Tracking invasive birds: a programme for implementing dynamic open inquiry learning and conservation education

2011 ◽  
Vol 45 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-12 ◽  
Michal Zion ◽  
Ornit Spektor‐Levy ◽  
Yotam Orchan ◽  
Assaf Shwartz ◽  
Irit Sadeh ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-31
Mario Mäeots ◽  
Margus Pedaste

Inquiry has been regarded internationally as an effective learning approach for science learning; however, it is still not actively used in many schools. The current study argues that one of the reasons is incompleteness of the model for inquiry. This study seeks to open inquiry from a new angle by bringing in general inquiry knowledge, which could be regarded as an important limitation in enhancing inquiry. Next, it is empirically tested if general inquiry knowledge is related to the level of students’ transformative inquiry skills. General inquiry knowledge pertains to the nature of a coherent inquiry process as a whole, comprehending knowledge about transformative and regulative inquiry processes. In this study, students’ general inquiry knowledge and transformative inquiry skills were evaluated in a web-based learning environment Young Researcher. The analysis of the results demonstrated that the learning environment was suitable for improving students’ general inquiry knowledge, and these are related with the level of transformative inquiry skills. Key words: computer-supported inquiry learning, general inquiry knowledge, inquiry learning, inquiry meta-processes, transformative and regulative inquiry processes.

2007 ◽  
Vol 41 (4) ◽  
pp. 162-169 ◽  
M.ichal Zion ◽  
Irit Sadeh

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 179 ◽  
Pramita Sylvia Dewi

The research objective explained the process of the invention taught himself emphasized in an inquiry, recommended for students with the issues that will be analyzed further, the real action is done through a plan experiments, organizing tangible evidence until the decision with logical thinking, systematic, and critical. The entire process of inquiry that is applied in schools. According to the observer perspective in science, who adopted the role to be students understand that berprofesional in the development of scientific activities. It was based on the belief of scientific attitude as science scientist analyzing a problem with an air of confidence to dare argue, and respect the conclusions obtained using inkuri models. Researchers emphasize issues open inquiry learning usage perspective and guided inquiry that teachers against students in a class, starting with step presentation of the material until the difference between the two. The viewpoint of this research method presented by descriptive qualitative data, this method describe, explain and interpret what the object is. The data collection according to some theories of experts on the implementation of inquiry model and reality on the ground about how teachers apply it with a good inquiry. Based on the findings, it is known relationships inquiry learning implementation positively responded to the understanding of the ability of students, especially in science learning.Tujuan penelitian menerangkan proses penemuan belajar sendiri yang ditekankan dalam inkuiri, di anjurkan untuk siswa mengenal masalah yang akan di analisa lebih lanjut, tindakan nyata dilakukan melalui rencana eksperimen, melakukan pengorganisasian bukti nyata sampai kepada pengambilan keputusan dengan pemikiran yang logis, sistematis, dan kritis. Keseluruhan proses inkuiri yang diterapkan di sekolah. Menurut sudut pandang peneliti dalam ilmu sains, yang mengadopsi peranan yang harus siswa pahami yakni berprofesional dalam pengembangan kegiatan ilmiah. Hal tersebut dilandasi pada keyakinan sikap ilmiah seperti ilmuan sains menganalisa suatu permasalahan dengan sikap percaya diri dengan berani berpendapat, dan saling menghargai atas kesimpulan yang diperoleh menggunakan model inkuri. Peneliti menitikberatkan permasalahan perspektif penggunaan pembelajaran inkuiri terbuka dan inkuiri terbimbing yang dilakukan guru terhadap siswa di suatu kelas, mulai dengan langkah penyajian materi sampai kepada perbedaan antar keduanya. Sudut pandang metode penelitian ini deskriptif yang tersaji secara data kualitatif, metode ini menggambarkan, menjelaskan serta menginterpretasikan objek apa adanya. Pengumpulan data menurut beberapa teori ahli mengenai implementasi model inkuiri dan kenyataan di lapangan tentang bagaimana guru mengaplikasikan inkuiri tersebut dengan baik. Berdasarkan penemuan, diketahui hubungan implementasi pembelajaran inkuiri ditanggapi positif terhadap pemahaman kemampuan siswa khususnya dalam pembelajaran sains. Kata kunci: inkuiri terbuka, inkuiri terbimbng, sikap ilmiah, pembelajaran sains

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 306
Muallifah Muallifah ◽  
Suyono Suyono ◽  
Leny Yuanita

The main research goals are: (1) to prevent students’misconception on chemical equilibri um using open inquiry models and (2) imple mentting conceptual change remedial strategy on students who’s have misconceptions. The other goals of this research are tested the influence of open inquiry learning models to increase the students creative thinking skills. The research followed the preexperiment with one-group pretest- posttest design which applied to both of prevention and reduction of misconception. Students preconception before learning, students conception after prevention of misconception learning and student conception after reduction of misconception, they are measured by the test of concept learning result that have been validated and the concept profile is determined by CRI (Certainty of Response Index) method. The skill of student creative thinking is measured after and before the steps of prevention of misconception by using creative thinking skills test sheet. Descriptive analysis are used to analyse of data that is used in prevention learning and reduction, student’s  preconception and conception, also the dominant factor that influence student misconception. Inferensial analysis is using: (1) to test the significancy of decreasing of students misconception before and after remedial teaching by conceptual change strategy and (2) to test the significancy of increasing of students creative thnking skills. The inferensial analysis is Wilcoxon signed rank test. The main result of this research are: (1) the prevency step which had been done is still left a big number of student that have misconception load (mean= 38,2%) and (2) reduction step (by conceptual change remedial strategy) that had been done is success to reduce the number of students who have  misconception load. The other result is the chemical concept learning by using opened inquiry learning model has a significant impact to the improvement of students creative thinking skills.Tujuan penelitian adalah: (1) mencegah miskonsepsi siswa pada kesetimbangan kimia menggunakan model pembelajaran inkuiri  terbuka  dan  (2)  melakukan  remediasi  siswa  yang  miskonsepsi  menggunakan strategi  belajar conceptual change. Di samping dua tujuan utama itu, penelitian juga bertujuan menguji dampak model pembelajaran inkuiri terbuka terhadap peningkatan keterampilan berpikir kreatif siswa. Penelitian dilaksanakan mengikuti rancangan praeksperimen one-group pretest-posttest design yang dijalankan secara berurutan. Data prakonsepsi sebelum pembelajaran, konsepsi setelah pembelajaran menggunakan model inkuiri terbuka, dan konsepsi siswa setelah remediasi diperoleh dengan metode tes menggunakan tes pemahaman konsep kesetimbangan kimia yang disertai indeks keyakinan siswa dalam memberikan jawaban. Data keterampilan berpikir kreatif siswa sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran menggunakan model inkuiri terbuka diperoleh dengan metode tes juga menggunakan tes keterampilan berpikir kreatif. Analisis deskriptif untuk menetapkan status konsepsi siswa dan jumlah siswa miskonsepsi sebelum dan setelah pembelajaran prevensi, serta setelah pembelajaran remediasi. Analisis inferensial untuk: (1) menguji signifikansi penurunan jumlah siswa miskonsepsi sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran remediasi menggunakan strategi belajar conceptual change dan (2) menguji signifikansi peningkatan skor keterampilan berpikir kreatif siswa. Analisis inferensial menggunakan uji jenjang-bertanda Wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian: (1) tindakan pencegahan yang dilakukan masih menyisakan dalam jumlah besar siswa yang memiliki beban miskonsepsi, rata-rata 38,2% dan (2) ) tindakan remediasi yang dilakukan telah berhasil mengurangi secara signifikan jumlah siswa yang memiliki beban miskonsepsi. Di samping itu diperoleh pula simpulan bahwa pembelajaran konsep kimia dengan model inkuiri berdampak signifikan terhadap perkembangan keterampilan berpikir kreatif siswa.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Novita Adiqka Putri ◽  
Nurwidodo . ◽  
Yuni Pantiwati Pantiwati

PERBEDAAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN OPEN INQUIRY  DAN GUIDED INQUIRY BERDASARKAN  KEMANDIRIAN BELAJAR DAN BERFIKIR TINGKAT TINGGI PADA MATA PELAJARAN BIOLOGI KELAS 11 MAN TEMPURSARI – NGAWI   Novita Adiqka Putri1, Nurwidodo1, Yuni Pantiwati 1 1Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universtias Muhammadiyah Malang, e-mail : [email protected]   ABSTRACT Based on PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) data which PISA is international studied about reading, math, and science literacy students achievement attained the age of 15 giving the result. In 2006 at Indonesia that students answer composition indicated lower understanding toward basic of science concepts (students could not interpret the data, explain casual relationship, solve the problems), limited expressing in mind, had lower scientific logical, lower ability toward basic of science concept and connection toward the surrounding facts. It is supported with lower teacher competency data and the usage of un-variation learning model. In that case, it is needed an learning model to solve the problem, one of learning model that can be used is Open Inquiry and Guided inquiry. In this present study, researcher used true-experiment by using simple random sampling technique. The purposes of this study are; (1) to know the differences study between Open Inquiry and Guided inquiry learning model, (2) to know the differences higher order thinking between Open Inquiry and Guided inquiry learning model. This research was hold in XI Science Class MAN TempursariNgawi. Independent Learningdata obtained based on temporary questionnaires, higher order thinking obtained by essay questions. The data analysis used by using one way Anova test. The result of this study showed that  (1) Ftest>Ftable , 5.805 > 4.07till the using of learning model give different result toward independent learning, (2)Ftest>Ftable, 4.374 > 4.07till the using of learning model give different result toward higher order thinking skill.   Key words: Inquiry, Open Inquiry, Guided inquiry, Independent Learning, Higher Order Thinking Skill.               

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