Two new Tachygonidius species from the Atlantic coast of Brazil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

Zootaxa ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 1415 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-64 ◽  

Two species of Tachygonidius are  described from the Atlantic coast of Brazil: T. fluminensis sp. nov. (type locality: Restinga da Marambaia, Rio de Janeiro) and T. paulensis sp. nov. (type locality: Boa Esperança do Sul, São Paulo). The former species develops as a leaf miner in a species of Ochnaceae. Sexual dimorphism related to the form of the declivous portion of pygidium, deeper in male and less deep in female, is reported for the first time in T. fluminensis. A key for the four known species of Tachygonidius is provided.

PeerJ ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. e11682
Caio Gueratto ◽  
Alípio Benedetti ◽  
Ricardo Pinto-da-Rocha

The type species of Mischonyx Bertkau 1880, Mischonyx squalidus, was described based on a juvenile. The holotype is lost. Based on a revision of publications, the genus includes 12 species, all in Brazil. The objectives of this research are: to propose a phylogenetic hypothesis for Mischonyx based on Total Evidence (TE); propose taxonomic changes based on the phylogeny; and analyze the phylogenetic hypothesis biogeographically. Using the exemplar approach to taxon selection, we studied 54 specimens, 15 outgroups and 39 ingroup taxa using seven molecular markers (28S, 12S and 16S ribosomal genes, citochrome oxidase subunit I gene, carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase gene, internal transcribed spacer subunit 2 and histone H3 gene), totaling 3,742 bp, and 128 morphological characters. We analyzed the dataset under three optimality criteria: Maximum likelihood (ML), Maximum parsimony (MP) and Bayesian. We discuss the transformation of character states throughout the phylogeny, the different phylogenetic hypotheses using different datasets and the congruence of evidence between the clades obtained by the phylogenetic analysis and the biogeographical hypothesis for the Atlantic Forest areas of endemism. We estimate that Mischonyx clade diverged 50.53 Mya, and inside the genus there are two major clades. One of them cointains species from Paraná, Santa Catarina, South of São Paulo and Serra do Mar Areas of Endemism and the other has species from Espinhaço, Bocaina, South coast of Rio de Janeiro and Serra dos Órgãos Areas of Endemism. The first split inside these two clades occurred at 48.94 and 44.80 Mya, respectively. We describe three new species from Brazil: Mischonyx minimus sp. nov. (type locality: Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro), Mischonyx intervalensis sp. nov. (type locality: Ribeirão Grande, São Paulo) and Mischonyx tinguaensis sp. nov (type locality: Nova Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro). The genus Urodiabunus Mello-Leitão, 1935 is considered a junior synonym of Mischonyx. Weyhia spinifrons Mello-Leitão, 1923; Weyhia clavifemur Mello-Leitão, 1927 and Geraeocormobius reitzi Vasconcelos, 2005 were transferred to Mischonyx. Mischonyx cuspidatus (Roewer, 1913) is a junior synonym of M. squalidus Bertkau, 1880. In the results of the phylogenetic analyses, Gonyleptes antiquus Mello-Leitão, 1934 (former Mischonyx antiquus) does not belong in Mischonyx and its original combination is re-established. As it is now defined, Mischonyx comprises 17 species, with seven new combinations.

2013 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 353-355
Edison Barbieri ◽  
Douglas Bete

Many Neartic seabirds migrate to South America for the non-breeding season, using several key stopover and wintering sites along the Atlantic coast. The Stercorarius pomarinus is a widely distributed seabird found in every Ocean. It is a migratory bird from northern North America that flies southwards. However, there is little information about the occurrence of Stercorarius pomarinus along the São Paulo State coast. Former publications concerning the birds of Iguape- Cananéia- Ilha Comprida estuary have made no mention of the presence of this bird in the region. Thus it is important that forthcoming appearances be recorded. Throughout the bird-sample selection stage, undertaken since 1998 in the Cananéia estuary (25° 02' 44.71" S and 47° 55' 14.58" W) - 272 km from the city of São Paulo -, the bird was seen for the first time, resting in the Cananéia estuary, in January (2012). This note reports the occurrence of Stercorarius pomarinus in the Cananéia estuary, on the southern coast of São Paulo State, Brazil.

Check List ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 2155
Vinícius A. Silva ◽  
Rodolfo Mariano

Melanemerella brasiliana (Ulmer, 1920) occurs in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Espírito Santo states, Brazil. Here, we record it for the first time from the state of Bahia. The new record is based on nymphs collected from Serra Bonita Reserve, municipality of Camacan, Bahia.

Zootaxa ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4648 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-62 ◽  

Dendrophryniscus brevipollicatus Jiménez de la Espada is a Neotropical bufonid endemic to a small range of the Brazilian Coastal Atlantic Forest, with reduced body size for the family and bromeligenous habit. We reviewed the taxonomic status of populations of D. brevipollicatus from states of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, including some continental islands, based on external morphology. We tested our morphological species by a DNA-barcoding approach with sequences of 16S RNA ribosomal gene fragment. DNA-barcoding analysis included other recognized Dendrophryniscus species and was concordant with morphological species diagnosed in our review. Intraspecific genetic distances ranged from 0 to 2.72 % (± 0.91 %). Interspecific distances ranged from 3.35 % (± 0.90 %) to 20.15 (± 2.23 %). Optimal threshold values ranged from 2.8 % to 3.0 % and barcode gap analysis showed that for all individuals the furthest intraspecific distances was always lower than the closest non-conspecific individual. Seven distinct species were recognized. A neotype for D. brevipollicatus was designated and described; the type locality was determined for the Açude da Solidão (22º57’S, 43º17’W, Datum WGS 84; 410 m altitude), Parque Nacional da Tijuca, Municipality of Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Two species were revalidated: D. imitator (Miranda-Ribeiro), with designation of a lectotype and descriptions of the lectotype and of a topotype from the restricted type locality, Alto da Serra (23o46’S, 46o19’W, Datum WGS 84, 800 m altitude), Municipality of Paranapiacaba, State of São Paulo, Brazil; and D. lauroi (Miranda-Ribeiro), with descriptions of the lectotype and of a topotype from the type locality, Municipality of Angra dos Reis (22o54’S, 44o20’W, Datum WGS 84; 25 m altitude), State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Four new species were described: D. davori sp. nov., from Baixo Caledônia (22º21’S, 42º35’W, Datum WGS 84; 1600 m altitude), Municipality of Nova Friburgo, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; D. haddadi sp. nov., from Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, Núcleo Santa Virgínia (23o21’S, 45o08’W, Datum WGS 84; 970 m altitude), Municipality of São Luís do Paraitinga, State of São Paulo, Brazil; D. izecksohni sp. nov., from Campo de Fruticultura da Bocaina (currently Núcleo Senador Vergueiro), Municipality of São José do Barreiro (22º38’S, 44º34’W, Datum WGS 84, 540 m altitude), State of São Paulo, Brazil; and D. jureia sp. nov., from Estação Ecológica da Juréia-Itatins—Núcleo Rio Verde (24º22’S, 47º04’W, Datum WGS 84; 32 m altitude), Municipality of Iguape, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Geographical distributions of all species are provided. 

Hoehnea ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 339-348 ◽  
Marina Capelari ◽  
Tatiane Asai

This paper reports on the genera Cystoderma, Cystodermella and Ripartitella from Atlantic Rainforest, Southeast Brazil. They are represented by Cystoderma chocoanum, Cystodermella contusifolia, C. sipariana and Ripartitella brasiliensis. Cystoderma chocoanum is reported for the first time outside the type locality (Colombia) and its relationship with others species of Cystoderma, based on nLSU rDNA sequences, is discussed.

Zootaxa ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 2219 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-30 ◽  

Both known Neotropical species of Nervijuncta – N. conjuncta (Freeman) and N. laffooni Lane – are redescribed and the male terminalia illustrated in detail. Specimens of N. laffooni, previously known only from the type-locality (São Paulo, Brazil), are reported from Nova Teutônia, and Urubici, both in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. The females of both Neotropical species of the genus are described in detail and the genitalia illustrated for the first time. These redescriptions provide further information on the position of these two species within the genus.

Zootaxa ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 3599 (3) ◽  
pp. 261-278

The genus Exocora Millidge, 1991 is recorded from Brazil for the first time. Six new species herein are described and illustrated, all presenting male and female, from Atlantic Forest area. Exocora phoenix n. sp. is recorded in the states of Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná and Santa Catarina, E. girotii n. sp. in the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná and Santa Catarina, E. ribeiroi n. sp. in São Paulo, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, E. medonho n. sp. in Rio de Janeiro, E. nogueirai n. sp. in São Paulo and E. una n. sp. in Bahia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 ◽  
Dalva Luiz de Queiroz ◽  
Daniel Burckhardt

Distributional records in Brazil are provided for two psyllid species, Auchmerina limbatipennis Enderlein, documented for the states of Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina and São Paulo, and A. tuthilli Klimaszewski, for Paraná and Santa Catarina. Host plants for these species are reported for the first time. A. limbatipennis develops on Inga laurina and I. marginata (Fabaceae), and it displays a dimorphism (presence or absence of a distal dark band on the forewing), that is not sexual nor seasonal. A.tuthilli probably develops on Inga spp. As well. For the first time, the immatures of Auchmerina are described.

Check List ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 017 ◽  
Adriele Karlokoski Cunha de Oliveira ◽  
Igor Soares de Oliveira ◽  
Marília Teresinha Hartmann ◽  
Nelson Rodrigues da Silva ◽  
Luís Felipe Toledo

Currently, the distribution of Brachycephalus hermogenesi (Giaretta and Sawaya, 1998) ranges from the state of Rio de Janeiro to the state of São Paulo. Herein, we report for the first time the occurrence of B. hermogenesi in the state of Paraná, southern Brazil.

Check List ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 684 ◽  
Raul Fonseca ◽  
Helena Godoy Bergallo ◽  
Ana Cláudia Delciellos ◽  
Oscar Rocha-Barbosa ◽  
Lena Geise

Until now, Juliomys rimofrons Oliveira and Bonvicino, 2002 has been known only from the type locality, the county of Itamonte, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Based on morphological and karyological examinations, in this study we identified two new records for this species. Both records correspond to individuals collected at Serra da Bocaina National Park, in the states of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, Brazil. These records increase the species’ geographic range southwards, approximately 100 km from the type locality.

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