top quark
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Universe ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Roman Nevzorov

Grand unified theories (GUTs) may result in the E6-inspired composite Higgs model (E6CHM) at low energies, almost stabilizing the electroweak scale. We consider an orbifold GUT in 6 dimensions in which the E6-gauge group is broken to the gauge symmetry of the standard model (SM) while different multiplets of the SM fermions come from different 27-plets. The strongly coupled sector of the E6CHM is confined on the brane where E6 is broken down to its SU(6) subgroup. Near the scale of f≳5TeV, this approximate SU(6) symmetry is expected to be further broken down to its SU(5) subgroup, which contains the SM-gauge group. Such a breakdown leads to a set of pseudo-Nambu–Goldstone bosons (pNGBs) that includes an SM-like Higgs doublet. The approximate gauge coupling unification in the E6CHM takes place at high energies when the right-handed top quark is a composite fermion. To ensure anomaly cancellation, the weakly coupled sector of this model contains extra exotic matter beyond the SM. We discuss the mechanism of the generation of matter–antimatter asymmetry within the variant of the E6CHM in which the baryon number and CP invariance are violated.

2022 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 06003
Giancarlo Rossi

In this talk we describe examples of renormalizable strongly interacting field theories where chiral symmetry, broken at the UV cutoff by the presence of some irrelevant d > 4 operators in the fundamental Lagrangian, is recovered at low energy owing to the tuning of certain Lagrangian parameters. The interference of UV effects with IR features coming from the spontaneous breaking of the recovered chiral symmetry yields non perturbatively generated elementary fermion masses parametrically expressed by formulae of the kind mq ~ Cq(α)ΛRGI with α the gauge coupling constant and ΛRGI the RGI scale of the theory. Upon introducing EW interactions, this mechanism can be extended to give mass to EW bosons and leptons and can thus be used as an alternative to the Higgs scenario. In order to give the top quark and the weak gauge bosons a mass of the phenomenologically correct order of magnitude, the model must necessarily include (yet unobserved) super-strongly interacting massive fermions endowed, besides ordinary Standard Model interactions, with super-strong interactions with a RGI scale, ΛT ΛQCD in the few TeV range. Though limited in its scope (here we ignore hypercharge and leptons and discuss only the case of one family neglecting weak isospin splitting), the model opens the way to a solution of the naturalness problem and an understanding of the fermion mass hierarchy.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 (1) ◽  
Joshua Davies ◽  
Florian Herren ◽  
Go Mishima ◽  
Matthias Steinhauser

Abstract In this paper we consider the next-to-next-to-leading order total cross section of Higgs boson pair production in the large top quark mass limit and compute four expansion terms in 1/$$ {m}_t^2 $$ m t 2 . To this end, we analytically compute the real-virtual and double-real contributions to the total cross section and combine them with the existing virtual contribution. Good convergence is observed below the top quark threshold, which makes our results a valuable input for approximation methods which aim for next-to-next-to-leading order corrections over the whole kinematic range. We present details on various steps of our calculation; in particular, we provide results for three- and four-particle phase-space master integrals and describe in detail the evaluation of the collinear counterterms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 137 (1) ◽  
Patrizia Azzi ◽  
Loukas Gouskos ◽  
Michele Selvaggi ◽  
Frank Simon

AbstractThe Higgs bosons and the top quark decay into rich and diverse final states, containing both light and heavy quarks, gluons, photons as well as W and Z bosons. This article reviews the challenges involved in reconstructing Higgs and top events at the FCC-ee and identifies the areas where novel developments are needed. The precise identification and reconstruction of these final states at the FCC-ee rely on the capability of the detector to provide excellent flavour tagging, jet energy and angular resolution, and global kinematic event reconstruction. Excellent flavour tagging performance requires low-material vertex and tracking detectors, and advanced machine learning techniques as successfully employed in LHC experiments. In addition, the Z pole run will provide abundant samples of heavy flavour partons that can be used for calibration of the tagging algorithms. For the reconstruction of jets, leptons, and missing energy, particle-flow algorithms are crucial to explore the full potential of the highly granular tracking and calorimeter systems, and give access to excellent energy–momentum resolution and precise identification of heavy bosons in their hadronic decays. This enables, among many other key elements, the reconstruction of Higgsstrahlung processes with leptonically and hadronically decaying Z bosons, and an almost background-free identification of top quark pair events. Exploiting the full available kinematic constraints together with exclusive jet clustering algorithms will allow for the optimisation of global event reconstruction with kinematic fitting techniques.

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (11) ◽  
Peng-Cheng Lu ◽  
Zong-Guo Si ◽  
Zhe Wang ◽  
Xing-Hua Yang

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. P12001
D. Dobur ◽  
J. Knolle ◽  
G. Mestdach ◽  
K. Skovpen

Abstract Kinematic reconstruction of top quarks allows to define a set of kinematic observables relevant to various physics processes that involve top quarks and provides an additional handle for the suppression of background events. Radiation of photons in association with the top quarks alters the kinematics and the topology of the event, leading to visible systematic effects in measurable observables. The present study introduces an improved reconstruction of the top quark kinematics in the presence of photon radiation. The results are presented for processes with top quark pair production, as well as for singly-produced top quarks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
Long Chen ◽  
Michał Czakon ◽  
Marco Niggetiedt

Abstract It is well known that the effect of top quark loop corrections in the axial part of quark form factors (FF) does not decouple in the large top mass or low energy limit due to the presence of the axial-anomaly type diagrams. The top-loop induced singlet-type contribution should be included in addition to the purely massless result for quark FFs when applied to physics in the low energy region, both for the non-decoupling mass logarithms and for an appropriate renormalization scale dependence. In this work, we have numerically computed the so-called singlet contribution to quark FFs with the exact top quark mass dependence over the full kinematic range. We discuss in detail the renormalization formulae of the individual subsets of the singlet contribution to an axial quark FF with a particular flavor, as well as the renormalization group equations that govern their individual scale dependence. Finally we have extracted the 3-loop Wilson coefficient in the low energy effective Lagrangian, renormalized in a $$ \mathrm{non}\hbox{-} \overline{\mathrm{MS}} $$ non ‐ MS ¯ scheme and constructed to encode the leading large mass approximation of our exact results for singlet quark FFs. We have also examined the accuracy of the approximation in the low energy region.

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