scholarly journals Formy reprezentacji argumentu propozycjonalnego w bułgarskich, polskich i rosyjskich zdaniach ufundowanych na predykacie mentalnym

2019 ◽  
Vol 54 ◽  
Aleksander Kiklewicz

Forms of Representation of Propositional Argument in Bulgarian, Polish and Russian Expressions Based on the Mental PredicateThis article offers a discussion of Bulgarian, Polish and Russian mental verbs from the perspective of syntactic valence. The author examines grammatical forms of propositional argument in sentences with mental verbs which represent predicate-argument structure P (x, q). All syntactic forms in the focus of this study are classified into several patterns: observance, compression and splitting. The author demonstrates that what they involve is analogical reflection of propositional structure, greater or smaller compression of propositional argument, or its segmentation and doubling of syntactic position. The author examines the regularity of implementation of each grammatical form in Bulgarian, Polish and Russian on the basis of relevant quantitative data. Formy reprezentacji argumentu propozycjonalnego w bułgarskich, polskich i rosyjskich zdaniach ufundowanych na predykacie mentalnym Tematem prezentowanego artykułu są bułgarskie, polskie i rosyjskie czasowniki mentalne, badane w perspektywie walencji syntaktycznej. Autor analizuje gramatyczne formy realizacji argumentu propozycjonalnego w zdaniach z czasownikami mentalnymi w pozycji orzeczenia, które reprezentują strukturę predykatowo-argumentową P (x, q). Wszystkie formy syntaktyczne podzielono na kilka typów: przestrzeganie, kompresja i rozszczepienie. Autor pokazuje, że w tym zakresie mamy do czynienia z kalkowaniem struktury propozycjonalno-semantycznej, z mniej lub bardziej intensywną kompresją argumentu propozycjonalnego lub z jego rozczłonkowaniem i podwojeniem pozycji syntaktycznej. Została zbadana regularność realizacji każdej formy gramatycznej w systemie trzech języków. Wnioski są oparte na danych kwantytatywnych.

2018 ◽  
pp. 177-186
Aleksander Kiklewicz

The subject of the article is the mental verbs (verbs of knowledge, understanding and thinking) of the modern Russian language, treated in terms of syntactic valence. The author examines the grammatical forms of the realization of propositional argument in sentences with mental verbs with the predicate-argument structure P (x, q). The forms of representation of propositional argument are divided into three types: observance, compression and splitting. The author shows that in this area we have to deal with an analog reflection of the propositional structure, or more or less a compression of proposition argument, or its dismemberment and doubling of its syntactic position. The author takes into account the regularity of the implementation of each grammatical form, quoting the relevant quantitative data.

2017 ◽  
Vol 52 ◽  
pp. 264-277
Dorota Szumska

The predicate-argument structure as a tool for text analysis: pro et contraThe aim of the present paper is to take part in the discussion about semantic syntax, also known as predicate-argument syntax on account of its key concepts. The article deals with the problem of the limited effectiveness of the model caused by the lack of an objective method of distinguishing arguments from adjuncts, which is crucial to defining the scope of propositional structure under analysis. The final conclusion is that the theory of predicative-argument structure needs to be reexamined in the light of the results of text corpora analysis that is more reliable than artificially prepared linguistic data. Struktura predykatowo-argumentowa jako narzędzie analizy tekstu: pro et contraCelem prezentowanego artykułu jest wzięcie udziału w dyskusji na temat składni semantycznej, określanej też jako składnia predykatowo-argumentowa ze względu na kluczowe pojęcia, którymi operuje. Rozważania koncentrują się na problemie ograniczonej efektywności modelu, spowodowanej brakiem obiektywnej procedury rozróżniania argumentów od adiunktów, co stanowi podstawę określenia granic poddawanej analizie struktury propozycjonalnej. Wnioski końcowe sprowadzają się do postulatu przetestowania możliwości metodologicznych modelu na szeroko zakrojonej analizie korpusów tekstów.

Diane Massam

This book presents a detailed descriptive and theoretical examination of predicate-argument structure in Niuean, a Polynesian language within the Oceanic branch of the Austronesian family, spoken mainly on the Pacific island of Niue and in New Zealand. Niuean has VSO word order and an ergative case-marking system, both of which raise questions for a subject-predicate view of sentence structure. Working within a broadly Minimalist framework, this volume develops an analysis in which syntactic arguments are not merged locally to their thematic sources, but instead are merged high, above an inverted extended predicate which serves syntactically as the Niuean verb, later undergoing movement into the left periphery of the clause. The thematically lowest argument merges as an absolutive inner subject, with higher arguments merging as applicatives. The proposal relates Niuean word order and ergativity to its isolating morphology, by equating the absence of inflection with the absence of IP in Niuean, which impacts many aspects of its grammar. As well as developing a novel analysis of clause and argument structure, word order, ergative case, and theta role assignment, the volume argues for an expanded understanding of subjecthood. Throughout the volume, many other topics are also treated, such as noun incorporation, word formation, the parallel internal structure of predicates and arguments, null arguments, displacement typology, the role of determiners, and the structure of the left periphery.

1997 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-62
Nancy L. Underwood

This paper presents an overview of the first broad coverage grammatical description of Danish in a Typed Feature Structure (TFS) based unification formalism inspired by HPSG. These linguistic specifications encompass phenomena within inflectional morphology, phrase structure and predicate argument structure, and have been developed with a view to implementation. The emphasis on implementability and re-usability of the specifications has led to the adoption of a rather leaner formal framework than that underlying HPSG. However, the paper shows that the adoption of such a framework does not lead to a loss of expressibility, but in fact enables certain phenomena, such as the interface between morphology and syntax and local discontinuities, to be treated in a simple and elegant fashion.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-48
Zuchao Li ◽  
Hai Zhao ◽  
Shexia He ◽  
Jiaxun Cai

Abstract Semantic role labeling (SRL) is dedicated to recognizing the semantic predicate-argument structure of a sentence. Previous studies in terms of traditional models have shown syntactic information can make remarkable contributions to SRL performance; however, the necessity of syntactic information was challenged by a few recent neural SRL studies that demonstrate impressive performance without syntactic backbones and suggest that syntax information becomes much less important for neural semantic role labeling, especially when paired with recent deep neural network and large-scale pre-trained language models. Despite this notion, the neural SRL field still lacks a systematic and full investigation on the relevance of syntactic information in SRL, for both dependency and both monolingual and multilingual settings. This paper intends to quantify the importance of syntactic information for neural SRL in the deep learning framework. We introduce three typical SRL frameworks (baselines), sequence-based, tree-based, and graph-based, which are accompanied by two categories of exploiting syntactic information: syntax pruningbased and syntax feature-based. Experiments are conducted on the CoNLL-2005, 2009, and 2012 benchmarks for all languages available, and results show that neural SRL models can still benefit from syntactic information under certain conditions. Furthermore, we show the quantitative significance of syntax to neural SRL models together with a thorough empirical survey using existing models.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. p43
Longxing Wei

There have been numerous studies of first Language (L1) transfer in second Language (L2) learning. Various models have been proposed to explore the sources of language transfer and have also caused many controversies over the nature of language transfer and its effects on interlanguage. Different from most previous studies remaining at a surface level of observation, this study proposes an abstract approach, which is abstract because it goes beyond any superficial observation and description by exploring the nature and activity of the bilingual mental lexicon in L2 learning. This approach adopts the Bilingual Lemma Activation Model (BLAM) (Wei, 2006a, 2006b) and tests its crucial assumptions and claims: The bilingual mental lexicon does not simply contain lexemes but abstract entries, called “lemmas”, about them; lemmas in the bilingual mental lexicon are language-specific; language-specific lemmas in the bilingual mental lexicon are in contact in L2 learning, lemmas underlying L1 abstract lexical structure may replace those underlying L2 abstract lexical structure. Lemmas in the bilingual mental lexicon are about three levels of abstract lexical structure: lexical-conceptual structure, predicate-argument structure, and morphological realization patterns. The typical instances of L1 lemma transfer in L2 learning are discussed and explained in support of the BLAM.

2017 ◽  
Vol 52 ◽  
pp. 139-163
Małgorzata Korytkowska

Mental and emotional verbs in semantic and syntactic descriptionThe main issue of this article concerns relations between the semantic plane of the sentence, which is presented by means of notions of predicate argument structure, and the plane of formal realisation of this structure. The existing attitudes to the studied verb classes are presented. Then rules governing the model of description used are specified (the article has been written within an elaborate scientific grant concerning Bulgarian, Polish and Russian). Obligatory semantic features of both classes are pointed out, followed by an elaboration on the scope of analysis of semantic and syntactic phenomena. This scope is determined by basic semantic sentence categories on which comparative, including contrastive, research is based. Drawing on examples of particular units studied, I then discuss the effectiveness of the analysis which enables comparing differences between sets of sentence structures allowable for each class studied. Those differences stem from semantic differences typical of those classes. Czasowniki mentalne i czasowniki emocji w opisie semantyczno-syntaktycznymTematyka artykułu dotyczy relacji między płaszczyzną semantyczną zdania, ujętą w terminach struktury predykatowo-argumentowej, a płaszczyzną realizacji formalnej tej struktury. Zarysowane zostały dotychczasowe podejścia do opisu badanych klas czasowników oraz sprecyzowano ustalenia dotyczące zastosowanego w artykule modelu opisu (artykuł powstał w związku z realizacją obszernego grantu dotyczącego języka bułgarskiego, polskiego i rosyjskiego). Wskazano obligatoryjne dla obu klas cechy semantyczne oraz scharakteryzowano zakres analizy zjawisk semantyczno-składniowych. Zakres ten wyznaczają podstawowe semantyczne kategorie zdaniowe, których badanie stanowi podstawę dla porównań, także porównań konfrontatywnych. Zaprezentowane zostały przykłady opracowania wybranych jednostek oraz wskazana skuteczność analizy, która pozwala ukazać różnice między zbiorami dopuszczalnych dla każdej z badanych klas struktur zdaniowych. Różnice te wynikają z charakteryzujących te klasy różnic semantycznych.

Susana M. Sotillo

This study focuses on the predicate-argument structure of frequently used lexical verbs in the text messages of members of five SMS social networks. Using a text analysis tool, lexical verbs were identified, coded for semantic category, and tagged for analysis in a corpus of 31, 288 words. Three research questions are addressed in relation to lexical verb usage, structural simplification, recovery of implied argument, and achievement of communicative intention via mobile telephony. The results reveal that (1) predicate-argument structures determined by certain lexical verbs become simplified in text messages; (2) particular ?-roles assigned to particular arguments become implicit but are easily recovered; and (3) text messaging language constitutes a variety of naturally occurring language. It is possible that such language variations in use may bring about language change over time.

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