fast moving
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2022 ◽  
Vol 40 (S1) ◽  

The categorisation of gender into femininity and masculinity is purely a social construct. Advertising is a social institution which plays a significant role in the promotion of notions of gender identities at a symbolic level (Gilbert and Taylor, 1991). The purpose of this study is to understand the manifestation of masculinity and femininity in contemporary Indian print advertisements of popular Fast Moving Consumer Goods(FMCG). This study uses the theory of visual social semiotics for the analysis adopting the framework propounded by Gunther Kress and Theo Van Leeuwen (1996;2006). The representational and interactive dimensions from the framework will be used for the analysis of the advertisements. This will be further thematised to understand the nature of the representation of masculinity and femininity in them. It will also provide an insight into the relationship between the viewers and participants of these advertisements. The data for the current study includes three popular Indian magazine advertisements of FMCG products published between the years 2019-2020, selected using a purposive sampling technique.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 578
Evaristus Adesina ◽  
Boluwatife Ajayi ◽  
Emmanuel O. Amoo ◽  
Babatunde Adeyeye ◽  
Mofoluwake P. Ajayi ◽  

Nutrition labelling is a topical issue, being a vital aid that shapes consumers’ food choices and could be an efficient tool for the prevention of consumer vulnerability to diet-related diseases such as cancer, high blood pressure, hypertension, and obesity. However, data on the public use of nutritional labels as an information source on nutritional properties of foods and health claims, especially as it relates to Nigeria, are not popular in the literature. This study seeks to examine consumers’ use of labelling information: knowledge; attitude, and practice. A cross-sectional study with the aid of a survey elicited information from 374 randomly selected shoppers in five shopping malls in Lagos State. Data were analysed using the T-test method. Findings show that while the majority of the respondents (70.6%) read the nutritional information, only 64.9% understand the information presented on food labels. The study also reveals that the majority of the respondents (57.5%) do not know that information on food labels should be presented in the English language before any other language as recommended by the National Agency Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC). While 57.9% of consumers have a positive attitude towards using food labels, 58% of the respondents’ buying decisions are influenced by food labels. The study concludes that consequent upon the importance of nutritional knowledge and wellbeing, consumers of Fast Moving Goods in Nigeria are beginning to consciously pay attention to nutritional labels. The study recommends that producers of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) products in Nigeria should adopt the total disclosure of ingredients and nutritional content of their products. Also, regulatory bodies in charge of pre-packaged food products in Nigeria (NAFDAC) should go the whole way and make nutritional labelling mandatory.

Annisa Martina

Estimation of the number of demands for a product must be done correctly, so that the company can get maximum profit. Therefore, this study discusses how to estimate the amount of sales demand in a company correctly. The model that will be used to estimate sales demand is the Multivariate Markov Chain Model. This model can estimate the future state by observing the present state. The model requires parameter estimation values ​​first, namely the transition probability matrix and the weighted Markov chain, where in previous studies an estimation of the transition probability matrix has been carried out, so that in this study we will continue to estimate the weighted Markov chain parameters. This model is compatible with 5 data sequences (product types) defined as product 1, product 2, product 3, product 4, and product 5, with 6 conditions (no sales volume, very slow-moving, slow-moving, standard, fast moving, and very fast moving). As the result, the state probability for product 1, product 2 and product 3 in company 1 are stationary at state 6 (very fast moving), product 4 and product 5 are stationary at state 2 (very slow moving).

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-172
Rosihin Rosihin ◽  
Ma’arij Ma’arij ◽  
Dadi Cahyadi ◽  
Supriyadi Supriyadi

Pengaturan tata letak mempunyai peranan penting dalam mempercepat proses operasi suatu sistem. Sistem pengaturan tata letak coil yang menggunakan random storage masih berdampak pada perusahaan seperti tingkat waktu dan kelelahan pekerja. Penempatan produk yang belum sesuai dengan spesifikasi tempat membuat proses kerja yang lama seperti pada saat loading shipment, handling coil dari line packing dan pada proses transfer ke intermediate. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengefektifkan sistem tata letak coil sehingga dapat mengoptimalkan sistem kerja. Penelitian menggunakan metode class based storage yang membagi produk ke dalam tiga klasifikasi yaitu fast moving, medium moving, dan slow moving. Klasifikasi diawali dengan mengurutkan material berdasarkan frekuensi perpindahan.  Perubahan pengaturan tata letak coil mampu memberikan tingkat efisiensi yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan random storage. Perbandingan waktu shipment lebih cepat dari area fast moving ke area shipment yaitu memakan waktu tempuh 1 menit. Tingkat efisiensi jarak mencapai 66% jika fast moving ditempatkan ke area C4 dan 29% jika fast moving ditempatkan di C2. Pengaturan dengan pendekatan class based storage mampu memberikan hasil yang optimal terkait dengan efisiensi jarak.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 156-165
Ermayana Megawati ◽  
Jihan Pradesi ◽  
Dewi Zainul Khabibah ◽  
Firman Ardiansyah Ekoanindiyo

Persaingan industri retail begitu ketat, salah satu nya yaitu dengan efisiensi biaya, yang dapat dilakukan dengan mengendalikan persediaan. Toko X merupakan salah satu toko retail modern yang ada di Indonesia. Toko X menjual berbagai macam jenis barang fast moving consumer goods (FMCG). Perusahaan menerapkan sistem make to stock untuk memenuhi permintaan konsumen. Jumlah persediaan barang di gudang, tidak sesuai dengan permintaan konsumen sehingga terjadi penumpukan barang di gudang yang mengakibatkan tingginya biaya persediaan. Selain itu beberapa barang yang dijual mempunyai stok menipis, padahal permintaan konsumen banyak. Kondisi seperti ini akan mengakibatkan kerugian bagi perusahaan. Kategori A 30% jumlah barang sebesar Rp. 38.235.557,-. Klasifikasi B 20% jumlah barang senilai Rp. 7.748.157,-. Kategori C 50%. nilai Rp. 4.552.842,- Pemesanan ekonomis pada toko X, untuk persediaan barang A yaitu air mineral A PET 600 ml, pemesanan dilakukan saat persediaan 7 pcs, persediaan pengaman 46 pcs. Air mineral A PET 1500 ML pemesanan persediaan 7 pcs, persediaan pengaman 52 pcs. Susu bear brand 12 ml dengan pemesanan saat persediaan 11 pcs, persediaan pengaman 39 pcsKata kunci: persediaan barang, metode ABC, pemesanan ekonomis (ROP).

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 339-356
Dependra Dhakal ◽  
Arpan Gautam ◽  
Sudipta Dey ◽  
Kalpana Sharma

Named Data Networking (NDN) is a model that has been proposed by many researchers to alter the long-established IP based networking model. It derives the content centric approach rather than host-based approach. This is gaining even more traction in the wireless network and is able to replace the conventional IP-based networking. Up to now, NDN has proven to be fruitful when used with certain limitations in vehicular networks. Vehicular networks deal with exchanging information across fast moving complex vehicle network topology. The sending and receiving of information in such a scenario acts as a challenge and thus requires an effective forwarding strategy to address this problem. Different research work has provided with multiple forwarding strategy that solves the current problem up to some limit but further research work is still longed for to get an optimum solution. This paper provides a brief survey on current existing forwarding strategies related to vehicular networks using NDN as well as providing information on various resources and technologies used in it.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-177
Reason Masengu ◽  
JJ Prinsloo ◽  
Theuns Pelser

The institutionalization of e-marketing strategies, their adoption, and implementation hinges on the customers' perceptions of the critical success factors that the literature identifies in terms of an online competitive advantage, online shopping infrastructure development, online customer relationship, and online shopping risk. To assess the critical success factors, a sample of 300 customers of the fast-moving consumer goods retailers throughout the provinces of Zimbabwe participated in this study. The results indicated that customers' province of residence, their education and computer literacy levels are significantly associated with the critical success factors (CSFs) of e-marketing adoption and implementation. However, the study found that gender does not significantly affect the e-marketing CSFs. It is suggested that the demographic characteristics, related to education, computer literacy levels, and the province of residence are the strategic criteria for niche market segmentation and development that the fast-moving consumer goods retailers need to leverage for the successful adoption and implementation of e-marketing.

2021 ◽  
alphaiqbrain not provided

In this fast moving world, it becomes challenging to cope up with the competition it gives and the challenges we face. The Alpha IQ Brain provides you a blend of ingredients that provide nutrients to your brain that it needs to stay sharp and focused.

Dr. Ovharhe Orugba Harry ◽  
Dr. Woko Emmaunel Boma ◽  
Dr. Ogolo Tamunotonye Magnus

This study examined the relationship between competitive risk and entrepreneurial satisfaction in fast moving consuming goods (FMCG) firms in Nigeria during covid-19 pandemic era. The study adopted quasi-experimental design and cross sectional design. Data were generated by quantitative and qualitative method. The employed used judgemental sampling techniques and non-proportionate stratified random sampling techniques. A total population of 6000, sample size estimate of 360 was determined using Krejcie and Morgan Table. Also, 360 copies of questionnaire were distributed to the accessible entrepreneurs’, while 329 copies were completed and retrieved. The instruments were validated with reliability above 0.7 Co-efficient, using SplitHalf Method to determine the internal consistency. Two research questions and two hypotheses were raised which was tested with Pearson Product Moment Correlation and KMO/Barllet’s test for the sampling adequacy for data appropriateness and sphericity respectively via SPSS 25 version. From the findings, the concept of competitive risk creates positive impact on client satisfaction. In conclusion, entrepreneurial risk cost strategy and differentiation risk strategy have significant influence on the entrepreneurial satisfaction of the FMCG firms. Based on the findings and conclusion, this study contributes to the knowledge that entrepreneurial satisfaction could be the sustaining and surviving concept to entrepreneurs if always considered in decision making during covid-19 pandemic era; while the differentiation risk cost strategy could give the FMCG firms a leading edge rather than bleeding if integrated with client satisfaction. It could be recommended that fast moving consuming goods firms should improvise entrepreneurial risk cost as strategy, because during the covid-19 pandemic the income level of client were affected in Nigeria. Hence, the entrepreneurs should employed cost advantage to domicile the FMCG markets to satisfied their client which enable them to gain large proportion of the market share ratio.

2021 ◽  
alphaiq not provided

In this fast moving world, it becomes challenging to cope up with the competition it gives and the challenges we face. The Alpha IQ Brain provides you a blend of ingredients that provide nutrients to your brain that it needs to stay sharp and focused.

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