The Role of the Principal in Improving the Quality of Instruction-Through Adaptation To Pupil Needs Tuesday

Kenneth A. Erickson
1993 ◽  
Vol 48 (4) ◽  
pp. 15-26 ◽  
Elinor Kelley Grusin ◽  
Barbara Straus Reed

2019 ◽  
yola armelia ◽  
Hade Afriansyah

There are several objectives of this paper including, to find out how leadership in the world of education (headmaster), discusses the leadership style in education, to study the leadership role of the principal and to improve coordination in carrying out tasks related to coordinating existing parties. The research method used is literacy collection in the form of books, articles and other reading papers. This paper complements the discussion about leadership, because the presence of leaders is needed in an organization, in this case the author focuses on education. In addition, leadership is needed in supporting the process of improving the quality of education, because the style or characteristics associated with leadership can improve and move individuals in the organization. The current leadership style in school management is no longer a force of coercion but uses a commitment based on togetherness so that all parties under educational leadership can contribute to achieving the educational goals to be achieved. Whereas the quality of educational outcomes is issued by educational institutions in a certain period of time. A leader from an educational institution will be a support for an educational institution to be able to get a quality educational institution Good leadership will encourage a strong educational institution to become better too.

Hafsah Hafsah ◽  
Muhammad Rizal Fahmi

Guru merupakan faktor kunci mutu pendidikan dan kemajuan sebuah bangsa. Negara yang kurang memperhatikan tenaga pendidiknya akan sulit maju, karena kualitas generasi penerus di tentukan oleh guru. Untuk itu, tujuan dalam artikel ini adalah menjelaskan peran kepala sekolah dalam memotivasi guru honorer untuk meningkatkan kualitas kompetensi profesionalitas. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Jenis wawancara yang di gunakan adalah wawancara terstruktur, dan tidak terstruktur. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis interaktif. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan dampak bahwa peran kepala sekolah dalam memotivasi guru honorer dapat meningkatkan kualitas kompetensi profesionalitas dengan cara menggunakan strategi pengembengan kompetensi profesionalitas guru berupa memberi motivasi, mengevaluasi kinerja guru secara berkala, memberikan pembinaan dan penguatan kepada guru, dan memberikan pelatihan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi melalui seminar, FGD, pelatihan dan workshop kompetensi profesionalitas. The teacher is a critical factor in the quality of education and the progress of a nation. Countries that pay less attention to their educators will find it challenging to progress because the teacher determines the next generation's rate. For this reason, the purpose of this article is to explain the role of school principals in motivating honorary teachers to improve the quality of professional competence. The method used in this research is qualitative research methods. Data collection methods in this study are observation, interviews, and documentation. The type of talk that is used is structured and unstructured interviews. The data analysis technique used interactive analysis. The results of this study have an impact that the role of the principal in motivating honorary teachers can improve the quality of professional competence by using a strategy of developing teacher professional competence in the form of encouraging, evaluating teacher performance regularly, providing guidance, and strengthening to teachers, and providing training to improve competence through seminars, FGDs, training and professional competency workshops. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
Yuliana Pebristofora marni Mala ◽  
Yatim Riyanto ◽  
Bambang Sigit Widodo

The role of the headmaster's leadership in supporting the culture and quality of the school is very influential for the quality of the school. This leadership is oriented to how the role of the headmaster's leadership in supporting the interactive learning process, conducive schoolenvironment, cultured and quality community. The purpose of the research is: (1) describe how the role of the headmaster's leadership in supporting the culture of SMPK Angelus Custos II Surabaya (2) describes how the role of the headmaster's leadership in supporting the quality of SMPK Angelus Custos II Surabaya. This research uses Qualitative research method. Data collection using research instruments with participant observation methods, in-depth interviews, documentation and literature reviews. The results of this study are: (1) the role of the principal leadership at SMPK Angelus Custos II Surabaya in supporting the culture and quality of education is considered as an important element and optimal enough in determining the direction of school success. (2) The impact of the principal's support in improving the culture and quality of education at SMPK Angelus Custos II Surabaya is quite maximal. It can be concluded that the role of the headmaster's leadership in supporting the culture and quality of the school is very influential in improving the quality of the school.

Saryati Saryati ◽  
Abdul Sakban

Abstrak: Kepala sekolah memiliki dua fungsi pokok yaitu sebagai controlling dan evaluasi terhadap kinerja guru, siswa dan mutu sekolah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui fungsi controlling dan evaluasi kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja Guru di SMPN 1 Lembar Lombok Barat. Penelitian merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Subjek penelitiannya adalah kepala sekolah, wakil kepala sekolah, dan Guru kelas SMPN I Lembar Lombok Barat. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dan disajikan kembali atau direduksi data kemudian ditarik kesimpulannya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa fungsi controlling kepala sekolah yaitu melakukan pengawasan terhadap kedisplinan waktu, mengawasi guru yang sering absen sekolah, mengecek perangkat pemebelajaran, melihat cara guru membangun komunikasi dalam lingkungan sekolah, baik itu sesama guru maupun dengan siswa sarana dan prasarana sekolah. Karena dengan adanya sarana yang memadai mampu  menunjang keberhasilan dalam melakukan pembelajaran. Untuk mengevaluasi kinerja guru, peran kepala sekolah mengacu pada prinsip evaluasi yaitu  menilai kemampuan guru dalam menerapkan semua kompetensi dan keterampilan yang diperlukan pada proses pembelajaran, pembimbingan, atau pelaksanaan tugas tambahan yang relevan dengan fungsi sekolah/madrasah. Jadi kepala sekolah memiliki tugas untuk menilai kinerja baik buruknya bawahannya dan memiliki peran penting untuk meningkatkan mutu sekolah dengan mengevaluasi secara berkala.Abstract:  The principal has two main functions, namely controlling and evaluating the performance of teachers, students and school quality. The purpose of this study was to determine the controlling and evaluation functions of school principals on teacher performance in SMPN 1 Lembar West Lombok. This research is a qualitative research. The research subjects were the principal, vice principal, and class teachers of SMPN I Lembar West Lombok Data collection methods used observation, interviews, and documentation. The data obtained is then analyzed and restated or the data is reduced and conclusions are drawn. The results of this study indicate that the controlling function of the principal is to supervise time discipline, supervise teachers who are often absent from school, check learning devices, see how teachers build communication in the school environment, both with fellow teachers and with students of school facilities and infrastructure. Because with adequate facilities capable of supporting success in learning. To evaluate teacher performance, the role of the principal refers to the principle of evaluation, which is to assess the ability of teachers to apply all competencies and skills required in the learning process, mentoring, or the implementation of additional tasks relevant to the school / madrasah function. So the principal has a duty to assess the good and bad performance of his subordinates and has an important role in improving the quality of the school by evaluating it regularly.

2021 ◽  
Manut Pratikno ◽  
Muhammad Rusdi Rasyid ◽  
Ismail Suardi Wekke

The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of the principal in improving the quality of education at the Laboratory Elementary School of Unimuda Sorong. The methodology used was qualitative with a phenomenological approach. The study found that the role of the principal in improving the quality of education at the Laboratory Elementary School of Unimuda Sorong consisted of three stages: input, processing, and output. The input stage includes 1) Free of costs: providing free education for Papuan children and 2) Mapping: prioritizing Papuan children and transmigrants’ communities around the "Warmon Kokoda" village. The processing stage includes enlarging the classrooms, providing laboratories, creating a comfortable library for elementary school-aged children, evaluating al-Qur'an teachers, and daily controlling the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). Finally, at the output stage, all of the students of the past few years graduated with stable and static grades. The leadership style carried out by the principal was democratic in all respects by taking a social-persuasive approach when problems occur between teachers and parents and the surrounding community.

2019 ◽  
yola armelia ◽  
Hade Afriansyah

There are several objectives of this paper including, to find out how leadership in the world of education (headmaster), discusses the leadership style in education, to study the leadership role of the principal and to improve coordination in carrying out tasks related to coordinating existing parties. The research method used is literacy collection in the form of books, articles and other reading papers. This paper complements the discussion about leadership, because the presence of leaders is needed in an organization, in this case the author focuses on education. In addition, leadership is needed in supporting the process of improving the quality of education, because the style or characteristics associated with leadership can improve and move individuals in the organization. The current leadership style in school management is no longer a force of coercion but uses a commitment based on togetherness

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