2013 ◽  
Vol 28 (20) ◽  
pp. 1350098 ◽  

Using soft-collinear effective theory, the leading-log radiative electroweak corrections are written in a closed and analytical form for the hadronic cross-section of Higgs production through vector boson fusion, qq → qqH, one of the most promising channels for studying the Higgs boson at Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The simple leading-log resummation is compared with a full next-to-leading-log calculation, and its accuracy is found to be of order 1% up to 10 TeV, i.e. better than the accuracy of parton distribution functions. Corrections are found to be larger than predicted by one-loop fixed-order approximations at LHC energies. The method provides a simple way of incorporating the electroweak corrections in software packages, improving the accuracy of simulations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 79 (10) ◽  
Rabah Abdul Khalek ◽  
Richard D. Ball ◽  
Stefano Carrazza ◽  
Stefano Forte ◽  
Tommaso Giani ◽  

Abstract The parton distribution functions (PDFs) which characterize the structure of the proton are currently one of the dominant sources of uncertainty in the predictions for most processes measured at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Here we present the first extraction of the proton PDFs that accounts for the missing higher order uncertainty (MHOU) in the fixed-order QCD calculations used in PDF determinations. We demonstrate that the MHOU can be included as a contribution to the covariance matrix used for the PDF fit, and then introduce prescriptions for the computation of this covariance matrix using scale variations. We validate our results at next-to-leading order (NLO) by comparison to the known next order (NNLO) corrections. We then construct variants of the NNPDF3.1 NLO PDF set that include the effect of the MHOU, and assess their impact on the central values and uncertainties of the resulting PDFs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (4) ◽  
M. V. Garzelli ◽  
L. Kemmler ◽  
S. Moch ◽  
O. Zenaiev

Abstract We present predictions for heavy-quark production at the Large Hadron Collider making use of the $$ \overline{\mathrm{MS}} $$ MS ¯ and MSR renormalization schemes for the heavy-quark mass as alternatives to the widely used on-shell renormalization scheme. We compute single and double differential distributions including QCD corrections at next-to-leading order and investigate the renormalization and factorization scale dependence as well as the perturbative convergence in these mass renormalization schemes. The implementation is based on publicly available programs, MCFM and xFitter, extending their capabilities. Our results are applied to extract the top-quark mass using measurements of the total and differential $$ t\overline{t} $$ t t ¯ production cross-sections and to investigate constraints on parton distribution functions, especially on the gluon distribution at low x values, from available LHC data on heavy-flavor hadro-production.

2006 ◽  
Vol 21 (02) ◽  
pp. 89-109 ◽  
L. REINA ◽  

We review the present status of the QCD corrected cross-sections and kinematic distributions for the production of a Higgs boson in association with bottom quarks at the Fermilab Tevatron and CERN Large Hadron Collider. Results are presented for the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model where, for large tan β, these production modes can be greatly enhanced compared to the Standard Model case. The next-to-leading order QCD results are much less sensitive to the renormalization and factorization scales than the lowest order results, but have a significant dependence on the choice of the renormalization scheme for the bottom quark Yukawa coupling. We also investigate the uncertainties coming from the Parton Distribution Functions and find that these uncertainties can be comparable to the uncertainties from the remaining scale dependence of the next-to-leading order results. We present results separately for the different final states depending on the number of bottom quarks identified.

2017 ◽  
Vol 45 ◽  
pp. 1760063
Érison S. Rocha ◽  
Magno V. T. Machado

In the present work, we investigated the exclusive diffractive production of charmonium in pronton-nucleus collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) energies. Such exclusive production reactions possess a cleaner experimental signal than inclusive production once it is characterized by low multiplicity of particles between final produced state and the incident protons of collider beam. The considered theoretical framework was the perturbative model of Quantum Cromodynamics (QCD) for the Pomeron exchange. In particular, we have used the resolved Pomeron model which depends on the Pomeron flux and Pomeron parton distribution functions. The main goal is to provide predictions for the single diffractive cross section for the J/Psi meson production at the energies of 5.02 TeV and 8.8 TeV. We have shown that a measurement is feasible as the order of magnitude is 400 microbarns even absorption corrections. Furthermore, we analyze the ratio of the diffractive to inclusive cross section which allows theoretical uncertainties to be canceled, mostly those associated to approximations performed in inclusive case.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (9) ◽  
Alejandro Bris ◽  
Vicent Mateu ◽  
Moritz Preisser

Abstract In a recent paper we have shown how to optimally compute the differential and cumulative cross sections for massive event-shapes at $$ \mathcal{O}\left({\alpha}_s\right) $$ O α s in full QCD. In the present article we complete our study by obtaining resummed expressions for non-recoil-sensitive observables to N2LL + $$ \mathcal{O}\left({\alpha}_s\right) $$ O α s precision. Our results can be used for thrust, heavy jet mass and C-parameter distributions in any massive scheme, and are easily generalized to angularities and other event shapes. We show that the so-called E- and P-schemes coincide in the collinear limit, and compute the missing pieces to achieve this level of accuracy: the P-scheme massive jet function in Soft-Collinear Effective Theory (SCET) and boosted Heavy Quark Effective Theory (bHQET). The resummed expression is subsequently matched into fixed-order QCD to extend its validity towards the tail and far- tail of the distribution. The computation of the jet function cannot be cast as the dis- continuity of a forward-scattering matrix element, and involves phase space integrals in d = 4 − 2ε dimensions. We show how to analytically solve the renormalization group equation for the P-scheme SCET jet function, which is significantly more complicated than its 2-jettiness counterpart, and derive rapidly-convergent expansions in various kinematic regimes. Finally, we perform a numerical study to pin down when mass effects become more relevant.

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