Early Palaeozoic brachiopods and associated shelly faunas from western Gondwana: their bearing on the geodynamic history of the pre-Andean margin

1998 ◽  
Vol 142 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-83 ◽  
Juan L. Benedetto
1984 ◽  
Vol 75 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-133 ◽  
Gordon B. Curry ◽  
B. J. Bluck ◽  
C. J. Burton ◽  
J. K. Ingham ◽  
David J. Siveter ◽  

I. ABSTRACT: Research interest in the Highland Border Complex has been pursued sporadically during the past 150 years. The results and conclusions have emphasised the problems of dealing with a lithologically disparate association which crops out in isolated, fault-bounded slivers along the line of the Highland Boundary fault. For much of the present century, the debate has centred on whether the rocks of the complex have affinities with the Dalradian Supergroup to the N, or are a discrete group. Recent fossil discoveries in a wide variety of Highland Border rocks have confirmed that many are of Ordovician age, and hence cannot have been involved in at least the early Grampian deformational events (now accurately dated as pre-Ordovician) which affect the Dalradian Supergroup. Such palaeontological discoveries form the basis for a viable biostratigraphical synthesis. On a regional scale, it is apparent that the geological history of the Highland Border rocks must be viewed in the context of plate boundary tectonism along the entire northwestern margin of Iapetus during Palaeozoic times.II. ABSTRACT: Silicified articulate brachiopods from the Lower Ordovician (Arenig) Dounans Limestone are extremely rare but the stratigraphically diagnostic generaArchaeorthisSchuchert and Cooper, andOrthidiumHall and Clarke, have been identified. In addition, three specimens with characteristic syntrophiid morphology have been recovered. Inarticulate brachiopods are known from Stonehaven and Bofrishlie Burn near Aberfoyle, and have also been previously recorded from Arran.III. ABSTRACT: Micropalaeontological investigation of the Highland Border Complex has produced a range of microfossils including chitinozoans, coleolids, calcispheres and other more enigmatic objects. The stratigraphical ranges of the species lie almost entirely within the Ordovician and reveal a scatter of ages for different lithologies from the Arenig through to the Caradoc or Ashgill, with a pronounced erosional break between the Llandeilo and the Caradoc.IV. ABSTRACT: A Lower Ordovician (Arenig Series) silicified ostracode fauna from the Highland Border Dounans Limestone at Lime Craig Quarry, Aberfoyle, Central Scotland, represents the earliest record of this group of Crustacea from the British part of the early Palaeozoic ‘North American’ plate.V. ABSTRACT: Palaeontological age determinations for a variety of Highland Border rocks are presented. The data are based on the results of recent prospecting which has demonstrated that macro- and microfossils are present in a much greater range of Highland Border lithologies than previously realised. Data from other studies are also incorporated, as are modern taxonomie re-assessments of older palaeontological discoveries, in a comprehensive survey of Highland Border biostratigraphy. These accumulated data demonstrate that all fossiliferous Highland Border rocks so far discovered are of Ordovician age, with the exception of the Lower Cambrian Leny Limestone.VI. ABSTRACT: The Highland Border Complex consists of at least four rock assemblages: a serpentinite and possibly other ophiolitic rocks of Early or pre-Arenig age; a sequence of limestones and conglomerates of Early Arenig age; a succession of dark shales, cherts, quartz wackes, basic lavas and associated volcanogenic sediments of Llanvirn and ? earlier age; and an assemblage of limestones, breccias, conglomerates and arenites with subordinate shales of Caradoc or Ashgill age. At least three assemblages are divided by unconformities and in theirmost general aspect have similarities with coeval rocks in western Ireland.The Highland Border Complex probably formed N of the Midland Valley arc massif in a marginal sea comparable with the Sunda shelf adjacent to Sumatra–Java. Strike-slip and thrust emplacement of the whole Complex in at least four episodes followed the probable generation of all or part of its rocks by pull-apart mechanisms.

2019 ◽  
Vol 157 (4) ◽  
pp. 539-550
Gabriela Torre ◽  
Guillermo L. Albanesi

AbstractThe presence of a carbonate platform that interfingers towards the west with slope facies allows for the identification of an ancient lower Palaeozoic continental margin in the Western Precordillera of Argentina. The Los Sombreros Formation is essential for the interpretation of the continental slope of the Precordillera, which accreted to Gondwana as part of the Cuyania Terrane in the early Palaeozoic. The age of these slope deposits is controversial; therefore, a precise biostratigraphic scheme is critical to reveal the evolution of the South American continental margin of Gondwana. The study of lithic deposits of two sections of the Los Sombreros Formation, the El Salto and Los Túneles sections, provides important information for further understanding the depositional history of the slope. At El Salto section, the conodonts recovered from an allochthonous block refer to the Cordylodus proavus Zone (upper Furongian). The conodonts recovered from the matrix of a calclithite bed of the Los Sombreros Formation in the Los Túneles section are assigned to the Lenodus variabilis Zone (early Darriwilian), providing a minimum age for this stratigraphic unit. In addition, clasts from this sample yielded conodonts from the Paltodus deltifer − Macerodus dianae zones (upper Tremadocian). The contrasting conodont colour alterations and preservation states from the elements of two latter records, coming from the same sample, argue the reworked clasts originated in the carbonate platform and later transported to the slope during the accretion process of the Precordilleran Terrane to the South American Gondwanan margin during the Middle–Late Ordovician.

Sharad Master

ABSTRACTThe Cape Granites are a granitic suite intruded into Neoproterozoic greywackes and slates, and unconformably overlain by early Palaeozoic Table Mountain Group orthoquartzites. They were first recognised at Paarl in 1776 by Francis Masson, and by William Anderson and William Hamilton in 1778. Studies of the Cape Granites were central to some of the early debates between the Wernerian Neptunists (Robert Jameson and his former pupils) and the Huttonian Plutonists (John Playfair, Basil Hall, Charles Darwin), in the first decades of the 19th Century, since it is at the foot of Table Mountain that the first intrusive granites outside of Scotland were described by Hall in 1812. The Neptunists believed that all rocks, including granite and basalt, were precipitated from the primordial oceans, whereas the Plutonists believed in the intrusive origin of some igneous rocks, such as granite. In this paper, some of the early descriptions and debates concerning the Cape Granites are reviewed, and the history of the development of ideas on granites (as well as on contact metamorphism and sea level changes) at the Cape in the late 18th Century and early to mid 19th Century, during the emerging years of the discipline of geology, is presented for the first time.

1993 ◽  
Vol 130 (5) ◽  
pp. 613-620 ◽  
R. J. Merriman ◽  
T. C. Pharaoh ◽  
N. H. Woodcock ◽  
P. Daly

AbstractWhite mica (illite) crystallinity data, derived mostly from borehole samples, have been used to generate a contoured metamorphic map of the concealed Caledonide fold belt of eastern England and the foreland formed by the Midlands Microcraton. The northern subcrop of the fold belt is characterized by epizonal phyllites and quartzites of possible Cambrian age, whereas anchizonal grades characterize Silurian to Lower Devonian strata of the Anglian Basin in the southern subcrop of the fold belt. Regional metamorphism in the Anglian Basin resulted from deep burial and Acadian deformation beneath a possible overburden of 7 km, assuming a metamorphic field gradient of 36 °C km-1. Late Proterozoic volcaniclastic rocks forming the basement of the microcraton show anchizonal to epizonal grades that probably developed during late Avalonian metamorphism. Cambrian to Tremadoc strata, showing late diagenetic alteration, rest on the basement with varying degrees of metamorphic discordance. During early Palaeozoic times, much of the microcraton was a region of slow subsidence with overburden thicknesses of 3.3–5.5 km. However, concealed Tremadoc strata in the northeast of the microcraton reach anchizonal grades and may have been buried to depths of 7 km beneath an overburden of uncertain age.

2019 ◽  
Vol 157 (2) ◽  
pp. 160-172
Hengzhe Bi ◽  
Shuguang Song ◽  
Liming Yang ◽  
Mark B. Allen ◽  
Shengsheng Qi ◽  

AbstractThe East Kunlun Orogen (EKO) is the NW part of the Central China Orogenic Belt, which records the evolutionary history of the Proto- and Palaeo-Tethys Oceans from the Cambrian to the Triassic. An Early Palaeozoic eclogite belt has been recognized in recent years, which extends discontinuously for ∼500 km as three eclogite-bearing terranes. In this study, we report an integrated study of zircon grains from mica-schists accompanying the eclogites, in terms of mineral inclusions, U–Pb age systematics and P–T conditions. The presence of coesite is identified, as inclusions within the metamorphic domain of zircons, which provides unambiguous evidence for subducted terrigenous clastic rocks of the Proto-Tethys Ocean exhumed from coesite-forming depths. U–Pb dating of the metamorphic zircons yields a concordia age of 426.5 ± 0.88 Ma, which is likely to be the time of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism in the Kehete terrane. P–T calculations suggest that metapelite may have experienced a clockwise P–T path with peak P/T conditions of 685 ± 41 °C and >28 kbar, and equilibrated at 482–566 °C and 5.6–8.9 kbar during subsequent exhumation. The high-pressure – ultrahigh-pressure (HP-UHP) metamorphic belt within the EKO may have formed by collision between the Qaidam Block and the South Kunlun Block, as a consequence of the closure of the Proto-Tethys Ocean.

1984 ◽  
Vol 75 (2) ◽  
pp. 245-258 ◽  
G. J. H. Oliver ◽  
J. L. Smellie ◽  
L. J. Thomas ◽  
D. M. Casey ◽  
A. E. S. Kemp ◽  

ABSTRACTA model for the early Palaeozoic metamorphic history of the Midland Valley and adjacent areas to the S in Scotland, England and Ireland is based on the results of new field mapping, thin section petrography, electron probe microanalysis, X-ray diffractometry, conodont and palynomorph colouration and graptolite reflectance measurement.The oldest metamorphic rocks of the Midland Valley of Scotland, excluding xenoliths in post-Silurian lavas, are possibly the blueschist occurrences in the melange unit of the Ballantrae complex. These may be tectonised remnants of (?)pre-Arenig ocean-floor subducted during closure of the Iapetus Ocean. In the early Ordovician, the melange terrane was dynamothermally metamorphosed during obduction of newly-formed ocean crust. The obduction process piled up a thick sequence of various ocean-floor types such that burial metamorphism in parts reached pumpellyite-actinolite facies; elsewhere prehnite-pumpellyite and zeolite facies was attained.Whilst the Midland Valley acted as an inter- or fore-arc basin during the Late Ordovician and Silurian and experienced burial metamorphism, an accretionary prism was formed to the S. Accretion, tectonic burial and metamorphism of ocean-floor and trench sediment was continuous in the Southern Uplands and the Longford-Down massif of Ireland through Late Ordovician to Late Silurian times. Rocks at the present-day surface vary from zeolite facies to prehnitepumpellyite facies. Silurian trench-slope basin sediments can be recognised in part by their lower grade of burial metamorphism. Greenschist facies rocks of the prism probably lie close to the surface.The Lake District island-arc terrane of Northern England has an early Ordovician history of burial metamorphism up to prehnite-pumpellyite facies. The Late Ordovician and Silurian metamorphic history is one of sedimentary burial complicated by tectonism and intrusion of granite plutons to a relatively high level. The Iapetus suture is marked by a weak contrast in metamorphic grade.

2011 ◽  
Vol 149 (3) ◽  
pp. 443-458 ◽  

AbstractAge spectra of detrital zircons from metamorphosed quartzites of the Krkonoše–Jizera Massif in the northeastern part of the Saxothuringian Domain were obtained by U–Pb laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry dating. The zircon ages cluster in the intervals of 450–530 Ma and 550–670 Ma, and show individual data between 1.6 and 3.1 Ga. Zircons in the analysed samples are predominantly of Cambrian–Ordovician and Neoproterozoic age, and the marked peak at c. 525–500 Ma suggests a late Cambrian maximum age for the sedimentary protolith. Detritus of the quartzites probably originated from the erosion of Cambrian–Ordovician granitoids and their Neoproterozoic (meta)sedimentary or magmatic country rocks. The lack of Neoproterozoic (meta)sedimentary rocks in the central and eastern part of the Krkonoše–Jizera Massif suggests that the country rocks to voluminous Cambrian–Ordovician magmatic bodies were largely eroded during the formation of early Palaeozoic rift basins along the southeast passive margin of the Saxothuringian Domain. The detrital zircon age spectra confirm the previous interpretation that the exposed basement, dominated by Neoproterozoic to Cambrian–Ordovician granitoids, was overthrust during Devonian–Carboniferous subduction–collision processes by nappes composed of metamorphosed equivalents of the uppermost Cambrian–Devonian passive margin sedimentary formations. Only a negligible number of Mesoproterozoic ages, typically from the Grenvillian event, supports the interpretation that the Saxothuringian Neoproterozoic basement has an affinity to the West African Craton of the northwestern margin of Gondwana.

2020 ◽  
Vol 157 (12) ◽  
pp. 1939-1970
Anthony P. Shillito ◽  
Neil S. Davies

AbstractThe establishment of permanent animal communities on land was a defining event in the history of evolution, and one for which the ichnofauna and facies of the Tumblagooda Sandstone of Western Australia have been considered an archetypal case study. However, terrestrialization can only be understood from the rock record with conclusive sedimentological evidence for non-marine deposition, and original fieldwork on the formation shows that a marine influence was pervasive throughout all trace fossil-bearing strata. Four distinct facies associations are described, deposited in fluvial, tidal and estuarine settings. Here we explain the controversies surrounding the age and depositional environment of the Tumblagooda Sandstone, many of which have arisen due to the challenges in distinguishing marine from non-marine depositional settings in lower Palaeozoic successions. We clarify the terminological inconsistency that has hindered such determination, and demonstrate how palaeoenvironmental explanations can be expanded out from unambiguously indicative sedimentary structures. The Tumblagooda Sandstone provides a unique insight into an early Palaeozoic ichnofauna that was strongly partitioned by patchy resource distribution in a littoral setting. The influence of outcrop style and quality is accounted for to contextualize this ichnofauna, revealing six distinct low-disparity groups of trace fossil associations, each related to a different sub-environment within the high-ichnodisparity broad depositional setting. The formation is compared with contemporaneous ichnofaunas to examine its continued significance to understanding the terrestrialization process. Despite not recording permanent non-marine communities, the Tumblagooda Sandstone provides a detailed picture of the realm left behind by the first invertebrate pioneers of terrestrialization.

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