exploratory procedure
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2021 ◽  
pp. 1098612X2110107
Sigal Klainbart ◽  
Anna Shipov ◽  
Ori Madhala ◽  
Liron D Oron ◽  
Tomer Weingram ◽  

Objectives Bite wounds are a common cause of trauma in cats; nevertheless, large-scale studies of this trauma in cats are lacking. The aims of the present study were to characterise the clinical and clinicopathological findings in these cats, to assess the association of these variables and therapeutic measures with survival, and to assess the association between the animal trauma triage (ATT) score and severity of injuries score (SS) at presentation with survival. Methods The medical records of cats presented to a veterinary teaching hospital and two large referral clinics were reviewed retrospectively. Results The study included 72 cats diagnosed with canine bite wounds (with the dog attacks having been witnessed). Seventy-one percent of cats suffered multiple injuries, and there was a significant association between the number of injured body areas and survival, and between severity of injury and survival ( P = 0.02 and P = 0.012, respectively). The median ATT scores and SSs for non-survivors were significantly higher compared with survivors ( P <0.0001). There was a strong and significant correlation between ATT scores and SSs ( r = 0.704, P <0.0001). Total protein and albumin were significantly lower and alanine aminotransferase significantly higher in non-survivors compared with survivors ( P ⩽0.032). Fifty percent of cats were treated conservatively, 32% by local surgical debridement and 18% of cats required an exploratory procedure. Cats undergoing more aggressive treatments were significantly less likely to survive ( P = 0.029). Fifty-seven cats (79%) survived to discharge. Conclusions and relevance Cats sustaining canine bite wounds have a good overall prognosis for survival to discharge. High ATT score, high SS, multiple body area injuries, penetrating injuries, radiographic evidence of vertebral body fractures and body wall abnormalities, as well as hypoproteinaemia and elevated alanine aminotransferase, are negative predictors of survival.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 205566832096930
Lina M Becerra Puyo ◽  
Heather M Capel ◽  
Shanon K Phelan ◽  
Sandra A Wiebe ◽  
Kim D Adams

Introduction When children with physical impairments cannot perform hand movements for haptic exploration, they miss opportunities to learn about object properties. Robotics systems with haptic feedback may better enable object exploration. Methods Twenty-four adults and ten children without physical impairments, and one adult with physical impairments, explored tools to mix substances or transport different sized objects. All participants completed the tasks with both a robotic system and manual exploration. Exploratory procedures used to determine object properties were also observed. Results Adults and children accurately identified appropriate tools for each task using manual exploration, but they were less accurate using the robotic system. The adult with physical impairment identified appropriate tools for transport in both conditions, however had difficulty identifying tools used for mixing substances. A new exploratory procedure was observed, Tapping, when using the robotic system. Conclusions Adults and children could make judgements on tool utility for tasks using both manual exploration and the robotic system, however they experienced limitations in the robotics system that require more study. The adult with disabilities required less assistance to explore tools when using the robotic system. The robotic system may be a feasible way for individuals with physical disabilities to perform haptic exploration.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (10) ◽  
pp. 3438
Asmir Jonuzi ◽  
Nusret Popović ◽  
Zlatan Zvizdić ◽  
Emir Milišić ◽  
Melika Bukvić ◽  

Splenogonadal fusion (SGF) is a rare developmental anomaly in which an abnormal connection between the splenic tissue and gonads or mesonephric derivatives is present. This entity often presents with scrotal mass, inguinal hernia, or cryptorchidism. Less than 200 cases have been reported since it was first described in 1883. It can be of continuous and discontinuous type based on the presence of a band of connecting splenic tissue. Report a rare case of discontinuous type of SGF in an adolescent male presenting as nonpalpable testis. On evaluation, ultrasonography (USG) and magnetic resonance imaging of abdomen and pelvis, his left scrotal testis was atrophied and right intra-abdominal undescended testis. This is the first reported case of SGF from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Laparoscopy was demonstrated to be the only accurate exploratory procedure for the diagnosis and surgical treatment of SGF with non‑palpable testis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 36 (3) ◽  
pp. 500-509
Hannah G. Bosley ◽  
Devon B. Sandel ◽  
Aaron J. Fisher

Abstract. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is associated with worry and emotion regulation difficulties. The contrast-avoidance model suggests that individuals with GAD use worry to regulate emotion: by worrying, they maintain a constant state of negative affect (NA), avoiding a feared sudden shift into NA. We tested an extension of this model to positive affect (PA). During a week-long ecological momentary assessment (EMA) period, 96 undergraduates with a GAD analog provided four daily measurements of worry, dampening (i.e., PA suppression), and PA. We hypothesized a time-lagged mediation relationship in which higher worry predicts later dampening, and dampening predicts subsequently lower PA. A lag-2 structural equation model was fit to the group-aggregated data and to each individual time-series to test this hypothesis. Although worry and PA were negatively correlated in 87 participants, our model was not supported at the nomothetic level. However, idiographically, our model was well-fit for about a third (38.5%) of participants. We then used automatic search as an idiographic exploratory procedure to detect other time-lagged relationships between these constructs. While 46 individuals exhibited some cross-lagged relationships, no clear pattern emerged across participants. An alternative hypothesis about the speed of the relationship between variables is discussed using contemporaneous correlations of worry, dampening, and PA. Findings suggest heterogeneity in the function of worry as a regulatory strategy, and the importance of temporal scale for detection of time-lagged effects.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 74
Mwinwelle Peter ◽  
Amoakohene Benjamin ◽  
Agyekum Obeng Nicholas

Previous works on the analysis of anthems have focused on unearthing encoded latent meanings through the analysis of linguistic devices such as cohesive devices, deictic expressions, figures  of speech, content words and clauses. However, the analysis of institutional anthems as a sub-genre  of anthems has received minimal attention in linguistic research. The current study therefore  adopts a qualitative exploratory procedure to conduct a transitivity analysis of process types and  their encoded implications in selected Ghanaian university anthems underpinned by the transitivity  framework by Halliday and Matthiessen (2014). The sample for the study is composed of anthems of  four main or traditional universities in Ghana. The four anthems that serve as data for the study  are anthems of University for Development Studies (UDS), University of Cape Coast (UCC), University  of Ghana (UG) and University of Education, Winneba (UEW). The consensual coding strategy is used to  check the validity of the coding process. The results indicate a preponderant use of material  processes to spell out the expected actions to be taken by members of the universities to inure to  the holistic progress of their institutions. Other process types such as relational, mental and  verbal processes are minimally used to establish relationships, eulogize and personify the  universities as important institutions worthy of praise. The study concludes that the creation of  institutional solidarity was better represented through the analysis of process types in the  selected Ghanaian university anthems. The implications of this study unveil the importance of  university anthems in the representation of the goals, visions and missions of universities and  recommend that tertiary institutions who use adopted anthems could relook at that by getting to  compose their own anthems in alignment with the goals, vision and mission underpinning their establishment.

Sensors ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (24) ◽  
pp. 5356 ◽  
Francisco Pastor ◽  
Juan M. Gandarias ◽  
Alfonso J. García-Cerezo ◽  
Jesús M. Gómez-de-Gabriel

In this paper, a novel method of active tactile perception based on 3D neural networks and a high-resolution tactile sensor installed on a robot gripper is presented. A haptic exploratory procedure based on robotic palpation is performed to get pressure images at different grasping forces that provide information not only about the external shape of the object, but also about its internal features. The gripper consists of two underactuated fingers with a tactile sensor array in the thumb. A new representation of tactile information as 3D tactile tensors is described. During a squeeze-and-release process, the pressure images read from the tactile sensor are concatenated forming a tensor that contains information about the variation of pressure matrices along with the grasping forces. These tensors are used to feed a 3D Convolutional Neural Network (3D CNN) called 3D TactNet, which is able to classify the grasped object through active interaction. Results show that 3D CNN performs better, and provide better recognition rates with a lower number of training data.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Priscila Cembranel ◽  
Luís Felipe Dias Lopes ◽  
Cristiano Descovi Schimith ◽  
Roger Vinícius Rosa Esteves ◽  
Henrique De Campos Melo ◽  

This study examines of operations and supply chain management of healthcare in light of the factors of management information systems to improve the quality of care in cases of urgency. The methodology used is based on a qualitative and exploratory procedure and interview techniques through case study of fire occurred and what became known as "Tragedy in Santa Maria / RS." The paper proposes a model for the management of operations and supply chain in urgent situations. The model is exemplified in the case of chemical pneumonia (contamination with cyanide gas), and burns.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-12 ◽  
Juan L. Terrasa ◽  
Guzmán Alba ◽  
Ignacio Cifre ◽  
Beatriz Rey ◽  
Pedro Montoya ◽  

Neurofeedback is a form of neuromodulation based on learning to modify some aspects of cortical activity. Sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) oscillation is one of the most used frequency bands in neurofeedback. Several studies have shown that subjects can learn to modulate SMR power to control output devices, but little is known about possible related changes in brain networks. The aim of this study was to investigate the enhanced performance and changes in EEG power spectral density at somatosensory cerebral areas due to a bidirectional modulation-based SMR neurofeedback training. Furthermore, we also analyzed the functional changes in somatosensory areas during resting state induced by the training as exploratory procedure. A six-session neurofeedback protocol based on learning to synchronize and desynchronize (modulate) the SMR was implemented. Moreover, half of the participants were enrolled in two functional magnetic resonance imaging resting-state sessions (before and after the training). At the end of the training, participants showed a successful performance enhancement, an increase in SMR power specific to somatosensory locations, and higher functional connectivity between areas associated with somatosensory activity in resting state. Our research increases the better understanding of the relation between EEG neuromodulation and functional changes and the use of SMR training in clinical practice.

2019 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 290-299
Agustín Freiberg Hoffmann ◽  
Carlos Vigh ◽  
Mercedes Fernández-Liporace

La creatividad y las prácticas ligadas a fomentarla en el ámbito universitario constituyen en la actualidad un tema de interés. La creatividad en tanto fenómeno multidimensional requiere ser evaluada en sus distintas facetas, siendo la personalidad una de las que mayor relevancia reviste. Se propone así, adaptar localmente la Escala de Personalidad Creativa (EPC) de Gough para ser aplicada en el ámbito universitario. El instrumento se compone de 30 adjetivos a ser respondidos por los evaluados según se identifiquen o no con cada uno de ellos. Se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio y de consistencia interna (n = 150) y otro confirmatorio y de validez convergente (n = 150) a partir de dos muestras independientes. El procedimiento exploratorio conservó ocho ítems y una estructura factorial unidimensional con una óptima consistencia interna (alfa ordinal = .853). Este modelo se verificó empíricamente mediante el análisis confirmatorio que arrojó óptimos índices de ajuste y un apropiado índice de consistencia interna. Adicionalmente se obtuvieron adecuadas evidencias de validez convergente del instrumento en relación a otros constructos teóricamente afines. Los resultados se discuten a la luz de la teoría y las limitaciones del diseño, destacando los alcances del estudio y las futuras líneas de investigación.       Creativity and actions aimed at fostering it became a matter of interest in higher education. Since creativity is a multidimensional phenomenon, its diverse dimensions must be assessed. Among them, personality arises as the most relevant one. Therefore, the local adaptation of Gough’s Creative Personality Scale to be used in college students is proposed. This scale is composed of adjectives to be responded according to the examinees’ identification with each one of them. Two independent samples (n= 150 each) were employed to develop an exploratory factor analysis and an internal consistency analysis, on the one hand, and a confirmatory factor analysis and a convergent validity study. The exploratory procedure retained eight items and a 1-dimension structure with a good internal consistency (ordinal alpha= .853). This model was empirically verified by the confirmatory analysis which showed good fit indices, as well as an adequate internal consistency coefficient. Moreover, adequate convergent validity evidences were obtained. Findings are discussed taking into account the theoretical model and the study weaknesses along with practical and theoretical outcomes. Further research lines are proposed.

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