1995 ◽  
Vol 61 (3) ◽  
pp. 375-392 ◽  
B. de GAULEJAC ◽  
M. HENRY ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 416 ◽  
D. SANNA ◽  
T. LAI ◽  
P. COSSU ◽  

Pinna nobilis is the largest endemic Mediterranean marine bivalve. During past centuries, various human activities led to the regression of its populations. As a consequence of stringent standards of protection, demographic expansions are currently reported in many sites. We designed a set of four mitochondrial- and two nuclear- specific PCR-primers with the aim to provide molecular tools to gather new insights into the genetic variability of this species. A total of 54 specimens were sampled from 25 Mediterranean localities in order to evaluate the level of polymorphism of these markers in P. nobilis. The most variable molecular markers identified were the mitochondrial Cytochrome c Oxidase subunit I (COI), NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 (nad3), and 16S ribosomal DNA (16S). Positive results, in terms of good amplifications and scorable sequences, were also obtained in the co-generic Pinna rudis. The molecular markers identified in this study, and the PCR-protocols provided, represent a useful tool for future researches devoted to infer the genetic variability of P. nobilis populations thus allowing the development of effective conservation measures.

Bruce Mackay

The broadest application of transmission electron microscopy (EM) in diagnostic medicine is the identification of tumors that cannot be classified by routine light microscopy. EM is useful in the evaluation of approximately 10% of human neoplasms, but the extent of its contribution varies considerably. It may provide a specific diagnosis that can not be reached by other means, but in contrast, the information obtained from ultrastructural study of some 10% of tumors does not significantly add to that available from light microscopy. Most cases fall somewhere between these two extremes: EM may correct a light microscopic diagnosis, or serve to narrow a differential diagnosis by excluding some of the possibilities considered by light microscopy. It is particularly important to correlate the EM findings with data from light microscopy, clinical examination, and other diagnostic procedures.

W. G. Banfield ◽  
G. Kasnic ◽  
J. H. Blackwell

An ultrastructural study of the intestinal epithelium of mice infected with the agent of epizootic diarrhea of infant mice (EDIM virus) was first performed by Adams and Kraft. We have extended their observations and have found developmental forms of the virus and associated structures not reported by them.Three-day-old NLM strain mice were infected with EDIM virus and killed 48 to 168 hours later. Specimens of bowel were fixed in glutaraldehyde, post fixed in osmium tetroxide and embedded in epon. Sections were stained with uranyl magnesium acetate followed by lead citrate and examined in an updated RCA EMU-3F electron microscope.The cells containing virus particles (infected) are at the tips of the villi and occur throughout the intestine from duodenum through colon. All developmental forms of the virus are present from 48 to 168 hours after infection. Figure 1 is of cells without virus particles and figure 2 is of an infected cell. The nucleus and cytoplasm of the infected cells appear clearer than the cells without virus particles.

Corazon D. Bucana

In the circulating blood of man and guinea pigs, glycogen occurs primarily in polymorphonuclear neutrophils and platelets. The amount of glycogen in neutrophils increases with time after the cells leave the bone marrow, and the distribution of glycogen in neutrophils changes from an apparently random distribution to large clumps when these cells move out of the circulation to the site of inflammation in the peritoneal cavity. The objective of this study was to further investigate changes in glycogen content and distribution in neutrophils. I chose an intradermal site because it allows study of neutrophils at various stages of extravasation.Initially, osmium ferrocyanide and osmium ferricyanide were used to fix glycogen in the neutrophils for ultrastructural studies. My findings confirmed previous reports that showed that glycogen is well preserved by both these fixatives and that osmium ferricyanide protects glycogen from solubilization by uranyl acetate.I found that osmium ferrocyanide similarly protected glycogen. My studies showed, however, that the electron density of mitochondria and other cytoplasmic organelles was lower in samples fixed with osmium ferrocyanide than in samples fixed with osmium ferricyanide.

Randy Moore

Cell and tissue interactions are a basic aspect of eukaryotic growth and development. While cell-to-cell interactions involving recognition and incompatibility have been studied extensively in animals, there is no known antigen-antibody reaction in plants and the recognition mechanisms operating in plant grafts have been virtually neglected.An ultrastructural study of the Sedum telephoides/Solanum pennellii graft was undertaken to define possible mechanisms of plant graft incompatibility. Grafts were surgically dissected from greenhouse grown plants at various times over 1-4 weeks and prepared for EM employing variations in the standard fixation and embedding procedure. Stock and scion adhere within 6 days after grafting. Following progressive cell senescence in both Sedum and Solanum, the graft interface appears as a band of 8-11 crushed cells after 2 weeks (Fig. 1, I). Trapped between the buckled cell walls are densely staining cytoplasmic remnants and residual starch grains, an initial product of wound reactions in plants.

S.R. Allegra

The respective roles of the ribo somes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus and perhaps nucleus in the synthesis and maturation of melanosomes is still the subject of some controversy. While the early melanosomes (premelanosomes) have been frequently demonstrated to originate as Golgi vesicles, it is undeniable that these structures can be formed in cells in which Golgi system is not found. This report was prompted by the findings in an essentially amelanotic human cellular blue nevus (melanocytoma) of two distinct lines of melanocytes one of which was devoid of any trace of Golgi apparatus while the other had normal complement of this organelle.

Takanori Sohda ◽  
Hiroshi Saito ◽  
Goro Asano ◽  
Katsunari Fukushi ◽  
Katsuya Suzuki ◽  

Recently, the functional aspect as well as morphological aspect of the reserve cells in the cervix uteri drew much attention in view of the carcinogenesis in squamocolumunar junction. In this communication, the authors elucidate the ultrastructural features of the reserve cells in patients of various age groups visiting our university hospital and affiliated hospital.From conventional light microscopic point of view, the reserve cells tend to be pronounced in various pathological conditions, such as the persisting inflammation, proliferative disorders and irritation of hormones. The morphological patterns of the reserve cells from various stage and degree of irritation were observed.

T.W. Smith ◽  
J.A. Roberts ◽  
B.J. Martin

Chronic pyelonephritis is one of the most common diseases of the kidney and accounts for a sizeable number of cases of renal insufficiency in man, however its pathogenesis requires further elucidation. Transmission electron microscopy may serve as a uniquely effective means of observing details of the nature of this disease. The present paper describes preliminary results of an ultrastructural study of chronic pyelonephritis in Macaca arctoides (stumptail monkey).The infection was induced in these experiments in a retrograde fashion by means of a unilateral catheterization of the left ureter whereby an innoculum of 10 cc of broth containing approximately 2 billion E. coli per cc and radio-opaque dye were injected under pressure (mimicing vesico-ureteric reflux).

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