scholarly journals Thomas Smith, 1883-1969

1971 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 681-687

Thomas Smith, former Superintendent of Light Division, National Physical Laboratory, died on 28 November 1969 at his home at Buxhall, Prospect Road, Heathfield, Sussex, at the age of 86. For many years, from 1908, he served on the Council and as Secretary of the old Optical Society, of which he was President in the period 1925-1927. He also had a long record of service with the Physical Society, on the Council from 1917 almost continuously to 1938, Vice-President 1922-1925 and 1932-1936, and President 1936-1938. He had also been a member of the Board of the Institute of Physics, and was the first President of the International Commission for Optics, 1947-1950. T. Smith was born at Leamington, Warwickshire, in 1883, and was educated at Warwick School, under the Rev. R. Percival Brown, and at Queen’s College, Cambridge, where he was 14th Wrangler in the Mathematical Tripos in 1905, and took the Mechanical Sciences Tripos in 1906. At first he followed his father’s profession, and taught mathematics, physics, drawing and engineering at Oundle School; one year was sufficient to convince him (and the Headmaster) that teaching was not for him, and in 1907 he joined the National Physical Laboratory as an Assistant in the Department of Electricity to work on optics and tide prediction. In 1909 he was given charge of the Optics Division, and when in 1940 the Light Division was formed he was its first Superintendent. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1932. He retired from the Laboratory in 1948, and for some time afterwards acted as a consultant for the Royal Society. He was elected an honorary member of the Optical Society of America after his retirement.

1923 ◽  
Vol 27 (149) ◽  
pp. 224-243
G. S. Baker

An Ordinary General Meeting- of the Society was held at the Royal Society of Arts, on Thursday, February ist, 1923, Professor L. Bairstow in the chair.The Chairman, in opening- the proceedings, said that Mr. G. S. Baker, O.B.E., of the National Physical Laboratory, would deal with flying boats and seaplanes. He would deal with the hull and its design, that part of the seaplane which differentiates it from the aeroplane. That subject had been touched on very lightly by Major Rennie at the previous meeting of the Society, in view of the present paper by Mr. Baker.Mr. Baker had begun work in 1912 on the problems of hull design, at a time when nothing of a definite nature was known; a few individual experiments had been carried out, but there was no systematised knowledge at all at that time. From that state of ignorance a great deal of experimental work had now rescued us. He did not know how far Mr. Baker would stress the point, but it was quite clear, from the investigation of certain accidents to seacraft, that there were fundamental differences in the behaviour of seaplane hulls on the water, differences which had a great deal of effect on the risk of flying-. For instance, if one type of hull was such that when the plane rose in the air it stalled, then all the aerodynamical consequences of stalling- followed, and there was difficulty. On the other hand, it appeared that we had a type of flying- boat which did not make the plane stall on getting into the air, and consequently if it came back to the water it was still controlled. For this type of development, which he believed really dated back to the C.E.i, we were mainly indebted to Mr. Baker and his associates at the National Physical Laboratory, and to the generosity of Sir Alfred Yarrow in placing such a magnificent piece of apparatus as the experimental tank at the disposal of the nation.Mr. Baker then read his paper on “ Ten Years’ Testing of Model Seaplanes.”

1956 ◽  
Vol 60 (550) ◽  
pp. 635-658 ◽  
G. Forrest ◽  
K. Gunn

The 988th Lecture to be given before the Society and the 25th Main Lecture to be held at a Branch of the Society, “ Problems Associated with the Production and Use of Wrought Aluminium Alloys,” by G. Forrest, B.SC, A.M.I.Mech.E., A.F.R.Ae.S., and K. Gunn, B.Sc, A.R.S.M., was held under the auspices of the Belfast Branch on 5th April 1956. Mr. D. Keith-Lucas, F.R.Ae.S., Chairman of the Belfast Branch, opened the proceedings, and Mr. E. T. Jones, C.B., O.B.E, M.Eng., F.R.Ae.S., presided for the rest of the meeting.Mr. Keith-Lucas (Branch Chairman): This was a great occasion for the Belfast Branch because for the third time they were honoured to be the hosts of the parent Society, the Royal Aeronautical Society. It was with great pleasure that he welcomed their guests. First of all, Mr. E. T. Jones, the President-elect of the Royal Aeronautical Society, Dr. Ballantyne, the Secretary, and Mr. Dunsby and Mr. Simmons, both of the Technical Department, of the Society. The President, Mr. N. E. Rowe, and the Chairman of the Branches Committee, Mr. Handel Davies, had both sent their sincere apologies that they were unable to be present.He would also like to extend a special welcome to three members of the Preston Branch, Mr. Turner, Mr. Swales and Mr. Dyson. They were rather “ out on a limb” in Belfast, rather far from other Branches and they did appreciate this neighbourly gesture from the Preston Branch. He would also like to welcome their own President of the Belfast Branch, Sir Matthew Slattery, and their Vice-President, Mr. C. P. T. Lipscomb.But this was essentially a Royal Aeronautical Society function and not a Belfast Branch function. Therefore he would invite Mr. E. T. Jones, the President-elect of the Royal Aeronautical Society, to take the Chair and to conduct the meeting.Mr. E. T. Jones: It was a great pleasure and honour to be in Belfast that evening deputising for Mr. Rowe. They had already heard from Mr. Keith-Lucas that Mr. Rowe was unable to be present and he had asked him also to express his regrets.People working in aeronautics were sometimes liable to overlook the fact that materials had played a tremendous part in the advancement that they had achieved. They knew that the aerodynamicist, the structural engineer, the propulsion engineer, had all made their mark on the progress of aviation but they must not forget that materials had forged a very great key towards the progress which had been made. Indeed he recollected that Sir Harry Garner, in his Wilbur Wright Lecture in 1952, made the statement that he doubted whether the Aircraft Industry today could make a much more forward aeroplane than the Wright Brothers did in 1903 if they were confined to the use of the same materials and to the same stalling speed. He thought that statement would have been a very profound one even if stalling speed had been left out. If one considered the materials that people in those days had to work on it was wonderful that they flew at all. Thus he thought it was fitting that they should have a lecture of the kind Mr. Forrest and Mr. Gunn were to give.He had a pleasant duty to introduce the lecturers. Mr. Forrest was educated at London University and joined the National Physical Laboratory in 1925, or thereabouts, in the Engineering Division. In 1936 he joined the Northern Aluminium Company and he later transferred to the Aluminium Laboratories Ltd. He was now an Associate Director of Research in the Aluminium Laboratories Ltd. at Banbury. Mr. Forrest had impressed upon him that he should make a point of saying Banbury because there were three Laboratories of the firm. Mr. Gunn was educated at the Royal School of Mines. He joined the Northern Aluminium Company in 1944 and he too transferred to the Aluminium Laboratories in 1946. He did not know quite how they proposed to deal with the Lecture, but he thought that Mr. Forrest would read it and both would be available to reply to the questions.

When the National Physical Laboratory was founded in 1900, the Royal Society was ‘invited to control the proposed institution and to nominate a governing body’. Since the Royal Society had agitated strongly for the creation of such a laboratory, this invitation was accepted, and although the National Physical Laboratory was incorporated into the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research when that body was created in 1917, the connexion between the Royal Society and the National Physical Laboratory is still very close on all matters of scientific policy.

A. Cook

The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) attained its centenary in 2000 and that was the occasion for a meeting in The Royal Society on 7 November 2000. The centenary is part of the record of The Royal Society because Fellows of the Society actively promoted the formation of the laboratory, and the programme of the Laboratory in its early years was guided by a committee of the Society. In addition, some of the researches of the Laboratory were supported by grants from the government grant administered by the Society. The relations between the early Laboratory and the Society are not unlike those between the Society and the early Royal Observatory more than 200 years earlier. The centenary of the NPL was indeed an event of the last year of the Second Millennium, and so we include this account of the meeting of 7 November, which includes Lord Sainsbury's and the President's Addresses and abstracts of the presentations from other speakers.

1955 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 174-184 ◽  

John Lennard-Jones was born on 27 October 1894 in Leigh, Lancashire and was educated at Leigh Grammar School, where he specialized in classics. In 1912 he entered Manchester University, changed his subject to mathematics in which he took an honours degree and then an M.Sc. under Professor Lamb, carrying out some research on the theory of sound. In 1915 he joined the Royal Flying Corps, obtained his Wings in 1917 and saw service in France; he also took part in some investigations on aerodynamics with Messrs Boulton and Paul and at the National Physical Laboratory. In 1919 he returned to the University of Manchester as lecturer in mathematics, took the degree of D.Sc. of that university and continued to work on vibrations in gases, becoming more and more interested in the gas-kinetic aspects of the subject as his paper of 1922 in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society shows. In 1922, on the advice of Professor Sydney Chapman, he applied for and was elected to a Senior 1851 Exhibition to enable him to work in Cambridge, where he became a research student at Trinity College and was awarded the degree of Ph.D. in 1924. At Cambridge under the influence of R. H. Fowler he became more and more interested in the forces between atoms and molecules and in the possibility of deducing them from the behaviour of gases.

I was greatly honoured to be invited by the Council of the Royal Society to give the first Clifford Paterson Lecture, for I respect greatly the engineering achievements of Sir Clifford Paterson and admire his work as an outstanding pioneer of industrial research. Paterson was trained as an electrical engineer and his first investigations were concerned with the techniques of a.c. measurement. His years of service with the National Physical Laboratory, however, coincided with the introduction and rapid extension of electrical illumination and he devoted great effort to the problems of photometry and the creation of international standards. But Paterson was an applied scientist of great versatility, and during World War I he applied himself with equal vigour to a number of military problems including the improvement of aircraft altitude measuring devices for use with anti-aircraft guns.

A. Cook

Fellows of The Royal Society have been concerned with the definition and measurement of time from the first days of the Society. John Flamsteed, F.R.S., ‘Royal Astronomer’, showed that the rotation of the Earth was isochronous and that the length of the solar day varied with the season because the path of the Earth about the Sun was an ellipse inclined to the Equator of the Earth. In the 20th century, D.W. Dye, F.R.S., made quartz oscillators that replaced mechanical clocks, and L. Essen, F.R.S., brought into use at the National Physical Laboratory the first caesium beam frequency standard and advocated that atomic time should replace astronomical time as the standard. The Society supported the development of chronometers for use at sea to determine longitude, and Fellows used the electric telegraph to find longitude in India. Edmond Halley, F.R.S., estimated the age of the Earth from the saltiness of lakes and seas; Lord Kelvin, F.R.S., estimated the rate at which energy was being radiated from the Sun; and Lord Rutherford, F.R.S., showed how the ages of rocks and of the Earth could be found from decay of radioactive minerals in them.

Conversaziones were held this year on 15 May and 26 June, and in addition there was a further special conversazione on 15 July to celebrate the Darwin-Wallace centenary. An account of this special conversazione will be found on page 73. At the first conversazione, on 15 May, there were 27 exhibits and a film. An exhibit of much topical interest was that prepared by members of the Royal Society W orking Party on Radio Emissions from Earth Satellites, which showed how the tracks of the Russian earth satellites were plotted. The orbit of such a satellite is nearly, but not quite, fixed in space, and the earth rotates inside the orbit. Observations were made by both radio and radar, and much information about the ionosphere and upper atmosphere was obtained from the analysis of changes in the shape and position o f the satellites’ orbits. Dr J. C. Evans and Mr I. G. Morgan, Metrology Division, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, exhibited a pneumatic instrument for accurately measuring the thickness of flexible films. Use of a pneumatic technique for this purpose has the advantage that the film is not compressed or in any way distorted while measurement of its thickness is being made, and results of an accuracy of the order of ± 10 micro-inches can be obtained. An exhibit on the properties of circular diffraction gratings was arranged by the Optical Section of the Research Laboratories of Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., Aldermaston. Particular emphasis was given to the ways in which such gratings may be used to measure straightness, which can be ascertained, by this means, to an accuracy of about in. per mile. Such minute accuracy of measurement has important technical applications, such as in the alignment of the bearings of the very large turbo-alternators now being built for nuclear power stations.

Sir Archibald Geikie was elected a Fellow of the Society in 1865, at the age of 29 years, and at the time of his death, in 1924, he was the senior Fellow, and hence the “father” of the Society. Throughout this long series of years he was devotedly attached to the Society and most anxious to promote its welfare and further its activities in all possible directions, and the Royal Society is much indebted to him for the services he rendered to it during the periods he acted as one of its officers. He served on the Council first from 1885 to 1887, and was Foreign Secretary from 1889 to 1893. In 1903 he was elected Secretary on the biological side in succession to Sir Michael Foster, and had as colleague on the physical side his friend Sir Joseph Larmor, the presidents during his term of office as Secretary being, Sir William Huggins and Lord Rayleigh. During the later years of the nineteenth century the work of the Society had undergone considerable expansion both on the physical and on the biological side. Thus, the part played by the Society in such undertakings as the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature, the Association of Academies, the National Physical Laboratory, and the investigations into certain tropical diseases, considerably increased not only the range of the activities of the Society, but also added considerably to the work of the Officers, Fellows, and staff. Geikie, throughout his tenure of office, took the greatest interest in the work of the Society as a whole, and his outlook was always a wide one, although as Secretary his activities were mainly concentrated on the biological side. One of the most characteristic features of his work was the interest he took in all biological questions, botanical, zoological, and physiological. He never confined his interest to the more special branches of knowledge that he had made his own.

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