2020 ◽  
Tanyel Baykut ◽  
Joshua Johnson ◽  
André W. Droxler ◽  
Dan Parsons ◽  
Geologos ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 239-258 ◽  
Aleksandra Vierek

Abstract In sections exposing Frasnian limestones at five outcrops in the Holy Cross Mountains, five lithofacies (L1 to L5) that represent upper slope to basinal environments are identified. These lithofacies are characterised by dark-coloured micritic limestones-marly shale couplets with many light-coloured intercalations of fine- to coarse-grained limestones (= event beds). This lithofacies pattern characterises mostly low-energy domains punctuated by storm episodes. In addition, these upper-slope to basinal lithofacies are arranged into small-scale, coarsening-upward beds and cycles. The cycles are locally composed of fining/thinning-upward beds. The small-scale cycles have a calculated duration of 19 to 42 kyr. The differential thickness of beds and cycles within and between sections was probably caused by differential subsidence and local tectonics. Possible evidence of tectonic activity is also related to a difference in number of cycles recorded in the time-equivalent sections. The recognised cyclicity shows sea-level fluctuations and a few deepening episodes. Some of them are correlated with the Timan global eustatic events. However, local tectonics and episodic subsidence may have played a significant role in recording brief deepening pulses. Thus, low-amplitude sea-level changes were major factors in platform generation and evolution in the Frasnian of the Holy Cross Mountains modified by local, block-related subsidence.

2007 ◽  
Vol 56 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-27 ◽  
Eyal Shalev ◽  
Yoseph Yechieli

2018 ◽  
Alfredo L. Aretxabaleta ◽  
Neil K. Ganju ◽  
Zafer Defne ◽  
Richard P. Signell

Abstract. Water level in semi-enclosed bays, landward of barrier islands, is mainly driven by offshore sea level fluctuations that are modulated by bay geometry and bathymetry, causing spatial variability in the ensuing response (transfer). Local wind setup can have a secondary role that depends on wind speed, fetch, and relative orientation of the wind direction and the bay. Inlet geometry and bathymetry primarily regulate the magnitude of the transfer between open ocean and bay. Tides and short-period offshore oscillations are more damped in the bays than longer-lasting offshore fluctuations, such as storm surge and sea level rise. We compare observed and modeled water levels at stations in a mid-Atlantic bay (Barnegat Bay) with offshore water level proxies. Observed water levels in Barnegat Bay are compared and combined with model results from the Coupled Ocean–Atmosphere–Wave–Sediment Transport (COAWST) modeling system to evaluate the spatial structure of the water level transfer. Analytical models based on the dimensional characteristics of the bay are used to combine the observed data and the numerical model results in a physically consistent approach. Model water level transfers match observed values at locations inside the Bay in the storm frequency band (transfers ranging from 70–100 %) and tidal frequencies (10–55 %). The contribution of frequency-dependent local setup caused by wind acting along the bay is also considered. The approach provides transfer estimates for locations inside the Bay where observations were not available resulting in a complete spatial characterization. The approach allows for the study of the Bay response to alternative forcing scenarios (landscape changes, future storms, and rising sea level). Detailed spatial estimates of water level transfer can inform decisions on inlet management and contribute to the assessment of current and future flooding hazard in back-barrier bays and along mainland shorelines.

2021 ◽  
pp. 104777
Rachna Raj ◽  
Jayant K. Tripathi ◽  
Pankaj Kumar ◽  
Saurabh K. Singh ◽  
Binita Phartiyal ◽  

Radiocarbon ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-15
Julia Caon Araujo ◽  
Kita Chaves Damasio Macario ◽  
Vinícius Nunes Moreira ◽  
Anderson dos Santos Passos ◽  
Perla Baptista de Jesus ◽  

ABSTRACT The vermetidae fossils of Petaloconchus varians, formed by calcium carbonate, associated with their radiocarbon ages, are the most accurate indicators of paleo sea level due to their restricted occupation in the intertidal zone in the rocky shore. However, the recrystallization of minerals can affect these age calculations and, consequently, the interpretation of the data. The aim of this study is to present new indicators of paleo sea-level changes in Southeast Brazil for the last 6000 years contributing to fill the data gap for the late Holocene. The influence of the recrystallization process was successfully resolved using the CarDS protocol, enabling the separation of the original aragonite fraction by density, prior to radiocarbon dating. This avoids the rejuvenation of ages and ensures greater efficiency for data interpretation. Paleo sea-level indicators were able to show a progressive increase in sea level up to the transgressive maximum of 4.15 m in 3700 BP years, followed by a regression to the current zero. This regression seems to have in addition, here we reinforce the reliability of the use of fossil vermetids as indicators of sea-level fluctuations.

The Holocene ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 26 (12) ◽  
pp. 1924-1938 ◽  
Yuji Ishii ◽  
Kazuaki Hori ◽  
Arata Momohara ◽  
Toshimichi Nakanishi ◽  
Wan Hong

This study investigated the influence of sea-level and climate changes on the decreased fluvial aggradation and subsequent widespread peat initiation in the middle to late-Holocene in the Ishikari lowland, which is a coastal floodplain formed in response to the postglacial sea-level change. By introducing a new approach to separately evaluate the rates of organic and clastic sediment input, we demonstrated that the peat began to form when the fluvial sedimentation rate was significantly decreased (less than 0.6 mm/yr), while plant macrofossil analysis suggested that lowering of water level is also important to the peat initiation. Such changes in sedimentary environment may be associated with the abrupt abandonment of crevasse splays. The concentrated ages of the peat initiation around 5600–5000, 4600–4300, and 4100–3600 cal. BP suggest that an allogenic control promoted the abandonment of crevasse splays, and different onset ages can be explained by different fluvial responses of the Ishikari River and its tributaries. The abandonment of crevasse splays could result from sea-level fall or decreased precipitation. While submillennial sea-level fluctuations coincident with the peat initiation have not been reported in coastal lowlands of Japan, the close comparison of the onset ages and decreased precipitation recorded in a stalagmite from China, which represents the strength of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM), suggests that decrease in precipitation led to the abandonment of crevasse splays. Our results may indicate that similar fluvial responses might be common in other coastal floodplains affected by the EASM.

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