scholarly journals The influence of fast-growing species composition on natural regeneration of coal mine reclamation

2021 ◽  
Vol 918 (1) ◽  
pp. 012048
T Yunanto ◽  
F Amanah ◽  
I Z Siregar

Abstract Natural regeneration on mine reclamation can be an indicator of reclamation success. Enterolobium cyclocarpum, Samanea saman, Senna siamea, and Paraserianthes falcataria are mostly planted fast-growing species at the beginning of reclamation. Those species bind and enrich nitrogen to improve the natural regeneration of ex-mined land. This research aims to determine fast-growing species and the growth rate of natural regeneration development in the ex-mined site. The research was conducted in mine reclamation areas with different ages: 1 (125.14 ha), 4 (323.76 ha), 6 (199.44 ha), 9 (285.18 ha), and 11-year-old plantation (75.39 ha). The statistical analysis of Multivariate Analysis showed that biological species were mostly grouped with P. falcataria than E. cyclocarpum and S. siamea in the 11-year-old plantation area as well as in the 9-year-old plantation area. Most natural species were grouped with C. cyclocarpum rather than S. saman and S. siamea in a 6-year-old plantation area. In contrast, the biological species had no groups with E. cyclocarpum and S. siamea as fast-growing species in the 1-year-old plantation area. Generally, the most dominant planted fast-growing species were E. cyclocarpum (with the mean total number ± standard deviation, (35 ± 17.1)) and P. falcataria (28 ± 8.3). The number of natural regeneration species and individuals in areas dominated by P. falcataria (5 ± 1.7 and 25 ± 10.5) was greater than in areas with predominance of E. cyclocarpum (4 ± 2.6 and 11 ± 4.8). Thus, species selection is necessary to increase natural regeneration. However, further research is required to measure the tolerability of fast-growing species on other natural regeneration species.

1993 ◽  
Vol 58 ◽  
Pratiwi ◽  
N. Lust

In  Indonesia the alang-alang grassland covers about 16-20 million hectares. It  is considered unproductive land, therefore reafforestation of this grassland  is very necessary. Some efforts including the policy of the Forestry  Department, on national level and even in the field have been done.     Some techniques to suppress the alang-alang growth have been tried out  including techniques of soil preparation, species selection and maintenance  of plantations.     The reafforestation programme of alang-alang grassland has promising  results for the increase of the forest area and will ultimately provide wood  production, as well as an income for the rural people and soil protection  benefits. The production of log and soft wood as raw material will increase.      The knowledge of silvicultural techniques for reafforestation activities in  alang-alang grassland is enough to start an action programme, but  nevertheless further research has to be done to find out still more  appropriate techniques and to achieve better results.     The reafforestation method on the alang-alang grassland will mainly depend  on the site situation and the objectives, especially the kind of wood that  must be produced. Reafforestation directly with fast growing species will be  carried out when soft wood will be produced. When more valuable wood should  be produced, the system will be :     1. Planting fast growing species.     2. After the alang-alang is suppressed the slow growing and more demanding  species is planted, while gradually the fast growing species is harvested.      A choice between exotic or indigenous species for forest plantation must be  done, considering very carefully the advantages and disadvantages of these  species. When the value, volume and production time of an exotic and an  indigenous species are comparable, the indigenous one is the preferred  choice. Use of exotic species is in principle only justified when a  sustainable forestry is assured. The reafforestation of alang-alang grassland  will create positive socio-economic impacts as well as environmental  impacts.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 99
Muhammad Syahrul Eka Prakasa ◽  
Joko Triwanto ◽  
Tatag Muttaqin

Sengon atau (P. falcataria (L.) Nielsen).  termasuk famili Leguminoceae. Tanaman ini sangat potensial untuk dipilih sebagai salah satu kayu cepat tumbuh (fast growing species), pengelolaan relatif mudah, sifat kayunya termasuk kelas kuat dan permintaan pasar yang terus meningkat, sedangkan secara ekologis Sengon dapat meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan seperti meningkatkan kesuburan tanah dan memperbaiki tata air.  Tujuan dari dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui komposisi media tanam yang baik dan benar supaya mendapatkan pertumbuhan tanaman yang maksimal dan mengetahui pengaruh dari perlakuan penutupan semai dengan paranet terhadap pertumbuhan sengon (P. falcataria (L.) Nielsen).Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Kehutanan Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. Pengamatan dilakukan dari bulan Januari - April 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan Racangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) yang disusun secara faktorial. Faktor pertama komposisi media tanam (P) yang terdiri dari 4 level media top soil dan pasir dengan perbandingan 1:1 (kontrol), dan media top soil, pasir dan pupuk kandang (ayam, kambing dan sapi), dengan tiap perlakuan perbandingannya 2:1:1. Faktor kedua perlakuan penutupan paranet (M) yang terdiri dari 3 level tanaman tanpa mendapatkan perlakuan penutupan paranet, tanaman mendapatkan perlakuan penutupan paranet dengan kerapatan 25% dan 50%. Peubah yang di amati yaitu daya perkecambahan, laju perkecambahan, pertumbuhan semai (diameter, tinggi, jumlah daun, bobot basah, bobot kering, dan panjang akar). Apabila hasil analisisnya berpengaruh nyata akan diuji lanjut menggunakan uji Duncan 5%.  Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak terjadi interaksi yang nyata terhadap presentase perkecambahan antara komposisi media tanam dan perlakuan intensitas cahaya pada peubah laju perkecambahan semai sengon (P. falcataria (L.) Nielsen). Perlakuan terbaik dari penelitian ini yaitu terjadi interaksi yang nyata antara komposisi media tanam dan perlakuan intensitas cahaya pada peubah tinggi semai sengon (P. falcataria (L.) Nielsen).  Media tanam topsoil, pasir, dan pupuk kandang kambing dengan perbandingan 2:1:1 merupakan media tanam yang paling sesuai dan baik untuk pertumbuhan semai sengon (P. falcataria (L.) Nielsen). Perlakuan tanaman tanpa mendapatkan penutupan paranet merupakan perlakuan yang baik dan berpengaruh positif terhadap pertumbuhan semai sengon (P. falcataria (L.) Nielsen).

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (02) ◽  
pp. 119-124
Herijanto Thamrin

Reclamation of former mines hereinafter referred to as reclamation is an attempt to repair or reclaim land and vegetation in degraded forest areas as a result of mining and energy business activities in order to function optimally according to With the designation (Permenhut number: 146-Kpts-II-1999). Revegetation is a former mine. This activity is intended to restore, maintain and improve the functions of forests and land so that the carrying capacity, productivity, and role in supporting the life buffer system is maintained (anonymous, 2004). The objectives of the study are to know the height and diameter growth of the Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria), Sengon Buto (Enterolobium cyclocarpum), Johar (Cassea Siamea) and Trembesi (Samanea Saman) in flat areas and Area of the slope on a former mine and to find out if there is any difference in growth in both conditions of the area. This research was conducted in PT. Khotai Makmur Insan Abadi (KMIA) in Separi village of Tenggarong Seberang district  from Kutai Kartanegara Regency for 3 months which is from October to December 2018 conducted in two conditions with the creation of plots namely on a flat area and slope area with a size of 20x20 m each two pieces plot. The research plots are placed intentionally (purposive) to be able to represent the desired location. The measurement of the diameter using phiband and height using the Clinometer is done on the tree that goes inside the plot. The measurement results are processed using simple statistics and to know the difference in the growth used t-test . Based on the results of observation, collection and processing of data, it can be concluded that the plant growth of Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria), Sengon Buto (Enterolobium cyclocarpum), Johar (Cassea siamea) and Trembesi (Samanea saman) that 3 years old on former land of PT. Khotai Makmur Insan Abadi (KMIA) in Separi village Tenggarong Seberang district the Regency of Kutai Kertanegara relatively equal.  Then based on the results of the t-test is obtained there is no difference in plant growth between the slope area and in the flat area. The advice that can be given from this research is the need to be diversified planting distances to get the closure of the ideal vegetation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-60
E. Hanggari Sittadewi

Salah satu dampak negatif dari aktifitas penambangan adalah terjadinya degradasi lahan. Degradasi lahan ditandai dengan menurunnya kondisi fisik, kimia dan biologi. Mitigasi atau upaya pencegahan harus dilakukan agar tidak berlanjut ke kondisi yang lebih parah. Revegetasi adalah langkah yang dapat dilakukan untuk mitigasi lahan terdegradasi tersebut. Keberhasilan revegetasi tergantung pada pemilihan vegetasi yang adaptif dan cepat tumbuh sesuai dengan karakteristik tanah, iklim dan kegiatan pasca  penambangan. Selain itu perbaikan kondisi fisik, kimia dan biologi lahan juga ikut menentukan keberhasilan revegetasi. Beberapa jenis tanaman cepat tumbuh (Fast Growing Plant) yang umum digunakan untuk revegetasi adalah sengon laut (Paraserianthes falcataria), akasia (Acasia mangium, Acasia crassicarpa), Lamtoro (Leucaena glauca), turi (Sesbania grandiflora), gamal (Gliricidia sepium). Selain tanaman cepat tumbuh, tanaman lokal juga menjadi pilihan untuk revegetasi. Keberhasilan revegetasi akan meningkatkan kadar bahan organik dan memperbaiki siklus hara serta meningkatkan jumlah dan aktifitas mikroba. Hal ini akan memperbaiki kondisi fisik, kimia dan biologi sehingga degradasi lahan pasca penambangan tidak terjadi lebih buruk.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 3439
Diana Turrión ◽  
Luna Morcillo ◽  
José Antonio Alloza ◽  
Alberto Vilagrosa

Open-pit mining results in profound modifications at different environmental scales that may persist for very long time periods, or even indefinitely. Considerable research efforts in mine reclamation strategies have been made, although reclamation failures are still common. In dry climates, such as in the Mediterranean Basin, successful actions may depend on features related to proper species selection and restoration techniques, which may substantially contribute to provide substrate stability and facilitate the regeneration of the main ecological processes. In this context, we developed the TECMINE case-study aimed to evaluate the feasibility and suitability of innovative restoration practices applied to clay-mine reclamation under Mediterranean conditions. The restoration strategy was designed at the landscape level with two main approaches: the recovery of natural geomorphology shapes and ecological restoration, including vegetation recovery and soil quality, based on proper reference ecosystems. After the geomorphological land remodeling, a combination of several innovative restoration techniques was implemented to reclaim plant communities and ecosystem functioning. These techniques involved: (i) accurate species selection according to microhabitat characteristics; (ii) high-quality plant production; (iii) surface remodeling to improve substrate stabilization; and (iv) implementing rainfall collection to enhance resources availability, soil fertility improvement and the amelioration of abiotic conditions for seedlings. Finally, we developed a monitoring program to assess the success of the implemented restoration techniques over time. The application of these innovative techniques has reported interesting results and represents a step forward in the improvement of mine restoration under Mediterranean climate.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 120-126
Nofika Senjaya ◽  
Nurheni Wijayanto ◽  
Desta Wirnas ◽  
Achmad .

Sengon is a fast growing species that popular to be cultivated in Indonesia. It can be planted in agroforestry system with agricultural crop such as upland rice (padi gogo). Agroforestry system between sengon and upland rice is vulnerable to fungi attack. Micro fungi that may attack upland rice and young sengon is Rhizoctonia sp. This research aimed to analyze the interaction of plants in agroforestry between sengon and upland rice as well as Rhizoctonia sp. attack. The experiment was performed in community forest in Cikarawang village which dominated by 2 years old sengon. Agroforestry system in cikarawang village affected significantly to harvest productivity of upland rice but not affected to growth of sengon. Statistical test performed also showed that Rhizoctonia sp. attack to upland rice did not affect the harvesting result, but only affected to plant morphology.Keywords: dimension, fungi, rice, productivity

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 70-74
Laswi Irmayanti ◽  
Nurmaya Talib ◽  
Salam Salam

Red Jabon (Anthocephalus macrophyllus (Roxb.) Havil.) is one of the fast growing species that became priority to be developed in South Halmahera Regency, North Maluku Province. Currently the red jabon has become “Local Superior Crops” in North Maluku. One of IUPHHK in South Halmahera which develops red jabon is PT. Telagabakti Persada. The purpose of this study was to determine the best growth of red jabon seedling on urea fertilizer application. The study was conducted at PT. Telagabakti Persada, South Halmahera. The treatments of urea fertilizer were 0 g,  0.25 g, 0.50 g, 0.75 g, and 1 g. The results showed that the urea 0.25 g  fertilizer treatment resulted in the best growth of red jabon seedlings.Key words: Red Jabon, Nursery, Growth of seedling, Urea

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