Rapid Application Development of Process Capability: Supplier Models

S. Karthik ◽  
C. W. Chung ◽  
K. Ramani

Rapid changes and specialization in technology make it increasingly difficult for designers to keep track of the current capabilities of manufacturing processes and choose the appropriate one. Improper process selection leads to higher costs, lower quality and wrong choice of the supplier. Currently, there is no software advisory system to help the design/procurement personnel in process and supplier selection. The complexity involved in building an application encompassing the capabilities of dozens of processes and its associated suppliers acts as a deterrent for application service providers. This paper discusses a technique to rapidly develop web applications to identify a suitable manufacturing process and supplier/s using Rapid Application Development (RAD). RAD refers to a new computing paradigm to develop software applications within a short time frame. The technique has been verified by developing an advisory system to identify a suitable plastic process and supplier/s. The methodology is currently limited to common manufacturing methods such as castings, forgings, sheet metal and plastic/composite manufacturing. Benefits realized using RAD include shorter design and development times, code reusability and standardization.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Oky Irnawati - AMIK BSI Bekasi ◽  
Galih Bayu Aji Listianto - AMIK BSI Bekasi

Abstract - PT. S.A.M.B (Sarana Abadi Makmur Bersama) is a distributor and logistics company engaged in Modern Trade (MT) for fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) in Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi). In addition to distribution, SAMB also provides services for companies seeking logistics and transportation services for modern trade within the designated area. The inventory design system is one of the most important factors in meeting the needs of consumers in a timely and demanding manner. There are still many companies that use desktop applications especially on PT. Sarana Abadi Makmur Bersama. Employees often complain about the performance of the used desktop app. Not all desktop applications can run on all operating systems, while web applications can run in all operating systems as long as there is a browser and an internet connection, it makes it more practical. With web-based asset inventory data item can be used relatively fast, relatively accurate, and relatively more accurate data. . Keywords: Rapid Application Development, Web-Based Inventory Program Design Abstrak - PT. S.A.M.B (Sarana Abadi Makmur Bersama) adalah perusahaan distributor dan logistik yang bergerak dalam bidang Modern Trade (MT) untuk fast moving consumers goods (FMCG) di wilayah Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi). Selain distribusi, SAMB juga menyediakan layanan bagi perusahaan yang mencari jasa logistik dan transportasi untuk perdagangan modern dalam area yang ditentukan. Perancangan sistem inventory menjadi salah satu faktor yang paling penting dalam memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen dalam waktu yang tepat dan sesuai dengan permintaan. Masih banyak perusahaan-perusahaan yang menggunakan aplikasi desktop terutama pada PT. Sarana Abadi Makmur Bersama. Para karyawan sering mengeluhkan kinerja dari aplikasi desktop yang dipakai. Tidak semua aplikasi desktop dapat berjalan di semua Sistem Operasi, sedangkan aplikasi web dapat berjalan disemua Sistem Operasi selama ada browser dan koneksi internet, itu membuatnya lebih praktis. Dengan berbasis web, data inventori asset barang dapat digunakan relatif cepat, relatif tepat, dan relatif data lebih akurat. . Kata Kunci: Rapid Application Development, Perancangan Website Inventory.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
Hermawan Lalompoh ◽  
Yaulie D.Y. Rindengan ◽  
Arie S.M. Lumenta

Abstract — Kuliah Kerja Terpadu (KKT) adalah bentuk kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat oleh mahasiswa dengan pendekatan lintas keilmuan dan sektoral pada waktu dan daerah tertentu. Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi di Indonesia telah mewajibkan setiap perguruan untuk melaksanakan KKT sebagai kegiatan intrakurikuler yang memadukan tri dharma perguruan tinggi yaitu : pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Diakhir kegiatan mahasiswa diwajibkan membuat laporan yang isinya adalah kegiatan, informasi atau gambaran serta program dari sejak perencanaan, pelaksanaan serta hasil yang dicapai. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat sistem yang dapat memudahkan dalam melaporkan kegiatan KKT. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan metode RAD (Rapid Application Development). RAD adalah metode pengembangan aplikasi yang relefan dalam pembuatan sistem ini. Dari penelitian tersebut maka akan menghasilkan aplikasi web yang dapat diakses dengan mudah. Kata kunci — KKT, Pelaporan, RAD, Web  Abstract — Integrated Working Lecture (KKT) is a form of community service activities by students with a cross-scientific and Sectoral approach at a particular time and area. The Directorate General of Higher Education in Indonesia has obliged every university to implement the KKT as an Intrakurikuler activity that combines tri dharma of higher education is research, and community service. At the end of the activity the student is required to make a report whose contents are activities, information or description and program from the moment of planner, the implementation and the result achieved. This study aims to create a system that can facilitate in reporting KKT activities. This research also uses the RAD(Rapid Application Development) method, RAD is a relevant application development method in making this system From the research it will produce web applications that can be accessed easy.Keywords — KKT, RAD, Reporting, Web.

Ranjit Bose ◽  
Vijayan Sugumaran

There are a multitude of benefits and challenges that can be derived from the convergence of two major current technologies: (a) Web services (WS) – technology that allows application development and integration using the service-oriented computing paradigm; and (b) E-business systems – using the Internet as the basis for interacting with customers, suppliers, and other business partners. This combination, called WS-based e-business systems promises to provide a dynamic e-business environment. We investigate the existing deployment barriers for such an environment from the perspectives of the three WS stakeholders, namely the service providers, service consumers and the WS Standards Organizations; and present a challenges framework that organizes and interrelate these barriers in an easily understandable manner to help study further the factors that impact the deployment and use of WS within e-business. Using this framework we analyze WS incorporation challenges for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) since they are a vital engine driving the world economy, and are realizing significant benefits from adoption and implementation of Internet-based business solutions. WS-based e-business system applications promise to do even more for them.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Tedi Budiman

One example of the growing information technology today is mobile learning, mobile learning which refers to mobile technology as a learning medium. Mobile learning is learning that is unique for each student to access learning materials anywhere, anytime. Mobile learning is suitable as a model of learning for the students to make it easier to get an understanding of a given subject, such as math is pretty complicated and always using formulas.The design method that I use is the case study method, namely, learning, searching and collecting data related to the study. While the development of engineering design software application programs that will be used by the author is the method of Rapid Application Development (RAD), which consists of 4 stages: Requirements Planning Phase, User Design Phase, Construction Phase and Phase Cotuver.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 611
Ahmad Haidar Mirza ◽  
Ade Putra

Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) merupakan suatu kegiatan usaha menghasilkan suatu produk komoditi yang berada pada level menengah kebawah, dimana sektor usaha ini lebih menyentuh langsung dalam hal peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat luas yang pada umumnya adalah masyarakat menengah kebawah, sektor usaha UKM mampu memberikan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang signifikan walaupun pertumbuhannya tidak cepat seperti sektor perekonomian yang lain. Rancang bangun model perangkat lunak UKM Kota Palembang diharapkan mampu memberikan stimulus yang pesat terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi khususnya sektor UKM Kota Palembang serta membantu pihak – pihak yang terkait baik instansi yang membutuhkan, masyarakat luas dan para inventor, dimana dalam mengembangkan rancang bangun model perangkat lunak UKM Kota Palembang meggunakan 2 metode yaitu metode Database Lifecylce untuk pengembangan Database sebagai media penyimpanan data melalui beberapa proses antara lain Design Database secara Konseptual, Design Database secara Logikal serta Design Database secara Fisikal dan metode Rapid Application Development (RAD) untuk pengembangan User Interface sebagai rancangan tampilan terhadap rancang bangun model perangkat lunak UKM Kota Palembang.

Duong Tran Duc ◽  
Pham Bao Son ◽  
Tan Hanh ◽  
Le Truong Thien

Demographic attributes of customers such as gender, age, etc. provide the important information for e-commerce service providers in marketing, personalization of web applications. However, the online customers often do not provide this kind of information due to the privacy issues and other reasons. In this paper, we proposed a method for predicting the gender of customers based on their catalog viewing data on e-commerce systems, such as the date and time of access, the products viewed, etc. The main idea is that we extract the features from catalog viewing information and employ the classification methods to predict the gender of the viewers. The experiments were conducted on the datasets provided by the PAKDD’15 Data Mining Competition and obtained the promising results with a simple feature design, especially with the Bayesian Network method along with other supporting techniques such as resampling, cost-sensitive learning, boosting etc.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Peres Sampebua ◽  
Vecky C. Poekoel ◽  
Xaverius B.N. Najoan

 Aplikasi Penentuan Jenis Suara pada Paduan Suara merupakan sebuah aplikasi yang dikembangkan untuk mengetahui jenis suara seseorang dengan memanfaatkan handphone Android. Penentuan Jenis Suara biasanya dilakukan secara manual dengan mengikuti beberapa tahap seperti tes jangkauan suara, dan warna suara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan membangun sebuah aplikasi Penentuan Jenis Suara berbasis mobile yang dapat digunakan pada smartphone Android dengan menggunakan metode pengembangan aplikasi RAD(Rapid Application Development). Metode RAD ini terdiri dari 4 fase yaitu fase analisis persyaratan, fase analisis modeling, fase desain modeling, dan konstruksi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi ini dapat membantu menentukan jenis suara untuk orang/masyarakat umum yang ingin bergabung di paduan suara.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-68
Guenter Knieps

5G attains the role of a GPT for an open set of downstream IoT applications in various network industries and within the app economy more generally. Traditionally, sector coupling has been a rather narrow concept focusing on the horizontal synergies of urban system integration in terms of transport, energy, and waste systems, or else the creation of new intermodal markets. The transition toward 5G has fundamentally changed the framing of sector coupling in network industries by underscoring the relevance of differentiating between horizontal and vertical sector coupling. Due to the fixed mobile convergence and the large open set of complementary use cases, 5G has taken on the characteristics of a generalized purpose technology (GPT) in its role as the enabler of a large variety of smart network applications. Due to this vertical relationship, characterized by pervasiveness and innovational complementarities between upstream 5G networks and downstream application sectors, vertical sector coupling between the provider of an upstream GPT and different downstream application industries has acquired particular relevance. In contrast to horizontal sector coupling among different application sectors, the driver of vertical sector coupling is that each of the heterogeneous application sectors requires a critical input from the upstream 5G network provider and combines this with its own downstream technology. Of particular relevance for vertical sector coupling are the innovational complementarities between upstream GPT and downstream application sectors. The focus on vertical sector coupling also has important policy implications. Although the evolution of 5G networks strongly depends on the entrepreneurial, market-driven activities of broadband network operators and application service providers, the future of 5G as a GPT is heavily contingent on the role of frequency management authorities and European regulatory policy with regard to data privacy and security regulations.

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