scholarly journals Magnetically heated granular gas in a low-gravity environment

2021 ◽  
Vol 249 ◽  
pp. 04002
Peidong Yu ◽  
Matthias Schröter ◽  
Masato Adachi ◽  
Matthias Sperl

Magnetic forces are used to heat up thousands of spherical particles under low-gravity. This long range external excitation, combined with the induced particle-particle interactions, results in a homogeneous spatial distribution of the particles. Comparisons with predictions of kinetic theories can hence be carried out. Haff’s cooling law is verified qualitatively, while the measured cooling time scale is quantitatively different from the prediction. The high velocity tail of the velocity distribution during homogeneous cooling state (HCS) is measured, while the expected cluster formation after HCS can not be verified by our experiment.

2021 ◽  
pp. 229086
Jinhui Cheng ◽  
Jiazheng Zhang ◽  
Minghui Zhao ◽  
Feng Du ◽  
Chaoyan Fan ◽  

2010 ◽  
Vol 653 ◽  
pp. 175-219 ◽  

Probability distribution functions of fluctuation velocities (P(ux) and P(uy), where ux and uy are the fluctuation velocities in the x- and y-directions, respectively; the gravity is acting along the periodic x-direction and the flow is bounded by two walls parallel to the y-direction) and the density and the spatial velocity correlations are studied using event-driven simulations for an inelastic smooth hard disk system undergoing gravity-driven granular Poiseuille flow (GPF). It is shown that for GPF with smooth and/or perfectly rough walls the Maxwellian/Gaussian is the leading-order distribution over a wide range of densities in the quasi-elastic limit, which is a surprising result, especially for a dilute granular gas for which the Knudsen number belongs to the transitional flow regime. The signature of wall-roughness-induced dissipation mainly shows up in the P(ux) distribution in the form of a sharp peak for negative velocities in the near-wall region. Both P(ux) and P(uy) distributions become asymmetric with increasing dissipation at any density, and the emergence of density waves, which appear in the form of sinuous wave/slug at low-to-moderate values of mean density, makes these asymmetries stronger, especially in the presence of a slug. At high densities, the flow degenerates into a dense plug (where the density approaches its maximum limit and the shear rate is negligibly small) around the channel centreline and two shear layers (where the shear rate is high and the density is low) near the walls. The distribution functions within the shear layer follow the characteristics of those at moderate mean densities. Within the dense plug, the high-velocity tails of both P(ux) and P(uy) appear to undergo a transition from Gaussian in the quasi-elastic limit to power-law distributions at large inelasticity of particle collisions. For dense flows, it is shown that although the density correlations play a significant role in enhancing the velocity correlations when the collisions are sufficiently inelastic, they do not induce velocity correlations when the collisions are quasi-elastic for which the distribution functions are close to Gaussian. The combined effect of enhanced density and velocity correlations around the channel centreline with increasing inelastic dissipation seems to be responsible for the emergence of non-Gaussian high-velocity tails of distribution functions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-74
Aleš Dakskobler ◽  
Matjaz Valant

Background: Studies on the formation of colloidal crystals in concentrated suspensions have mainly been based on dispersed suspensions with a repulsive inter-particle potential of hard or nearly hard spheres. The self-assembly in weakly-flocculated suspensions has still been unrealized. Here, we report on the formation of ordered structures in concentrated suspensions of nearly-hard spherical particles with weakly-attractive inter-particle interactions that are an order of magnitude higher than the particles’ thermal energy. Methods: In our case, the self-assembly in such suspensions is not thermodynamically driven, but an external shear force must be applied. The driving force for the particles’ ordering is an increase in the inter-particle interactions. This manifests itself in a decrease in the average angle between the interparticle interaction direction and the applied shear stress direction. Results: For a successful ordering into a large-scale closed packed assembly, the external shear force must not exceed the inter-particle attractive interaction for the minimum possible average angle (as in the closed packed structures) but be high enough to enable the particles to move in the highly loaded suspension. Conclusion: The developed method for the self-assembly of the weakly flocculated systems can be applied very generally e.g. a control over a composition of heterogeneous colloidal crystals, manufacturing of the large-scale photonic crystals or preparation of very densely packed compacts of particles needed for the production of sintered ceramics.

1998 ◽  
Vol 357 ◽  
pp. 279-287 ◽  
Y. WANG ◽  
R. MAURI ◽  

We study the shear-induced gradient diffusion of particles in an inhomogeneous dilute suspension of neutrally buoyant spherical particles undergoing a simple shearing motion, with all inertia and Brownian motion effects assumed negligible. An expansion is derived for the flux of particles due to a concentration gradient along the directions perpendicular to the ambient flow. This expression involves the average velocity of the particles, which in turn is expressed as an integral over contributions from all possible configurations. The integral is divergent when expressed in terms of three-particle interactions and must be renormalized. For the monolayer case, such a renormalization is achieved by imposing the condition of zero total macroscopic flux in the transverse direction whereas, for the three-dimensional case, the additional constraint of zero total macroscopic pressure gradient is required. Following the scheme of Wang, Mauri & Acrivos (1996), the renormalized integral is evaluated numerically for the case of a monolayer of particles, giving for the gradient diffusion coefficient 0.077γa2c¯2, where is the applied shear rate, a the radius of the spheres and c¯ their areal fraction.

1991 ◽  
Vol 147 ◽  
pp. 456-457
J. Martin-Pintado ◽  
A. Rodriguez-Franco ◽  
R. Bachiller

The IRAM 30-m radiotelescope have been used to obtain, with high angular resolution, the spatial distribution and the physical conditions of the quiescent gas in Orion A, and to search for high velocity molecular gas far away from the well known molecular outflow around IRc2. To study the quiescent gas we mapped a region of 200″×300″ around IRc2 in the J=12-11 and J=16-15 lines of HC3N with angular resolutions of 22″ and 17″ respectively. The left panel of Fig. 1 shows the spatial distribution of the high density quiescent gas around IRc2 for different radial velocities. Beside the already known molecular ridge north of IRc2 (see e. g. Bartla et al. 1983), we find four very thin (nearly unresolved) and long filaments, like “fingers”, stretching from IRc2 to the north and west. The deconvolved size of the longest fingers is ≈180″×15″. From a multi-transition analysis of the HC3N emission we derive H2 densities of 1−8 105 cm−3, kinetic temperatures larger than 40 K and masses of ≈10 Mo. Our high sensitivity observations of the J=2-1 line of CO at selected positions (see right panel ib Fig. 1) show widespread molecular gas with high velocities wings over the region where the molecular fingers and the HH objects are observed (see Fig.1). The high velocity emission occurs over a range of ±40 kms−1. This high velocity gas is more extended (up to 150″ from IRc2) than the very compact (40″) and well studied molecular outflow around IRc2 (see e.g. Wilson et al. 1986). The terminal velocities of the CO wings decrease from 100 km s−1 (corresponding to the very fast molecular flow) to the typical terminal velocities of the extended high velocity gas when the distance to IRc2 changes from 40″ to 60″. The origin of the large scale high velocity gas is unknown, but it is very likely the link between the very compact (40″) and fast (±100 km s−1) molecular outflow around IRc2 and the ionized high velocity gas and the HH objects (Martín-Pintado et al. 1990). The mass, momentum and energy of the extended high velocity gas are crudely estimated to be ≈1 Mo, ≈20 Mo km s−1 and ≈2 1045 erg respectively (i.e. a factor of ≈10 smaller than those of the fast molecular outflow). The location, at the edges of the molecular fingers, and the proper motions of the HH objects (see Fig. 1) suggest the stellar wind is interacting with the molecular fingers. If this interpretation is correct, the influence of the molecular outflow in Orion on the surrounding molecular clouds must be revised.

1983 ◽  
Vol 103 ◽  
pp. 542-543
H.J. Habing ◽  
F.M. Olnon ◽  
A. Winnberg ◽  
H.E. Matthews ◽  
B. Baud

We have detected 34 OH/IR stars within 1 degree of the galactic centre by their OH emission line at 1612 MHz (18 cm) using the Effelsberg 100 m telescope and the Very Large Array. The spatial distribution and the distribution of the radial velocities show that practically all stars are within 150 pc from the Galactic centre, and that the number of foreground objects is very small. The projected distribution of the stars is similar to that of the surface brightness at 2.4 μm. Since the 2.4 μm radiation is supposed to be due to red giants, the OH/IR stars are probably members of the same population. The stars have considerable random velocities (velocity dispersion in one coordinate of 150 ± 50 km s−1), but show general Galactic rotation. The high velocity dispersion is remarkable for objects of this population.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (S343) ◽  
pp. 527-528
L. Uscanga ◽  
J. F. Gómez ◽  
B. H. K. Yung ◽  
H. Imai ◽  
J. R. Rizzo ◽  

AbstractWe carried out simultaneous observations of H2O and OH masers, and radio continuum at 1.3 cm with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) towards 4 water-fountain candidates. Water fountains (WFs) are evolved stars, in the AGB and post-AGB phase, with collimated jets traced by high-velocity H2O masers. Up to now, only 15 sources have been confirmed as WFs through interferometric observations. We are interested in the discovery and study of new WFs. A higher number of these sources is important to understand their properties as a group, because they may represent one of the first manifestations of collimated mass-loss in evolved stars. These observations will provide information about the role of magnetic fields in the launching of jets in WFs. Our aim is to ascertain the WF nature of these candidates, and investigate the spatial distribution of the H2O and OH masers.

Juan Di ◽  
Shun-sen Wang ◽  
Liu-xi Cai ◽  
Shang-fang Cheng ◽  
Chuang Wu

Impingement on blade surface by fine particles with high velocity is commonly seen in steam turbines, gas turbines and compressors, which affect the service life and reliability of the equipment. Study on particles’ rebound characteristics is of great significance to reduce the blade erosion and to control particle trajectory. Based on the nonlinear explicit dynamics analysis software ANSYS/LS-DYNA, the impacts of fine spherical particles with different diameters (20 to 500μm) on a typical martensitic stainless steel (AISI 403) target with high velocity (50 to 250m/s) have been systematically studied. The influences of incident velocities, impact angles, particles sizes on its rebound characteristics, relative impact depth, and relative dissipated energy have been analyzed. Results show that velocity restitution coefficient e decreased with the impact angle β1, the incident velocity V1, and the particle size dp. However, the role of particle size on the velocity restitution coefficient seemed to be far less than that of the other two factors. Both of particle’s tangential and normal velocity coefficient of restitution declined with the increasing impact angle in most cases. However, when the incident velocity V1 = 200m / s and the impact angle β1 > 45°, the tangential velocity restitution coefficient et of 100 μm and 200 μm particles increased with the increase in the impact angle β1. The reason might be that the relative impact depth drel was located a zone ranged from 0.1515 to 0.1677, where the tangential rebound behavior could be enhanced. Most of the variation of the tangential and normal velocity restitution coefficient along β1 decreased with the increase in the particle diameter. However, when V1 = 200m/s and β1 > 15°, the tangential reflected velocity of the larger particles was enhanced gradually. In addition, the values of the relative impact depth drel increased with the increasing impact angle and incident velocity, and it increased with the increasing particle diameter in most cases. The relative dissipated energy of particles steadily increased with the impact angle and incident velocity, respectively. Particle diameter had little effect on energy dissipation in comparison with the impact angle and incident velocity.

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