Six-Year Response of Northern Hardwoods to the Selection System

1984 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 87-91 ◽  
Stephen F. Mader ◽  
Ralph D. Nyland

Abstract During 6 years following selection cutting, three northern hardwood stands grew 2.8 to 3.3 square feet in basal area and 316 to 332 board feet (Int.) per acre per year. Over two-thirds of the volume accrued on trees at least 16 inches dbh. Individual trees grew most rapidly at lowest residual basal areas, with growth of small trees most sensitive to differences in stand density. Irregularities in the diameter distribution became less distinct during the 6 years. About 60 to 70% of the regeneration was of commercial species, and more than 316 seedlings per acre grew to heights of at least 6 feet. Most plots with 6-foot regeneration had advance seedlings at least 1 foot tall at the time of cutting. Results confirm the validity of the selection system, and indicate that uneven-aged northern hardwood stands with a reasonably well-balanced diameter distribution can be repeatedly cut at 12- to 15-year intervals to a constant, optimum diameter distribution. North. J. Appl. For. 1:87-91, Dec. 1984.

2007 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 192-196 ◽  
Laura S. Kenefic ◽  
Ralph D. Nyland

Abstract Although traditional application of the selection system includes a focus on high-value trees that may reduce cavities and snags, few studies have quantified those habitat features in managed uneven-aged stands. We examined the effects of single-tree selection cutting on cavity trees and snags in a northern hardwood stand immediately prior to the second cutting. Marking followed guidelines proposed by Arbogast, C., Jr. (1957. Marking guides for northern hardwoods under selection system. US For. Serv. Res. Pap. 56, Lake States Forest Experiment Station. 20 p.), with the objective of improving stand quality for timber production while maintaining a balanced diameter distribution. The stand contained seven species of cavity trees and snags; sugar maple and American beech were most common, the latter comprising 20% of snags and 26% of cavity trees despite its relatively minor (7%) contribution to stand basal area. We found that 92% of cavity trees were live, underscoring the value of living trees as sources of cavities. Precut cavity tree density (25.2 live cavity trees per hectare) was more than twice that found in other studies of selection stands, although density of snags (11.0 snags per hectare) was comparable or lower. More than 50% of sampled cavity trees were designated for removal in the second selection cut, reducing projected postcut density to 11.0 live cavity trees per hectare, a density similar to that found in other studies. Postcut density of large cavity trees (3.3 live trees >45 cm dbh per hectare) exceeded published guidelines for northern hardwoods (0.25 to 2.5 live cavity trees >45 cm dbh per hectare). We speculate that the relatively high maximum diameter (61 cm dbh) and long cutting cycle (20 years) used to define the target stand structure may have contributed to the number of cavity trees observed. Nevertheless, selection cutting as applied in this study will likely reduce cavity abundance unless retention of trees with decay is explicitly incorporated into the management strategy.

1999 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-119
William B. Leak

Abstract Stand structure was examined in evenaged northern hardwoods in New Hampshire in terms of diameter distribution (numbers of trees by dbh class) and spatial distribution of basal area by species. Diameter distributions by species and for all species combined were graphed for stands varying in age class from 7-9 yr up to 60-68 yr. Over time, these northern hardwood stands develop a layered canopy structure with the intolerant and short-lived paper birch and aspen dominating the larger size classes and exhibiting a bell-shaped diameter distribution. Longer lived species, most abundant in the smaller size classes, exhibit flat or very skewed bell-shaped distributions. The usual silvicultural recommendation in such stands is to thin to prescribed stocking levels, leaving adequate stocking in larger stems of the longer lived species and gradually removing the intolerants as they reach maturity. However, appreciable spatial variation in the abundance of aspen-birch and longer lived species may prevent uniform application of this approach; i.e., some areas in certain stands do not have adequate stocking of the longer lived species once the aspen-birch is removed.In variable stands such as this, a gradual transition to group selection may be a better tactic. North. J. Appl. For. 16(2):115-119.

1983 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 208-212 ◽  
Robert N. Muller

Abstract An old-growth forest and a 35-year-old, second-growth forest on the Cumberland Plateau were studied to compare species composition and structure. Species composition and total basal area of the two stands did not differ, although total stand density was 19 percent lower and basal area of commercial species was 25 percent higher in the old-growth than in the second-growth stand. Analysis of size-class distributions showed that both stands were best represented by an inverse J-shaped distribution, which best describes old-age stands. The rapid regeneration of the second-growth stand seems to be the result of minimal disturbance to accumulated nutrient pools in the soil. The importance of these accumulated nutrient pools and implications for forest management on the Cumberland Plateau are discussed.

2003 ◽  
Vol 79 (5) ◽  
pp. 898-905 ◽  
Steve Bédard ◽  
Zoran Majcen

Eight experimental blocks were established in the southern part of Québec to determine the growth response of sugar maple (Acer saccharum) dominated stands after single tree selection cutting. Each block contained eight control plots (no cut) and eight cut plots. The intensity of removal varied between 21% and 32% and residual basal area was between 18.2 and 21 m2/ha. Ten year net annual basal area growth rates in cut plots (0.35 ± 0.04 m2/ha) were significantly higher (p = 0.0022) than in control plots (0.14 ± 0.06 m2/ha). The treatment particularly favoured diameter growth of stems between 10 and 30 cm in dbh, whose crowns were released by removing neighbouring trees. These results show that if the same net growth rate is maintained in the next decade most of the cut plots will reach their pre-cut basal area in about 20 years after cutting. Key words: northern hardwoods, selection cutting, uneven aged silviculture, basal area growth, diameter growth

1995 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 413-424 ◽  
R.L. Korol ◽  
S.W. Running ◽  
K.S. Milner

Current research suggests that projected climate change may influence the growth of individual trees. Therefore, growth and yield models that can respond to potential changes in climate must be developed, TREE-BGC, a variant of the ecosystem process model FOREST-BGC, calculates the cycling of carbon, water, and nitrogen in and through forested ecosystems. TREE-BGC allocates stand-level estimates of photosynthesis to "each tree using a competition algorithm that incorporates tree height, relative radiation-use efficiency, and absorbed photosynthetically active radiation, TREE-BGC simulated the growth of trees grown in a dense and an open stand of interior Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) near Kamloops, B.C. The competition algorithm dynamically allocated stand estimates of photosynthesis to individual trees, and the trees were grown using an allometric relationship between biomass increment and height and diameter increment. Asymptotic height growth and the changes in the height–diameter relationship with competition were also incorporated in the model algorithms. Sapwood and phloem volume were used to calculate maintenance respiration. Predicted reductions in diameter growth with stand density were similar to those observed in the study stands. Although the carbon balance of individual trees was not tested, simulated tree diameter increments and height increments were correlated with the actual measurements of tree diameter increment (r2 = 0.89) and tree height increment (r2 = 0.78) for the 5-year period (n = 352). Although the model did not work well with trees that had diameters <5 cm, the model would be appropriate for a user who required an accuracy of ± 0.03 m3•ha−1 for volume, ± 0.02 m2•ha−1 for basal area, or ± 0.4 m for tree height over a 5-year period.

1999 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 151-153 ◽  
W. B. Leak

Abstract The 61-year results from a study of group/patch selection in New Hampshire (four entries, 0.5 ac average opening size) showed that this system will maintain a continued proportion of about 20% of the basal area in bitches and ash, or about one-third in all intolerant/intermediate species.The diameter distribution closely followed the J-shaped curve typical of unevenaged forests. There was a dead standing component of about 20 trees per acre including 3 sawtimber-sized stems. North. J. Appl. For: 16(3):151-153.

1994 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 117-123 ◽  
Blair D. Orr ◽  
David D. Reed ◽  
Glenn D. Mroz

Abstract Beginning in 1958, northern hardwood stands with initial basal areas ranging from 93 to 106 ft²/ac were harvested to residual basal areas of 70, 55, and 40 ft²/ac. Subsequent harvests of the stands over a 32-yr period illustrated potential treatments available to absentee owners of similar stands in small woodlots. In all cases stand quality improved and stand structure became more balanced, with a decrease in the number of trees greater than 20 in. dbh. At discount rates of 2% to 4%, economic returns were greatest for the 70 ft² treatment with a 10 yr cutting cycle. At discount rates of 6, 8, and 10%, the 55 and 40 ft² treatments with 18-and 22-yr cutting cycles, respectively, outperformed the 70 ft² treatment due to greater volume removed during the first (1958) harvest. North. J. Appl. For. 11(4):117-123.

Guillaume Moreau ◽  
Alexis Achim ◽  
David Pothier

Abstract Modelling growth and survival dynamics after partial harvesting must take account of the heterogeneous spatial pattern of residual trees that results from the presence of machinery trails. We used data from 23 permanent sample plots in northern hardwood stands to reconstruct the growing environment of individual trees before and after partial harvesting. We modelled harvest probability, growth response and survival probability using a complementary set of explanatory variables that was assembled to reflect the spatial distribution of trees and skid trails prior to and after harvest. Results showed that the distribution of harvested trees was concentrated in skid trails and in their close vicinity. However, this spatial pattern had no significant effect on either the post-cut basal area increment (BAI) or the survival of residual trees. BAI and survival of individual trees were both mostly related to the competitive environment prior to harvest, while post-cut changes in competitive environment had only a marginal effect on growth and survival dynamics. We conclude that selection cuts did not substantially increase the growth and survival of residual trees, likely because tree removal was mostly concentrated near skid trails, where the negative effects of machinery access were highest.

Forests ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 484
Kyaw Thu Moe ◽  
Toshiaki Owari

Understanding the sustainability of high-value timber species in managed forests provides useful information for the management of these species in the long-run. Using nearly 50 years of census data in long-term permanent plots, we investigated the sustainability of three high-value timber species—monarch birch (Betula maximowicziana Regel), castor aralia (Kalopanax septemlobus (Thunb.) Koidz), and Japanese oak (Quercus crispula Blume)—in cool-temperate mixed forest under a selection system in northern Japan. We used stocking, demographic parameters, and species proportions of these species as measures of sustainability. Results showed that the tree density and basal area of the three high-value timber species increased during the study period. Moreover, the basal area increment of these species showed an increasing trend across census periods. However, while no significant differences in the tree mortality of these species were observed, the numbers of in-growth fluctuated across census periods. Increasing trends in species proportions of monarch birch and Japanese oak were observed. Even though there were some fluctuations across census periods, especially in smaller diameter classes, diameter distribution curves of high-value timber species followed a reversed J-shaped pattern. The results revealed that the sustainability measures of high-value timber species can be achieved in forest stands managed under single-tree selection system. In addition, the results also indicated the changing structure and composition of the forest stand. The stocking and basal area increment of conifers decreased while those of broadleaves increased. The proportion of conifers decreased to 33.01% in 2008–2016 from 48.35% in 1968–1978. The results of this study would be useful for adapting silvicultural practices and harvesting practices as well as for simulating various silvicultural and management options for high-value timber species.

2008 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-105 ◽  
William B. Leak ◽  
Jeffrey H. Gove

Abstract Twenty-five-year results from a study of four stand density levels and three percentages of sawtimber in a beech-red maple-birch-hemlock stand in New Hampshire showed that moderate stand densities of 60- to 80-ft2/ac with 25- to 30-ft2 of sawtimber produced the best growth responses. Ingrowth was dominated by beech, red maple, and hemlock. Treatments with low initial numbers of poletimber stems had well-developed J-shaped or slightly sigmoid diameter distributions after 25 years. Results apply to the first entries into northern hardwood stands ofmoderate vigor and quality.

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