school environment
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Nutrients ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 372
Naroa Andueza ◽  
Santiago Navas-Carretero ◽  
Marta Cuervo

Dietary habits, that are formed during childhood and consolidated in adulthood, are known to influence the development of future chronic diseases such as metabolic syndrome or type 2 diabetes. The aim of this review was to evaluate the effectiveness of nutritional interventions carried out in recent years focused on improving the quality of the diet of the child population. A systematic search of the PubMed and Scopus databases was performed from January 2011 until September 2021. A total of 910 articles were identified and screened based on their title, abstract and full text. Finally, 12 articles were included in the current systematic review. Of those, in six studies the intervention was based on the provision of healthy meals and in the other six studies the intervention focused on modifying the school environment. Six of the studies selected included other components in their intervention such as nutritional education sessions, physical activity and/or families. A wide variety of methods were used for diet assessments, from direct method to questionnaires. The results suggest that interventions that modify the school environment or provide different meals or snacks may be effective in improving children’s dietary patterns, both in the short and long term. Further research is necessary to evaluate the real effectiveness of strategies with multidisciplinary approach (nutritional sessions, physical activity and family’s involvement).

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 217-230
Suntonrapot Damrongpanit

<p style="margin-left: 21.3pt; text-align: justify;">This research intended to examine the effect of mindset, democratic parenting, democratic teaching, and school environment on global citizenship among 2,226 ninth-grade students and 80 social studies teachers from 80 classrooms in public schools. The research instruments included a student questionnaire to measure global citizenship, democratic parenting, fixed and growth mindset, and a teacher questionnaire to measure democratic teaching and school environment and to analyze the data based on multilevel structural equation modeling. The significant findings revealed that democratic parenting and school environment positively affected global citizenship, whereas democratic teaching had a negative effect on global citizenship. In addition, the outstanding students with a growth mindset tend to lead to a positive effect and act as a mediating role through global citizenship than those with outstanding fixed mindset clearly. All factors in the model collaboratively explained the variance of global citizenship accounted for 62.8% and 47.5% at student and classroom levels, respectively. Finally, the discussions and suggestions section suggested the recommendations according to the findings of the research.</p>

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 209-220
Fanny Afsari ◽  
Isti Rusdiyani ◽  
Siti Khosiah

During the pandemic, children aged 5-6 years need time to learn from home so that cognitive abilities during the pandemic experience obstacles. Family motivation has an important role in empowering children's cognitive abilities. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of family motivation on the cognitive abilities of children aged 5-6 years during the pandemic. The research method used is quantitative. The research subjects found 60 children consisting and 60 parents of: grades B1, B2, B3, B4 at the Putera Bhineka Institute. Data collection techniques using observation, questionnaires, and documentation. The validity and reliability test showed that all the item instruments used were valid and reliable. Data analysis using SPSS 22.0 with simple linear regression test based on hypothesis testing. The results showed that there was no significant effect of motivation on children's cognitive abilities during the pandemic aged 5-6 years. The results of calculations with simple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing can be said that tcount is 1.311 and a significance value is 0.195. The significant value is 0.195 > 0.05 or seen in the tcount of 1.311 < ttable 2.001. These results can be influenced by environmental factors in the community and the school environment. The findings of this study contribute that during the pandemic, children's cognitive abilities are not influenced by family motivation, but rather by environmental and other factors.

2022 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 14-25
Noldy Nofri Runtuwene ◽  
Marthinus Mandagi ◽  
Abdul Rahman Dilapanga

This study describes Affirmation School Operational Costs or Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS) Policy management in South Minahasa District Study at SMP Negeri 3 Suluun Tareran. This study uses qualitative research methods and data collection techniques: Observation, Interview, and Documentation. The primary data source of this research is the Affirmation of School Operational Costs (BOS) Policy in the South Minahasa Regency. In this case, the Policy on Management, Reporting, Responsibility for the Use of Funds and Distribution of Funds by the School BOS Team in South Minahasa Regency Study SMP Negeri 3 Suluun Tareran and Secondary data sources are supporting documents, archives, and literature. The results showed that: Policies in managing, reporting, responsible for the use of funds, and distribution of funds by the School BOS team are still very lacking and are spent by the policies contained in the Minister of Education and Culture Number 24 of 2020 It has not been implemented optimally even though the document data component of the use of funds and expenditures has been fulfilled, but its use in schools is still inadequate and has not been implemented optimally because of the lack of human resources and the internet network of Telkomsel and others has not yet entered the SMP Negeri 3 Suluun school. The results of the study concluded: (1) Affirmation School Operational Cost (BOS) Policy in South Minahasa Regency. In this case, the Policy on Management, Reporting, Responsibility for the Use of Funds and Distribution of Funds by the School BOS Team as an adequate policy in the use of Affirmation BOS funds and must be improved with other supporters such as adequate human resources and can work together with the Regency BOS Team in the process of using Affirmation BOS funds so that their use in schools can be carried out and on target; (2) Administrative Management of the Use of Affirmation BOS Funds is entirely assisted by the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 24 of 2020. However, the use of fund expenditures is still inadequate with the condition of the school and the school environment, especially human resources which are the motivation in the teaching and learning process. For this reason, schools must have their policies so that their use can be by the conditions and the school environment.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Jandel Crutchfield ◽  
Latocia Keyes ◽  
Maya Williams ◽  
Danielle R. Eugene

Students of color experience academic, social, and emotional challenges due to colorism in schools. The purpose of this scoping review is to compare the experiences with colorism of students from varying racial backgrounds (African Americans, Native Americans, Asians, and Latin) in U.S. public schools. It is predicted that the understudied group of Latinx and indigenous students of color will uniquely experience colorism in academic settings when compared to African American and Asian students. A 30 article literature review utilizing search dates from 1990 to 2020 was conducted employing a scoping review framework. Themes emerged that include: the privileging of lighter skin and more Eurocentric features in academic outcomes, the complicated social status created for students of color experiencing colorism in schools, and the increased potential for emotional challenges as a result of colorism. This review highlights possible school reform efforts to affirm all skin tones, reduce colorist biases, and offer mediation to mitigate colorist experiences in the school environment.

Children ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Herminia Vega-Perona ◽  
Isaac Estevan ◽  
Yolanda Cabrera García-Ochoa ◽  
Daniel A. Martínez-Bello ◽  
María del Mar Bernabé-Villodre ◽  

To our knowledge, there are no published studies that describe the physical activity (PA) levels and objectively measure them through accelerometry in toddlers (2–3 years old) attending early childhood education and care (ECEC) institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aims of this study were two-fold: (a) to analyse toddlers’ PA levels and sedentary behaviour (SB) during school hours in ECEC institutions, as well as the rate of adherence to specific recommendations on total PA (TPA) and moderate–vigorous PA (MVPA); and (b) to evaluate the characteristics correlates (age, gender, and body mass index –BMI) of young children and the school environment on toddlers’ TPA, light PA (LPA), MVPA, and SB during school hours in ECEC institutions. PA was evaluated with ActiGraph accelerometers. The main findings were that: (a) toddlers engaged in very high amounts of TPA and MVPA during ECEC hours; (b) girls and boys displayed similar levels of LPA, TPA, and SB, while girls had lower levels of MVPA, compared to boys, and younger toddlers were less active than older ones; (c) BMI was not associated with PA of any intensity or SB; (d) playground and classroom density were not associated with higher levels of PA of any intensity, though classroom density was associated with SB. These ECEC institutions provide and challenge the new COVID-19 scenario, as well as supportive environments for toddlers’ PA.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1099-1106
Agus Subagyo ◽  
Agustina Setiawan ◽  
Titin Rohayatin ◽  
Dadan Kurnia ◽  
Iing Nurdin ◽  

Understanding of entrepreneurship and organizational management, especially at the OSIS and MPK levels, is still deficient. With a lack of understanding related to entrepreneurship and organizational management at the school level, lecturers at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Unjani organize Education and Training for OSIS at the SMA/SMK in the Eastern Province of Indonesia. The method used in this community service is to provide material related to entrepreneurship development and organizational management, and creativity competitions for OSIS and MPK members between schools. Community service related to entrepreneurship development in the management of Intra-School Student Organizations runs smoothly and in accordance with the desired expectations. Students participate actively in every series of activities held. In addition to participating in the Webinar as the pinnacle of community service, students also participate in the preparation of school creative business proposals, poster making competitions, and Share Content competitions. Thus, community service activities carried out by FISIP Unjani make a positive contribution in providing new understanding and thoughts as well as ideas, ideas, creative innovations that can be applied and implemented in organizations and in the school environment where they study. and form an entrepreneurial spirit, namely a leader who has an entrepreneurial spirit.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1130-1133
Ika Afifah Nugraheni ◽  
Hapsari Wahyuningsih

At the beginning of 2020, the world was shocked by the emergence of a new disease outbreak, Covid-19, which was caused by the SARS COV-2 virus. The school environment is one of the places that is vulnerable to the spread of this virus. An effective preventive measure against the spread of Covid-19 is the application of clean and healthy living habits (PHBS) in the school environment, one of which is the habit of washing hands. However, not all residents in the school understand how to wash their hands properly. The purpose of this service activity is to provide education about proper hands washing according to WHO for MI Muhammadiyah Need in Magelang Regency. The material needed for the implementation of the activity is a hand sanitizer liquid made from 70% active alcohol as a hand disinfectant. Implementation of community service activities using demonstration methods and hands-on practice of hands washing according to WHO. Based on this service activity, not all members of the MI Muhammadiyah Need was known the steps for hands washing properly according to WHO. Through this service, school residents are given knowledge and practice the 8 steps of hand washing according to WHO using a handsanitizer. Thus, school residents are expected to be able to apply proper hand washing methods in their daily life and socialize it to other individuals school residents are given knowledge and practice the 8 steps of hand washing according to WHO using a handsanitizer. Thus, school residents are expected to be able to apply proper hand washing methods in their daily life and socialize it to other individuals school residents are given knowledge and practice the 8 steps of hand washing according to WHO using a handsanitizer. Thus, school residents are expected to be able to apply proper hand washing methods in their daily life and socialize it to other individuals

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1107-1114
Citra Windani Mambang Sari ◽  
Iwan Shalahuddin ◽  
Iqbal Pramukti

Health promotion in schools is a strategic step in improving public health. This is because health promotion through the school community is quite effective in increasing public awareness in carrying out clean and healthy living behaviors. School age is very good for providing education and understanding about Clean and Healthy Life Behavior (PHBS), one of which is education about nutrition. Optimal nutrition intake, both in terms of quantity and quality, is very important for optimal growth and development. For this reason, our diet needs to be improved towards the consumption of balanced nutrition. Balanced nutrition is a balanced diet of daily food that contains nutrients in the type and amount according to the body's needs. The purpose of the activity is to create students, teachers and the school environment community to implement PHBS, create a healthy, clean and comfortable school environment, be able to improve education in schools, create health services in schools that can be put to good use, especially nutrition action. The method used is the lecture method via whatsapp, poster installation, question and answer and group discussion. The results of the health education activities were approximately 67 participants. The counseling participants looked enthusiastic when the material was given. Participants participated in the counseling happily because the counseling was carried out in a fun way. The counseling activity was conducive because the participants paid attention to the material presented well. This is evidenced by the number of participants who are interested in answering questions during the question and answer session. Participants participated in the counseling happily because the counseling was carried out using a fun online method. Counseling activities are conducive because the community pays attention to the material presented well

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