Effect of nitrogen fertiliser application and length of lock up on dairy pasture dry matter yield and quality for silage in south-western Victoria

1998 ◽  
Vol 38 (3) ◽  
pp. 219 ◽  
J. L. Jacobs ◽  
F. R. McKenzie ◽  
S. E. Rigby ◽  
G. Kearney

Summary. This study aimed to define the effect of differing rates of nitrogen application and lock up length on harvested material for silage in south-western Victoria. At 2 sites in south-western Victoria, 140, 3 by 2 m plots of predominantly perennial ryegrass pasture were randomly allocated, within 4 replicate blocks. Five nitrogen fertiliser rates (0, 25, 50, 75, 100 kg N/ha) in combination with 7 lock up lengths were randomly allocated to the 35 plots within each replicate. Nitrogen was applied 1 week after initial lock up (September 10, site 1; September 12, site 2) and harvesting commenced 3 weeks after initial lock up. For each treatment and harvest date, dry matter yield and botanical composition were determined and samples of total pasture and the ryegrass fraction were collected and chemically analysed for dry matter digestibility, crude protein, neutral detergent fibre, water-soluble carbohydrates and mineral content. Metabolisable energy was derived from dry matter digestibility. Increasing rates of nitrogen increased herbage dry matter yield regardless of length of lock up. The yield response was greatest 8 weeks after initial lock up at both sites (site 1, 26 kg DM/kg N; site 2, 14.9 kg DM/kg N). Subsequent regrowth of pasture was increased by nitrogen application over shorter lock up lengths (weeks 3 and 4). Botanical composition was unaffected by treatment during the harvesting period or in the subsequent autumn. Application of nitrogen gave rise to a linear increase in pasture metabolisable energy and crude protein content at both sites until week 5. Thereafter, this response diminished and by week 8 there was a decrease in metabolisable energy and crude protein content. Neutral detergent fibre content was relatively unaffected by nitrogen application until week 8 of the study, at which point there was a linear increase. Application of nitrogen reduced the water-soluble carbohydrate content of pastures throughout the sampling period. It is concluded that application of nitrogen to a mixed sward locked up for silage can increase dry matter yield and, provided pasture is harvested before ryegrass ear emergence, can also have a positive effect on metabolisable energy and crude protein. Given that the decision for removing paddocks from the grazing rotation is based upon pasture growth and stocking rates, the use of nitrogen fertilisers on higher stocked farms could lead to increased dry matter yield over shorter lock up periods. On farms with lower stocking rates shorter lock up periods may allow for pastures to be returned to the grazing rotation earlier, or provide the opportunity for a second harvest of pasture for silage.

2001 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 45 ◽  
J. L. Jacobs ◽  
F. R. McKenzie ◽  
G. N. Ward ◽  
G. Kearney

A study in south-western Victoria determined effects of 3 perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) cultivars (Vedette, Impact and Nevis) with differing maturities, duration of lock up and nitrogen (N) application on the dry matter yield and nutritive characteristics of pasture for silage. Treatments were cultivar (3), N (0 and 50 kg N/ha) and duration of lock up (5–10 weeks) arranged in a completely randomised design in 3 by 5 m plots replicated 3 times. Plots were mown to a uniform height (5 cm) on 14 September 1998 (first day of lock up) and 1 week later N was applied as urea (46% N) at either 0 or 50 kg N/ha to the respective plots. Weekly sampling commenced on 19 October (week 5 of lock up), and continued until 23 November. For each treatment and harvest date, dry matter yield and botanical composition were determined, and samples of total pasture and the ryegrass fraction were collected and chemically analysed for dry matter digestibility, concentrations of crude protein, neutral detergent fibre, water-soluble carbohydrates and minerals. Metabolisable energy was derived from dry matter digestibility. All pasture types were predominantly ryegrass (>90%) with no differences in the nutritive characteristics of total pasture swards or the respective ryegrass fraction. Nitrogen at 50 kg N/ha significantly (P<0.05) increased dry matter yield for all cultivars. Metabolisable energy (MJ/kg DM) of the pasture declined with time for all treatments, with Vedette having a significantly (P<0.05) greater rate of decline than the other cultivars. Vedette reached early ear emergence about 3 weeks earlier (week 7) than the other cultivars. The harvestable metabolisable energy yield (MJ/ha) at ear emergence was highest for Impact, followed by Nevis and Vedette. In conclusion, there is potential to use later-maturing cultivars of ryegrass in south-eastern Australia to allow for later harvesting of forage for silage, while maintaining metabolisable energy and maximising dry matter yields. Furthermore, the use of N fertiliser can also increase dry matter yields without impinging on pasture quality provided the time between N application and harvest date does not exceed 5–6 weeks.

2001 ◽  
Vol 41 (6) ◽  
pp. 743 ◽  
J. L. Jacobs ◽  
G. N. Ward ◽  
A. M. McDowell ◽  
G. A. Kearney

Factors associated with turnip dry matter yield, metabolisable energy and crude protein were investigated in 266 turnip forage crops on 142 dairy farms in south-western Victoria during spring 1999 and summer 2000. Factors measured were primary cultivation method, secondary cultivation method, soil texture, soil temperature and moisture at sowing, seedbed preparation, turnip variety, sowing method, sowing rate, rolling post-sowing, harrowing post-sowing, seedling establishment, insect damage, water received, phosphorus and nitrogen application. The average date for the commencement of seedbed preparation was early October, although the range was from mid-March until mid-December. Sowing dates ranged from mid-September to mid-December, with an average of mid-October. The most common turnip variety sown was Barkant, followed by Mammoth Purple Top, Vollenda and Rondo. Growing periods ranged from 8 to 23 weeks, with the majority of crops grazed from 8 to 15 weeks. The average dry matter yield was about 5 t DM/ha, with values ranging from 0.4 to 19.2 t DM/ha. The average metabolisable energy content of turnips was 13.7 MJ/kg DM with values ranging from 11.3 to 14.6 MJ/kg DM. The metabolisable energy of roots was on average higher than the leaf component of the plants (14 v. 13.5 MJ/kg DM). Conversely, crude protein content of leaves (15.4%) was higher than in the root fraction (13.9&percnt;). The average neutral detergent fibre content of turnips was 22.5% with values ranging from 16.9 to 30.5%. The water-soluble carbohydrate content of the leaf component ranged from 1.1 to 26.8% with an average of 14.7%, while starch content of the root component ranged from 0.3 to 38.8% with an average content of 16.9%. The average cost of growing a turnip crop was &dollar;485/ha or &dollar;133 t DM. Total, leaf and root dry matter yield as well as metabolisable energy and crude protein were analysed by a mixed effects model (with factors fixed and farms and paddocks random). Factors that were associated with total dry matter yield were total water received, soil temperature and moisture at sowing, seedling density, method of secondary cultivation, soil type and insect damage. The application of nitrogen fertiliser had the greatest association with turnip crude protein content. In conclusion the findings of this study indicate potential ways to increase the dry matter yield of turnips grown in south-western Victoria. Given the current average dry matter yields and cost of growing turnips, purchasing cereal grain may be a viable alternative. An increase in average dry matter yield would make the choice of growing turnips as a feed for lactating dairy cows a more profitable option.

1998 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
pp. 139 ◽  
J. L. Jacobs

Summary. Factors associated with silage quality were investigated on 140 dairy farms in western Victoria. The management factors measured were date of lock up, date cut, length of lock up, duration of wilting, raking and tedding during wilting period, rainfall during wilting period and the type of silage made. Pasture variables measured at harvesting included percentage composition (ryegrass, legume, other grasses and weeds), dry matter of pasture, metabolisable energy, crude protein, neutral detergent fibre and water-soluble carbohydrate of the pasture, and dry matter yield of the pasture. The average lock up time of pasture for silage was mid September, although the range was from late July to early November. The length of lock up varied from 16 to 91 days with a mean value of 49 days and pastures were on average harvested in early November. Ryegrass on average accounted for 61%, legumes and other grasses accounting for a further 15% each and weeds about 5%. The range in quality of pasture at harvesting was highlighted by the range in metabolisable energy (8.9–11.3 MJ/kg DM) and crude protein (10.2–20.4%) values. Wilting times varied from 0.5 to 15 days with the biggest range being observed in pastures used for baled silage. All factors were regressed against final silage metabolisable energy and crude protein. Factors which had the greatest effect on final silage metabolisable energy were date of cutting, length of lock up, type of silage, the interaction between type of silage and length of lock up, length of wilting and mechanical treatment during the wilting period. Final silage crude protein was most strongly associated with date of cutting, crude protein content of the pasture and mechanical treatment during the wilting period. Mechanical treatment during the wilting period had the greatest influence on silage quality. Other options to improve silage quality such as cutting earlier or reducing wilting periods may not be possible or economically viable.

1998 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
pp. 131 ◽  
J. L. Jacobs ◽  
S. E. Rigby ◽  
F. R. McKenzie ◽  
G. N. Ward ◽  
G. Kearney

Summary. At 2 sites in south-western Victoria, 132 plots of predominantly perennial ryegrass pasture were randomly allocated, within 4 replicate blocks, to each of 3 lock up dates (L1, L2, L3) by 12, 12 or 9 harvest times. Harvesting commenced 2 weeks after initial treatment lock up with L1 and L2 being harvested 12 times (weekly intervals) and L3, 9 times. Lock up dates were 15 August (L1), 5 September (L2) and 26 September (L3) at site 1 and 17 August (L1), 7 September (L2) and 28 September (L3) at site 2. For each treatment and harvest date, dry matter yield and botanical composition were determined and samples of total pasture and the ryegrass fraction were collected and assessed for dry matter digestibility, crude protein and neutral detergent fibre. Dry matter yield was measured from the start of L1 (site 1, 15 August; site 2, 17 August) until the final harvest date of L3 (site 1, 12 December; site 2, 14 December). At site 1, L3 produced higher dry matter yields than L1 and L2 at comparable lengths of lock up time, whilst there were no differences at site 2. Over the total experimental period (site 1, 15 August–12 December; site 2, 17 August–14 December) there were no differences in total dry matter yield (t/ha) between treatments at either site (site 1—L1 5.79, L2 6.43, L3 5.94; site 2—L1 6.68, L2 5.07, L3 5.73). Treatments had little effect on botanical composition at either site when compared at the same time after lock up, both during the harvesting period or in the subsequent autumn. Pasture metabolisable energy and crude protein all declined with increasing length of lock up whilst neutral detergent fibre content increased, changes which were similar for both the total pasture and the ryegrass fraction. The metabolisable energy of pasture in L1 and L2 was higher than that of L3 at least until week 8 at both sites. Initial crude protein values were higher for L1 and L2 than for L3 at site 1, whilst at site 2, L1 had higher values than either L2 or L3. Although longer lock up periods produced more herbage, if conserving forage is to be an integral component of managing surplus spring pasture, then dairy farmers should aim to produce high quality pasture for forage conservation. This will be achieved through shorter lock up periods and harvesting pasture no later than early ear emergence in the ryegrass fraction of the sward. This management will reduce dry matter yields, but allow more flexibility for maintaining intensive grazing practices through the spring period. The decision about when to lock up pasture will depend on both plant growth rates and animal feed requirements.

1992 ◽  
Vol 1 (5) ◽  
pp. 491-497
Abate Tedla ◽  
Helena Airaksinen ◽  
M. A. Mohamed-Saleem

The influence of the improved drainage broadbed and furrow (BBF), as opposed to the traditional flat seedbed over the growing season on the dry matter yield and nutritive value of Avena sativa, Vigna unguiculata, Lablab purpureus, Vida dasycarpa, Trifolium steudneri and Sesbania sesban were studied on Vertisol. Up to 7 t/ha dry matter yield was recorded for Avena sativa and Lablab purpureus when planted on Vertisols with improved drainage. Dry matter yield of forage crops also increased with advance in stage of maturity or subsequent harvests. On both improved and traditional flat seedbed methods, the chemical analysis of forage crops showed similar declines in crude protein content and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) levels as the maturity of forage crops progressed.

1977 ◽  
Vol 57 (3) ◽  
pp. 955-962 ◽  

An experiment was set up to determine the effect of time and rate of nitrogen fertilization and stage of growth at first cut on yield and digestibility of dry matter and protein content of two timothy (Phleum pratense L.) cultivars, at each of two cuts, No difference in yield or chemical composition was found between cultivars. Highest yields and crude protein contents were measured at rates of nitrogen fertilizer of 112 and 224 kg/ha. Higher yield and protein content were obtained with NH4NO3 applied totally or in split applications in the spring than with urea in the fall. Dry matter digestibility (DDM) was not affected by nitrogen at rates of 56, 112 and 224 kg/ha. First cut was taken at two different stages of growth, and the second cut was taken on the same day in all the plots. At anthesis, yields were higher than at the head stage but DDM and protein content were lower. The opposite was found at the second cut. Except in 1973, total dry matter yield was not affected by the stage of growth at first cut.

2002 ◽  
Vol 42 (5) ◽  
pp. 541 ◽  
J. L. Jacobs ◽  
F. R. McKenzie ◽  
G. A. Kearney

A study determined the effects of differing rates of nitrogen fertiliser [0 (N0), 25 (N1), 50 (N2) and 75�kg N/ha (N3)] during late autumn (T1) and mid- (T2) and late (T3) winter on the nutritive characteristics of perennial ryegrass over a 28-day period after each application. All nitrogen applications were made to pastures with a post-grazed residual mass (dry matter) of 1400 kg/ha. Changes in metabolisable energy followed similar patterns for all treatments within a given period. Metabolisable energy was highest in T1, ranging from 11.8 to 13.1 MJ/kg dry matter, followed by T2 (11.5-12.3 MJ/kg dry matter) and T3 (10.6-11.5 MJ/kg dry matter). Changes in crude protein for all treatments at each application time were similar, irrespective of rate of nitrogen application. At the commencement of treatment application times, the existing crude protein content (%DM) was highest in N3 (T1�19, T2 23, T3 22), followed by N2 (T1 18, T2 21, T3 21), N1 (T1 17, T2 20, T3 20) and N0 (T1 16, T2 17, T3 18). During both T1 and T2, neutral detergent fibre content decreased by 4 percentage units and increased by a similar amount during T3. Generally, neutral detergent fibre content (%DM) was highest during T3 (53-58%), followed by T2 (45-54%) and T1 (43-49%). Water-soluble carbohydrate content (%DM) increased during all treatment periods with the highest level observed during T1 (18-31%) followed by T2 (3-14%) and T3 (1-6%). Nitrate content (measured as nitrate-nitrogen) decreased throughout T1, primarily due to dry conditions, while during T2, levels for N3 and N2 were significantly (P<0.05) higher than for N1 and N0 following nitrogen fertiliser application. During T3, nitrate content increased for all treatments throughout the 28-day period, with highest nitrate levels being observed during T3. The effect of applied nitrogen on mineral content was variable within and across treatment periods. The study indicates that nitrogen fertiliser did not affect metabolisable (apart from N3 elevating metabolisable energy during T3), neutral detergent fibre or water-soluble carbohydrate contents of perennial ryegrass during the 28 days after nitrogen application, but increased crude protein content. Also, nitrogen fertiliser elevated nitrate content in perennial ryegrass. While the elevated nitrate content observed may result in subclinical effects, these levels are not considered fatal for dairy cows. Crude protein content was generally above 20% of dry matter throughout the study and close to 30% of dry matter for short periods during T2. Minimising the effect of excess nitrogen ingested by the grazing animal may require appropriate supplementation of low crude protein containing feeds such as cereal grains. It is argued that the effects of rain and temperature, which impact on soil nitrogen mineralisation, may have a greater influence on perennial ryegrass nitrate content than nitrogen fertiliser.

1999 ◽  
Vol 50 (4) ◽  
pp. 537 ◽  
G. R. Saul ◽  
G. A. Kearney ◽  
P. C. Flinn ◽  
C. L. Lescun

The effect of superphosphate fertiliser on digestible dry matter (DDM) and crude protein (CP) percentages of perennial ryegrass and subterranean clover was assessed on a long-term, grazed experiment in western Victoria. CP of both species increased significantly (3–6 units) where long-term average phosphorus (P) applications were 33 kg/ha.year compared with 1 kg/ha.year. CP of herbage was also greater on paddocks grazed at higher (9–23 ewes/ha) than lower (5–13 ewes/ha) stocking rates (1–3 units). DDM of subterranean clover significantly increased (8–10 units) with higher superphosphate applications but there was little effect on the DDM of perennial ryegrass. Long-term applications of superphosphate were associated with larger increases in both DDM and CP than if the same rate was applied in autumn of the year of measurement. For subterranean clover, 30 kg/ha of P applied to infertile soils (Olsen P 5 mg/kg) in autumn increased the DDM of herbage collected in September by only 4–6 units. The nutritive value of most volunteer pasture species also increased with higher superphosphate applications but the DDM of these species was usually inferior to perennial ryegrass. The results highlight the importance of monitoring nutritive value, pasture composition, and herbage production to quantify fully the likely effect of fertiliser applications on animal production.

2007 ◽  
Vol 47 (5) ◽  
pp. 575 ◽  
C. F. Machado ◽  
S. T. Morris ◽  
J. Hodgson ◽  
C. Matthew ◽  
N. Auza

To monitor seasonal changes in herbage quality, a lucerne-based pasture (Medicago sativa, Bromus willdenowii and Dactylis glomerata) was sampled in Argentina every 2 weeks for 28 months. The pasture was strip-grazed and samples were taken from the regrowth of a previously grazed strip, ready for regrazing, for which herbage mass was estimated with a calibrated rising plate meter. Each sample was sorted into dead and green components, and the latter subsequently separated into grass and lucerne, and then into lamina plus leaflet and stem plus pseudostem fractions. Similarly, at each sampling date, quantitative maturity indexes – mean stage by count and mean stage by weight – were applied to grasses and lucerne. Samples were also analysed for in vitro dry matter digestibility (DMD), crude protein (CP), fibre and non-structural carbohydrates. The dataset was divided into morphological, maturity and nutritional variables. Analyses of variance by season for both groups of variables were carried out using year as a block. Multiple regression analyses were performed for each season between maturity indices and predictors of herbage quality. DMD, and consequently metabolisable energy (ME), was significantly lower in the autumn and CP was lower in the summer compared with overall averages, which were consistently high throughout the year (overall average of 11.5 MJ ME/kg dry matter and 20.6% CP). The sward had a higher proportion of lucerne during summer and autumn, than winter and spring (averages 59.3 and 48.8%, respectively). The highest leaf : stem ratio (2.82) was during winter and the highest green content (97.5%) was during spring. Grasses had a higher mean stage by count and mean stage by weight during spring–summer, whereas lucerne had a higher mean stage by count and mean stage by weight during summer–autumn. Morphological and maturity estimates predicted satisfactorily the changes in the energy and fibre within season, but CP content was not well predicted in summer or winter. These results provide the basis for tactical grazing practices with further calibration.

2018 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 34458 ◽  
Florence Taciana Veriato ◽  
Daniel Ananias De Assis Pires ◽  
Daniela Cangussú Tolentino ◽  
Dorismar David Alves ◽  
Diogo Conzaga Jayme ◽  

The objective of this study was to select sorghum genotypes for silage production. The study was carried out at Embrapa Maize & Sorghum’s experimental field. Planting was performed in randomized blocks, with three replicates and the Scott-Knott test at a 5% probability level. The material was ensilaged in laboratory silos opened after 56 days for analysis concerning fermentation and bromatological composition. Only crude protein showed no significant difference (p > 0.05), with an overall mean of 8.88%. The other variables presented significant differences (p < 0.05): pH (3.34 to 3.94); Aw (0.93 to 0.98); N-NH 3/TN (1.61 to 6.56%); green matter yield (12.05 to 34.14 t ha-1); dry matter yield (6.19 to 11.42 t ha-1); dry matter (26.89 to 49.95%); ashes (4.08 to 6.88%); neutral detergent fiber corrected for ash and protein (47.67 to 65.79%); acid detergent fiber (16.62 to 35.89%); hemicellulose:cellulose (1.07 to 2.71%); lignin (2.03 to 6.52%), digestible dry matter yield (3.70 to 7.41 t ha-1) and dry matter digestibility (56.36 to 72.67%). Based on digestible dry matter yield, the genotypes: male 201191 and hybrids 2012F47484, 2012F47515 and 2012F47525 stood out in relation to the others for showing good yielding, adequate nutritional value, with low dry matter and NDF levels coupled with high digestibility values and good fermentation patterns of the silages. 

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