Work in progress: the progression of competence-based employability

2018 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 230-244 ◽  
Dominik Emanuel Froehlich ◽  
Mingyang Liu ◽  
Beatrice Isabella Johanna Maria Van der Heijden

Purpose Employability and its components have received a lot of attention from scholars and practitioners. However, little is known about the interrelations between these different components of employability and how employees progress within their employability trajectories. Therefore, a model of such progression was constructed and tested using Van der Heijde and Van der Heijden’s (2006) employability measurement instrument. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach The propositions were tested empirically by applying a Rasch model using a sample of 167 Austrian business consultants. Findings The findings lend some support for the hypothesized progression model of employability. Specifically, the items measuring occupational expertise are largely located in the group of items that were relatively likely to be endorsed. Also, the items of personal flexibility and anticipation and optimization were, in general, less likely to be endorsed than the items of occupational expertise. Research limitations/implications The major thrust of this paper is a theoretical one. However, the empirical demonstration tentatively supports the proposed model, which implies that further, more robust longitudinal research in this direction may be a worthwhile endeavor. Practical implications By understanding which competences are important at which stage or across which stages of an individual’s career, career advisors and human resource management professionals can give more targeted advice concerning career management practices. Originality/value The present study contributes to the literature by investigating how employees may make progress within their employability trajectories.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 378-396 ◽  
Arian Razmi-Farooji ◽  
Hanna Kropsu-Vehkaperä ◽  
Janne Härkönen ◽  
Harri Haapasalo

Purpose The purpose of this paper is twofold: first, to understand data management challenges in e-maintenance systems from a holistically viewpoint through summarizing the earlier scattered research in the field, and second, to present a conceptual approach for addressing these challenges in practice. Design/methodology/approach The study is realized as a combination of a literature review and by the means of analyzing the practices on an industry leader in manufacturing and maintenance services. Findings This research provides a general understanding over data management challenges in e-maintenance and summarizes their associated proposed solutions. In addition, this paper lists and exemplifies different types and sources of data which can be collected in e-maintenance, across different organizational levels. Analyzing the data management practices of an e-maintenance industry leader provides a conceptual approach to address identified challenges in practice. Research limitations/implications Since this paper is based on studying the practices of a single company, it might be limited to generalize the results. Future research topics can focus on each of mentioned data management challenges and also validate the applicability of presented model in other companies and industries. Practical implications Understanding the e-maintenance-related challenges helps maintenance managers and other involved stakeholders in e-maintenance systems to better solve the challenges. Originality/value The so-far literature on e-maintenance has been studied with narrow focus to data and data management in e-maintenance appears as one of the less studied topics in the literature. This research paper contributes to e-maintenance by highlighting the deficiencies of the discussion surrounding the perspectives of data management in e-maintenance by studying all common data management challenges and listing different types of data which need to be acquired in e-maintenance systems.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 319-328
Ian Pepper ◽  
Ruth McGrath

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the impact of an employability module, the College of Policing Certificate in Knowledge of Policing (CKP), on students’ career aspirations, their confidence and wish to join the police along with the appropriateness of the module. This will inform the implementation of employability as part of the College of Policing-managed Police Education Qualifications Framework (PEQF). Design/methodology/approach A three-year longitudinal research study used mixed methods across four points in time to evaluate the impact on students studying the employability module. Findings The research suggests that the employability-focussed CKP was useful as an introduction to policing, it developed interest in the police and enhanced the confidence of learners applying to join. Lessons learnt from the CKP should be considered during the implementation of the PEQF. Research limitations/implications The ability to generalise findings across different groups is limited as other influences may impact on a learner’s confidence and employability. However, the implications for the PEQF curriculum are worthy of consideration. Practical implications As the police service moves towards standardised higher educational provision and evolution of policing as a profession, lessons can be learnt from the CKP with regards to the future employability of graduates. Originality/value Enhancing the employability evidence base, focussing on policing, the research identified aspects which may impact on graduates completing a degree mapped to the PEQF. The research is therefore of value to higher education and the professional body for policing.

2018 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 181-193
Joan Marques

Purpose Through an overview of the perceptional evolution of progress over the past two centuries, this paper aims to review a changed, yet constructive paradigm that has emerged in business leadership. Design/methodology/approach The paper is a general review-based deliberation presenting standards of the twentieth century, the need for a shift in paradigms and the shift as it unfolds in the twenty-first century. Findings Focusing on optimal stakeholder inclusion, yet not disregarding the concept of progress in a competitive environment, this paper presents a set of interrelated leadership skills and characteristics, including a discussion about their applicability and ways to develop them. Research limitations/implications While globally applicable, the views in this paper are primarily based on the American performance environment. Practical implications Management practices would not have evolved to today’s level if we did not have the past experiences to learn from. The deliberations and insights shared in this article should be seen as a way of evaluating the path that led us to our current, multi-tiered leadership paradigm. Social implications The model presented in this article should be seen as a useful, yet incomplete set of skills and characteristics to be considered by today’s and future leaders to ensure greater stakeholder inclusion. Originality/value Within the framework of focusing on the management horizon, this paper places the driving motives of two centuries that influenced our current society alongside each other and contemplates on the necessary shifts needed to move forward.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  

Purpose This paper aims to review the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoint practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies. Design/methodology/approach This briefing is prepared by an independent writer who adds their own impartial comments and places the articles in context. Findings This research paper concentrates on how human resource management practices (HRMPs) impact employee well-being (EWB), and how integrity leadership and organizational justice shape this relationship. The three HRMP dimensions – ability-enhancing, motivation-enhancing, and opportunity-enhancing HR practices – all positively impacted the trio of EWB dimensions, namely job well-being, psychological well-being, and life well-being. Organizational justice proved to enhance the ability of HRMPs to boost EWB, and integrity leadership was an EWB catalyst in all of these interrelationships. HR teams are therefore advised to invest clear and genuine efforts into boosting the integrity of leaders, for example through rigorous recruitment screening. Originality/value The briefing saves busy executives and researchers hours of reading time by selecting only the very best, most pertinent information and presenting it in a condensed and easy-to-digest format.

VINE ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 45 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-125 ◽  
Mariano García-Fernández

Purpose – The aims of this paper are: to identify the dimensions of knowledge management (KM), and to propose a model for KM that will be useful for future researchers in carrying out KM measurement. Design/methodology/approach – The paper is based on a literature review of theoretical and empirical contributions to KM. Findings – The results obtained show that the creation, transfer and storage, and implementation and use are dimensions of the concept of KM. On the basis of these dimensions, this study proposes a model integrating these dimensions and operationalizes it using selected items, so that future researchers may carry out measurements using the proposed model. Practical implications – The study implies that companies and researchers use a smaller time in theoretical checks and can devote to measurements which develop improvements. Originality/value – The present model differs from other, previous models in that it integrates various approaches to the study of KM.

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 445-465
Sebastian Kurowski

Purpose The purpose of this study is to use a developed and pre-tested scenario-based measurement instrument for policy compliance and determine whether policy compliance measurements in the current policy compliance research are biased as has been postulated during a pre-study. The expected biases are because of social desirability and because of biases based on identity theory. Design/methodology/approach A survey was conducted (n = 54) that used policy compliance scales from literature and the developed self-reporting policy compliance (SRPC) scale, along with the Marlow–Crowne social desirability (MC-SDB) scale. Differences between the policy compliance scales were assessed. Moreover, a transformation of the SRPC measurements into the literature-based scales was examined using pair-wise t-testing. Finally, correlations between the MC-SDB and the policy compliance scales were examined. Findings There are no significant influences on the desire for social approval of the respondents as was exhibited by the MC-SDB values and policy compliance on either scale. However, the SRPC scale measurements show deviations from the literature-based policy compliance scales. Individuals that exhibit secure behaviour, which is not rooted in a policy but rather in anything but the policy, are also captured as being policy compliant in the current scales. This shows that a response bias exists in current scales. Respondents, who perceive to exhibit secure behaviours, may think that they are in compliance with the policy, even when they are not. Practical implications These findings mean that several contributions in the field of policy compliance must be questioned and that a revisit of several factors influencing policy compliance may be required. Originality/value To the best of the authors’ knowledge, response biases in policy compliance research have not been considered to date.

2016 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-212 ◽  
Nell C. Huang-Horowitz ◽  
Karen Freberg

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to propose a conceptual model that can be used to bridge organizational identity and reputation messages. The proposed model may help organizations more-effectively build and maintain both their desired identity as well as reputation. Design/methodology/approach – The qualitative and exploratory procedure was used to develop a model for simultaneously managing and measuring both identity and reputation messages. The process of conceptualizing an exploratory, qualitative value model begins with identifying relevant concepts and measures. A qualitative review of reputation and identity scholarship was examined for recurring themes and concepts. These themes were then used to formulate the identity and reputation functions and value measures. Findings – The proposed conceptual model presents characteristics and attributes that scholars and practitioners may need to consider when managing an organization’s identity and reputation messages online. The paper also presents potential applications of the model. Practical implications – The proposed qualitative value model, if further tested and quantified, has three potential applications: integrating identity and reputation messages across multiple platforms; telling stories reflective of both identity and reputation messages; and determining the value of attribution across contingencies. Originality/value – Considering the interrelated nature of identity and reputation messages, it is necessary to formulate a model delineating how the two may be bridged with one another. By proposing the conceptual model for how organizations may be able to align their identity messages with reputation messages, this paper hopes to establish a more conscious connection between the identity and reputation scholarship.

2016 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-64 ◽  
Lotte Holck ◽  
Sara Louise Muhr ◽  
Florence Villesèche

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between the identity and diversity literatures and discuss how a better understanding of the theoretical connections between the two informs both diversity research and diversity management practices. Design/methodology/approach – Literature review followed by a discussion of the theoretical and practical consequences of connecting the identity and diversity literatures. Findings – The authors inform future research in three ways. First, by showing how definitions of identity influence diversity theorizing in specific ways. Second, the authors explore how such definitions entail distinct foci regarding how diversity should be analyzed and interventions actioned. Third, the authors discuss how theoretical coherence between definitions of identity and diversity perspectives – as well as knowledge about a perspective’s advantages and limitations – is crucial for successful diversity management research and practice. Research limitations/implications – The authors argue for a better understanding of differences, overlaps and limits of different identity perspectives, and for a stronger engagement with practice. Practical implications – The work can encourage policy makers, diversity and HR managers to question their own practices and assumptions leading to more theoretical informed diversity management practices. Originality/value – The theoretical connections between identity and diversity literature have so far not been reviewed systematically. The work foregrounds how important it is for diversity scholars to consider identity underpinnings of diversity research to help further develop the field within and beyond the three streams the authors discuss.

2015 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-10
Kai Engel ◽  
Voletka Dirlea ◽  
Stephen Dyer ◽  
Jochen Graff

Purpose – This article reports on the findings of the Best Innovator competition, which was launched in Germany in 2003, to identify and communicate the best practices of innovation management of the country’s businesses. After ten years of research, the contest has not only been expanded to identify the most innovative companies in much of the developed world but also to document the success of their best practices over time. Design/methodology/approach – This article details five tested sets of best practices. Findings – A major research finding is the strong correlation between superior innovation management capabilities and sustainable, profitable growth. Another finding was that, given the mix of industries, the diversity of businesses and the range of sizes in the Best Innovator club, it is striking that there is no correlation between R&D budget and innovation. Practical implications – Best Innovators first develop and then manage their innovation portfolios. All of them pursue clarity on a fundamental question: what do we want our innovation strategy to do for us? Originality/value – The researchers found that to get their innovation strategies right, Best Innovators invest upfront in understanding market, technology and service dynamics. They are investing time more than money. Leaders can learn how Best Innovators address innovation management “from the market to the market” and manipulate five areas to improve their innovation performance and propel sustainable and profitable growth.

2016 ◽  
Vol 44 (4) ◽  
pp. 10-17 ◽  
Stephen Denning

Purpose Agile is the umbrella term for a family of management practices, which include Scrum, Kanban, and Lean. To investigate Agile management as it was being practiced in large firms, in 2015 Scrum Alliance, whose mission is “to transform the world of work,” launched a Learning Consortium for the Creative Economy (LC), composed of a group of firms that included Microsoft, Ericsson, Magna International, Riot Games and others. Design/methodology/approach The group conducted site visits to learn from each other’s experiences with Agile. The questions to be explored included: To what extent are Agile management practices in fact occurring at scale in old and new firms? How effective are these management practices? Is it possible for the whole firm, particularly older firms with entrenched bureaucratic cultures, to become Agile? Findings The LC found that Agile management is already taking hold in large-scale implementations in both new and old firms. The LC observed that some firms were implementing Agile for large-scale, complex business challenges in areas beyond software, including operations where reliability is an issue. Practical implications Agile was seen as a different way of understanding and acting in the world. The successful firms were “being Agile,” not merely “doing Agile” within their existing management framework. Originality/value In the world of Agile management, delivering value to customers is the goal of every individual in the organization. Profits are seen as the result, not the goal. The Learning consortium sites visit offer managers an opportunity to study this philosophy in practice.

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