the lag in response to insulin in the diabetic rat. This means that the catabolic effects of glucocorticoids must be also considered together with the catabolic effect of insulin lack in diabetes.

1981 ◽  
Vol 194 (3) ◽  
pp. 811-819 ◽  
M L MacDonald ◽  
R W Swick

Rates of growth and protein turnover in the breast muscle of young chicks were measured in order to assess the roles of protein synthesis and degradation in the regulation of muscle mass. Rates of protein synthesis were measured in vivo by injecting a massive dose of L-[1-14C]valine, and rates of protein degradation were estimated as the difference between the synthesis rate and the growth rate of muscle protein. In chicks fed on a control diet for up to 7 weeks of age, the fractional rate of synthesis decreased from 1 to 2 weeks of age and then changed insignificantly from 2 to 7 weeks of age, whereas DNA activity was constant for 1 to 7 weeks. When 4-week-old chicks were fed on a protein-free diet for 17 days, the total amount of breast-muscle protein synthesized and degraded per day and the amount of protein synthesized per unit of DNA decreased. Protein was lost owing to a greater decrease in the rate of protein synthesis, as a result of the loss of RNA and a lowered RNA activity. When depleted chicks were re-fed the control diet, rapid growth was achieved by a doubling of the fractional synthesis rate by 2 days. Initially, this was a result of increased RNA activity; by 5 days, the RNA/DNA ratio also increased. There was no evidence of a decrease in the fractional degradation rate during re-feeding. These results indicate that dietary-protein depletion and repletion cause changes in breast-muscle protein mass primarily through changes in the rate of protein synthesis.

1995 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 480-486 ◽  
J. Duncan MacDougall ◽  
Martin J. Gibala ◽  
Mark A. Tarnopolsky ◽  
Jay R. MacDonald ◽  
Stephen A. Interisano ◽  

It has been shown that muscle protein synthetic rate (MPS) is elevated in humans by 50% at 4 hrs following a bout of heavy resistance training, and by 109% at 24 hrs following training. This study further examined the time course for elevated muscle protein synthesis by examining its rate at 36 hrs following a training session. Six healthy young men performed 12 sets of 6- to 12-RM elbow flexion exercises with one arm while the opposite arm served as a control. MPS was calculated from the in vivo rate of incorporation of L-[1,2−13C2] leucine into biceps brachii of both arms using the primed constant infusion technique over 11 hrs. At an average time of 36 hrs postexercise, MPS in the exercised arm had returned to within 14% of the control arm value, the difference being nonsignificant. It is concluded that following a bout of heavy resistance training, MPS increases rapidly, is more than double at 24 hrs, and thereafter declines rapidly so that at 36 hrs it has almost returned to baseline. Key words: L-[−13C] leucine, muscle hypertrophy, training frequency, mass spectrometry

2009 ◽  
Vol 107 (3) ◽  
pp. 645-654 ◽  
S. M. Phillips ◽  
E. I. Glover ◽  
M. J. Rennie

Unloading-induced atrophy is a relatively uncomplicated form of muscle loss, dependent almost solely on the loss of mechanical input, whereas in disease states associated with inflammation (cancer cachexia, AIDS, burns, sepsis, and uremia), there is a procatabolic hormonal and cytokine environment. It is therefore predictable that muscle loss mainly due to disuse alone would be governed by mechanisms somewhat differently from those in inflammatory states. We suggest that in vivo measurements made in human subjects using arterial-venous balance, tracer dilution, and tracer incorporation are dynamic and thus robust by comparison with static measurements of mRNA abundance and protein expression and/or phosphorylation in human muscle. In addition, measurements made with cultured cells or in animal models, all of which have often been used to infer alterations of protein turnover, appear to be different from results obtained in immobilized human muscle in vivo. In vivo measurements of human muscle protein turnover in disuse show that the primary variable that changes facilitating the loss of muscle mass is protein synthesis, which is reduced in both the postabsorptive and postprandial states; muscle proteolysis itself appears not to be elevated. The depressed postprandial protein synthetic response (a phenomenon we term “anabolic resistance”) may even be accompanied by a diminished suppression of proteolysis. We therefore propose that most of the loss of muscle mass during disuse atrophy can be accounted for by a depression in the rate of protein synthesis. Thus the normal diurnal fasted-to-fed cycle of protein balance is disrupted and, by default, proteolysis becomes dominant but is not enhanced.

1986 ◽  
Vol 250 (2) ◽  
pp. E114-E120 ◽  
A. J. Morton ◽  
D. F. Goldspink

The adaptive growth and protein turnover of the rat uterus were studied during the 21 days of gestation and up to 3 days after parturition. Despite large increases (13-fold) in uterine size during gestation, the fractional rate of protein synthesis (measured in vivo) remained unchanged when compared with nonpregnant tissue values of 44 +/- 5%/day. However, decreases were found in the rate of protein breakdown after implantation (i.e., 75% on day 7 and 28% on day 11) and in the activity of cathepsin D (i.e., 33 and 85% on days 8 and 16 of gestation). Changes in the degradative processes would therefore appear to be primarily responsible for the massive uterine growth during pregnancy. In contrast to the uterus the fractional rates of synthesis in the placenta and fetus progressively decreased during gestation. After parturition the uterus rapidly returned to its normal size by a combination of cellular atrophy and cell loss. After 2 days, a complementary decrease in the fractional rate of synthesis (30%) and an increase in protein degradation (2-fold) explained the process of involution.

Nutrients ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 1077 ◽  
Faten A. Alsolmei ◽  
Haiwen Li ◽  
Suzette L. Pereira ◽  
Padmavathy Krishnan ◽  
Paul W. Johns ◽  

Preventing muscle wasting in certain chronic diseases including cancer is an ongoing challenge. Studies have shown that polyphenols derived from fruits and vegetables shows promise in reducing muscle loss in cellular and animal models of muscle wasting. We hypothesized that polyphenols derived from plums (Prunus domestica) could have anabolic and anti-catabolic benefits on skeletal muscle. The effects of a polyphenol-enriched plum extract (PE60) were evaluated in vitro on C2C12 and Colon-26 cancer cells. Data were analyzed using a one-way ANOVA and we found that treatment of myocytes with plum extract increased the cell size by ~3-fold (p < 0.05) and stimulated myoblast differentiation by ~2-fold (p < 0.05). Plum extract induced total protein synthesis by ~50% (p < 0.05), reduced serum deprivation-induced total protein degradation by ~30% (p < 0.05), and increased expression of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) by ~2-fold (p < 0.05). Plum extract also reduced tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα)-induced nuclear factor κB (NFκB) activation by 80% (p < 0.05) in A549/NF-κB-luc cells. In addition, plum extract inhibited the growth of Colon-26 cancer cells, and attenuated cytotoxicity in C2C12 myoblasts induced by soluble factors released from Colon-26 cells. In conclusion, our data suggests that plum extract may have pluripotent health benefits on muscle, due to its demonstrated ability to promote myogenesis, stimulate muscle protein synthesis, and inhibit protein degradation. It also appears to protect muscle cell from tumor-induced cytotoxicity.

1979 ◽  
Vol 178 (3) ◽  
pp. 725-731 ◽  
R D Conde

The effect of hypophysectomy on the protein metabolism of the liver in vivo was studied. Fractional rates of protein synthesis and degradation were determined in the livers of normal and hypophysectomized rats. Synthesis was measured after the injection of massive amounts of radioactive leucine. Degradation was estimated either as the balance between synthesis and accumulation of stable liver proteins or from the disappearance of radioactivity from the proteins previously labelled by the injection of NaH14CO3. The results indicate that: (1) hypophysectomy diminishes the capacity of the liver to synthesize proteins in vivo, mainly of those that are exported as plasma proteins; (2) livers of both normal and hypophysectomized rats show identical protein-degradation rates, whereas plasma proteins are degraded slowly after hypophysectomy.

1988 ◽  
Vol 75 (4) ◽  
pp. 415-420 ◽  
W. L. Morrison ◽  
J. N. A. Gibson ◽  
C. Scrimgeour ◽  
M. J. Rennie

1. We have investigated arteriovenous exchanges of tyrosine and 3-methylhistidine across leg tissue in the postabsorptive state as specific indicators of net protein balance and myofibrillar protein breakdown, respectively, in eight patients with emphysema and in 11 healthy controls. Whole-body protein turnover was measured using l-[1-13C]leucine. 2. Leg efflux of tyrosine was increased by 47% in emphysematous patients compared with normal control subjects, but 3-methylhistidine efflux was not significantly altered. 3. In emphysema, whole-body leucine flux was normal, whole-body leucine oxidation was increased, and whole-body protein synthesis was depressed. 4. These results indicate that the predominant mechanism of muscle wasting in emphysema is a fall in muscle protein synthesis, which is accompanied by an overall fall in whole-body protein turnover.

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