scholarly journals Neuroprotective Role of the Reaper-Related Serine Protease HtrA2/Omi Revealed by Targeted Deletion in Mice

2004 ◽  
Vol 24 (22) ◽  
pp. 9848-9862 ◽  
L. Miguel Martins ◽  
Alastair Morrison ◽  
Kristina Klupsch ◽  
Valentina Fedele ◽  
Nicoleta Moisoi ◽  

ABSTRACT The serine protease HtrA2/Omi is released from the mitochondrial intermembrane space following apoptotic stimuli. Once in the cytosol, HtrA2/Omi has been implicated in promoting cell death by binding to inhibitor of apoptosis proteins (IAPs) via its amino-terminal Reaper-related motif, thus inducing caspase activity, and also in mediating caspase-independent death through its own protease activity. We report here the phenotype of mice entirely lacking expression of HtrA2/Omi due to targeted deletion of its gene, Prss25. These animals, or cells derived from them, show no evidence of reduced rates of cell death but on the contrary suffer loss of a population of neurons in the striatum, resulting in a neurodegenerative disorder with a parkinsonian phenotype that leads to death of the mice around 30 days after birth. The phenotype of these mice suggests that it is the protease function of this protein and not its IAP binding motif that is critical. This conclusion is reinforced by the finding that simultaneous deletion of the other major IAP binding protein, Smac/DIABLO, does not obviously alter the phenotype of HtrA2/Omi knockout mice or cells derived from them. Mammalian HtrA2/Omi is therefore likely to function in vivo in a manner similar to that of its bacterial homologues DegS and DegP, which are involved in protection against cell stress, and not like the proapoptotic Reaper family proteins in Drosophila melanogaster.

Blood ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 112 (11) ◽  
pp. 688-688 ◽  
Kamaleldin E Elagib ◽  
Lorrie L Delehanty ◽  
Adam Goldfarb

Abstract Infants with Down syndrome (DS) display a high incidence of a reversible megakaryoblastic proliferation known as transient myeloproliferative disorder (DS-TMD). The clinical features of DS-TMD include marrow and liver infiltration by abnormal megakaryoctic precursors. These cells show a high propensity for spontaneous death, leading to liver damage and occasionally tumor lysis syndromes. Rapid disease onset is followed by gradual spontaneous remission over weeks to months. 10–20% of patients experience disease recurrence, which manifests as irreversible acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (DS-AMKL). DS-TMD pathogenesis requires trisomy 21 combined with acquired mutations of GATA-1, a transcription factor that programs megakaryocytic and erythroid maturation. The mutant sGATA-1 consists of an 84 amino acid amino-terminal truncation with diminished transcriptional activation. Evolution of DS-TMD to DS-AMKL may involve acquisition of p53 mutations, according to a recent clinical study in which such mutations occurred in 0/7 DS-TMD and in 2/3 DS-AMKL cases. Our lab has recently developed a murine model for DS-TMD based on GATA-1 cross-talk with the P-TEFb kinase complex promoting megakaryocytic maturation (see Elagib et al., Blood, prepublication 2008). In this model, Flavopiridol inhibition of P-TEFb in GATA-1Lo mice, which have megakaryocytic deficiency of GATA-1, induces a rapid onset megakaryoblastic proliferative disorder with many features of DS-TMD: high rate of spontaneous cell death within megakaryoblasts, collateral damage to normal cells in involved tissues (marrow and spleen), defective megakaryoblastic polyploidization, aberrant coexpression of erythroid antigens on megakaryoblasts, reversibility of disease upon withdrawal of P-TEFb inhibitor, requirement for defective GATA-1 in megakaryocytes. To determine the influence of p53 signaling on disease phenotype, the GATA-1Lo mutation was bred onto a TP53−/− background, followed by in vivo P-TEFb inhibition with low-dose Flavopiridol (5 mg/kg/day for 9 days). The resultant megakaryoblastic disorder in the GATA-1Lo::TP53−/− compound mutants showed several features distinct from findings in GATA-1Lo::TP53+/+ mice. In the peripheral blood, the GATA-1Lo::TP53−/− mice showed no significant decline in platelet counts: 2/5 mice had decreases, each <20%. By contrast, the majority (11/13) of GATA-1Lo::TP53+/+ mice showed marked declines (>50%) in platelet counts with P-TEFb inhibition. On necropsy, the GATA-1Lo::TP53−/− mice showed splenomegaly of ~2-fold, while GATA-1Lo::TP53+/+ mice showed splenic shrinkage. Light microscopy revealed extensive splenic infiltration by sheets of megakaryoblasts with minimal evidence of cell death in GATA-1Lo::TP53−/− mice. Marrows from these mice also showed infiltration by megakaryoblasts, but with relative preservation of tissue architecture and bystander cellular elements. Flow cytometry on these marrows confirmed the presence of an abnornal population of megakaryocytic cells with erythroid antigen coexpression and highlighted the lack of intramedullary cell death, distinct from the extensive cell death seen in the GATA-1Lo::TP53+/+ marrows. Another histologic feature unique to the GATA-1Lo::TP53−/− mice consisted of hepatic infiltration by megakaryoblasts, without evidence of hepatocellular damage. Withdrawal of Flavopiridol for 14 days lead to clearance of megakaryoblasts from all involved organs, as seen with GATA-1Lo::TP53+/+ mice. Thus, p53 clearly modulates the phenotype of the megakaryoblastic disease seen in GATA-1Lo mice undergoing P-TEFb inhibition. In the absence of p53 signaling, this disease shows more extensive proliferation, as indicated by the splenomegaly and liver infiltration, combined with markedly decreased cell death. This decrease in cell death is accompanied by a decrease in collateral damage of bystander cells/tissues and by an ability to maintain platelet counts at pre-treatment levels. These findings provide in vivo validation that P-TEFb inhibition can activate p53 (see Gomes et al., Genes Dev., 20:601, 2006) and suggest that the cell death, tissue damage, and spontaneous regression seen in human DS-TMD could be p53-driven. Loss of p53 function may promote transformation to irreversible leukemia, but P-TEFb under such circumstances retains the potential to induce disease regression.

1990 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 3194-3203 ◽  
A Andrianopoulos ◽  
M J Hynes

The positively acting regulatory gene amdR of Aspergillus nidulans coordinately regulates the expression of five structural genes involved in the catabolism of certain amides (amdS), omega amino acids (gatA and gabA), and lactams (lamA and lamB) in the presence of omega amino acid inducers. Analysis of the amdR gene showed that it contains three small introns, heterogeneous 5' and 3' transcription sites, and multiple AUG codons prior to the major AUG initiator. The predicted amdR protein sequence has a cysteine-rich "zinc finger" DNA-binding motif at the amino-terminal end, four putative acidic transcription activation motifs in the carboxyl-terminal half, and two sequences homologous to the simian virus 40 large T antigen nuclear localization motif. These nuclear localization sequences overlap the cysteine-rich DNA-binding motif. A series of 5', 3', and internal deletions were examined in vivo for transcription activator function and showed that the amdR product contains at least two activation regions in the carboxyl-terminal half. Each of these activator amdR product contains at least two activation regions in the carboxyl-terminal half. Each of these activator regions may function independently, but both are required for wild-type levels of transcription activation. A number of the amdR deletion products were found to compete with the wild-type amdR product in vivo. Development of a rapid method for the localization of amdR mutations is presented, and using this technique, we localized and sequenced the mutation in the semiconstitutive amdR6c allele. The amdR6c missense mutation occurs in the middle of the gene, and it is suggested that it results in an altered protein which activates gene expression efficiently in the absence of an inducer.

Gino L. Turra ◽  
Linda Liedgens ◽  
Frederik Sommer ◽  
Luzia Schneider ◽  
David Zimmer ◽  

The discovery of the redox proteins Mia40/CHCHD4 and Erv1/ALR, as well as the elucidation of their relevance for oxidative protein folding in the mitochondrial intermembrane space of yeast and mammals, founded a new research topic in redox biology and mitochondrial protein import. The lack of Mia40/CHCHD4 in protist lineages raises fundamental and controversial questions regarding the conservation and evolution of this essential pathway.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Saul Lema A ◽  
Marina Klemenčič ◽  
Franziska Völlmy ◽  
Maarten Altelaar ◽  
Christiane Funk

Caspases are proteases, best known for their involvement in the execution of apoptosis—a subtype of programmed cell death, which occurs only in animals. These proteases are composed of two structural building blocks: a proteolytically active p20 domain and a regulatory p10 domain. Although structural homologs appear in representatives of all other organisms, their functional homology, i.e., cell death depending on their proteolytical activity, is still much disputed. Additionally, pseudo-caspases and pseudo-metacaspases, in which the catalytic histidine-cysteine dyad is substituted with non-proteolytic amino acid residues, were shown to be involved in cell death programs. Here, we present the involvement of a pseudo-orthocaspase (SyOC), a prokaryotic caspase-homolog lacking the p10 domain, in oxidative stress in the model cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. To study the in vivo impact of this pseudo-protease during oxidative stress its gene expression during exposure to H2O2 was monitored by RT-qPCR. Furthermore, a knock-out mutant lacking the pseudo-orthocaspase gene was designed, and its survival and growth rates were compared to wild type cells as well as its proteome. Deletion of SyOC led to cells with a higher tolerance toward oxidative stress, suggesting that this protein may be involved in a pro-death pathway.

1990 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 5763-5771
S H Nye ◽  
R C Scarpulla

An iso-1-cytochrome c-chloramphenicol acetyltransferase fusion protein (iso-1/CAT) was expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and used to delineate two stages in the cytochrome c import pathway in vivo (S. H. Nye and R. C. Scarpulla, Mol. Cell. Biol. 10:5753-5762, 1990 [this issue]). Fusion proteins with the CAT reporter domain in its native conformation were arrested at the initial stage of mitochondrial membrane recognition and insertion. In contrast, those with a deletional disruption of the CAT moiety were relieved of this block and allowed to translocate to the intermembrane space, where they functioned in respiratory electron transfer. In the present study, iso-1/CAT was used to map structural determinants in apoiso-1-cytochrome c involved in the initial step of targeting to the mitochondrial membrane. Carboxy-terminal deletions revealed that one of these determinants consisted of the amino-terminal 68 residues. Deletion mutations either within or at the ends of this determinant destroyed mitochondrial targeting activity, suggesting that functionally important information spans the length of this fragment. Disruption of an alpha-helix near the amino terminus by a helix-breaking proline substitution for leucine 14 also eliminated the targeting activity of the 1 to 68 determinant, suggesting a contribution from this structure. A second, functionally independent targeting determinant was found in the carboxy half of the apoprotein between residues 68 and 85. This determinant coincided with a stretch of 11 residues that are invariant in nearly 100 eucaryotic cytochromes c. Therefore, in lieu of an amino-terminal presequence, apocytochrome c has redundant structural information located in both the amino and carboxy halves of the molecule that can function independently to specify mitochondrial targeting and membrane insertion in vivo.

2002 ◽  
Vol 76 (6) ◽  
pp. 2804-2816 ◽  
M. Henrietta Nymark-McMahon ◽  
Nadejda S. Beliakova-Bethell ◽  
Jean-Luc Darlix ◽  
Stuart F. J. Le Grice ◽  
Suzanne B. Sandmeyer

ABSTRACT The integrase (IN) encoded by the Saccharomyces cerevisiae retroviruslike element Ty3 has features found in retrovirus IN proteins including the catalytic triad, an amino-terminal zinc-binding motif, and a nuclear localization sequence. Mutations in the amino- and carboxyl-terminal domains of Ty3 IN cause reduced accumulation of full-length cDNA in the viruslike particles. We show that the reduction in cDNA is accompanied by reduced amounts of early intermediates such as minus-strand, strong-stop DNA. Expression of a capsid (CA)-IN fusion protein (CA-IN) complemented catalytic site and nuclear localization mutants, but not DNA mutants. However, expression of a fusion of CA, reverse transcriptase (RT), and IN (CA-RT-IN) complemented transposition of catalytic site and nuclear localization signal mutants, increased the amount of cDNA in some of the mutants, and complemented transposition of several mutants to low frequencies. Expression of a CA-RT-IN protein with a Ty3 IN catalytic site mutation did not complement transposition of either a Ty3 catalytic site mutant or a nuclear localization mutant but did increase the amount of cDNA in several mutants and complement at least one of the cDNA mutants for transposition. These in vivo data support a model in which independent IN domains can contribute to reverse transcription and integration. We conclude that during reverse transcription, the Ty3 IN domain interacts closely with the polymerase domain and may even constitute a domain within a heterodimeric RT. These studies also suggest that during integration the IN catalytic site and at least portions of the IN carboxyl-terminal domain act in cis.

2006 ◽  
Vol 26 (22) ◽  
pp. 8488-8497 ◽  
Robert N. Rainey ◽  
Jenny D. Glavin ◽  
Hsiao-Wen Chen ◽  
Samuel W. French ◽  
Michael A. Teitell ◽  

ABSTRACT Polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase) is an exoribonuclease and poly(A) polymerase postulated to function in the cytosol and mitochondrial matrix. Prior overexpression studies resulted in PNPase localization to both the cytosol and mitochondria, concurrent with cytosolic RNA degradation and pleiotropic cellular effects, including growth inhibition and apoptosis, that may not reflect a physiologic role for endogenous PNPase. We therefore conducted a mechanistic study of PNPase biogenesis in the mitochondrion. Interestingly, PNPase is localized to the intermembrane space by a novel import pathway. PNPase has a typical N-terminal targeting sequence that is cleaved by the matrix processing peptidase when PNPase engaged the TIM23 translocon at the inner membrane. The i-AAA protease Yme1 mediated translocation of PNPase into the intermembrane space but did not degrade PNPase. In a yeast strain deleted for Yme1 and expressing PNPase, nonimported PNPase accumulated in the cytosol, confirming an in vivo role for Yme1 in PNPase maturation. PNPase localization to the mitochondrial intermembrane space suggests a unique role distinct from its highly conserved function in RNA processing in chloroplasts and bacteria. Furthermore, Yme1 has a new function in protein translocation, indicating that the intermembrane space harbors diverse pathways for protein translocation.

2013 ◽  
Εμμανουέλα Καλλέργη

Τα μιτοχόνδρια αποτελούν σημαντικά οργανίδια των ευκαρυωτικών κυττάρων καθώς παίζουν σημαντικό ρόλο σε πολλές κυτταρικές διαδικασίες όπως στην αναπνοή, στην παραγωγή ΑΤΡ και στην απόπτωση. Η βιογένεση των μιτοχονδρίων εξαρτάται από την εισαγωγή πρωτεϊνών στο μιτοχόνδριο που πραγματοποιείται μέσω διαφορετικών μονοπατιών εισόδου. Πρόσφατα, το μονοπάτι MIA (Mitochondrial Intermembrane space import and Assembly) έχει περιγραφεί ως ένα σύστημα οξείδωσης δισουλφιδίων στον οργανισμό Saccharomyces cerevisiae που δίνει δισουλφιδικούς δεσμούς σε μια ποικιλία διαφορετικών πρωτεϊνών στο διαμεμβρανικό χώρο των μιτοχονδρίων (IMS). Η λειτουργία αυτού του μονοπατιού εξαρτάται από δύο πρωτεΐνες: την σουλφυδριλοξειδάση Erv1/ALR και την οξειδορεδουκτάση Mia40, που μαζί οδηγούν την είσοδο πρόδρομων πρωτεϊνικών μορίων τα οποία φέρουν συντηρημένες κυστεΐνες, στο IMS μέσω της οξειδωτικής τους αναδίπλωσης.Σε αυτή τη διδακτορική διατριβή, μελετάμε την διττή αλληλεπίδραση μεταξύ των Mia40-Erv1 με βιοχημικές, in organello, in vitro και in vivo προσεγγίσεις, η οποία συμβαίνει σε δύο στάδια: (α) η Erv1, αναγνωρίζεται και οξειδώνεται απο τη Mia40, ως υπόστρωμα του MIA μονοπατιού (Στάδιο Α) και (β) η αναδιπλωμένη και λειτουργική Erv1 οξειδώνει το ενεργό κέντρο της Mia40 (Στάδιο Β). Μελετώντας την είσοδο και την ωρίμανση της Erv1 (Στάδιο Α) χαρακτηρίσαμε την ελάχιστη περιοχή στο καρβοξυτελικό της άκρο που απαιτείται για την αναγνώριση και την οξείδωσή της από τη Mia40 πριν από την μεταγενέστερη πρόσδεση ενός μορίου FAD ανά μονομερές. Απο την άλλη πλευρά, μελετώντας το ρόλο της Erv1 στην επανοξείδωση της Mia40 (Στάδιο Β) βρήκαμε ότι συγκεκριμένα υδρόφοβα αμινοξικά κατάλοιπα καθοδικά του CRSC μοτίβου κυστεϊνών στο αμινοτελικό άκρο της Erv1, απαιτούνται για την ανακύκλωση της Mia40, αλλά όχι για την εισαγωγή της στο μιτοχόνδριο. Επιπλέον, τα αποτελέσματα μας έδειξαν ότι το σε μεγάλο βαθμό αδόμητο κομμάτι των πρώτων 72 αμινοξέων της Erv1 (N72) εμφανίζεται στο κυτοσόλιο να παίζει ρόλο στη στόχευση της πρωτεΐνης στα μιτοχόνδρια, πέρα απο το ρόλο του στην επανοξείδωση της Mia40. Αυτός ο εξαρτώμενος απο το υποκυτταρικό διαμέρισμα οξειδοαναγωγικός έλεγχος του αμινοτελικού κομματιού της Erv1 γεννά πρόσθετα ερωτήματα σχετικά με την αλληλεπίδρασή του με την εξωτερική μεμβράνη των μιτοχονδρίων καθώς και με σαπερόνες του κυτοσολίου. Τα παραπάνω αποτελέσματα μας δίνουν περισσότερη πληροφορία στο πεδίο της εισόδου πρωτεϊνών στο μιτοχόνδριο προκειμένου να μελετήσουμε σε μεγαλύτερη λεπτομέρεια την αλληλεπίδραση Mia40-Erv1, η οποία είναι ζωτικής σημασίας για τη βιογένεση της Erv1, τη λειτουργία του ΜΙΑ μονοπατιού και επομένως για τη βιογένεση των μιτοχονδρίων και τη βιωσιμότητα των κυττάρων.

2007 ◽  
Vol 403 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-95 ◽  
Robert Wattiaux ◽  
Simone Wattiaux-De Coninck ◽  
Jacqueline Thirion ◽  
Mańe-Christine Gasingirwa ◽  
Michel Jadot

A number of studies, mostly performed ex vivo, suggest that lysosomes are involved in apoptosis as a result of a release of their cathepsins into the cytosol. These enzymes could then contribute to the permeabilization of the outer mitochondrial membrane; they could also activate effector caspases. The present study aims at testing whether the membrane of liver lysosomes is disrupted during Fas-mediated cell death of hepatocytes in vivo, a process implicated in several liver pathologies. Apoptosis was induced by injecting mice with aFas (anti-Fas antibody). The state of lysosomes was assessed by determining the proportion of lysosomal enzymes (β-galactosidase, β-glucuronidase, cathepsin C and cathepsin B) present in homogenate supernatants, devoid of intact lysosomes, and by analysing the behaviour in differential and isopycnic centrifugation of β-galactosidase. Apoptosis was monitored by measuring caspase 3 activity (DEVDase) and the release of sulfite cytochrome c reductase, an enzyme located in the mitochondrial intermembrane space. Results show that an injection of 10 μg of aFas causes a rapid and large increase in DEVDase activity and in unsedimentable sulfite cytochrome c reductase. This modifies neither the proportion of unsedimentable lysosomal enzyme in the homogenates nor the behaviour of lysosomes in centrifugation. Experiments performed with a lower dose of aFas (5 μg) indicate that unsedimentable lysosomal hydrolase activity increases in the homogenate after injection but with a marked delay with respect to the increase in DEVDase activity and in unsedimentable sulfite cytochrome c reductase. Comparative experiments ex vivo performed with Jurkat cells show an increase in unsedimentable lysosomal hydrolases, but much later than caspase 3 activation, and a release of dipeptidyl peptidase III and DEVDase into culture medium. It is proposed that the weakening of lysosomes observed after aFas treatment in vivo and ex vivo results from a necrotic process that takes place late after initiation of apoptosis.

2008 ◽  
Vol 411 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-122 ◽  
Bruce Morgan ◽  
Hui Lu

All small Tim proteins of the mitochondrial intermembrane space contain two conserved CX3C motifs, which form two intramolecular disulfide bonds essential for function, but only the cysteine-reduced, but not oxidized, proteins can be imported into mitochondria. We have shown that Tim10 can be oxidized by glutathione under cytosolic concentrations. However, it was unknown whether oxidative folding of other small Tims can occur under similar conditions and whether oxidative folding competes kinetically with mitochondrial import. In the present study, the effect of glutathione on the cysteine-redox state of Tim9 was investigated, and the standard redox potential of Tim9 was determined to be approx. −0.31 V at pH 7.4 and 25 °C with both the wild-type and Tim9F43W mutant proteins, using reverse-phase HPLC and fluorescence approaches. The results show that reduced Tim9 can be oxidized by glutathione under cytosolic concentrations. Next, we studied the rate of mitochondrial import and oxidative folding of Tim9 under identical conditions. The rate of import was approx. 3-fold slower than that of oxidative folding of Tim9, resulting in approx. 20% of the precursor protein being imported into an excess amount of mitochondria. A similar correlation between import and oxidative folding was obtained for Tim10. Therefore we conclude that oxidative folding and mitochondrial import are kinetically competitive processes. The efficiency of mitochondrial import of the small Tim proteins is controlled, at least partially in vitro, by the rate of oxidative folding, suggesting that a cofactor is required to stabilize the cysteine residues of the precursors from oxidation in vivo.

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