Body mass index standard deviation score and obesity in children with type 1 diabetes in the Nordic countries. HbA1c and other predictors of increasing BMISDS

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (7) ◽  
pp. 1198-1205 ◽  
NH Birkebaek ◽  
J Kahlert ◽  
R Bjarnason ◽  
AK Drivvoll ◽  
A Johansen ◽  
Wilfried Pott ◽  
Georg Fröhlich ◽  
Özgür Albayrak ◽  
Johannes Hebebrand ◽  
Ursula Pauli-Pott

Fragestellung: Es wurde der Frage nachgegangen, ob sich erfolgreiche Teilnehmer eines ambulanten familienzentrierten Gewichtskontrollprogramms durch spezifische familiäre und psychologische Charakteristiken auszeichnen. Einbezogen wurden die psychosoziale Risikobelastung der Familie, Depressivität und Bindungsstil der Hauptbezugsperson, der Body mass index (BMI) und der BMI-Standardabweichungswert («Standard deviation score», SDS) des teilnehmenden Kindes und der Familienmitglieder sowie die individuelle psychische Belastung des teilnehmenden Kindes. Methodik: Die Daten wurden per Interview und Fragebogen vor dem Behandlungsbeginn erhoben. Von 136 in das Programm aufgenommenen übergewichtigen und adipösen Kindern zwischen 7 und 15 Jahren beendeten 116 das 12-monatige Interventionsprogramm. Von diesen zeigten 100 (85,3 %) eine Reduktion des BMI-SDS und 79 (68.1 %) eine mehr als 5 %ige Reduktion des BMI-SDS. Diese «erfolgreichen» Kinder wurden mit 56 «nicht erfolgreichen» (Abbrecher und Kinder mit einer 5 %igen oder geringeren Reduktion des BMI-SDS) verglichen. Ergebnisse: Nicht erfolgreiche Kinder unterschieden sich von den erfolgreichen durch ein höheres Alter, eine höhere psychosoziale Risikobelastung, Depressivität und einen vermeidenden Bindungsstil der Mutter sowie durch das Vorhandensein adipöser Geschwister. In einer logistischen Regressionsanalyse zeigten sich mütterliche Depressivität und das Vorhandensein adipöser Geschwister als beste und voneinander unabhängige Prädiktoren. Schlussfolgerungen: Um die spezifischen Bedürfnisse der Familien zu erfüllen und einen Misserfolg zu verhindern, sollten zusätzliche Programmbausteine zur spezifischen Unterstützung von Jugendlichen mit adipösen Geschwistern und Müttern mit Depressionen und vermeidenden Bindungsstil entwickelt werden. Die Wirksamkeit dieser Module muss dann in weiteren Studien überprüft werden.

2019 ◽  
Vol 59 (03) ◽  
pp. 157-165 ◽  
Petra Hampel ◽  
Rainer Stachow ◽  
Julian Wienert

Zusammenfassung Ziel Adipositas ist im Jugendalter besonders häufig und zeigt eine erhöhte Persistenz bis ins Erwachsenenalter auf. Bisherige Studien konnten zwar kurzfristige Rehabilitationserfolge nachweisen, jedoch keine ausreichende Nachhaltigkeit belegen. Langfristige Effekte lassen sich durch die Berücksichtigung der Motivationslage erwarten. Allerdings liegen noch keine Befunde zur Motivationslage von Jugendlichen mit Adipositas vor. Diese Studie untersuchte psychologische Kennwerte und den Body-Mass-Index-standard deviation score (BMI-SDS) von Jugendlichen mit Adipositas in Abhängigkeit des Motivationsstadiums und Alters. Methode In die Querschnittstudie konnten N=127 Jugendliche mit Adipositas eingeschlossen werden, die zu einer stationären, rehabilitativen Behandlung aufgenommen wurden. Unterschiede im BMI-SDS und in der selbst-berichteten psychischen Gesundheit wurden in 2-faktoriellen Kovarianzanalysen mit dem Faktor „Motivationsstadium“ (Intender vs. Actor), dem Faktor „Altersgruppe“ (12–14 vs. 15–17 Jahre) und der Kovariate „Geschlecht“ bestimmt. Hierbei wurde das Motivationsstadium durch den neu entwickelten Fragebogen zur Einteilung in Motivationsstadien (MoS) ermittelt. Ergebnisse Intender zeigten ungünstigere Ausprägungen im Krankheitsmanagement und in volitionalen Kennwerten. Bei Jüngeren war der BMI-SDS niedriger sowie motivationale und volitionale Kennwerte geringer ausgeprägt. Schließlich waren junge Intender durch ein Risikoprofil in psychischen Auffälligkeiten gekennzeichnet. Schlussfolgerung Die Befunde liefern wichtige Hinweise für die Konzeption motivationsstadienspezifischer Schulungsprogramme und untermauern erneut die Notwendigkeit altersgerechter Maßnahmen im Jugendalter.

2005 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 291-298 ◽  
Christine Graf ◽  
Sylvia V. Rost ◽  
Benjamin Koch ◽  
Sandy Heinen ◽  
Gisa Falkowski ◽  

Obesity in childhood, which is associated with cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension, is on the increase. Countermeasures are necessary. In this paper, we present the baseline and final data from the StEP TWO programme, a prospective study to prevent overweight and obesity in primary schools. Methods: We recorded and calculated, from 1689 children, anthropometric data, including analyses of bioelectric impedance, waist and hip circumferences, body mass index and its standard deviation, and the ratio of waist to hip. Blood pressure was measured after 5 minutes at rest. From the three schools involved in a programme of intervention, 121 children were invited to take part, and 40 (33.1 per cent) completed the programme. The effect was compared with 155 overweight and obese children identified at the 4 control schools. Results: 830 (49.5 per cent) boys and 848 girls (50.5 per cent) took part. Their mean age was 8.2 plus or minus 1.3 years, their height was 1.31 plus or minus 0.09 metres, they weighed 30.0 plus or minus 8.2 kilograms, and their mean index of body mass was 17.1 plus or minus 2.9 kilograms per metre squared. Of the children, 7.3 per cent were obese, 10.4 per cent were overweight, 75.7 per cent had normal weights, and 6.6 per cent were underweight. Resting hypertension was observed in 2.3 per cent of the children. Increased blood pressure was associated with a higher body weight, body mass index, standard deviation score for body mass index, and waist and hip circumferences (each p < 0.001), but not with the ratio of waist to hip. Hypertension at rest was also found in 11.0 per cent of obese children, 4.4 per cent of those who were overweight, 1.2 per cent of those with normal weight, and 1.0 per cent of underweight children (p < 0.001). After the intervention, the increase of the body mass index tended to be lower in those in whom we had intervened (p = 0.069), and in these the decrease of the standard deviation score for body mass index was significantly higher (p = 0.028). Systolic blood pressure was reduced by about 10 millimetres of mercury in those in whom we had intervened (p = 0.002), while there were no changes in the control group. Diastolic blood pressure was lowered by 3 millimetres of mercury, but this was not significant. Conclusion: Obese children had the highest values for systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Increased levels of blood pressure are associated with other parameters of obesity, such as the circumference of the waist and hip. Early preventive measurements in childhood are necessary, and appropriate intervention appears to be effective.

Aslı Okbay Güneş ◽  
Rahime Hülya Bingöl Çağlayan ◽  
Ezgi Şen Demiröğen ◽  
Selmin Köse ◽  
Ethem Ergingöz ◽  

Objective: The aim of this study was to examine whether the presence of depression in adolescents who were overweight or obese increase the likelihood of cardiometabolic risk factors. Method: We performed a retrospective cross-sectional analysis of the data from adolescents who were overweight or obese, aged 11-18 years, who were evaluated in our clinic from January 2012 to December 2015. Depression was evaluated by “Children’s Depression Inventory”. Hypertension, dyslipidemia, hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycaemia and insulin resistance were defined as cardiometabolic risk factors. The degree of obesity was calculated as the body mass index standard deviation score. Results: Among 283 adolescents 75 (26.5%) were overweight, and 208 (73.5%) had obesity, the mean age was 14.02±1.67 years and 168 (59.4%) of the subjects were girls. The body mass index standard deviation score was in median 2.36±0.62, Children’s Depression Inventory score was in median 12.72±6.5, and 47 (16.6%) of the participants were found depressed. Depression frequency was found higher in females than in males (p=0.047). Body mass index standard deviation score had positive correlation with Children’s Depression Inventory scores (r=0.123, p= 0.038). In univariate analysis, in depressed group hyperinsulinemia was found 2.3 times more frequent than in nondepressed group (p=0.026). In logistic regression analysis this relation disappeared. Conclusion: We showed that severity of depression increased, as the degree of obesity increased, but we could not find any clear relationship between depression and cardiometabolic risk factors in adolescents who were overweight or obese.

2006 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. 474-480 ◽  
Christine Graf ◽  
Benjamin Koch ◽  
Birna Bjarnason-Wehrens ◽  
Narayanswami Sreeram ◽  
Konrad Brockmeier ◽  

Aims: StEP TWO is a school- and family-based intervention consisting of extra lessons, healthy nutrition and physical education for overweight and obese children in primary schools, aimed at reducing body mass index by maintenance or reduction of weight, and improving motor abilities. We analysed differences in changes in anthropometric, cardiovascular and obesity parameters between children who underwent intervention, non-participants in intervention, and controls. Methods: Anthropometric data and waist circumference were recorded for 1678 children; body mass index and body mass index–standard deviation score were calculated. Blood pressure was measured after 5 minutes at rest. 121 overweight and obese children enrolled at 3 schools involved in programmes of intervention were invited to take part; 40 of them completed the programme from November 2003 to July 2004. Of these overweight children, 74 were invited, but did not take part. As controls, we enrolled 155 overweight and obese children from 4 other schools. Results: After the programme, the children involved in intervention showed a lower increase in the body mass index (0.3 plus or minus 1.3 versus 0.7 plus or minus 1.2 kilograms per metre squared) and an approximately three times higher diminution of the body mass index–standard deviation score in comparison with their controls (−0.15 plus or minus 0.26 versus 0.05 plus or minus 0.27). Systolic blood pressure was significantly lowered by 9.5 plus or minus 19.6 millimetres of mercury in those involved in intervention, but increased in the control group by 0.5 plus or minus 16.5 millimetres of mercury. Among those invited but not participating, the increase of the body mass index (0.5 plus or minus 1.3 kilograms per metre squared) was less, and the reduction of the body mass index-standard deviation score (−0.09 plus or minus 0.31) and systolic blood pressure (−5.3 plus or minus 15.6 millimetres of mercury) was higher than in the control group. Overweight but not obese children seem to benefit from a screening examination alone. Conclusions: Early preventive measures in schools are necessary and effective for overweight and obese primary school children. The screening itself seems also to have a minor positive effect, especially for overweight children. Sustainability of the observed improvements over a longer period remains to be confirmed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (5) ◽  
pp. 857-865
Jason Gordon ◽  
Lee Beresford‐Hulme ◽  
Hayley Bennett ◽  
Amarjeet Tank ◽  
Christopher Edmonds ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Daizhi Yang ◽  
Jinhua Yan ◽  
Hongrong Deng ◽  
Xubin Yang ◽  
Sihui Luo ◽  

Background. To comprehensively assess the effects of metformin added to insulin on metabolic control, insulin sensitivity, and cardiovascular autonomic function in adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Materials and Methods. This was an exploratory, crossover, randomized trial conducted in adolescents with type 1 diabetes aged 12-18 years old. Participants were randomly received metformin (≤1000 mg/d) added to insulin for 24 weeks followed by insulin monotherapy for a subsequent 24 weeks or vice versa. Blood pressure, body mass index, insulin dose, estimated insulin sensitivity, glycated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), and lipid profiles were measured, with a 72-hour continuous glucose monitoring and 24-hour Holter monitoring performed at baseline, 24, and 50 weeks for the assessments of glucose variability and heart rate variability. Results. Seventeen patients with mean ± SD age 14.4 ± 2.3   years , body mass index 18.17 ± 1.81   kg / m 2 , median (IQR) diabetes duration 4.50 (3.58, 6.92) years, and HbA1c 9.0% (8.5%, 9.4%) were enrolled. The between-group difference in HbA1c of 0.28% (95% CI -0.39 to 0.95%) was not significant ( P = 0.40 ). Changes in body mass index, insulin dose, blood pressure, lipid profiles, and estimated insulin sensitivity were similar for metformin add-on vs. insulin monotherapy. Glucose variability also did not differ. Compared with insulin monotherapy, metformin add-on significantly increased multiple heart rate variability parameters. Conclusions. Metformin added to insulin did not improve metabolic control or glucose variability in lean/normal-weight adolescents with type 1 diabetes. However, metformin added to insulin significantly increased heart rate variability, suggesting that metformin might improve cardiovascular autonomic function in this population.

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