Chief Academic Officers' Demographics and Educational Backgrounds

2008 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-132 ◽  
Marybelle C. Keim ◽  
John P. Murray
Erika Anne Leicht

Despite their stated intention of providing equal educational opportunity for all, many democratic countries separate their students into different classes or even different schools based on their demonstrated academic ability and likely future career. This practice is often referred to as “tracking or “ability grouping.” This study aims to determine whether different types of educational tracking have different effects on students’ academic achievement. Specifically, this study investigates whether disparities in educational achievement between students of highly educated versus minimally educated parents are greater in countries that practice more explicit and complete forms of tracking. It also explores tracking’s effects on average achievement and overall achievement variance. Analysis of data from the 2009 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) indicates that tracking generally does increase score disparities between children from different educational backgrounds. Tracking is also associated with higher overall variance of scores. At the same time, tracking may have a slight positive effect on average achievement. However, results are not consistent across all countries, and patterns are different in different subject areas and for different types of tracking. The results of this study neither condemn nor extol tracking. Rather, they indicate that tracking plays a relatively minor role in determining the quality and equity of an education system.

Mili Rohilla ◽  
Vibhor Wadhwa ◽  
Rangarajan Purushothaman ◽  
George Koshy Vilanilam ◽  
Paul Spencer Lewis ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 2141
Kyungyeul Kim ◽  
Han-Sung Kim ◽  
Jaekwoun Shim ◽  
Ji Su Park

It would be very beneficial to determine in advance whether a student is likely to succeed or fail within a particular learning area, and it is hypothesized that this can be accomplished by examining student patterns based on the data generated before the learning process begins. Therefore, this article examines the sustainability of data-mining techniques used to predict learning outcomes. Data regarding students’ educational backgrounds and learning processes are analyzed by examining their learning patterns. When such achievement-level patterns are identified, teachers can provide the students with proactive feedback and guidance to help prevent failure. As a practical application, this study investigates students’ perceptions of computer and internet use and predicts their levels of information and communication technology literacy in advance via sustainability-in-data-mining techniques. The technique employed herein applies OneR, J48, bagging, random forest, multilayer perceptron, and sequential minimal optimization (SMO) algorithms. The highest early prediction result of approximately 69% accuracy was yielded for the SMO algorithm when using 47 attributes. Overall, via data-mining techniques, these results will aid the identification of students facing risks early on during the learning process, as well as the creation of customized learning and educational strategies for each of these students.

2021 ◽  
pp. 147490412199626
Nina Haltia ◽  
Ulpukka Isopahkala-Bouret ◽  
Annukka Jauhiainen

Division between academic and vocational education is a predominant feature of both upper secondary and higher education in Finland as well as in many other country contexts. This article focuses on a minority of higher education students, those who have not proceeded to higher education through the traditional academic track but have enrolled through the vocational route. We deploy the concept of institutional habitus and utilize Eurostudent VI survey data ( N=7318) to analyse the backgrounds and study experiences of higher education students with different kinds of educational backgrounds. Our findings indicate that those enrolling through the vocational route are more often mature students from lower parental educational backgrounds. They have often completed a longer study path and began to see themselves as future higher education students later in their life course. There are also differences in how students with diverse educational backgrounds experience their sense of belonging to the higher education community. This paper focuses on Finland but has relevance for other European countries as the institutional structures and practices discussed in this paper are evident internationally.

Assessment ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (7) ◽  
pp. 1416-1428 ◽  
Hao Luo ◽  
Björn Andersson ◽  
Jennifer Y. M. Tang ◽  
Gloria H. Y. Wong

The traditional application of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment uses total scores in defining cognitive impairment levels, without considering variations in item properties across populations. Item response theory (IRT) analysis provides a potential solution to minimize the effect of important confounding factors such as education. This research applies IRT to investigate the characteristics of Montreal Cognitive Assessment items in a randomly selected, culturally homogeneous sample of 1,873 older persons with diverse educational backgrounds. Any formal education was used as a grouping variable to estimate multiple-group IRT models. Results showed that item characteristics differed between people with and without formal education. Item functioning of the Cube, Clock Number, and Clock Hand items was superior in people without formal education. This analysis provided evidence that item properties vary with education, calling for more sophisticated modelling based on IRT to incorporate the effect of education.

1984 ◽  
Vol 1984 (47) ◽  
pp. 3-5
Glenn E. Brooks

1987 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-159 ◽  
Patricia K. Suggs ◽  
Vira R. Kivett

Consensus is the level of agreement about life felt among kin and has been identified as a dimension of family solidarity with important implications for the family network. This investigation studied the factors contributing to the consensus between older adults (age sixty-five and older) and the sibling with whom they had the most contact. Respondents ( N = 275) lived in a rural/urban area. Seven independent variables were entered into a multiple-regression model to determine their relative importance to consensus of the sibling relationship. Results showed that 7 percent of the variance in consensus could be explained. Filial expectations, educational disparity, and the brother/sister link were the only variables of relative importance to older adult/sibling consensus. There was greater consensus when there were fewer expectations of the sibling, similarity of educational backgrounds, and when the respondent was male and his sibling was female. Brother/sister and brother/brother links, residential proximity, communication by mail or telephone, helping behaviors, and marital status were of no relative importance to consensus. The results suggest that factors previously found to be associated with intergenerational consensus may vary in their importance to intragenerational consensus.

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