scholarly journals ‘There is no law that justifies the existence of the board of elders’. Community service and legal pluralism in Santa María, Guatemala

2016 ◽  
Vol 48 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-57 ◽  
Elisabet Dueholm Rasch
R. Kristoforus Jawa Bendi ◽  
Fransiska Soejono ◽  
Ian Kurniawan ◽  
Theresia Sunarni ◽  
Yohanes Dicka Pratama

Clean water is one of the problems faced by the Santa Maria Orphanage. To solve this problem, a Community Service Team of the Musi Charitas Catholic University initiated to make a clean water treatment equipment and provide a training for using and maintaining it, and introduced the importance using of clean water for health. The equipment was made by adopting a hybrid membrane technology. It was gived to the manager of the Orphanage and given training to use and maintain it. While the activity evaluation of introducing the importance of clean water for health showed knowledge increasing of participants about 30%.   Salah satu permasalahan yang ditemui di Panti Asuhan Santa Maria adalah ketersediaan air bersih. Hasil analisis laboratorium menunjukkan bahwa air yang digunakan oleh penghuni Panti Asuhan selama ini tidak memenuhi persyaratan air bersih. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, Tim Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas berinisiatif membuat alat pengolahan air bersih sekaligus meberikan pelatihan penggunaan dan perawatan alat tersebut, serta memberikan sosialisasi tentang pentingnya menggunakan air bersih bagi kesehatan. Alat pengolahan air bersih tersebut dibuat dengan mengadopsi teknologi membran hibrid. Pada saat pelaksanaan kegiatan, alat tersebut diserahkan kepada pengelola Panti Asuhan dan diberikan pelatihan untuk menggunakan dan merawat alat tersebut. Hasil evaluasi sosialisasi tentang pentingnya air bersih menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan peserta sosialisasi sebesar 30%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-32
Ade Pryta Simaremare

Abstrak Coronavirus adalah keluarga besar virus yang menyebabkan penyakit mulai dari gejala ringan sampai berat. Penambahan jumlah kasus COVID-19 berlangsung cukup cepat dan sudah terjadi penyebaran antar negara. Berdasarkan bukti ilmiah, COVID-19 dapat menular dari manusia ke manusia melalui percikan batuk/bersin (droplet), tidak melalui udara. Rekomendasi standar untuk mencegah penyebaran infeksi adalah melalui cuci tangan secara teratur menggunakan sabun dan air bersih, menerapkan etika batuk dan bersin, menghindari kontak secara langsung dengan ternak dan hewan liar serta menghindari kontak dekat dengan siapapun  yang menunjukkan gejala penyakit pernapasan seperti batuk dan bersin. Pengabdian masyarakat ini berupa penyuluhan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi dan pengetahuan yang benar mengenai COVID-19, penularan dan pencegahannya kepada para pelajar di SMA Swasta Santa Maria Medan sehingga diharapkan akan membantu dalam memutuskan mata rantai penularan COVID-19 yang semakin meraja lela. Abstract Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from mild to severe symptoms. The increase in the number of COVID-19 cases is happening fast enough and there has been a spread between countries. Based on scientific evidence, COVID-19 can be transmitted from human to human through droplets, not through the air. Standard recommendations for preventing the spread of infection are regular hand washing with soap and clean water, practicing coughing and sneezing, avoiding direct contact with livestock and wild animals and avoiding close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing and sneezing. This community service is in the form of counseling that aims to provide correct information and knowledge about COVID-19, its transmission and prevention to students at Santa Maria Medan Private High School so it is hoped that it will help in breaking the chain of COVID-19 transmission which is increasingly rampant.

Ross E. Mitchell

This study examines democratic parameters within the framework of common property systems. Two forest-based communities of the Sierra Norte of Oaxaca, Mexico —Santa Catarina Ixtepeji and Santa Maria Yavesía— were selected for comparison on key democratic features.Their respective forest land-use decisions have been regulated by “usos y costumbres”, local practices of governance based on indigenous systems of community service, along with socio-environmental considerations. Both communities have taken different forest use paths with positive and negative consequences for democratic governance of local forest resources.This study brings new insight into the meaning of democracy and common property systems.

Bambang Prayitno

ABSTRAKPenanaman gemar membaca sudah dilakukan di semua sekolah, namun belum semua dimuarakan padapembiasaan menulis. Memang terdapat beberapa kendala dalam upaya penanaman gemar menulis, karyasastra khususnya. Guna mengatasi kendala yang ada, pelatihan pembuatan pentigraf (cerpen tiga paragraf)ternyata bisa menjadi solusi. Hal ini dibuktikan lebih dari 2/3 siswa bisa mengumpulkan pentigraf dengantetap waktu. Agar rasa bangga siswa menjadi semakin terbangun, maka karya-karya tersebut dicetak dalambentuk buku oleh penerbit dan ber-ISBN. Buku tersebut diberi judul Teduhan Tak Kasat Mata yang terdiriatas 125 pentigraf dari 114 siswa. Melalui kegiatan abdimas ini, kiranya budaya berliterasi sastra bagi siswadi SMAK St. Maria Malang sungguh semakin berkembang. AbstractInstilling reading habit has been carried out in all schools, but not all has been directed to the writing habit.Indeed, there are several obstacles in writing, especially in literary works. In order to overcome this obstacles,training in making pentigraphs (three paragraphs consisting of short stories) turned out to be a solution. This isproven by more than 2/3 of students of SMAK St. Maria Malang are able to collect pentigraphs on time. Inorder to build a sense of pride of the students, their works are printed in the form of book of pentigraphs bypublishers and have ISBN. The book is entitled Teduh Tak Kasat Mata which consists of 125 pentigraphersfrom 114 students. Through this community service, the culture of literary literacy of the students could beimproved.

2002 ◽  
Roger N. Reeb ◽  
Mike Smith ◽  
Ron Reigelsperger ◽  
Michelle Jessup

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