scholarly journals Studies in the secretion of the pancreas and salivary glands

In recent years considerable attention has been paid by various workers to the cytological constituents of various gland cells. In invertebrates lolloping the lead of Parat and Painlevé (1924), the so-called salivary glands of chironomous have been the favourite objects of study (Beams and Goldschmidt, 1930 ; Gatenby, 1932), while in vertebrates the pancreas has been more usually chosen (Parat, 1928 ; Covell, 1928 ; Ludford, 1930 ; Beams, 1930 ; Gatenby, 1931). The chief object of these researches has been to discover what relationship, if any, exists between the Golgi apparatus and the cell bodies revealed by intravitam staining with neutral red (so-called vacuome of Parat), but the conclusions reached have been in every case conflicting. In consideration of the great diversity of opinion existing between these workers it was hoped in the present instance that a reinvestigation of the cytology of the pancreas together with the salivary glands might throw light on the subject, since the problem in each must be fundamentally the same. The objects of the present work were then:— (a) complete morphological study of the Golgi apparatus in the cells of these glands. (b) A study of the structures revealed intra-vitam by neutral red. (C) A determination of the relationship between these structures and the known cell constituents. (d) A study of the various secretory stages in the cell activity.

The formation of mucus in goblet cells and its relation to the Golgi apparatus has been studied by various workers. Nassanow (1923) showed clearly that the mucin granules in the goblet cells of Triton originated in the Golgi apparatus, and so brought secretion in these cells into line with his theory of the bound secretion. More recently Clara (1926) has shown in the goblet cells of birds that the mucin first appears in the region next to the nucleus, between it and the gland lumen. Florey (1932, a, b ) has considered this more extensively in two recent papers, and for a number of mammals has shown that the mucin granules of goblet cells first form in the meshes of the Golgi network. In epithelial cells of the mouse vagina, undergoing conversion into mucous cells, he has found that the same process occurs. In a recent investigation of secretory formation in the salivary glands and pancreas it was found by the present author that in every cell type examined the young secretory granules first appeared in the basal region of the cell in relation to the mitochondria. Subsequent emigration occurred into the Golgi zone, where they underwent conversion into mature secretory granules. In the mucous cells of the salivary glands it was shown that these newly formed granules might be stained intravitam by Janus green or neutral red, and that in fixed preparations they stained selectively with acid fuchsin as described by Noll (1902), In the light of this work it appeared probable that while mucin formation might occur in the Golgi zone of the goblet cells as described by these authors, the origin of the granules might lie in the basal region of the cell.

In the year 1867 A. Wöhler, locomotive superintendent of a railway company in Berlin, exhibited at the Paris Exhibition the results of some experiments on the endurance of metals, and was thereupon engaged by the Prussian Government to carry out the more exhaustive enquiry into this subject with which his name is always associated. The results of his labours were published in 1871, and were highly appreciated, but few additional experiments were made until the subject was again taken up successively by Sir Benjamin Baker, Reynolds and Smith, Rogers, Stanton and bairstow, Eden, Rose and Cunningham, and Prof. Hopkinson. All these experiments are confined either to fatigue bending or to push and pull tests, using only steel or iron, whereas the present ones include a large number of torsion fatigue tests on various metals. Until comparatively recently there was no satisfactory standard of comparison for fatigue tests, the determination of the asymptote or limiting fatigue stress for an infinite number of revolutions from a few irregular test results leading to very uncertain conclusions, so much so that by some it was considered very doubtful whether there were any real fatigue limits, while others adopted as standards of comparison the fatigue stresses which would cause fractures at the millionth repetition. The first problem which had to be investigated was therefore to ascertain the relationship between the intensities of fatigue stresses and the numbers of repetitions of these stresses which would cause fracture; and, should this relationship be found to indicate the existence of a limiting stress for an infinite number of revolutions, or more briefly of a fatigue limit, then the next step would have to be its exact determination.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 111-134
Volodymyr V. Manyuk ◽  
Olesia V. Bondar ◽  
Oleh V. Yaholnyk

The paper focuses on the history of the movement for preservation of geological heritage of Ukraine, closely related to the history of geoconservation in Europe; determines the relationship of the extent of geodiversity and geological structure of a certain country, political system, historical traditions and attitude towards wildlife and inanimate nature. Despite the fact that geodiversity and biodiversity have always been in parallel, traditionally all nations in all the continents have focused more on the preservation of so-called wildlife. The article describes that preservation of the so-called inanimate nature; provides a rather sufficient analysis of literature sources which report on the problem of preserving bio- and geodiversity not only in Ukraine, but also in other countries of Europe. In particular, the combination of biotic and abiotic constituents of nature proved to be an essential aspect in determining the place of the world`s first nature reserve and location of an important centre of Buddhism in Mihintale, Sri Lanka. The start of the movement for preservation of so-called inanimate nature in Europe could, with a certain extent of possibility, be considered the first historical written mention of the subject, which was declared in the 10th Chapter of Third Statute of Lithuania in 1588. That is protection of rivers against artificial change of their banks, change in currents and preservation of large erratic boulders. As an important stage of the beginning of the movement for preservation of the so-called inanimate, can be considered the year 1668, when in Germany the Baumannshöhle cave was preserved. It was first mentioned in the literature in 1565, and in 1646 the cave became an object of tourism. During the analysis of the historical stage related to the movement ProGEO, we emphasizes international events in which the representatives of the Ukrainian ProGEO group took part. Active work of the Ukrainian ProGEO group created conditions for transition to a new level of geoconservation, i.e. determination of the possibility of creating a new category of objects of the Nature-Reserve fund of Ukraine – geological parks (geoparks) as important locations for the development of geotourism and territories of complex conservation of the natural environment.

2002 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
pp. 408-417 ◽  
Harvey Gordon

Suicide may be defined as intentional self-killing, although the definition has been the subject of critical review (Fairbairn, 1995). As the determination of whether intent was present at the time of death by suicide can be difficult, coroner's inquests tend to underestimate the number of suicides. At the time of suicide, the vast majority of people are suffering from some form of mental disorder, although there may, exceptionally, be a few rational suicides. Suicide is a relatively uncommon event, but the possibility of suicide by those with mental disorders is always a potential hazard faced by health and allied professionals responsible for their care. Detention of a patient in hospital under mental health legislation is often precipitated by concern regarding risk of self-harm and/or risk of harm to others and potential for absconding and, at times, admission to a locked or secure facility is necessary. Detained patients in secure facilities include both offender patients, admitted through the courts or transferred during sentence from prison, and patients on civil orders under sections 2 or 3 of the Mental Health Act 1983. The relationship between suicidal behaviour and that which is violent or homicidal is complex but relevant to an understanding of the phenomenon of suicide in secure conditions.

2008 ◽  

The standard work for students and teachers of art history: a determination of the subject of the field is followed by a presentation of the means and methods of the art historian and finally a look at the relationship to the neighbouring disciplines. With numerous further references and reading tips the volume is more than just an "introduction" into the subject for art history students. For this seventh edition all articles were reviewed, some revised and updated with current literature references.

PSYCHE 165 ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 253-257
Jennifer Aoerora ◽  
Winida Marpaung

Conducted Research on employees at PT. Jaya Anugrah Sukses Abadi Medan to find out the relationship between work stress with work-life balance. All employees who work at PT. Jaya Anugrah Sukses Abadi Gatot Subroto Medan was made the subject of this research, totaling 120 people. The Sampling for this research based on the determination of a certain sample size with an error level of 5% with a population of 120 people, then used a sample of 89 people. The technique used for data analysis is the validity test, reliability test, normality test, linearity test. The test result on Pearson Product Moment Correlation prove that there is a strong and significant negaive relationship between work stress and Work-life balance with coefficient of -0.737 with p = 0.000 (p <0.05), and the value of R square (R²) = 0.543

Lina Novita ◽  
Tustiyana Windiyani ◽  
Dina Aprilia Suhrawardi

This research is with the design and model of Quantitative Research of Correlational Studies. The purpose of this study is to describe the relationship between self-concept and students discipline of students in V grade students of Kota Batu 02 State Elementary School Ciomas District Bogor Regency. The subject of this research is 80 students of class V Kota Batu 02 State Elementary School Ciomas District Bogor Regency. This research was conducted on the odd semester of Lesson 2018/2019. The results showed that the average of self-concept variable is 89,88, while the students discipline variable has an average of 90,95 thus the relationship of self-concept with students discipline in statistical analysis is indicated by the result of significance test and regression with regression equation ? =48,374 + 0,4737x. This means that each increase of one students discipline variable value is 0,4737 units. The strength of the relationship between self-concept and students discipline is shown by the correlation coefficient with r value of 0,48 which means have a relationship. The magnitude of the contribution of self-concept with students discipline is shown by the coefficient (r) of 0,23 with the coefficient of determination of 23%. This means that the increase or decrease in students discipline has a relationship by self-concept by 23%. Based on the results of the above research can be concluded that the relationship between self-concept and discipline of students in class V Kota Batu 02 State Element 02 Bogor Regency have a relationship.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-67
Ahmad Yusuf Prasetiawan ◽  
Lis Safitri

The purpose of this paper is to provide a description of the emergence and rise of pop culture and the phenomenon of the Muhibbin which became a wave among students. Pop culture usually only lives in modern, urbanistic society, whereas Islamic boarding schools are known as Islamic education institutions that are generally traditionalist, closed, and conventional. As the pesantren metamorphic wave with many formal schools has sprung up since the 2000s, the pesantren’s contact with the outside world has become more intense, the influences of giving color, and new streams, especially in this social media culture, indications of the emergence of pop culture have strengthened. This study is a cross method or method combination of quantitative and qualitative, using participatory heuristic techniques (observation, interview, documentation), verification, and interpretation in digging data. This is sectional research or in a limited period (January-June 2019). Determination of informants using random sampling techniques, from 183 Islamic boarding schools listed in the Ministry of Religion Banyumas Regency, 31 boarding schools were taken, with each of the 3-4 students, bringing the total to 100 respondents. The results showed that the relationship between the santri community and pop culture was not new since the religious songs industry was booming, but with the emergence of the Muhibbin trend (lovers of the Apostles with sholawat songs), the santri community found the right form of contradictory relations between orthodoxy students with trendy pop, because Santri is the object and the subject at the same time. Muhibbin wave embodies a compromise between Santri’s sacred Islamic values and pop expression as a young spirit, where the age of santri in general.   Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk memberikan deskripsi tentang kemunculan dan maraknya budaya pop di kalangan santri dan fenomena Muhibbin yang menjadi wave. Budaya pop biasanya hanya hidup dalam masyarakat modern yang urbanistik, sedangkan Pesantren dikenal sebagai lembaga pendidikan Islam yang umumnya tradisionalis, tertutup dan konvensional. Seiring gelombang metamorfosa Pesantren dengan sekolah formal yang banyak bermunculan sejak tahun 2000-an, persentuhan Pesantren dengan dunia luar kian intens, pengaruh masuk memberi warna, dan arus baru (newmainstream), terlebih dalam budaya sosial media ini, Indikasi munculnya pop culture pun menguat. Penelitian ini merupakan cross methode atau metode kombinasi antara kuantitatif dan kualitatif, mengggunakan teknik heuristik partisipatoris (observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi), verifikasi, serta interpretasi dalam menggali data. Penelitian bersifat sectional research atau dalam kurun waktu terbatas (Januari-Juni 2019). Penentuan informan menggunakan teknik random sampling, dari 183 Pesantren yang terdaftar pada Dipontren Kantor Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Banyumas, diambil 31 Pesantren, dengan masing-masing 3-4 santri, sehingga total menjadi 100 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persentuhan komunitas santri dengan budaya pop bukanlah hal baru, telah terjadi sejak industri lagu-lagu religius booming, tetapi dengan munculnya trend Muhibbin (pecinta Rasul dengan lagu-lagu sholawat), komunitas santri menemukan bentuk yang tepat dari relasi yang kontradiktif antara ortodoksi santri dengan pop yang trendy, karena Santri menjadi objek dan subjeknya sekaligus. Muhibbin wave mewujudkani sebuah kompromi antara nilai keislaman Santri yang sakral dengan ekspresi pop sebagai semangat muda, dimana usia santri pada umumnya.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 112-127
A. Bessonov

This article deals with the definition of the subject and objects of modern Russian criminalistics. It is aimed at sensitizing world public opinion to the necessity of inquiry into the criminalistic essence of crime and encouraging criminalists to study new techniques of crime investigation in order to mitigate risks and reduce errors arising in the criminal investigation process.One of the main objects that is constantly undergoing research in Russian criminalistics is criminal activity. The subject of Russian criminalistics is the regularities of criminal activity. When investigating crimes scientists are interested in the information that allows the successful investigation of the crimes and determination of the offender. The information about different types of crimes, which is necessary for crime investigation, is accumulated in the criminalistic characteristic of crimes. The Criminalistic Characteristic of Crimes is a scientific theory of modern Russian criminalistics that makes it possible to fully examine the specific features of crimes of all kinds, i.e. the forensic nature (essence) of crime, the system of crime elements with their characteristics, and the relationship between those elements. In U.S. and European criminalistics, the regularities of criminal activity are not defined as an object of study of this science. Yet, in the U.S. and European countries criminal profilers investigating criminal cases study the criminal links between crimes to identify crime series and crimes committed by similar offenders (or to determine co-offenders).

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (87) ◽  
Nataliia Ryzhenko ◽  
Olena Korolova ◽  

The article considers the peculiarities of establishing jurisdiction in inheritance cases with a foreign element. Attention is paid to the formulation of the theoretical foundations of the institution of inheritance with a foreign element, the classification is carried out, the conceptual apparatus, the sources of international inheritance law are formulated. The analysis of the domestic legislation of Ukraine, regulates the issue of determining the jurisdiction of cases with a foreign element. In particular, attention is paid to the priority of using international legislation on domestic in jurisdictional matters. The norms of multilateral international agreements approved by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, as well as bilateral international agreements on legal assistance concluded between Ukraine and other states, which establish the rules of jurisdiction of inheritance cases with a foreign element, are considered. Processes of social internationalization, which are an integral part of modern life, the expansion of various contacts of Ukrainian citizens with foreigners, as well as active migration processes, the possibility of acquiring property abroad, a significant increase in marriages with foreigners, intercountry adoption cause a sharp increase in inheritance with a foreign element, which are the subject of litigation. The foreign element in the inheritance relationship may be manifested in such a way that the testator and heirs are citizens of different states or reside in different countries. Property that is part of the inheritance may be located in different countries. In this context, there is reason to conclude that the relationship subject to legal regulation has a legal relationship with the legal systems of two or more countries. In different jurisdictions, the substantive regulation of inheritance has its own characteristics. It is concluded that the determination of the admissibility of the statement of claim in relation to the disputed inheritance relationship with a foreign element is impossible without the use of a special procedure defined in the study.

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