Ventilatory responses of the horse to exercise: effect of gas collection systems

1987 ◽  
Vol 63 (3) ◽  
pp. 1210-1217 ◽  
W. M. Bayly ◽  
D. A. Schultz ◽  
D. R. Hodgson ◽  
P. D. Gollnick

Experiments were undertaken to determine whether respiratory masks worn by horses exercising strenuously on a treadmill may interfere with normal gas exchange. Four collection systems, two flow-through systems and two incorporating one-way valve systems with subject-generated airflow were studied. Six horses performed standard treadmill exercise tests consisting of a 2-min warm up followed by galloping 1 min each at 8,9, and 10 m/s. Each horse exercised six times while wearing each of the four respiratory masks. Each flow-through system was used twice with flow rates of 2,360 and 3,840 l/min for one system, and 3,840 and 6,300 l/min for the other. Arterial blood gas tensions were measured during exercise at each speed for each system and were compared with values measured when the horses performed the same test without wearing a mask. Hypercapnia developed during exercise with each of the respiratory masks except with the 6,300–l/min flow-through system. All horses became hypoxemic during every exercise test, but it was most severe when systems incorporating one-way valves were used. This, plus the degree of hypercapnia observed and a suboptimal heart rate-O2 uptake relationship, indicated that such systems severely impede ventilation and suggest that experiments performed while utilizing them do not represent the normal exercise condition.

1976 ◽  
Vol 40 (6) ◽  
pp. 864-867 ◽  
S. N. Koyal ◽  
B. J. Whipp ◽  
D. Huntsman ◽  
G. A. Bray ◽  
K. Wasserman

Ventilation and acid-base responses were studied at comparable levels of O2 uptake during cycle ergometer and treadmill exercise, to determine the extent to which the type of exercise affects these responses. Twenty male subjects performed 50-, 100-, and 150-W cycle ergometer exercise and three work rates of similar O2 uptake on a treadmill. At comparable oxygen uptakes, arterial lactate and VE were higher and arterial pH and bicarbonate were lower for cycle ergometer than treadmill exercise. These differences could be accounted for by the greater degree of metabolic acidosis during cycle ergometer work. The increment in VE over that predicted (from an extrapolation of the linear relationship of the VE-VO2 relationship for low work rates) was linearly related to the decrease in arterial bicarbonate; VE was increased by approximately 4 1/min for each meq/1 of bicarbonate decrease for both treadmill and cycle ergometry.

1980 ◽  
Vol 49 (3) ◽  
pp. 456-461 ◽  
D. Y. Sue ◽  
J. E. Hansen ◽  
M. Blais ◽  
K. Wasserman

Although exercise testing is useful in the diagnosis and management of cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, a rapid comprehensive method for measurement of ventilation and gas exchange has been limited to expensive complex computer-based systems. We devised a relatively inexpensive, technically simple, and clinically oriented exercise system built around a desktop calculator. This system automatically collects and analyzes data on a breath-by-breath basis. Our calculator system overcomes the potential inaccuracies of gas exchange measurement due to water vapor dilution and mismatching of expired flow and gas concentrations. We found no difference between the calculator-derived minute ventilation, CO2 production, O2 consumption, and respiratory exchange ratio and the values determined from simultaneous mixed expired gas collections in 30 constant-work-rate exercise studies. Both tabular and graphic displays of minute ventilation, CO2 production, O2 consumption, respiratory exchange ratio, heart rate, end-tidal O2 tension, end-tidal CO2 tension, and arterial blood gas value are included for aid in the interpretation of clinical exercise tests.

2010 ◽  
Vol 34 (S34) ◽  
pp. 408-412 ◽  
B. B. MARTIN ◽  
E. J. HAMMER ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (161) ◽  
pp. 200206
Sophie É. Collins ◽  
Devin B. Phillips ◽  
Andrew R. Brotto ◽  
Zahrah H. Rampuri ◽  
Michael K. Stickland

During submaximal exercise, minute ventilation (V′E) increases in proportion to metabolic rate (i.e. carbon dioxide production (V′CO2)) to maintain arterial blood gas homeostasis. The ratio V′E/V′CO2, commonly termed ventilatory efficiency, is a useful tool to evaluate exercise responses in healthy individuals and patients with chronic disease. Emerging research has shown abnormal ventilatory responses to exercise (either elevated or blunted V′E/V′CO2) in some chronic respiratory and cardiovascular conditions. This review will briefly provide an overview of the physiology of ventilatory efficiency, before describing the ventilatory responses to exercise in healthy trained endurance athletes, patients with asthma, and patients with obesity. During submaximal exercise, the V′E/V′CO2 response is generally normal in endurance-trained individuals, patients with asthma and patients with obesity. However, in endurance-trained individuals, asthmatics who demonstrate exercise induced-bronchoconstriction, and morbidly obese individuals, the V′E/V′CO2 can be blunted at maximal exercise, likely because of mechanical ventilatory constraint.

2016 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 251
Deborah Penteado Martins Dias ◽  
Marco Augusto Giannoccaro da Silva ◽  
Raquel Mincarelli Albernaz ◽  
Lina Maria Wehrle Gomide ◽  
Carla Braga Martins ◽  

The purpose of the present investigation was to examine the effects of unilateral and bilateral jugular vein occlusion via temporary surgical ligature on arterial blood gases in horses during treadmill exercise. Six horses performed three exercise tests (ETs). ET1, considered to be the control, was performed in horses without jugular occlusion. ET2 and ET3 were performed in horses with unilateral and bilateral occlusion via temporary surgical ligature of the jugular veins, respectively. The partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) and partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) were determined. The PO2 showed decreased values during ET2 and ET3, suggesting that horses presenting acute jugular thrombophlebitis may have airflow limitations when exercising.

1979 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
pp. 112-118 ◽  
T. V. Santiago ◽  
J. Johnson ◽  
D. J. Riley ◽  
N. H. Edelman

The effects of analgesic doses of morphine on ventilation, arterial blood gas tensions, chemical control of breathing, and the ventilatory response to exercise were studied in six normal subjects. After administration of 0.2 mg/kg morphine, resting ventilation decreased primarily because of a reduction of tidal volume. Ventilatory responses to carbon dioxide and hypoxia were significantly reduced to one-half and one-third of control, respectively. Ventilatory responses at any given level of exercise were significantly reduced after morphine. However, since oxygen consumption during exercise was similarly reduced after morphine, the relationship between ventilation and metabolic rate during steady-state exercise was not altered by the drug. In addition, morphine prolonged the attainment of steady-state ventilation in four of the six subjects, similar to that reported for chemodenervated subjects. The findings suggest that blunting of chemoreception for hypoxia and hypercapnia has no effect upon the link between metabolic rate and ventilation during steady-state exercise, but the hypoxia chemoreflex may be involved in determining the dynamic characteristics of the response.

1991 ◽  
Vol 71 (3) ◽  
pp. 1050-1056 ◽  
N. C. Gonzalez ◽  
M. Zamagni ◽  
R. L. Clancy

The objective of the present experiments was to determine whether prevention or moderation of exercise acidosis would influence arterial blood oxygenation and exercise capacity in hypoxia. The effect of administration of 0.3 M NaHCO3 (3 ml/100 g) on maximum O2 uptake (VO2max) and arterial blood oxygenation was determined in rats acclimated to simulated altitude (370–380 Torr barometric pressure) for 3 wk (HxBic) and in normoxic littermates (NxBic). Controls were simulated-altitude (HxNaCl) and normoxic rats (NxNaCl) given 0.3 M NaCl. Inspiratory PO2 during treadmill exercise was approximately 70 Torr for hypoxic rats and 140–145 Torr for normoxic rats. VO2max was 18% higher in HxBic than in HxNaCl (62.8 + 1.6 vs. 53.1 + 1.0 ml, respectively, P less than 0.05) and only 8% higher in NxBic than in NxNaCl (74.0 + 1.1 vs. 68.7 + 1.5 ml, respectively, P less than 0.05). Exercise in HxNaCl resulted in a decrease in arterial O2 concentration (CaO2), which was largely due to a pH-induced decrease in O2 saturation of arterial blood, and occurred despite an increase in arterial PO2. NaHCO3 moderated the acidosis of exercise and largely attenuated the decrease in CaO2. The effects of acidosis and bicarbonate on CaO2 were much less evident in the normoxic controls. There was an almost linear relationship between VO2max and the corresponding CaO2 for all four groups, suggesting that the effect of NaHCO3 on VO2max may be related to moderation of the decrease in CaO2.

1986 ◽  
Vol 61 (4) ◽  
pp. 1577-1581 ◽  
L. G. Pan ◽  
H. V. Forster ◽  
R. P. Kaminski

We assessed in ponies the adequacy of using rectal (Tre) rather than arterial temperature (Tar) under conditions common to ventilatory control experiments, i.e., CO2 breathing, thermal stress, and particularly exercise. We were interested in whether, and to what extent, Tar-Tre differences could lead to errors in arterial blood gas corrections. At control environmental temperatures (Ta) of 5 degrees C in the winter and 21 degrees C in the summer, Tar and Tre (37.1 degrees C) did not differ (P greater than 0.05). Elevating winter or summer Ta by 10-18 degrees C for 2-days or lowering summer Ta by 9 degrees C (2-days) did not change Tar or Tre (P greater than 0.05). Furthermore, elevating inspired PCO2 to 42 Torr for 15 min did not alter Tar or Tre from control (P greater than 0.05). During treadmill exercise, at 1.8 mph 5% grade, Tar and Tre did not change significantly (P greater than 0.05) from rest by 11 min of work. At 3 mph 5% grade, Tar increased progressively by 0.3 degrees C (P less than 0.05) while Tre tended to increase 0.1 degree C by 11 min. During moderate exercise at 6 mph 5% grade, Tar increased 0.9 degree C (P less than 0.05) while Tre increased 0.25 degree C (P less than 0.05). Finally, by 6 min of heavy exercise at 8 mph 20% grade, Tar increased 2 degrees C (P less than 0.05) while Tre increased 0.5 degree C (P less than 0.05). The Tar-Tre differences during the latter three work loads were statistically significant (P less than 0.01).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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