Influence of Thermal Effects on the Transport Characteristics of Cellulose Acetate Porous Films

2020 ◽  
Vol 58 (6) ◽  
pp. 812-817
S. I. Lazarev ◽  
Yu. M. Golovin ◽  
S. V. Kovalev ◽  
D. S. Lazarev ◽  
A. A. Levin
1975 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 571-575 ◽  
L.P. Perepechkin ◽  
N.N. Barabanov ◽  
N.V. Barykina ◽  
V.P. Dubyaga ◽  
G.P. Barykin ◽  

K.C. Newton

Thermal effects in lens regulator systems have become a major problem with the extension of electron microscope resolution capabilities below 5 Angstrom units. Larger columns with immersion lenses and increased accelerating potentials have made solutions more difficult by increasing the power being handled. Environmental control, component choice, and wiring design provide answers, however. Figure 1 indicates with broken lines where thermal problems develop in regulator systemsExtensive environmental control is required in the sampling and reference networks. In each case, stability better than I ppm/min. is required. Components with thermal coefficients satisfactory for these applications without environmental control are either not available or priced prohibitively.

H. K. Plummer ◽  
E. Eichen ◽  
C. D. Melvin

Much of the work reported in the literature on cellulose acetate reverse osmosis membranes has raised new and important questions with regard to the dense or “active” layer of these membranes. Several thickness values and structures have been attributed to the dense layer. To ensure the correct interpretation of the cellulose acetate structure thirteen different preparative techniques have been used in this investigation. These thirteen methods included various combinations of water substitution, freeze drying, freeze sectioning, fracturing, embedding, and microtomy techniques with both transmission and scanning electron microscope observations.It was observed that several factors can cause a distortion of the structure during sample preparation. The most obvious problem of water removal can cause swelling, shrinking, and folds. Improper removal of embedding materials, when used, can cause a loss of electron image contrast and, or structure which could hinder interpretation.

A. G. Jackson ◽  
M. Rowe

Diffraction intensities from intermetallic compounds are, in the kinematic approximation, proportional to the scattering amplitude from the element doing the scattering. More detailed calculations have shown that site symmetry and occupation by various atom species also affects the intensity in a diffracted beam. [1] Hence, by measuring the intensities of beams, or their ratios, the occupancy can be estimated. Measurement of the intensity values also allows structure calculations to be made to determine the spatial distribution of the potentials doing the scattering. Thermal effects are also present as a background contribution. Inelastic effects such as loss or absorption/excitation complicate the intensity behavior, and dynamical theory is required to estimate the intensity value.The dynamic range of currents in diffracted beams can be 104or 105:1. Hence, detection of such information requires a means for collecting the intensity over a signal-to-noise range beyond that obtainable with a single film plate, which has a S/N of about 103:1. Although such a collection system is not available currently, a simple system consisting of instrumentation on an existing STEM can be used as a proof of concept which has a S/N of about 255:1, limited by the 8 bit pixel attributes used in the electronics. Use of 24 bit pixel attributes would easily allowthe desired noise range to be attained in the processing instrumentation. The S/N of the scintillator used by the photoelectron sensor is about 106 to 1, well beyond the S/N goal. The trade-off that must be made is the time for acquiring the signal, since the pattern can be obtained in seconds using film plates, compared to 10 to 20 minutes for a pattern to be acquired using the digital scan. Parallel acquisition would, of course, speed up this process immensely.

2001 ◽  
Vol 32 (4-6) ◽  
pp. 5
A. A. Dolinsky ◽  
Yu. A. Shurchkova ◽  
B. I. Basok ◽  
T. S. Ryzhkova

R. A. Crellin ◽  
G. O. Brooks ◽  
H. G. Horsewell

AbstractA ventilating filter for cigarettes has been developed which reduces the delivery of smoke constituents from the final two to three puffs. Since the normaI delivery for these three puffs can account for up to half the total particulate matter and nicotine delivered by the whole cigarette, usefuI reductions per cigarette can be produced. The ventilating filter consists of cellulose acetate tow wrapped in heat-shrinkable film and attached to a tobacco rod using perforated tipping paper. When the cigarette is smoked, the perforations remain closed by contact with the impermeable film until transfer of heat to the filter is sufficient to soften the filter tow and shrink the film. Ventilating air now enters the cigarette and reduces the smoke deliveries. The effectiveness of the ventilating filter is increased by using films which have a low shrink temperature, high shrink tension and a high degree of biaxiaI shrinkage. Increases in filter plasticiser level, tipping perforation area and puff volume improve the effectiveness of the ventilating filter but increases in cigarette paper porosity and tobacco butt length reduce the effectiveness

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