scholarly journals Analysis of Escherichia coli RecA Interactions with LexA, λ CI, and UmuD by Site-Directed Mutagenesis of recA

2000 ◽  
Vol 182 (6) ◽  
pp. 1659-1670 ◽  
Julie A. Mustard ◽  
John W. Little

ABSTRACT An early event in the induction of the SOS system ofEscherichia coli is RecA-mediated cleavage of the LexA repressor. RecA acts indirectly as a coprotease to stimulate repressor self-cleavage, presumably by forming a complex with LexA. How complex formation leads to cleavage is not known. As an approach to this question, it would be desirable to identify the protein-protein interaction sites on each protein. It was previously proposed that LexA and other cleavable substrates, such as phage λ CI repressor andE. coli UmuD, bind to a cleft located between two RecA monomers in the crystal structure. To test this model, and to map the interface between RecA and its substrates, we carried out alanine-scanning mutagenesis of RecA. Twenty double mutations were made, and cells carrying them were characterized for RecA-dependent repair functions and for coprotease activity towards LexA, λ CI, and UmuD. One mutation in the cleft region had partial defects in cleavage of CI and (as expected from previous data) of UmuD. Two mutations in the cleft region conferred constitutive cleavage towards CI but not towards LexA or UmuD. By contrast, no mutations in the cleft region or elsewhere in RecA were found to specifically impair the cleavage of LexA. Our data are consistent with binding of CI and UmuD to the cleft between two RecA monomers but do not provide support for the model in which LexA binds in this cleft.

1994 ◽  
Vol 180 (6) ◽  
pp. 2147-2153 ◽  
M Pizza ◽  
M R Fontana ◽  
M M Giuliani ◽  
M Domenighini ◽  
C Magagnoli ◽  

Escherichia coli enterotoxin (LT) and the homologous cholera toxin (CT) are A-B toxins that cause travelers' diarrhea and cholera, respectively. So far, experimental live and killed vaccines against these diseases have been developed using only the nontoxic B portion of these toxins. The enzymatically active A subunit has not been used because it is responsible for the toxicity and it is reported to induce a negligible titer of toxin neutralizing antibodies. We used site-directed mutagenesis to inactivate the ADP-ribosyltransferase activity of the A subunit and obtained nontoxic derivatives of LT that elicited a good titer of neutralizing antibodies recognizing the A subunit. These LT mutants and equivalent mutants of CT may be used to improve live and killed vaccines against cholera and enterotoxinogenic E. coli.

2021 ◽  
Madeleine Huber

Operons wurden zuerst im Jahre 1961 beschrieben. Bis heute ist bekannt, dass die prokaryotischen Domänen Bacteria und Archaea Gene sowohl in monocistronischen als auch in bi- oder polycistronischen Transkripten exprimieren können. Häufig überlappen Gene sogar in ihren Sequenzen. Diese überlappenden Genpaare stehen nicht in Korrelation mit der Kompaktheit ihres Genoms. Das führt zu der Annahme, dass eine Art der Regulation vorliegt, welche weitere Proteine oder Gene nicht benötigt. Diese könnte eine gekoppelte Translation sein. Das bedeutet die Translation des stromabwärts-liegenden Gens ist abhängig von der Translation eines stromaufwärts-liegenden Gens. Diese Abhängigkeit kann zum Beispiel durch lang reichende Sekundärstrukturen entstehen, bei welchen Ribosomenbindestellen (RBS) des stromabwärts-liegenden Gens blockiert sind. Die de novo-Initiation am stromabwärts-liegenden Gen kann nur stattfinden, wenn das erste Gen translatiert wird und dabei die Sekundärstruktur an der RBS aufgeschmolzen wird. Für Genpaare in E. coli ist dieser Mechanismus gut untersucht. Ein anderes Beispiel für die Translationskopplung ist die Termination-Reinitiation, bei welcher ein Ribosom das erste Gen translatiert bis zum Stop-Codon, dort terminiert und direkt am stromabwärts-liegenden Start-Codon reinitiiert. Der Mechanismus via Termination-Reinitiation ist bis jetzt nur für eukaryontische Viren beschrieben worden. Im Gegensatz zu einer Kopplung über Sekundärstrukturen kommt es bei der Termination-Reinitiation am stromabwärts-liegenden Gen nicht zu einer de novo-Initiation sondern eine Reinitiation des Ribosoms findet statt. Diese Arbeit analysiert jene Art der Translationskopplung an Genen polycistronischer mRNAs in jeweils einem Modellorganismus als Vertreter der Archaea (Haloferax volcanii) und Bacteria (Escherichia coli). Hierfür wurden Reportergenvektoren erstellt, welche die überlappenden Genpaare an Reportergene fusionierten. Für diese Reportergene ist es möglich die Transkriptmenge zu quantifizieren sowie für die exprimierten Proteine Enzymassays durchgeführt werden können. Aus beiden Werten können Translationseffizienzen berechnet werden indem jeweils die Enzymaktivität pro Transkriptmenge ermittelt wird. Durch ein prämatures Stop-Codon in diesen Konstrukten ist es möglich zu unterscheiden ob es für die Translation des zweiten Gens essentiell ist, dass das Ribosom den Überlapp erreicht. Hiermit konnte für neun Genpaare in H. volcanii und vier Genpaare in E. coli gezeigt werden, dass eine Art der Kopplung stattfindet bei der es sich um eine Termination-Reinitiation handelt. Des Weiteren wurde analysiert, welche Auswirkungen intragene Shine-Dalgarno Sequenzen bei dem Event der Translationskopplung besitzen. Durch die Mutation solcher Motive und dem Vergleich der Translationseffizienzen der Konstrukte, mit und ohne einer SD Sequenz, wird für alle analysierten Genpaare beider Modellorganismen gezeigt, dass die SD Sequenz einen Einfluss auf diese Art der Kopplung hat. Zwischen den Genpaaren ist dieser Einfluss jedoch stark variabel. Weiterhin wurde der maximale Abstand zwischen zwei bicistronischen Genen untersucht, für welchen Translationskopplung via Termination-Reinitiation noch stattfinden kann. Hierfür wird durch site-directed mutagenesis jeweils ein prämatures Stop-Codon im stromaufwärts-liegenden Gen eingebracht, welches den intergenen Abstand zwischen den Genen in den jeweiligen Konstrukten vergrößert. Der Vergleich aller Konstrukte eines Genpaars zeigt in beiden Modellorganismen, dass die Termination-Reinitiation vom intergenen Abstand abhängig ist und die Translationseffizienz des stromabwärts-liegenden Reporters bereits ab 15 Nukleotiden Abstand abnimmt. Eine weitere Fragestellung dieser Arbeit war es, den genauen Mechanismus der Termination-Reinitiation zu analysieren. Für Ribosomen gibt es an der mRNA nach der Termination der Translation zwei Möglichkeiten: Entweder als 70S Ribosom bestehen zu bleiben und ein weiteres Start-Codon auf der mRNA zu suchen oder in seine beiden Untereinheiten zu dissoziieren, während die 50S Untereinheit die mRNA verlässt und die 30S Untereinheit über Wechselwirkungen an der mRNA verbleiben kann. Um diesen Mechanismus auf molekularer Ebene zu untersuchen, wird ein Versuchsablauf vorgestellt. Dieser ermöglicht das Event bei der Termination-Reinitiation in vitro zu analysieren. Eine Unterscheidung von 30S oder 70S Ribosomen bei der Reinitiation der Translation des stromabwärts-liegenden Gens wird ermöglicht. Die Idee dabei basiert auf einem ribosome display, bei welchem Translationskomplexe am Ende der Translation nicht in ihre Bestandteile zerfallen können, da die eingesetzte mRNA kein Stop-Codon enthält Der genaue Versuchsablauf, die benötigten Bestandteile sowie proof-of-principal Versuche sind in der Arbeit dargestellt und mögliche Optimierungen werden diskutiert.

1992 ◽  
Vol 38 (4) ◽  
pp. 350-353 ◽  
A. Moreau ◽  
F. W. Paradis ◽  
R. Morosoli ◽  
F. Shareck ◽  
D. Kluepfel

This paper describes the construction and utilization of a novel shuttle vector for Streptomyces spp. and Escherichia coli as a useful vector in site-directed mutagenesis. The shuttle vector pIAFS20 (6.7 kb) has the following features: a replicon for Streptomyces spp., isolated from plasmid pIJ702; the thiostrepton-resistance gene as a selective marker in Streptomyces; the ColE1 origin, allowing replication in E. coli; and the ampicillin-resistance gene as a selective markerin E. coli. Vector pIAFS20 also contains the phage fl intergenic region, which permits production of single-stranded DNA in E. coli after superinfection with helper phage M13K07. Moreover, the lac promoter is located in front of the multiple cloning sites cassette, allowing eventual expression of the cloned genes in E. coli. After mutagenesis and screeningof the mutants in E. coli, the plasmids can be readily used to transform Streptomyces spp. As a demonstration, a 3.2-kb DNA fragment containing the gene encoding the xylanase A from Streptomyces lividans 1326 was inserted into pIAFS20, and the promoter region of this gene served as a target for site-directed mutagenesis. The two deletions reported here confirm the efficiency of this new vector as a tool in mutagenesis. Key words: shuttle vector, single-stranded DNA, site-directed mutagenesis, Streptomyces spp., Escherichia coli.

2000 ◽  
Vol 182 (9) ◽  
pp. 2567-2573 ◽  
Nobuo Kido ◽  
Hidemitsu Kobayashi

ABSTRACT wbdA is a mannosyltransferase gene that is involved in synthesis of the Escherichia coli O9a polysaccharide, a mannose homopolymer with a repeating unit of 2-αMan-1,2-αMan-1,3-αMan-1,3-αMan-1. The equivalent structural O polysaccharide in the E. coli O9 andKlebsiella O3 strains is 2-αMan-1,2-αMan-1,2-αMan-1,3-αMan-1,3-αMan-1, with an excess of one mannose in the 1,2 linkage. We have cloned wbdAgenes from these O9 and O3 strains and shown by genetic and functional studies that wbdA is the only gene determining the O-polysaccharide structure of O9 or O9a. Based on functional analysis of chimeric genes and site-directed mutagenesis, we showed that a single amino acid substitution, C55R, in WbdA of E. coli O9 converts the O9 polysaccharide into O9a. DNA sequencing revealed the substitution to be conserved in other E. coli O9a strains. The reverse substitution, R55C, in WbdA of E. coli O9a resulted in lipopolysaccharide synthesis showing no ladder profile instead of the conversion of O9a to O9. This suggests that more than one amino acid substitution in WbdA is required for conversion from O9a to O9.

2007 ◽  
Vol 402 (3) ◽  
pp. 429-437 ◽  
Shimin Jiang ◽  
Chunhong Li ◽  
Weiwen Zhang ◽  
Yuanheng Cai ◽  
Yunliu Yang ◽  

One of the greatest bottlenecks in producing recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli is that over-expressed target proteins are mostly present in an insoluble form without any biological activity. DCase (N-carbamoyl-D-amino acid amidohydrolase) is an important enzyme involved in semi-synthesis of β-lactam antibiotics in industry. In the present study, in order to determine the amino acid sites responsible for solubility of DCase, error-prone PCR and DNA shuffling techniques were applied to randomly mutate its coding sequence, followed by an efficient screening based on structural complementation. Several mutants of DCase with reduced aggregation were isolated. Solubility tests of these and several other mutants generated by site-directed mutagenesis indicated that three amino acid residues of DCase (Ala18, Tyr30 and Lys34) are involved in its protein solubility. In silico structural modelling analyses suggest further that hydrophilicity and/or negative charge at these three residues may be responsible for the increased solubility of DCase proteins in E. coli. Based on this information, multiple engineering designated mutants were constructed by site-directed mutagenesis, among them a triple mutant A18T/Y30N/K34E (named DCase-M3) could be overexpressed in E. coli and up to 80% of it was soluble. DCase-M3 was purified to homogeneity and a comparative analysis with wild-type DCase demonstrated that DCase-M3 enzyme was similar to the native DCase in terms of its kinetic and thermodynamic properties. The present study provides new insights into recombinant protein solubility in E. coli.

2018 ◽  
Vol 294 (5) ◽  
pp. 1609-1617 ◽  
Erin L. McCarthy ◽  
Ananda N. Rankin ◽  
Zerick R. Dill ◽  
Squire J. Booker

The lipoyl cofactor plays an integral role in several essential biological processes. The last step in its de novo biosynthetic pathway, the attachment of two sulfur atoms at C6 and C8 of an n-octanoyllysyl chain, is catalyzed by lipoyl synthase (LipA), a member of the radical SAM superfamily. In addition to the [4Fe–4S] cluster common to all radical SAM enzymes, LipA contains a second [4Fe–4S] auxiliary cluster, which is sacrificed during catalysis to supply the requisite sulfur atoms, rendering the protein inactive for further turnovers. Recently, it was shown that the Fe–S cluster carrier protein NfuA from Escherichia coli can regenerate the auxiliary cluster of E. coli LipA after each turnover, but the molecular mechanism is incompletely understood. Herein, using protein–protein interaction and kinetic assays as well as site-directed mutagenesis, we provide further insight into the mechanism of NfuA-mediated cluster regeneration. In particular, we show that the N-terminal A-type domain of E. coli NfuA is essential for its tight interaction with LipA. Further, we demonstrate that NfuA from Mycobacterium tuberculosis can also regenerate the auxiliary cluster of E. coli LipA. However, an Nfu protein from Staphylococcus aureus, which lacks the A-type domain, was severely diminished in facilitating cluster regeneration. Of note, addition of the N-terminal domain of E. coli NfuA to S. aureus Nfu, fully restored cluster-regenerating activity. These results expand our understanding of the newly discovered mechanism by which the auxiliary cluster of LipA is restored after each turnover.

1990 ◽  
Vol 271 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-66 ◽  
S Kanaya ◽  
S Kimura ◽  
C Katsuda ◽  
M Ikehara

The role of the three cysteine residues at positions 13, 63 and 133 in Escherichia coli RNAase H, an enzyme that is sensitive to N-ethylmaleimide [Berkower, Leis & Hurwitz (1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 5914-5921], was examined by using both site-directed mutagenesis and chemical modification. Novel aspects that were found are as follows. First, none of the cysteine residues is required for activity. Secondly, chemical modification of either Cys-13 or Cys-133 with thiol-blocking reagents inactivates the enzyme, but that of Cys-63 does not. Thus the sensitivity of E. coli RNAase H to N-ethylmaleimide arises not from blocking of the thiol group but from steric hindrance by the modifying group incorporated at either Cys-13 or Cys-133.

2006 ◽  
Vol 188 (17) ◽  
pp. 6298-6307 ◽  
S. Leimanis ◽  
N. Hoyez ◽  
S. Hubert ◽  
M. Laschet ◽  
Eric Sauvage ◽  

ABSTRACT The low susceptibility of enterococci to β-lactams is due to the activity of the low-affinity penicillin-binding protein 5 (PBP5). One important feature of PBP5 is its ability to substitute for most, if not all, penicillin-binding proteins when they are inhibited. That substitution activity was analyzed in Enterococcus hirae SL2, a mutant whose pbp5 gene was interrupted by the nisRK genes and whose PBP3 synthesis was submitted to nisin induction. Noninduced SL2 cells were unable to divide except when plasmid-borne pbp5 genes were present, provided that the PBP5 active site was functional. Potential protein-protein interaction sites of the PBP5 N-terminal module were mutagenized by site-directed mutagenesis. The T167-L184 region (designated site D) appeared to be an essential intramolecular site needed for the stability of the protein. Mutations made in the two globular domains present in the N-terminal module indicated that they were needed for the suppletive activity. The P197-N209 segment (site E) in one of these domains seemed to be particularly important, as single and double mutations reduced or almost completely abolished, respectively, the action of PBP5.

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