Once and Future Kingdoms

Donald Mackenzie

The first half of this chapter considers responses to kingdoms lost (whether to union or partition) in texts from Scott and Mickiewicz. Redgauntlet as Byronic Hero leads into Konrad Wallenrod, and the latter on to Mickiewicz’s responses (mythmaking, satiric, elegiac, and idyllic) to the failure of the Polish Insurrection of 1830–1. The second half considers, in texts from Ivanhoe to Kipling and Buchan, a myth of English history as organic assimilation into union. It sketches a historiographical context for that myth, and analyses challenges to it: the narrative within Puck of Pook’s Hill that climaxes in Magna Carta, or Buchan’s myth of Old England. Concepts of the elegiac, the duplex homo, historical mythmaking and the counter-kingdom organize both halves. Conrad is a point of reference; and the close brings the discussion under an Arthurian rubric of once and future kingdoms.

2015 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 45-76
Michael J Kirby CMG

On the 800th anniversary of the reluctant acceptance of a charter of rights and obligations by King John of England in 1215, many books have been written, essays published and lectures given, examining the relevance of this step in the long constitutional history of England (if any) and for the world of today.Some commentators, have doubted any relevance.Lord [Jonathan] Sumption, a judge of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, and an expert in mediaeval English history, has rejected any significance in what sounds to Australian ears as a somewhat condescending remark.‘High minded tosh’, he called it. Geoffrey Robertson QC, of Doughty Street Chambers, London, via Epping in Sydney, expressed somewhat similar views, but more politely. Michael Beloff QC, in this journal, has traced every case of the past century in which Magna Carta had been cited to reach a conclusion that its actual contemporary relevance was small.Other writers and lecturers were willing to find a greater materiality in the Charter for the world of today. 

Vanessa Lemm

Readers of Giorgio Agamben would agree that the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) is not one of his primary interlocutors. As such, Agamben’s engagement with Nietzsche is different from the French reception of Nietzsche’s philosophy in Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze and Georges Bataille, as well as in his contemporary Italian colleague Roberto Esposito, for whom Nietzsche’s philosophy is a key point of reference in their thinking of politics beyond sovereignty. Agamben’s stance towards the thought of Nietzsche may seem ambiguous to some readers, in particular with regard to his shifting position on Nietzsche’s much-debated vision of the eternal recurrence of the same.

Moreana ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 45 (Number 173) (1) ◽  
pp. 167-174
Peter Milward

In conjunction with the current “revisionism” of English history from a Catholic viewpoint, it is time to undertake a corresponding revision of the plays and personality of William Shakespeare. For this purpose it is not enough to rest content with the meagre historical record, but we have to go ahead in the light of recusant history with a reinterpretation of the plays, considering the extent to which they lend themselves to the Catholic viewpoint. This is not merely a matter of nostalgia for the mediaeval past, but it looks above all to the present sufferings of the “disinherited” English Catholics — in the light of the continued presence of Christ who is suffering, as Pascal famously noted, in his faithful even till the end of the world.

2014 ◽  
Vol 55 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 17-26
Paul W. Merrick

The influence of Byron on Liszt was enormous, as is generally acknowledged. In particular the First Book of the Années de pèlerinage shows the poet’s influence in its choice of Byron epigraphs in English for four of the set of nine pieces. In his years of travel as a virtuoso pianist Liszt often referred to “mon byronisme.” The work by Byron that most affected Liszt is the long narrative poem Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage which was translated into many languages, including French. The word “pèlerinage” that replaced “voyageur” is a Byronic identity in Liszt’s thinking. The Byronic hero as Liszt saw him and imitated him in for example Mazeppa and Tasso is a figure who represented a positive force, suffering and perhaps a revolutionary, but definitely not a public enemy. Liszt’s life, viewed as a musical pilgrimage, led of course to Rome. Is it possible that Byron even influenced him in this direction? In this paper I try to give a portrait of the real Byron that hides behind the poseur of his literary works, and suggest that what drew Liszt to the English poet was precisely the man whom he sensed behind the artistic mask. Byron was not musical, but he was religious — as emerges from his life and his letters, a life which caused scandal to his English contemporaries. But today we can see that part of the youthful genius of the rebel Byron was his boldness in the face of hypocrisy and compromise — his heroism was simply to be true. In this we can see a parallel with the Liszt who left the piano and composed Christus. What look like incompatibilities are simply the connection between action and contemplation — between the journey and the goal. Byron, in fact, can help us follow the ligne intérieure which Liszt talked about in the 1830s.

Juan Ramón Tirado Rozúa

RESUMENEl presente artículo trata de poner de manifiesto con motivo del cincuentenario de la muerte de K. Mannheim la actualdiad de su pensamiento del período anglosajón. Se analiza cómo los procesos históricos fruto del desarrollo desproporcionado de las capacidades humanas -moral e instrumental- han abocado en la sociedad masa. También se trata de poner de manifiesto el nuevo sentido de la libertad y la planificación en las sociedades altamente desarrolladas, así como las nuevas posibilidades de democratización que se abren en su seno, tomando como marco de referencia una "democracia militante" cuyo fundamento es la convicción básica de que el proceso democrático no es un mero procedimiento formal.PALABRAS CLAVEMANNHEIM-LIBERTAD-PLANIFICACIONABSTRACTOn the ocassion of the fiftieth anniversary of the death of K. Mannheim, this paper tries to highlight the presnet day validity of his ideas of the last period. i analyze how historic processed caused by disproportionate development of human capacities- both moral and instrumental- have led to a "mass society". I also try to point out the new sense that the concepts of freedom and planning acquire in highly developed societies and also the new posibilities of democratization that emerge in the heart of these, taking as a point of reference a militant democracy" whose foundation is the basic conviction that the democratic process is not a mere formal procedure. KEYWORDSMANNHEIM-FREEDOM-PLANNING

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 205-209
Klibiana Airam Antunes Valentim ◽  
Raquel Hora da Conceição Simões

Os comportamentos nocivos entre as crianças do ensino fundamental, é um problema que atinge à todos os envolvidos na educação básica, tanto os profissionais da escola, quanto os familiares dos alunos, justificando a necessidade de ações educativas para alertar cada aluno do quanto à prática do preconceito é perigosa, evitando assim danos futuros às vítimas de intimidações sistemáticas. Este trabalho teve a pretensão de conscientizar as crianças da educação primária, quanto à importância do respeito entre os colegas, sem preconceito de raça, de cor, de sexo, de idade e de quaisquer formas de discriminação, conforme disposto no artigo 3º da Constituição Federal de 1988. Despertar a empatia e o respeito naqueles que estão começando a caminhada na aprendizagem, modifica e qualifica o contexto social de vivência diária, para além do ambiente escolar, alterando até mesmo as realidades que ultrapassam os limites emocionais e físicos, configurando o hábito do bullying, que pode evoluir para um cenário com resultados gravíssimos, dificultando a intervenção. Neste sentido, foi desenvolvido uma palestra para que cada educando percebesse que uma ou outra característica que ele desaprova no colega, pode ser uma particularidade inerente a ele mesmo, enfatizando que a diversidade além de ser normal, é fundamental para a elegância de viver. A exposição de ideias relacionadas a temática procurou demonstrar que a necessidade por atitudes contrárias às discriminações é urgente, que é natural ser diferente e que as desigualdades não são motivos para a comicidade, expondo as diversas maneiras erradas em tratar o amigo e até mesmo aos professores, desenvolvendo o repúdio pelas palavras ofensivas já dirigidas ao chefe de sala. Além de enfatizar o artigo 3º, inciso IV, da Magna Carta, o projeto contribuiu para assegurar o princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana, elencado no artigo 1º, inciso III, da Constituição, possibilitando a expansão da democracia na funcionalidade social pela pretensão de garantir o respeito e a proteção dos direitos coletivos e individuais. O método utilizado foi o qualitativo e dedutivo-indutivo.

2017 ◽  
Kimberly D. Ambrose ◽  
George Yeannakis

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