tectonic activity
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Minerals ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 101
Paraskevi Lampropoulou ◽  
Vayia Xanthopoulou ◽  
Małgorzata Wojtaszek-Kalaitzidi ◽  
Petros Petrounias ◽  
Elena Zoumpouli ◽  

In this study, siliceous nodules from the world-famous Myrtos beach, as well as from Avithos beach, in the western flanks of Kefalonia Island in Greece are examined by means of petrographical, mineralogical, geochemical and micropaleontological methods. The objectives of this study are to characterize the textural and compositional features of the nodules, with the aim to provide an initial interpretation of their origin and their diagenetic evolution. The studied siliceous nodules are hosted within Lower Cretaceous thin-bedded limestones at Myrtos and Upper Eocene limestones at Avithos. Nodules from both areas display a characteristic concentric texture at a macroscopic and microscopic scale. They both have a dense fine-grained siliceous sedimentary fabric, composed mainly of microcrystalline or cryptocrystalline quartz and moganite with common residual calcite in the case of Avithos. These results, and in particular the shape of the nodules, along the textural and compositional characteristics, indicate different conditions of formation in the two localities, both during the early epigenetic stages, as well as later during the diagenetic processes. Myrtos nodules originated from Si-precursors deposited in a pelagic environment, going through intense Si-replacement. Avithos nodules were deposited in a more proximal environment, being influenced by a less intense silicification. Nevertheless, the higher degree of recrystallization of Avithos samples indicates a syn- or post-diagenetic tectonic activity that resulted in the circulation of geothermal fluids. The conclusions drawn from this work demonstrate the usefulness of thorough studies of siliceous nodules in order to get a more comprehensive understanding of the initial depositional conditions, as well as diagenetic pathways and processes.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Qilin Li ◽  
Ciping Zhao ◽  
Yun Wang ◽  
Yiying Zhou ◽  
Hua Ran

The Simao Basin is characterized by strong tectonic activity and frequent seismicity. This study investigated the hydrochemical characteristics of 21 thermal springs in the Simao Basin from 2018 to 2020. In this study period, the 2018 Mojiang M5.9 earthquake caused several hydrochemical changes. The results indicate that the Simao Basin contained saline spring waters, HCO3−-rich spring waters, and SO42−-rich spring waters. In the study area, the water chemistry types were controlled by stratum lithology. Saline springs flowed through red beds and dissolved large amounts of halite, which is a rich source of Cl−and Na+ ions. In the hot spring waters, Ca2+ (Mg2+) and HCO3− were mainly derived from the dissolution of carbonate minerals, gypsum, and anhydrite of Triassic rocks. The higher SO42- content in the hot spring waters was caused by the pyrite present in Ailaoshan metamorphic rocks. The reservoir temperatures (121–289 °C) in the Simao Basin were estimated by the silica-enthalpy mixing model equation and the silica-enthalpy diagram. The hot springs had higher reservoir temperatures (>250 °C) and were mainly located at the edges of the basin. Metamorphic rocks exposed in the region had low permeabilities and these springs was close to nearby deep faults that provided deep heat. In most springs, the concentrations of Ca2+ and HCO3− ions increased obviously before the 2018 Mojiang M5.9 earthquake; however, the concentrations of these ions decreased after the earthquake. The hydrogeochemical variations might be attributed to the vigorous water-rock interactions and the mixing of secondary fluids. The entry of cold shallow groundwater caused changes in the reservoir temperatures of some spring samples.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Pedro Val ◽  
Nathan J. Lyons ◽  
Nicole Gasparini ◽  
Jane K. Willenbring ◽  
James S. Albert

The exceptional concentration of vertebrate diversity in continental freshwaters has been termed the “freshwater fish paradox,” with > 15,000 fish species representing more than 20% of all vertebrate species compressed into tiny fractions of the Earth’s land surface area (<0.5%) or total aquatic habitat volume (<0.001%). This study asks if the fish species richness of the world’s river basins is explainable in terms of river captures using topographic metrics as proxies. The River Capture Hypothesis posits that drainage-network rearrangements have accelerated biotic diversification through their combined effects on dispersal, speciation, and extinction. Yet rates of river capture are poorly constrained at the basin scale worldwide. Here we assess correlations between fish species density (data for 14,953 obligate freshwater fish species) and basin-wide metrics of landscape evolution (data for 3,119 river basins), including: topography (elevation, average relief, slope, drainage area) and climate (average rainfall and air temperature). We assess the results in the context of both static landscapes (e.g., species-area and habitat heterogeneity relationships) and transient landscapes (e.g., river capture, tectonic activity, landscape disequilibrium). We also relax assumptions of functional neutrality of basins (tropical vs. extratropical, tectonically stable vs. active terrains). We found a disproportionate number of freshwater species in large, lowland river basins of tropical South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia, under predictable conditions of large geographic area, tropical climate, low topographic relief, and high habitat volume (i.e., high rainfall rates). However, our results show that these conditions are only necessary, but not fully sufficient, to explain the basins with the highest diversity. Basins with highest diversity are all located on tectonically stable regions, places where river capture is predicted to be most conducive to the formation of high fish species richness over evolutionary timescales. Our results are consistent with predictions of several landscape evolution models, including the River Capture Hypothesis, Mega Capture Hypothesis, and Intermediate Capture Rate Hypothesis, and support conclusions of numerical modeling studies indicating landscape transience as a mechanistic driver of net diversification in riverine and riparian organisms with widespread continental distributions.

2022 ◽  
pp. 014459872110695
Dingsheng Cheng ◽  
Lirong Dou ◽  
Qingyao Chen ◽  
Wenqiang Wang

The Bongor Basin is a typical lacustrine passive-rifted basin situated in the West and Central African Rift System (WCARS). It has experienced two phases of tectonic inversion and features a complex process of petroleum generation and accumulation. A total of 41 crude oil samples from the basin were geochemically analyzed to investigate their compositions of molecular markers. The results show that the oils have similar origins and are likely to belong to the same oil population. However, there are significant differences in geochemical characteristics and physical properties, caused by the secondary alteration. The relative contents and distribution patterns of normal alkanes and acyclic isoprenoids indicate that some of the oils have suffered biodegradation to varying degrees. The samples can be divided into three categories according to their relative degrees of degradation: normal oil, slightly biodegraded oil (PM 1–3), and severely biodegraded oil (PM 5–7). The burial depth of oil reservoirs in this area is the predominant factor impacting on the level of biodegradation. Crude oils in reservoirs with burial depths of less than 800 m are all severely biodegraded, while oils in reservoirs with burial depths greater than 1300 m have experienced no evident biodegradation. In reservoirs with burial depths between 800 m and 1300 m, the biodegradation degrees vary from normal to severely biodegraded. Oil reservoirs with burial depths less than 1300 m and adjacent to major faults are readily subject to biodegradation, while reservoirs with similar burial depths, but a certain distance away from major faults, have suffered no evident biodegradation. Moreover, if primary reservoirs have been modified by tectonic activity after accumulation, the crude oils are more likely to be biodegraded. Faulted anticline traps may create more favorable geological conditions for preservation of crude oil than reverse extrusion anticline reservoirs. This study may provide practical guidance for the assessment and prediction of oil quality in future oil exploration.

2022 ◽  
pp. 104507
Felix Hentschel ◽  
Emilie Janots ◽  
Valerie Magnin ◽  
Lisa Brückner ◽  
Claudia A. Trepmann

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (4) ◽  
pp. 371-378
V. P. SINGH ◽  

The tectonic activity of the Bengal basin for years 1850-1988 of seismicity and 16 years (1970-1985) of P-wave first motion data have been studied. The seismicity studies reveal three seismic belts such as Dhubri fault (striking N-S), Calcutta hinge zone (striking NE-SW) and the central region of the Bengal basin (striking NW-SE). Dauki fault is comparatively less seismically active than Dhubri fault. The seismicity of Dhubri fault and Calcutta hinge zone are confined to limited extension. The seismic activity along the central portion of the Bengal basin is extending from the Himalayan region (27°N, 88.5°E) to eastern plate margin (23.8°N,  92°E). .This appears to be a tectonic belt and is associated with the northeast drifting of Indian plate. The focal, mechanism studies reveal thrust faulting showing the stresses to be perpendicular to the proposed belt.  

Catur Cahyaningsih ◽  
Yos Admojo

This paper analyzes how resource of past and prospective great earthquake on the Central Sulawesi Arm, adhere on topography analysis from several space-based source. To answer the question, we analysis the tectonic geomorphic, stream pattern, exhumed fault, geological mapping and seismicity data. Detailed tectonic geomorphic studies in Sulawesi still lacking due to tectonic and fault obscures.  For instance, Palu Koro Fault (PKF) was unpredictable, because the historical seismic records inevitably remain poorly documented and unrecognized fault strand, which was buried beneath abundant Quaternary alluvium subsequently obscured the fault trace. In other hand, the faults have been active during Quaternary must take into account because potentially dangerous, also the inactive faults during instrumental period  must be re-evaluated in order to have awareness for large future large earthquake. Surprisingly, recent seismic activity of PKF generate super shear rupture a Mw 7.5 earthquake on 28th September 2018 with average slip 41 mm/year, which over the past two decade quiet from any seismic activity. The seismic potential for large fault is essential, since it has been silent during the instrumental period. Therefore, our motivation in this study to produce detail tectonic geomorphic map of the region in local scale, which is currently not available to prepare better knowledge and awareness for the large future earthquake. We have use Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) with resolution ~30m, which run by ArcGIS software to observed tectonic geomorphic evidence of fault system and supplement with structural, geological and bathymetric data’s as ware available to us. We relate this analysis with seismicity data from Centroid Moment Tensor Solution (CMT) to recognize the seismic source. Our results show the tectonic geomorphic of Central Sulawesi Arm due to nature extension of NNW-SSE left-lateral slip curving to WNW-ESE of Palu-Koro Fault (PKF), then transcript to N-S circular normal fault of Poso Fault (PF). The PF indicate replica of PKF curving, where has not been mapped previously. We have mapped 60 major onshore fault systems, 10 faults showed evidence maximal to rapid rate tectonic activity along instrumental periods. Based on our CMT analysis, Sulawesi Island is greatly dominated by oblique fault.

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (4) ◽  
pp. 102-127
E. G. Mirlin ◽  
T. I. Lygina ◽  
E. I. Chesalova

The analysis of altimetric data in combination with bathymetry and gravimetry materials in the north-eastern and southern sectors of the Pacific Ocean, as well as detailed data on the underwater relief, the structure of the sedimentary cover, the composition and absolute age of basalts obtained within the area of domestic geological exploration for ferromanganese nodules (the Clarion-Clipperton zone) is carried out. Structural trends formed by local cone-shaped local structures of presumably volcanic nature, grouped along transform faults belonging to various stages of the kinematics of the Pacific Plate, have been traced in the structure of the oceanic lithosphere at various scale levels. The first trend corresponds to the extension of the fault system corresponding to the spreading system on the crest of the East Pacific rise before the restructuring of its planned geometry in the Paleocene-Eocene, the second coincides with their extension after the change in the relative movement of the Pacific Plate. The trends are characterized by planned disagreement, and an increase in the number of seamounts is observed in the areas of their intersection. Within the area of detailed studies, obvious signs of volcanic-tectonic activity were revealed: high dissection of the underwater relief, hills of different heights with steep slopes, whose volcanic nature is confirmed by differentiated basalts raised from their slopes, the absolute age of which indicates the multistage outpourings that occurred in an intraplate environment. The angular velocity of rotation of the spreading axis and the linear velocity of its advance with changes in the kinematics of the Pacific plate are estimated and possible reasons for changes in its relative motion are considered. An improved scheme of adaptation of the spreading zone to a change in the direction of relative plate movement is proposed, acc0ording to which an essential factor of intraplate volcanic-tectonic activity is the relaxation of stresses in the plate caused by external influence on it.

Р.А. Магомедов ◽  
М.А. Мусаев

Восточный Кавказ является самым сейсмоактивным регионом европейской части России, в сферу повышенных сейсмических воздействий которого попадают крупные энергетические объекты Сулакского каскада ГЭС, высоковольтные линии электропередач, основные транспортные коммуникации, нефте- и газопроводы федерального и республиканского значения, аэро- и морской порты и крупные, разросшиеся города и поселки региона. Отсутствие исследований по проблеме оценки сейсмотектонической и геотектонической ситуации значительно ослабляет готовность региона к предупреждению обширных экологических и техногенных катастроф. Современные сейсмически активные зоны Восточного Кавказа в условиях позднеальпийского тектогенеза характеризуются иными геодинамическими и сейсмотектоническими условиями по сравнению с герцинской и киммерийской. Альпийский этап тектогенеза характеризуется значительным максимумом своей активизации, с которым связаны современные геодинамические и сейсмотектонические процессы и повышенная современная сейсмическая активность региона. Уровень сейсмотектонического потенциала, как сейсмического и геодинамического, является важнейшим показателем оценки степени сейсмической опасности. Цель исследования. Оценка уровня сейсмотектонического потенциала блоков земной коры северо-восточного сегмента Восточного Кавказа и выделение потенциальных зон ожидания возможных очагов сильных землетрясений региона (ВОЗ). Методы исследования. Анализ пространственно-временного распределения сейсмичности за инструментальный период наблюдений и экспертная оценка сейсмотектонического потенциала блоков земной коры по комплексу сейсмологических показателей, таких как мощность сейсмоактивного слоя, сейсмическая активность и наклон графика повторяемости землетрясений, максимальная отмеченная (наблюденная) магнитуда, период последней активизации и тектоническая активность. Результаты исследования. Закартировано в условных единицах изменение сейсмотектонического потен­циала на исследуемой территории. Составлена схема зон возможных очагов землетрясений региона. Распределение гипоцентров сильных землетрясений демонстрирует расслоенность геологической среды региона. В интервале глубин, в среднем от 33 до 42 км, выделяется так называемая «зона молчания» The Eastern Caucasus is the most seismically active region of the European part of Russia, where large energy facilities of the Sulak cascade of hydroelectric power plants, high-voltage power lines, main transport communications, oil and gas pipelines of federal and republican significance, air and sea ports and large, sprawling cities and towns of the region fall into the sphere of increased seismic impacts. The lack of research on the problem of assessing the seismotectonic and geotectonic situation can lead to undesirable environmental consequences. Modern seismically active zones of the Eastern Caucasus in the conditions of Late Alpine tectogenesis are characterized by different geodynamic and seismotectonic conditions compared to the Hercynian and Cimmerian. The Alpine stage of tectogenesis is characterized by a significant maximum of its activation, which is associated with modern geodynamic and seismotectonic processes and increased modern seismic activity of the region. The level of seismotectonic potential, both seismic and geodynamic, is the most important indicator of assessing the degree of seismic danger. Aim. Assessment of the level of the seismotectonic potential of the crustal blocks of the north-eastern segment of the Eastern Caucasus and identification of potential waiting zones for possible foci of strong earthquakes in the region (PFE). Methods. Analysis of the spatiotemporal distribution of seismicity over the instrumental observation period and expert assessment of the seismotectonic potential of the Earth's crust blocks according to a set of seismological indicators, such as the power of the seismoactive layer, seismic activity and the slope of the earthquake recurrence graph, the maximum marked (observed) magnitude, the period of the last activation and tectonic activity. Results. The change in the seismotectonic potential in the studied territory is mapped in conventional units. A diagram of the zones of possible earthquake foci in the region has been compiled. The distribution of hypocenters of strong earthquakes demonstrates the stratification of the geological environment of the region. In the depth range, on average from 33 to 42 km, the so-called "zone of silence" is allocated.

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