Land tenure

2014 ◽  
pp. 141-180
1945 ◽  
Vol 14 (23) ◽  
pp. 343-344
B. L.

P. Sarwanto

Among other obligations imposed under the forestry permit, watershed rehabilitation planting is perceived by the upstream oil and gas sector as the most complex challenge to conquer. Despite its poor track in fulfilling timeline and required result, there are also other challenges to consider, for instance lack of critical location, weather, fire, land tenure, community habit and capability, and cost optimization. In attempt to respond these challenges, an innovation in management system is constructed at PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam, embracing and tailoring all related challenges, difficulties, and complexities, escalating the activity to be beyond compliance. So that it will be able to deliver more than merely avoid the identified potential risks towards company. The management system, called PIRAMIDA TINGGI (Pemberdayaan Masyarakat untuk Melestarikan Hutan di Dunia demi Ketahanan Energi Nasional), actively involves government, community, and business sector as equilateral triangle that work together to perform watershed rehabilitation planting. Developed using ISO 9001:2015 process approach namely PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act), the PIRAMIDA TINGGI system is in line as well with NAWACITA (President Joko Widodo’s vision, mission and program). To encounter other issue found during field work, this system is equipped as well with another innovation tool named PARIDA, a geospatial mobile-desk top-web application that easily able to map and identify vegetation in real time for further geo-analyzing multi-purposes, to be operated by local community. Full set implementation of this system has benefitted all parties. To Company in form of significant cost efficiency around 13.9 MUSD and 7 days’ faster result delivery besides obligation fulfillment, for others in form of broader advantage of proven sustainability project that has gave contribution to 5P (People, Planet, Prosperity, Partnership and Peace), objectives required by UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030.

Muhammad Febri Ramdani

ABSTRAKMUHAMAD FEBRI RAMDANI. Implementasi Kebijakan Agraria dan Ketimpangan Penguasaan Lahan (Kasus Lahan Eks HGU di Desa Cipeuteuy, Kecamatan Kabandungan, Kabupaten Sukabumi, Provinsi Jawa Barat). Dibimbing oleh MARTUA SIHALOHO.Redistribusi lahan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah sebuah upaya implementasi kebijakan agraria. Kebijakan agraria tersebut berupa asset reform (penataan aset) eks lahan perkebunan dengan skema legalisasi aset berwujud sertifikasi bidang lahan. Namun dalam pelaksanannya pemerintah mengklaim bahwa kebijakan tersebut merupakan agenda reforma agraria. Atas dasar klaim tersebut, penting untuk meninjau access reform (penataan akses) bekerja, karena pada hakikatnya reforma agraria merupakan asset reform (penataan aset) dan access reform (penataan akses) yang berjalan beriringan, dengan bertujuan untuk menata ketimpangan penguasaan lahan agar terwujudnya keadilan agraria (agrarian justice). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif yang didukung kualitatif dengan pendekatan sensus. Metode yang digunakan untuk menentukan responden ialah purposive sampling dengan teknik non probability sampling. Pengolahan data menggunakan uji statistik rank spearman untuk melihat hubungan variabel. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukan bahwa tingkat asset reform berada pada kategori rendah. Hasil uji statistik menunjukan bahwa asset reform berhubungan dengan access reform dan asset reform berhubungan dengan ketimpangan penguasaan lahan.Kata kunci: access reform, asset reform, keadilan agraria, reforma agrariaABSTRACTMUHAMAD FEBRI RAMDANI. Implementation of Agrarian Policy and Land Tenure Inequality (Case of Ex-HGU Land in Cipeuteuy Village, Kabandungan District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java Province). Supervised by MARTUA SIHALOHO.Land redistribution has been done by government as an effort of agrarian policy implementation. The policy came in form of asset reform of ex-plantation land with asset legalization scheme (land-part certification). But the government claimed that this policy is one of the agrarian reform agenda. It is important to observe how this access reform works, because agrarian and access reform can’t be separated one another, with purpose to reduce the inequality of land tenure so that the agrarian justice can be reach. This research used quantitative method supported by qualitative data, using the census approachment. Purposive sampling with non probabilty sampling used to specify the respondent. The data processed by rank spearman statistic test to analyze the relation between variable. This research shows a low level of asset reform. The statistic test shows that the low asset reform have a strong relation to low access reform, and high inequality of land tenure.Key words: access reform, agrarian justice, agrarian reform, asset reform

1988 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 217-218
Luther Tweeten

The authors describe how Pakistan has grappled with land reform, surely one of the most intractable and divisive issues facing agriculture anywhere. The land-tenure system at independence in 1947 included a high degree of land ownership concentration, absentee landlordism, insecurity of tenant tenure, and excessive rent. Land reform since 1947 focused on imposition of ceilings on landholding, distribution of land to landless tenants and small owners, and readjustments of contracts to improve the position of the tenant. These reformist measures have removed some but by no means all of the undesirable characteristics of the system. The authors list as well as present a critique of the reports of five official committees and commissions on land reform. The reports highlight the conflicts and ideologies of the reformers. The predominant ideal of the land reformers is a system of peasant proprietorship although some reformers favoured other systems such as communal farming and state ownership of land, and still others favoured cash rents over share rents. More pragmatic reformers recognized that tenancy is likely to be with Pakistan for the foreseeable future and that the batai (sharecropping) arrangement is the most workable system. According to the editors, the batai system can work to the advantage of landlord and tenant if the ceilings on landholding can be sufficiently lowered (and enforced), the security of the tenant is ensured, and the tenant has recourse to the courts for adjudication of disputes with landlords. Many policy-makers in Pakistan have come to accept that position but intervention by the State to realize the ideal has been slow. The editors conclude that" ... the end result of these land reforms is that they have not succeeded in significantly changing the status quo in rural Pakistan" (p. 29).

Erdkunde ◽  
1983 ◽  
Vol 37 (3) ◽  
Russel King ◽  
Laurence Took

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