agrarian policy
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2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 1931-1939
Andrey Viktorovich Kolesnikov

The agrarian policy pursued in Russia is primarily aimed at ensuring food security, the main components of which are the economic and physical availability of food to the population. However, the indicators approved in the regulatory legal acts on food security monitoring do not contribute to its objective assessment. They can be used to assess the overall state of food security. A more in-depth analysis is needed for a more objective assessment of the economic availability of food to the population of the Russian Federation, which requires, among other things, changes in the methods of calculating food independence, taking into account the share of household disposable resources used to purchase food. It is also necessary to take into account the energy value of food, the quality of food consumed, etc. To do this, it is necessary to significantly expand the information base on the food consumed, including taking into account its quality and energy value. The paper attempts, based on the available analytical data, to assess the economic availability of food for households depending on their income, as well as in the context of socio-demographic groups, to identify the main factors constraining bringing the level of food consumption to rational norms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 210-225
Akhyar Tarfi ◽  
Ikhwan Amri

Abstract: The signing of the Helsinki Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in 2005 marked the end of the Indonesian government's decades-long conflict with the Free Aceh Movement. One of the deals in the Helsinki MoU is to provide farming land to former combatants, amnestied political prisoners, and conflict victims as a form of reintegration and livelihood restoration. However, this activity did not run effectively for a dozen years after the peace deal due to the absence of regulations and authorities in its implementation. Based on this background, this paper examines the role of Agrarian Reform on the policy of agricultural land provision to the people related to the Aceh conflict. This research used a qualitative approach, and relied on observational data and literature review. Agrarian Reform can be an alternative strategy for post-conflict peacebuilding. The concept of asset reform and access reform offered in the Agrarian Reform can be adopted to realize the allocation of agricultural land by the mandate of the Helsinki MoU. The main problems found so far are that there is no regulation regarding the granting of land rights in the law, authority, and several obstacles in its implementation. This paper also provides a crucial lesson that proper agrarian policy contributes to the prevention of recurring conflicts that have the potential to cause national disintegration. Keywords: Agrarian Reform, Free Aceh Movement, Helsinki MoU, Land Redistribution, Peacebuilding   Intisari : Penandatanganan Momerandum of Understanding (MoU) Helsinki pada tahun 2005 menandai berakhirnya konflik pemerintah Indonesia dengan Gerakan Aceh Merdeka selama beberapa dekade. Salah satu kesepakatan di dalam MoU Helsinki adalah menyediakan tanah pertanian kepada mantan kombatan, tahanan politik yang memperoleh amnesti, dan korban konflik sebagai bentuk reintegrasi dan pemulihan penghidupan. Namun, kegiatan ini tidak berjalan secara efektif selama belasan tahun setelah perjanjian damai karena belum adanya regulasi dan kewenangan dalam pelaksanaannya. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, tulisan ini mengkaji peran Reforma Agraria terhadap kebijakan penyediaan tanah pertanian untuk masyarakat yang berkaitan dengan konflik Aceh. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, serta mengandalkan data observasi dan tinjauan literatur. Reforma Agraria dapat menjadi strategi alternatif pembangunan perdamaian pasca-konflik. Konsep penataan aset dan penataan akses yang ditawarkan di dalam Reforma Agraria dapat diadopsi untuk merealisasikan alokasi tanah pertanian sesuai amanah MoU Helsinki. Permasalahan-permasalahan utama yang ditemukan selama ini adalah belum adanya pengaturan mengenai pemberian hak atas tanah tersebut di dalam peraturan perundang-undangan, kewenangan, dan sejumlah hambatan dalam pelaksanaannya. Tulisan ini juga memberikan pelajaran penting bahwa kebijakan agraria yang tepat dapat berkontribusi terhadap pencegahan konflik berulang yang dapat berpotensi menyebabkan disintegrasi bangsa. Kata Kunci: Gerakan Aceh Merdeka, MoU Helsinki, Pembangunan Perdamaian, Redistribusi Tanah, Reforma Agraria

2021 ◽  
pp. 38-50
Кирилл Викторович Колончин ◽  
Сергей Николаевич Серегин ◽  
Георгий Владимирович Сысоев

Социальные вызовы и экономика - для всех это те проблемы, которые должны решаться государством совместно с предпринимательским сообществом в приоритетном порядке, чтобы обеспечить устойчивый экономический рост в отраслях агропромышленного и рыбохозяйственного комплексов. Анализ процессов социально-экономического развития страны необходимо рассматривать с учетом накопленных экономических дисбалансов, технологических изменений, инноваций и собственно внешнего шока неэкономической природы - пандемии коронавируса, который спровоцировал запуск разносторонних кризисных явлений, затрагивающий все стороны жизни общества. Чтобы изменить устоявшуюся тенденцию либеральной модели развития экономки, необходимо, чтобы роль государства при переходе к новой модели развития была усилена, что обусловлено необходимостью сохранения продовольственной безопасности и целостности территории Российской Федерации. Для стимулирования инновационной и инвестиционной деятельности, повышения технико-технологического уровня производства необходимо в рамках принятых программных документов выделять основные приоритеты и необходимые для этих направлений ресурсы, осуществляя постоянный мониторинг принимаемых решений. Выстраивание новой системы государственного управления для реализации программных документов в сфере развития АПК и рыбохозяйственного комплекса станет гарантией достижения поставленных государством целей в установленные сроки. Social challenges and the economy - for all these are the problems that must be addressed by the state together with the business community as a priority in order to ensure sustainable economic growth in the agricultural and fishery sectors. The analysis of the processes of the country's socio-economic development should be considered taking into account the accumulated economic imbalances, technological changes, innovations and the actual external shock of a non-economic nature - the coronavirus pandemic, which triggered the launch of various crisis phenomena affecting all aspects of society. In order to change the established trend of the liberal model of economic development, it is necessary that the role of the state in the transition to a new development model be strengthened, which is due to the need to preserve food security and the integrity of the territory of the Russian Federation. To stimulate innovation and investment activities, to increase the technical and technological level of production, it is necessary, within the framework of the adopted program documents, to allocate the main priorities and the resources necessary for these areas, carrying out constant monitoring of the decisions made. Building a new system of public administration for the implementation of program documents in the development of the agro-industrial complex and the fishery complex will guarantee the achievement of the goals set by the state in a timely manner.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 517-530
Vasiliy Zh. Tsvetkov

The article studies the development of an economic and political-legal basis for the development of urban self-government under General Wrangels Government of the South of Russia, in the Crimea, in the autumn of 1920. From among the Wrangel governments reforms in the Crimea in 1920, transformations in the sphere of urban life and urban self-government are less well-known than transformations in agrarian policy and the zemstvo reform. But changes in the operation of city dumas and city administrations are no less relevant for Russian historiography. The article considers the specifics of the evolution of municipal law in a situation where it was hoped that the offensive of the Red Army at Perekop could be beaten back. The article notes the importance of changing the legislative framework regarding the expansion of the powers of city self-government not only in the social, political, but also in the economic sphere. First of all, this was manifested in the field of granting the right to impose taxes and fees by city structures. The article discusses the prospects that an increased role of city self-government was supposed to have on economic and political decisions by the Wrangel government. The analysis includes the supposed forms of cooperation between the White power and the public in the 1920s. Special attention is paid to the problems that were considered at a specially convened congress of city self-government in Simferopol, on the eve of the Perekop-Chongar operation. The decisions taken during this congress were supposed to strengthen the financial situation of the Crimea. The article also examines the interaction between the authorities of the Wrangel government and the local population during the military-political crisis of the White Movement in the autumn of 1920.

O. A. Sukhova ◽  
O. V. Yagov

The purpose of the article is to analyze conceptual approaches in understanding the process of implementing agrarian policy in the USSR in the period 19221991. The research strategies that have developed in modern Russian historiography in recent decades and reveal the content of radical transformation of the agrarian system in the USSR are examined in this article. An assessment of comparability (the possibility of conducting a comparative analysis) of various methodological approaches and criteria for constructing concepts is described. The theses about the preservation or break of the historical continuity in the choice of the civilizational perspective, as well as on the methods and means of achieving the goal were recognized as key. It is concluded that it is necessary to move to the level of interdisciplinary and methodological synthesis as a necessary condition for explaining the civilizational mission of the Soviet project and national specifics in the context of world history. The high cognitive value of the concept of institutional cycles of civilizational development in relation to the agrarian history of Russia and the USSR is noted.

2021 ◽  
pp. 23-35
Iryna Tytarchuk ◽  
Maryna M. Dielini ◽  
Oleksandr V. Zhemoyda ◽  
Yelyzaveta R. Bieliaieva

The purpose of the article is to assess the current realities and areas of state support for farms, substantiation of recommendations for the formation of an effective system of budget funding for support programs in the future. Methods. General scientific and special scientific methods were used in the research process. Interpretation of basic categories and concepts is based on using methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, theoretical generalization. Results. For many countries agriculture is the most important industry in terms of contribution to GDP and employment, i.e. for both economic development and reduction of poverty. Farms are an important component of the agricultural sector of Ukraine’s economy. They ensure the efficient use of agricultural resources, as the economic interest of the producers themselves, who are mainly the owners of the resources or use some of them on lease, is fully realized. The farm incomes are based on the sale of crop production and livestock products, products of its processing and other industrial products of own products and the provision of different services. Practical contribution. During 2014–2019, the structure of budget programs of the state budget changed annually. At the same time, the central executive bodies were responsible for implementing programs aimed at financing agriculture, fisheries, forestry and hunting. Thus, the structure of the main spending units of the state budget changed. In this context it is important to take specific measures intended for the improvement of production profile considering a market dynamic; to make changes in manufacturing processes; to use more efficient material resources that ensure the reduction of their costs in terms of value per unit of output; to improve management in production operation of an enterprise; to encourage employees to achieve higher production results. Prospects for further research. How are the proposed measures supported by the state? Why is it important to implement them? Which possibilities are for this? The response to these issues requires a reasonable agrarian policy and a creation of effective mechanisms of state support. In consideration of a significant number of methods and approaches to justify agrarian public financing this aspect is quite relevant and important.

2021 ◽  
Vol LXII (2) ◽  
pp. 81-92
Valeri Velkovski ◽  
Gena Velkovska ◽  

The structural policy is enshrined in the modern legislation, including the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria, as an essential element of the state policy in terms of its safeguarding functions. Being an internal structural element of state policy, in the quality of a larger-scale system, structural policy enters into relationships and interactions with a number of other systems functioning in economic and social life, tolerates their influence and reacts to this influence in different ways. The variation of the structural policy in the agrarian sector, as well as subsystems, reflects in their diversity the needs of the sector by conditions, including structural ones, in view of its sustainable development. Structural policies, transformed into spatial events and activities, in turn, can also qualify as a variety of agrarian policy or strands in agrarian policy, all the more so that the conduct of spatial planning activities on agricultural land has an important and essential place in the general and specialized structural legislation, including the agrarian legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria.

2021 ◽  
pp. 54-66
Przemysław Czernicki

The article attempts to discuss the legal and institutional issues related to the use of the State Land Fund (SLF) as a fundamental instrument of the postwar agrarian and land policy in Poland. First of all, an attempt was made to indicate the normative basis for its implementation and to reconstruct the legal character of the institution in question. Reconstruction of the legal essence of the State Land Fund shows the divergences formulated in this regard by the proponents of the doctrine of agricultural and financial law. The evolution of functions performed by the fund in the framework of the agrarian policy of the socialist state, and changes made in the model of administration of this institution, have contributed to the emergence of different evaluations. It seems that the institutional specificity of the SLF was determined primarily by the doctrinal or systemic basis of the Stalinist agricultural policy.

Elvira DUBININA ◽  
Ekaterina ZHILINA ◽  

The subject of the research is to identify the place and role of personal subsidiary plots in social production in general and in agriculture in particular; object — personal subsidiary plots as a form of non-entrepreneurial activity for the production, processing and sale of agricultural products. The purpose of the study is to identify the importance of the functioning of personal subsidiary plots in ensuring the implementation of the state agrarian policy in terms of ensuring food security. The objectives of the study are to analyze the state of functioning of personal subsidiary plots, to identify their role in ensuring the country's food security. The novelty of the research: the relationship between consumer cooperation and personal subsidiary plots has been revealed. Conclusions: the role of consumer cooperatives in ensuring food security increases with the strengthening of their purchasing and marketing ties with personal subsidiary and peasant (farm) households.

Petr S. Kabytov ◽  
Nadezhda N. Kabytova ◽  

The review presents an analysis of V. V. Kondrashin’s textbook, which, on the basis of a large complex of archival and published documentary materials and scientific literature, recreated a panorama of the relationship of the Russian peasantry with the opposing power structures that appeared and functioned in Russia during the Great Russian Revolution – the Bolshevik government and its political opponents that arose during the Civil War, white and other regimes. It is noted that the author paid special attention to the conceptual views of Soviet, Russian and foreign historians, which made it possible to gain new knowledge about the practices of the behavior of peasants in various regions of Russia during social conflicts – uprisings and other protest actions and to trace their attitude to the agrarian policy of the Soviet government, as well as the governments and leaders of the white movement. Factors that influenced the choice of the Russian peasantry were identified – support for the Soviet government, which ensured its victory during the Civil War.

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