Coordinating two degrees of freedom during human arm movement: load and speed invariance of relative joint torques

1996 ◽  
Vol 76 (5) ◽  
pp. 3196-3206 ◽  
G. L. Gottlieb ◽  
Q. Song ◽  
D. A. Hong ◽  
D. M. Corcos

1. Eight subjects performed three series of pointing tasks with the unconstrained arm. Series one and two required subjects to move between two fixed targets as quickly as possible with different weights attached to the wrist. By specifying initial and final positions of the finger tip, the first series was performed by flexion of both shoulder and elbow and the second by shoulder flexion and elbow extension. The third series required flexion at both joints, and subjects were instructed to vary movement speed. We examined how variations in load or intended speed were associated with changes in the amount and timing of the electromyographic (EMG) activity and the net muscle torque production. 2. EMG and torque patterns at the individual joints varied with load and speed according to most of the same rules we have described for single-joint movements. 1) Movements were produced by biphasic torque pulses and biphasic or triphasic EMG bursts at both joints. 2) The accelerating impulse was proportional to the load when the subject moved “as fast and accurately as possible” or to speed if that was intentionally varied. 3) The area of the EMG bursts of agonist muscles varied with the impulse. 4) The rates of rise of the net muscle torques and of the EMG bursts were proportional to intended speed and insensitive to inertial load. 5) The areas of the antagonist muscle EMG bursts were proportional to intended movement speed but showed less dependence on load, which is unlike what is observed during single-joint movements. 3. Comparisons across joints showed that the impulse produced at the shoulder was proportional to that produced at the elbow as both varied together with load and speed. The torques at the two joints varied in close synchrony, achieving maxima and going through zero almost simultaneously. 4. We hypothesize that “coordination” of the elbow and shoulder is by the planning and generation of synchronized, biphasic muscle torque pulses that remain in near linear proportionality to each other throughout most of the movement. This linear synergy produces movements with the commonly observed kinematic properties and that are preserved over changes in speed and load.

1999 ◽  
Vol 81 (5) ◽  
pp. 2582-2586 ◽  
Kiisa C. Nishikawa ◽  
Sara T. Murray ◽  
Martha Flanders

Do arm postures vary with the speed of reaching? For reaching movements in one plane, the hand has been observed to follow a similar path regardless of speed. Recent work on the control of more complex reaching movements raises the question of whether a similar “speed invariance” also holds for the additional degrees of freedom. Therefore we examined human arm movements involving initial and final hand locations distributed throughout the three-dimensional (3D) workspace of the arm. Despite this added complexity, arm kinematics (summarized by the spatial orientation of the “plane of the arm” and the 3D curvature of the hand path) changed very little for movements performed over a wide range of speeds. If the total force (dynamic + quasistatic) had been optimized by the control system (e.g., as in a minimization of the change in joint torques or the change in muscular forces), the optimal solution would change with speed; slow movements would reflect the minimal antigravity torques, whereas fast movements would be more strongly influenced by dynamic factors. The speed-invariant postures observed in this study are instead consistent with a hypothesized optimization of only the dynamic forces.

1997 ◽  
Vol 78 (6) ◽  
pp. 2985-2998 ◽  
Gerald L. Gottlieb ◽  
Qilai Song ◽  
Gil L. Almeida ◽  
Di-An Hong ◽  
Daniel Corcos

Gottlieb, Gerald L., Qilai Song, Gil L. Almeida, Di-an Hong, and Daniel Corcos. Directional control of planar human arm movement. J. Neurophysiol. 78: 2985–2998, 1997. We examined the patterns of joint kinematics and torques in two kinds of sagittal plane reaching movements. One consisted of movements from a fixed initial position with the arm partially outstretched, to different targets, equidistant from the initial position and located according to the hours of a clock. The other series added movements from different initial positions and directions and >40–80 cm distances. Dynamic muscle torque was calculated by inverse dynamic equations with the gravitational components removed. In making movements in almost every direction, the dynamic components of the muscle torques at both the elbow and shoulder were related almost linearly to each other. Both were similarly shaped, biphasic, almost synchronous and symmetrical pulses. These findings are consistent with our previously reported observations, which we termed a linear synergy. The relative scaling of the two joint torques changes continuously and regularly with movement direction. This was confirmed by calculating a vector defined by the dynamic components of the shoulder and elbow torques. The vector rotates smoothly about an ellipse in intrinsic, joint torque space as the direction of hand motion rotates about a circle in extrinsic Cartesian space. This confirms a second implication of linear synergy that the scaling constant between the linearly related joint torques is directionally dependent. Multiple linear regression showed that the torque at each joint scales as a simple linear function of the angular displacement at both joints, in spite of the complex nonlinear dynamics of multijoint movement. The coefficients of this function are independent of the initial arm position and movement distance and are the same for all subjects. This is an unanticipated finding. We discuss these observations in terms of the hypothesis that voluntary, multiple degrees of freedom, rapid reaching movements may use rule-based, feed-forward control of dynamic joint torque. Rule-based control of joint torque with separate dynamic and static controllers is an alternative to models such as those based on the equilibrium point hypotheses that rely on a positionally based controller to produce both dynamic and static torque components. It is also an alternative to feed-forward models that directly solve the problems of inverse dynamics. Our experimental findings are not necessarily incompatible with any of the alternative models, but they describe new, additional findings for which we need to account. The rules are chosen by the nervous system according to features of the kinematic task to couple muscle contraction at the shoulder and elbow in a linear synergy. Speed and load control preserves the relative magnitudes of the dynamic torques while directional control is accomplished by modulating them in a differential manner. This control system operates in parallel with a positional control system that solves the problems of postural stability.

1998 ◽  
Vol 79 (3) ◽  
pp. 1409-1424 ◽  
Paul L. Gribble ◽  
David J. Ostry ◽  
Vittorio Sanguineti ◽  
Rafael Laboissière

Gribble, Paul L., David J. Ostry, Vittorio Sanguineti, and Rafael Laboissière. Are complex control signals required for human arm movement? J. Neurophysiol. 79: 1409–1424, 1998. It has been proposed that the control signals underlying voluntary human arm movement have a “complex” nonmonotonic time-varying form, and a number of empirical findings have been offered in support of this idea. In this paper, we address three such findings using a model of two-joint arm motion based on the λ version of the equilibrium-point hypothesis. The model includes six one- and two-joint muscles, reflexes, modeled control signals, muscle properties, and limb dynamics. First, we address the claim that “complex” equilibrium trajectories are required to account for nonmonotonic joint impedance patterns observed during multijoint movement. Using constant-rate shifts in the neurally specified equilibrium of the limb and constant cocontraction commands, we obtain patterns of predicted joint stiffness during simulated multijoint movements that match the nonmonotonic patterns reported empirically. We then use the algorithm proposed by Gomi and Kawato to compute a hypothetical equilibrium trajectory from simulated stiffness, viscosity, and limb kinematics. Like that reported by Gomi and Kawato, the resulting trajectory was nonmonotonic, first leading then lagging the position of the limb. Second, we address the claim that high levels of stiffness are required to generate rapid single-joint movements when simple equilibrium shifts are used. We compare empirical measurements of stiffness during rapid single-joint movements with the predicted stiffness of movements generated using constant-rate equilibrium shifts and constant cocontraction commands. Single-joint movements are simulated at a number of speeds, and the procedure used by Bennett to estimate stiffness is followed. We show that when the magnitude of the cocontraction command is scaled in proportion to movement speed, simulated joint stiffness varies with movement speed in a manner comparable with that reported by Bennett. Third, we address the related claim that nonmonotonic equilibrium shifts are required to generate rapid single-joint movements. Using constant-rate equilibrium shifts and constant cocontraction commands, rapid single-joint movements are simulated in the presence of external torques. We use the procedure reported by Latash and Gottlieb to compute hypothetical equilibrium trajectories from simulated torque and angle measurements during movement. As in Latash and Gottlieb, a nonmonotonic function is obtained even though the control signals used in the simulations are constant-rate changes in the equilibrium position of the limb. Differences between the “simple” equilibrium trajectory proposed in the present paper and those that are derived from the procedures used by Gomi and Kawato and Latash and Gottlieb arise from their use of simplified models of force generation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-94
Lehel István Kovács

Abstract In this short survey and case study we want to present our research experience through the project developed by our team, that involves the building of a LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 robotic arm and tracked robot car which mimics the motion of the human arm and legs. We used 3 interconnected LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 bricks to reach the desired degrees of freedom. Using a Kinect sensor, the system detects the motion of the human user’s arm and creates the skeletal image of the arm. Coordinate geometry and different approximation methods are used to calculate the rotation angles between the bones connecting the joints. In our project the key is inverse kinematics, whitch makes use of the kinematics equations to determine the joint rotation parameters that provide a desired position for each of the robot’s end-effectors – arms and legs (wheels). The combined motion of the LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 motors results in a complete robotic forward or backward motion and arm movement which is a perfect mimic of the human arm movement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 205566832110198
Sivakumar Balasubramanian ◽  
Sandeep Guguloth ◽  
Javeed Shaikh Mohammed ◽  
S Sujatha

Aim: Intense training of arm movements using robotic devices can help reduce impairments in stroke. Recent evidence indicates that independent training of individual joints of the arm with robots can be as effective as coordinated multi-joint arm training. This makes a case for designing and developing robots made for training individual joints, which can be simpler and more compact than the ones for coordinate multi-joint arm training. The design of such a robot is the aim of the work presented in this paper. Methods: An end-effector robot kinematic design was developed and the optimal robot link lengths were estimated using an optimization procedure. A simple algorithm for automatically detecting human limb parameters is proposed and its performance was evaluated through a simulation study. Results: A six-degrees-of-freedom end-effector robot with three actuated degrees-of-freedom and three non-actuated self-aligning degrees-of-freedom for safe assisted training of the individual joints (shoulder or elbow) of the human arm was conceived. The proposed robot has relaxed constraints on the relative positioning of the human limb with respect to the robot. The optimized link lengths chosen for the robot allow it to cover about 80% of the human limb’s workspace, and possess good overall manipulability. The simple estimation procedure was demonstrated to estimate human limb parameters with low bias and variance. Discussion: The proposed robot with three actuated and three non-actuated degrees-of-freedom has a compact structure suitable for both the left and right arms without any change to its structure. The proposed automatic estimation procedure allows the robot to safely apply forces and impose movements to the human limb, without the need for any manual measurements. Such compact robots have the highest potential for clinical translation

2007 ◽  
Vol 129 (6) ◽  
pp. 838-847 ◽  
Joon-young Kim ◽  
James K. Mills ◽  
Albert H. Vette ◽  
Milos R. Popovic

Arm-free paraplegic standing via functional electrical stimulation (FES) has drawn much attention in the biomechanical field as it might allow a paraplegic to stand and simultaneously use both arms to perform daily activities. However, current FES systems for standing require that the individual actively regulates balance using one or both arms, thus limiting the practical use of these systems. The purpose of the present study was to show that actuating only six out of 12 degrees of freedom (12-DOFs) in the lower limbs to allow paraplegics to stand freely is theoretically feasible with respect to multibody stability and physiological torque limitations of the lower limb DOF. Specifically, the goal was to determine the optimal combination of the minimum DOF that can be realistically actuated using FES while ensuring stability and able-bodied kinematics during perturbed arm-free standing. The human body was represented by a three-dimensional dynamics model with 12-DOFs in the lower limbs. Nakamura’s method (Nakamura, Y., and Ghodoussi, U., 1989, “Dynamics Computation of Closed-Link Robot Mechanisms With Nonredundant and Redundant Actuators,” IEEE Trans. Rob. Autom., 5(3), pp. 294–302) was applied to estimate the joint torques of the system using experimental motion data from four healthy subjects. The torques were estimated by applying our previous finding that only 6 (6-DOFs) out of 12-DOFs in the lower limbs need to be actuated to facilitate stable standing. Furthermore, it was shown that six cases of 6-DOFs exist, which facilitate stable standing. In order to characterize each of these cases in terms of the torque generation patterns and to identify a potential optimal 6-DOF combination, the joint torques during perturbations in eight different directions were estimated for all six cases of 6-DOFs. The results suggest that the actuation of both ankle flexion∕extension, both knee flexion∕extension, one hip flexion∕extension, and one hip abduction∕adduction DOF will result in the minimum torque requirements to regulate balance during perturbed standing. To facilitate unsupported FES-assisted standing, it is sufficient to actuate only 6-DOFs. An optimal combination of 6-DOFs exists, for which this system can generate able-bodied kinematics while requiring lower limb joint torques that are producible using contemporary FES technology. These findings suggest that FES-assisted arm-free standing of paraplegics is theoretically feasible, even when limited by the fact that muscles actuating specific DOFs are often denervated or difficult to access.

1992 ◽  
Vol 67 (4) ◽  
pp. 931-943 ◽  
M. Flanders ◽  
U. Herrmann

1. The temporal waveform of muscle activity was related to the speed of arm movement. Speed was expressed in terms of the duration of a fixed amplitude movement or the "movement time." 2. Human subjects moved their arms to targets in three-dimensional space. The right arm started at a standard initial position and moved directly to the target in a single stroke. The targets were placed in various directions in a vertical plane. The arm movements consisted of shoulder and elbow rotations. 3. Subjects were required to vary the speed of their movements. In most of the experiments, trials with different movement times were randomly ordered. One of the experiments also included randomly interspersed static trials, in which the subject held the arm still at the initial posture, the final posture, or halfway between the two extremes. 4. Electromyographic (EMG) activity was recorded from several superficial elbow and/or shoulder muscles. The time base of rectified EMG records was normalized for movement time such that records from movements with various speeds were compressed to align the ending times of the movements. 5. A principal component (PC) analysis revealed that the compressed EMG waveforms could be described by a summation of PC1 and PC2 waveforms; each individual EMG waveform was approximated by a weighted sum of these two components. 6. The PC1 weighting coefficients scaled down in a monotonic relationship with movement time such that the fastest movement corresponded to a large positive weighting coefficient and the slowest movement corresponded to a small positive weighting coefficient. The PC2 weighting coefficients exhibited a similar monotonic scaling, but the values ranged from positive to negative. Further analysis demonstrated that these two components can be mathematically transformed into a tonic waveform with a constant mathematically transformed into a tonic waveform with a constant weighting coefficient and a phasic waveform with positive weighting coefficients that scale down with movement time. 7. The amplitude scaling of EMG records cannot be described by a single component, but instead requires a summation of two separate components. The tonic component may correspond to the force element needed to counteract gravity, because the magnitude of this element does not scale with movement speed. The phasic component may correspond to the force element that scales quadratically to produce a linear increase in velocity.


This article describes a kinematic theory, called the Bêta-elliptic model, for generating handwriting movements. The model consists of a sequential controller producing a curvilinear velocity approximated by Bêta profiles. This earlier interacts with a trajectory generator to provide elliptic strokes. As an application to our model, we consider a redundant seven degrees of freedom manipulator having a kinematic structure similar to that of a human arm. We treat to demonstrate how the Bêta-elliptic theory enables a simple motor program to generate complex curvilinear movements that have many of the properties that humans exhibit when they produce cursive script. Bêta-elliptic properties enable a simple control strategy to generate complex handwritten script if the hand model contains redundant degrees of freedom. Here, we restrict our analysis to a total of seven degrees of freedom from the shoulder to the wrist. The proposed controller launches transient commands to independent hand synergies at times when the hand begins to move. The Bêta-elliptic model transforms these synergy commands into smooth curvilinear velocity fitted by Bêta profiles among temporally overlapping synergetic units of trajectory approximated by elliptic strokes. In experiments, and at first sight, good phenomenological agreement with natural movement trajectories is found.

2020 ◽  
Sivakumar Balasubramanian ◽  
Sandeep Guguloth ◽  
Javeed Shaikh Mohammed ◽  
S. Sujatha

AbstractCurrent evidence indicates that individual joint training with robotic devices can be as effective as multi-joint training for the arm. This makes a case for developing simpler and more compact robots for training individual joints of the arm. Such robots have the highest potential for clinical translation. To this end, the current work presents the kinematic design and optimization of a six degrees-of-freedom (dof) end-effector robot with three actuated dof and three non-actuated self-aligning dof for safe assisted training of the individual joints (shoulder or elbow) of the human arm, with relaxed constraints of the relative positioning of the human limb with respect to the robot. Further, we present a simple estimation procedure to automatically identify the kinematic parameters of the human limb essential for control of the human-robot closed kinematic chain.

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