lexical structure
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Р. П. Абдина

Статья посвящена жизни и научной деятельности исследователя современного хакасского языка А. С. Кызласова в связи с его 60 - летним юбилеем. В ней рассматриваются главные этапы его биографии и творческой работы. Производится анализ содержания основных научных трудов А. С. Кызласова, обозревается его вклад в хакасское языкознание и образовательную сферу республики Хакасия. Сферы научных интересов юбиляра: исследование терминов родства и свойства в хакасском языке, изучение фонетико - морфемной структуры корневых лексем и становления национальных норм хакасского литературного языка, составление словарей различных типов, исследование источников формирования лексического строя современного хакасского языка. А. С. Кызласов также подготовил два учебных пособия для учителей национальных школ. The article is devoted to the life and scientific activity of the researcher of the modern Khakass language A. S. Kyzlasov in connection with his 60th anniversary. It examines the main stages of his biography and creative work. The content of the main scientific works of A. S. Kyzlasov is analyzed. His contribution to Khakass linguistics and the educational sphere of the Republic of Khakassia is reviewed. Areas of scientific interests of the hero of the day: the study of kinship terms and properties in the Khakass language, the study of the phonetic and morphemic structure of root lexemes and the formation of national norms of the Khakass literary language, compilation of dictionaries of various types, as well as the research of sources of formation of the lexical structure of the modern Khakass language. A. S. Kyzlasov also prepared two textbooks for teachers of national schools.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (24 A) ◽  
pp. 271-295
Renata Nadobnik

The article deals with commonly used (in typical communicative situations) conventionalized linguistic forms containing in their lexical structure elements, referring to widely understood Christian traditions. The research material includes conversational formulas in Polish extracted from the Polish-German phrasebooks. The study has a diachronic character. On the basis of the analyses carried out, it is possible to trace changes in the area of language use in the abovementioned scope, which have taken place from the 16th century to the present day.

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-105

Неоспоримым является тот факт, что в результате многовековых исторических, культурных и со-седских контактов в языки славян в довольно большом количестве проникали ориентализмы – слова, принадлежащие к разным группам тюркских, а также иранских и арабо-семитских языков. Они прочно закрепились в лексическом составе славянских языков как в своем исконном значении (соответствующем языку-оригиналу), так и в переосмысленном, по-новому интерпретированном на славянской почве. Этой теме посвящено немало лингвистических и культурологических работ. Украинский язык в этом плане не исключение.Историческая лексикология изучает причины, время и пути проникновения и адаптации ори-ентальной лексики в украинском языке. Заимствования из ориентальных языков составляют зна-чительный пласт украинской лексики. Судьба заимствований различна: они либо остались в язы-ке-реципиенте экзотизмами, либо в результате экстралингвистических факторов усвоились им настолько, что стали символами национальной культуры. Показательна в этом плане, например, судьба ориентализмов лелека ‘аист’, кобза и сурма в Украине. Одна из частотных ассоциаций с этой страной – образ запорожского казака в широченных шароварах с неотъемлемым атрибутом – та-баком.Цель настоящего исследования – выявление семантико-функциональных особенностей ориен-тализмов в украинских устойчивых сравнениях. В данной статье на примере этих лексических еди-ниц рассматривается фраземообразующий потенциал и семантико-функциональные особенностиэтих заимствований-ориентализмов, ассоциирующихся с Украиной, в составе сравнительных кон-струкций. Анализируются как устаревшие устойчивые сравнения, так и активно употребляющиеся в наши дни. Приводятся возможные культурологические и историко-этимологические коммента-рии к устойчивым сравнениям, толкуется значение компаративных оборотов и компонентов, вхо-дящих в них.Исследование показало, что рассмотренные ориентализмы настолько прочно вошли в фонд украинского языка, что давно не воспринимаются в языке-реципиенте как чужеродный элемент, напротив, они стали этносимволами в украинской лингвокультуре, продуктивными в словообразо-вательном плане (это осталось за рамками статьи), функционируют в устойчивых сравнениях, в том числе образно-поэтических. Однако этномаркированность, видимо, и наложила ограничения на их фразеологический потенциал: по сравнению с ориентализмами, не ставшими маркерами украин-ской культуры (барабан, базар, кавун, казан и пр.), они фразеологически менее активны, не частотны в составе украинских устойчивых сравнений в качестве эталона, мерила действия, качества и т. д.It is an undeniable fact that as a result of centuries of historical, cultural, and neighbourly contacts, Orientalisms penetrated the languages of the Slavs in quite large numbers. They are firmly fixed in the lexical structure of Slavic languages both in their original meaning (corresponding to the original language) and in a sense reinterpreted on Slavic soil. Numerous linguistic and culturological works are devoted to this topic. The Ukrainian language is no exception in this regard.Historical lexicology studies the causes, time, and ways of penetration and adaptation of Orientalisms in the Ukrainian language. Borrowings from Oriental languages make up a significant layer of the Ukrainian vocabulary. The fate of borrowings varies: they eithe r remained exoticisms in the recipient language or as a result of extralinguistic factors, they were assimilated so much that they became symbols of national culture. For example, the fate of Orientalisms leleka ‘stork’, kobza, and surma in Ukraine is indicative in this regard. One of the frequent associations with the country is the image of Zaporozhian Cossacks in wide bloomers with an integral attribute – tobacco.The purpose of this study is to identify the semantic and functional peculiarities of the Ukrainian Orientalisms in comparison. In this paper, using the example of these lexical units, we consider the phrase-making potential as well as the semantic and functional features of these borrowed Orientalisms associated with Ukraine, as part of comparative constructions. The paper deals with both outdated similes and those that are actively used nowadays. In addition to this, the author gives possible culturological, historical, and etymological comments to similes, showing the meaning of phraseological units and components that are parts of similes.The study demonstrates that the analyzed Orientalisms have been so firmly established in the foundation of the Ukrainian language that they are not perceived in the recipient language as foreign elements. On the contrary, they have become ethnic symbols in Ukrainian linguistic culture, they are productive in derivational terms (the paper does not deal with this question), and operate in stable compa risons, including imagery and poetry. However, their ethnosymbolic features, apparently, have imposed restrictions on their phraseological potential: in comparison with Orientalisms that have not become markers of Ukrainian culture (baraban, bazar, kavun, kazan, etc.), they are phraseologically less active, not frequent a s part of stable comparisons referring to a standard, measure of action, quality, etc.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (4) ◽  
pp. 295-304
Olga V. Knorz ◽  

The semantic and pragmatic potential of statements of refusal to communicate allows shedding light on the peculiarities of the phenomenon of silence, identifying its varieties, the specifics of manifestation in the Russian linguistic picture of the world and analyzing the functionality as part of a literary text. The concept of “refusal to communicate” is a broader phenomenon than the actual speech genre of refusal, since refusal as such implies a negative reaction only to initial motivational responses, while refusal of communication can become both a reaction to any statement or not be reactive at all, that is, to be the initial remark in the dialogue. The peculiarity of statements with the semantics of silence is manifested in the fact that their illocutionary goal is the impossibility or unwillingness to continue communication and is achieved using various linguistic means, first of all, lexemes denoting the speaking process, as well as modal modifiers expressing the reason for such speech behavior. The differences between speech genres, which are based on rejection, lie in the very object of rejection, in what the speaker rejects. In the Russian linguistic picture of the world, silence is characterized by the fact that it is a communicative action, it consists not in the absence of speech, but in the transmission of information in a non-verbal way. In this case, it is called communicatively meaningful silence. The analysis of the lexical structure of E. Vodolazkin’s novel “Laure” made it possible to identify important fragments of the text associated with silence, to obtain information about the author’s worldview and his attitude to the phenomenon of silence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S4) ◽  
Victor Britsyn ◽  
Tetiana Sukalenko ◽  
Nataliia Ladyniak ◽  
Svitlana Kaleniuk ◽  
Viktoriya Zhelyazkova

The article contains an overview of new trends in Ukrainian literary and colloquial language development in historical retrospect and dynamics. In particular, changes in the lexical structure of language, new phenomena in word formation, morphology and syntax, innovative shifts in styles, etc., in the context of communicative strategies and tactics, rhetorical, stylistic, and linguistic norms and techniques adopted in various spheres of communication are considered. The article is aimed at forming ideas and gaining knowledge in the field of the theory of the modern Ukrainian language in those sections that are distinguished by the greatest significance of the theoretical approach (grammar, syntax), as well as skills and abilities in those parts that require an applied application (culture of oral and written communication, stylistics, rhetoric, genre studies, the principles of spelling). With the dominant idea of the pluralism of norms and an orientation towards their non-rigid codification, there is also an idea of the loosening of the norms of the literary language, of the grave and even dangerous condition experienced by the modern Ukrainian literary language.

O. A. Popkova

The proposed article focuses on the emergence and renewal of the lexical composition of the modern Ukrainian language during the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, considers the process of emergence of new complex units, the dynamics of their semantics and their acquisition of new meanings; the appearance of new complex words related to the spread of coronavirus disease and its impact on the linguistic situation in modern newspaper discourse identified trends in their activation. The widespread spread of the disease is reflected not only in medicine and all social spheres, but also in the lexical structure of many languages, including Ukrainian. The purpose of our article is to consider the current changes in complex innovations in the Ukrainian newspaper discourse caused by the new social conditions of existence during the pandemic; to study the origin and functioning of the tokens Covid and coronavirus, to analyze the thematic range and the corresponding communicative and pragmatic potential of complex innovations related to the coverage of Covid-19. The object of the study is complex words represented in the texts of modern newspaper discourse during the pandemic of the coronavirus COVID-19. The subject of the study is the communicative and pragmatic features of complex words (based on Ukrainian newspaper texts), the spread of which is associated with the pandemic of the coronavirus COVID-19. It is established that the most common among the complex innovations in the newspaper discourse of this period are the tokens COVID-19, coronavirus, which became a source of widespread creation of new complex words from them. Chronologically, the article covers the period from early 2020 to the first half of 2021. 

V. P. Oleksenko

The article clarifies the meaning and features of word-formation development of new words and terms to denote the cultural and artistic field, which appeared in the modern Ukrainian literary language at the beginning of the XXI century and due to linguistic and extralinguistic factors are widely used. The object of research are words and terms of the cultural and artistic sphere, as they are best able to nominate concepts in special vocabulary, to reflect the diversity of the semantic spectrum of the conceptual sphere of «culture and art». The subject of research is lexical-semantic, structural-word-forming and spelling features of words and terms of cultural and artistic sphere in the Ukrainian language. Scientific novelty of the research. The classification of neolexes by semantic criterion is offered. The place of innovations in the lexical structure of the Ukrainian language is determined, the main stages of adaptation and structural and semantic features of words and terms to denote the cultural and artistic branch are characterized; the factors of creation of neolexes and their inclusion in the lexical-semantic system of the Ukrainian language, which supplement the corresponding lexical-semantic group with new tokens, are clarified; factors of word-forming activity of neolexes are revealed; It is proved that one of the reasons for the problem of qualification and spelling of neolexes with creative bases-Englishisms is the lack of mastery of innovations by the grammatical system of the Ukrainian language. The existing achievements of linguists in the field of studying innovative derivatives are analyzed, it is stated that the issue of the dynamics of the language system is always at the center of current linguistic research. Innovative words and terms of the cultural and artistic sphere of the beginning of the XXI century in the language of mass media, Internet forums and in dictionaries of neologisms of the modern Ukrainian language are revealed, globalization tendencies in their use are testified. The main thematic groups of neolexes for the designation of the cultural and artistic sphere are singled out, structural and semantic innovations and productivity of their use are determined. It is proved that one of the reasons for the problem of qualification and spelling of neolexes with creative bases-Englishisms is the lack of mastery of innovations by the grammatical system of the Ukrainian language.

2021 ◽  
pp. 71-89
Гордана Штрбац

The subject of this paper is phraseology with the name of the bird in its lexical structure (such as crn kao gavran, držati se kao pokisli vrabac, zaplesti se kao pile u kučine, podmetnuti kukavičje jaje etc.). These units were analyzed in order to present the language picture of the animal world of Serbian speakers. The research is based on linguocultural approach to language ‒ Zykova’s conceptual theory of phraseology and culture (Зыкова, 2015). Attention is mostly paid to the problem of motivation of the observed phraseologisms and the phraseological semantic processes. There are several different types of information that motivate the creation of phraseology with the name of the bird as their lexical component: the appearance of the bird, its sound and behavior, as well as its symbolic value.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Shuping Ren

Language translation is often conducted in work and study. Traditional language translation is based on lexical structure analysis. However, natural language is not so standardized, which causes this translation method to have fundamental defects, no matter how much the algorithm is improved. The translation results and human translation will be very different. This paper mainly studies the networked artificial intelligence. The English translation system and translation methods are based on a smart knowledge base. Bringing an example of English-Chinese translation to suggest translations according to the intelligent knowledge base explains in detail the principle of intelligent knowledge-based translation and the advantage of this translation method compared with the traditional translation method based on lexical structure analysis. In the experiment of this paper, when the variance is 2/N, 30/N, 100/N, and 2N, it is the experimental data for an in-depth study. When the variance is 2/N, 30/N, and 100/N, the result is the same as that when the variance is 0.5; the result when the variance is 2N also conforms to the trend in the tables, which is close to the effect of the smoothing algorithm, which verifies the effectiveness of the system in this paper.

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