Effects of Interactive Whiteboard-based Instruction on Students’ Cognitive Learning Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis

Yinghui Shi ◽  
Jingman Zhang ◽  
Huiyun Yang ◽  
Harrison Hao Yang
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 175
Ni Kadek Dewi Novianti ◽  
Handoko Santoso ◽  
Agil Lepiyanto

The Effect of using the Problem Based Instruction (PBI) learning model to determine the effect on learning outcomes using the Problem Based Instruction (PBI) learning process. This research is a quasi experimental research which consists of a control class and an experimental class. The control class uses the conventional learning model and the experimental class uses the Problem Based Instruction (PBI) learning model, conducted in the X MIPA 1 and X MIPA 2 in SMA Negeri 1 Rumbia. The research data were obtained from test sheets and observations at the end of each lesson. The average cognitive learning outcomes of the experimental class were 80% and the control class was 63,83%. The average psychomotor learning outcomes of the experimental class were 80,46% and the experimental class was 75%. The results showed that there was an influence of the Problem Based Instruction (PBI) learning model on the learning outcomes of students in learning biology. Kata Kunci : Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Instruction (PBI), Hasil, Belajar peserta didik

2019 ◽  
Vol 58 (4) ◽  
pp. 791-817 ◽  
Yinghui Shi ◽  
Huiyun Yang ◽  
Jason MacLeod ◽  
Jingman Zhang ◽  
Harrison Hao Yang

Technology-enabled active learning environments (TE-ALEs) have attracted considerable research interest, particularly in higher education. However, research shows inconsistent results describing the influence of TE-ALEs toward students’ cognitive learning outcomes. This study was designed to identify high-quality empirical research examining college students’ cognitive learning outcomes and to utilize meta-analysis to determine the overall effectiveness of TE-ALEs. A systematic literature search identified 31 high-quality peer-reviewed journal articles that met the inclusion criteria. Meta-analysis showed that the calculated effect size of TE-ALEs more positively influenced students’ cognitive learning than traditional lecture-based environments. Moderator variable analysis suggested that social context, study design, and sample size were significant factors that influence the effectiveness of TE-ALE. TE-ALEs were found more effective when instructors employed individualized learning contexts as well as when bias was reduced in randomized controlled trials. TE-ALEs were also found to be more effective in small courses rather than in large courses.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-108
Wahyu Ferdiansyah ◽  
Gamaliel Septian Airlanda

The research was conducted to understand the influence of discovery learning models on student cognitive learning outcomes. The development of a learning model is needed to improve the quality of students in school so that it can directly improve the learning outcomes of students, the application of less attractive learning models will make students feel bored and affect the learning outcomes of students be less than optimal. This study uses the Meta-Analysis design, Meta-Analysis in this study to examine the effectiveness of the Discovery Learning learning model on student cognitive learning outcomes. From the results of the analysis of 20 studies, it was found that the effect size obtained was 1.86, so it could be said that learning carried out using the Discovery Learning model affected improving cognitive learning outcomes of elementary school students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-34
Norhasanah Norhasanah ◽  
Ruswaty Ruswaty ◽  
Fahmi Fahmi ◽  
Marnina Ika Putri

Teachers as learning agents must be able to present the learning process contextually by involving the active participation of students. Some students learn best when they have the opportunity to interact with real objects through inquiry activities that will help students deepen their understanding of a concept. Inquiry learning is one that can be adapted to students' abilities, can build cognitive structures, and can motivate students to think critically. This research is classified as descriptive research. The subjects of the research were students of class X SMA Negeri 4 Barabai as many as 78 students in the 2015/2016 academic year on the mushroom group material. The research data were in the form of observations on students' critical thinking skills which were analyzed descriptively using categorical methods, namely very good (≥ 3), good (2-2.99), not good (1-1.99). While cognitive learning outcomes were obtained through tests and success was determined based on KKM = 67 with classical completeness 85%. The results showed that students' critical thinking skills were at least good, namely formulating hypotheses, designing experiments, conducting experiments, and making conclusions, while formulating problems, and analyzing data still needed improvement. Meanwhile, students' cognitive learning outcomes have not yet achieved minimal completeness. Keywords: critical thinking skills, learning outcomes, inquiry AbstrakGuru sebagai agen pembelajar harus mampu menyajikan proses pembelajaran secara kontekstual dengan melibatkan langsung peran serta siswa secara aktif. Sebagian siswa belajar dengan baik apabila mereka mendapat kesempatan berinteraksi dengan benda-benda nyata melalui aktivitas penyelidikan yang akan membantu siswa memperdalam pemahaman suatu konsep. Pembelajaran inkuiri merupakan salah satu pembelajaran yang dapat diadaptasikan dengan kemampuan siswa, dapat membangun struktur kognitif, dan dapat memotivasi siswa untuk berpikir kritis. Penelitian ini tergolong penelitian deskriptif. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 4 Barabai sebanyak 78 siswa tahun pelajaran 2015/2016 pada materi pokmok jamur. Data hasil penelitian berupa hasil observasi terhadap keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa yang dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan menggunakan kategorikal yakni sangat baik (≥ 3), baik (2-2,99), kurang baik (1-1,99). Sedangkan hasil belajar kognitif diperoleh melalui tes dan keberhasilan ditetapkan berdasarkan KKM = 67 dengan ketuntasan klasikal ≥ 85%. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa sekurang-kurangnya sudah baik, yakni merumuskan hipotesis, merancang percobaan, melakukan percobaan, dan membuat kesimpulan, sedangkan merumuskan masalah, dan menganalisis data masih perlu perbaikan. Sedangkan hasil belajar kognitif siswa belum mencapai ketuntasan minimal. Kata kunci: keterampilan berpikir kritis, hasil belajar, inkuiri

2015 ◽  
Liudmila Gorbunova ◽  

The article discusses the procedure of the preparation of test materials for the diagnosis of cognitive learning outcomes in chemistry. It is shown that the use of the thesaurus approach to the selection of the content and methods of mathematical statistics provides a test with high reliability and validity coefficients. Key words: diagnostic test, chemistry, educational measurement.

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