observation methods
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Wiesław Firek ◽  
Katarzyna Płoszaj ◽  
Paweł Gąsior ◽  
Ewa Malchrowicz-Mośko

In creating a positive climate in sport for children and youth, the role of adults is of key importance as their behavior and attitudes determine the experiences and multilateral development of young players. Relatively recently, the importance of the referee in creating a supportive sporting environment has begun to be emphasized. This concerns, in particular, team sports in which the referees interact with players many times and influence the course of the game. The aim of the study was to evaluate the quality of the referee–players’ interactions during youth floorball matches in terms of building a positive climate and responsiveness to the players’ needs. Another aim of the study was to examine whether the referee’s qualifications and players’ gender affect the quality of their interactions with the players. The study was conducted among 21 referees officiating matches for girls and boys aged 12–18. Naturalistic and structured observation methods were used in the study. The observation was conducted using a wireless intercom that allows listening to verbal messages directed to the players. Furthermore, the referee’s work was recorded using a camera. The results of the statistical tests did not show any significant differences in the assessment of referees between the groups distinguished in terms of the referees’ license and players’ gender in both examined dimensions. The observations showed that the average rating of building a positive climate by referees during a sporting event measured on a seven-point scale was ‘poor’ (2.81 pts). The referees were assessed significantly higher on the second dimension (responsiveness to the players’ needs), although an overall rating of 3.81 pts means a medium level of interaction quality. The results indicate areas in which referees can improve. They lead to the following conclusions: (i) the contents of training for floorball referees should include problems of pedagogy and developmental psychology; (ii) referees should be equipped with appropriate competencies for building a positive climate during matches and monitoring the players’ needs; (iii) referees appointed to officiate children and youth games should be characterized by appropriate predispositions.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-77
Nur Zaytun Hasanah ◽  
Istiqomah Istiqomah ◽  
Kurniawan Dwi Saputra

Talking about education is certainly closely related to the generation of students. If we look at the current state of education, especially the quality that exists within students, it is very concerning. Cellphones that should be used for learning in schools are now only limited to playing games. Not a few students want to read textbooks, because they are busy reading chats from their girlfriends. Not even a few studens go to the mosque to perform Dhuha prayers and Fardhu prayers because they are busy tik-tokan. Generations of students are starting to spend a lot of time in front of gadgets. The generation that Allah says in the Qur’an as the Khoiru Ummah, is now a rare thing to see.The purpose of this study was to interpret the influence of gadgets on the level of learning and spirituality of students during the covid-19 pandemi. This research is a type of qualitative research with a qualitative descriptive research approach. Data collection techniques used are observation methods, documentation methods and interview methods. The data analysis technique used is Milles, Huberman and Saldana with the stages of data collection, data condensation, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the influence of gadgets on the level of student learning, greatly decreased. Likewise, the level of spirituality of students during the Covid-19 pandemi, is very low. This is evidenced by the teachers who teach students at Madrasah every day, as well as student learning outcomes when doing daily tests and when doing assignments both at school and at home.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2160 (1) ◽  
pp. 012013
Dongya Yang ◽  
Wei Xue ◽  
Xinwen Xiong ◽  
Weitao Li ◽  
Rongtuo Sun ◽  

Abstract In order to study the seal design problem of piston rings in Stirling engine, on the basis of filling PTFE with Nano-SiO2 and POB and preparing the GCr15 contact surface with square texture by HM20-I laser marking machine, experiments were carried out on LSR-2M wear tester by indirect weighing and in-situ observation methods. Optical microscope (OM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) were used to observe the evolution of Nano-SiO2/POB-PTFE composites’ transfer film on contact surface. The results showed that the square texture would shorten the running-in and transitionary periods of the composites’ tribological process, accelerate into the stationary period. The formation process of the composites’ transfer film on the square textured contact surface was also different from smooth contact surface. Although the square texture would increase wear rate, its ability to store wear debris is more conducive to the formation of reliable, uniform and continuous transfer film with a same friction direction. Obviously, reasonable design of surface texture can effectively improve the wear resistance of sealing parts made of filling modified PTFE composites, thus providing theoretical guidance for the seal design of Stirling engine piston ring.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-85
Alisa Qudrotun Munawaroh ◽  
Endry Nugroho Prasetyo ◽  
Maharani Pertiwi Koentjoro

Fascioliasis is an infection of the trematodes of Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica which causes disease worldwide. This trematode infection commonly attacks ruminants, especially in cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats, pigs and humans, as well. This disease can cause significant economic losses in the livestock industry, mainly through death, liver damage, reduced production of meat, milk and wool, and expenses for deworming. Parasitological examination for identification of fasciola infection was carried out by visually observing fecal samples for adult worms and then examined by simple flotation (using saturated NaCl solution) and formalin-ethyl acetate sedimentation techniques. Here, we were systematically reviewed existing knowledge about sensitive and efficient fasciola observation methods for the identification of fasciola species. Four databases of articles that met the inclusion requirements were compiled for the literature review. This article was published between 2015-2020 and reports on the identification of fasciola species using one or a combination of sedimentation and flotation methods. As a result, the combined method of sedimentation and flotation has the best sensitivity and egg recovery rate (Ef) values for fasciola identification.   Abstrak Fascioliasis merupakan infeksi trematoda spesies Fasciola hepatica dan Fasciola gigantica yang menimbulkan penyakit di seluruh dunia. Infeksi trematoda ini umum menyerang ruminansia, terutama pada sapi, kerbau, domba, kambing, babi dan bisa terjadi pada manusia. Penyakit ini dapat menimbulkan kerugian ekonomi yang cukup besar dalam industri ternak, terutama melalui kematian, kerusakan hati, berkurangnya produksi daging, susu, dan wol, dan pengeluaran biaya untuk obat cacing. Pemeriksaan parasitologi untuk identifikasi infeksi fasciola dilakukan dengan mengamati sampel feses secara visual untuk cacing dewasa dan kemudian diperiksa dengan cara flotasi sederhana (menggunakan larutan NaCl jenuh) dan teknik sedimentasi formalin-etil asetat. Disini, kami meninjau secara sistematis pengetahuan yang ada tentang metode pengamatan fasciola yang sensitif dan efisien dalam identifikasi spesies fascioal. Empat data base artikel yang telah memenuhi syarat inklusi disusun untuk tinjauan literature review. Artikel ini terbit antara tahun 2015-2020 dan melaporkan identifikasi spesies fasciola menggunakan salah satu atau gabungan metode sedimentasi dan flotasi. Hasilnya, metode gabungan antara sedimentasi dan flotasi memiliki nilai sensitivitas dan nilai tingkat pemulihan telur (egg recovery rate, Ef) paling baik untuk identifikasi fasciola.

Basastra ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
Ahmad Suwito Suwito

The outbreak of the covid-19 virus has changed the life of society, especially in Indonesia. The education sector in Indonesia has also experienced the impact of the covid 19 virus, causing all schools and campuses to use online learning, the government has decided to work at home. As a lecturer, you have to do online learning with a variety of learning methods. The research emphasizes the learning effect of Stikes RS Anwar Medika.Online learning for students who use the internet network in various ways online learning methods with various online media. Overcoming in online learning to students in the form of signals. Learning strategy as a plan that contains a series of activities that are arranged neatly and systematically. This type of research uses a descriptive qualitative approach because this study aims to describe a natural phenomenon. The place of research was carried out at Stikes Rs anwar medika for students in 2020. Data collection techniques were carried out with various methods, namely observation methods, interview methods, documentation methods for data analysis in qualitative research directed to answer the formulation of the problem.The results of the research are 1) Online learning strategies that are applied during the COVID-19 pandemic. 2) there are supporting and inhibiting factors for online learning activities during the covid-19 pandemic, 3) the media used are zoom, whatsapp and Google Classroom. 4) the results of student achievements in online learning during the covid-19 period.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 160
Rara Anggraini

<p>This study describes the cultural adaptation carried out by the factory worker community consisting of various ethnicities and religions at PT Satya Krisma in Tebo Ilir Jambi, in maintaining religious harmony. This research uses qualitative research that emphasizes the depth of information obtained through interviews and is also supported by field observation methods. The results of the study show that first, the reality of life that occurs in the community of factory workers in the village of Betung Bedarah Barat is very harmonious and harmonious until now, because the community always respects and respects, and always prioritizes mutual assistance and cooperation. Second, factors that influence the occurrence of harmony are internal and external factors, internal factors are tolerance, dialogue between communities and there is also awareness of diversity. The external factor is that there are institutions that support religious harmony, namely the involvement of the government, traditional leaders and religious leaders. Third, in maintaining harmony, they have strategies including strengthening brotherhood, the role of traditional leaders, religious leaders, and maximizing regulations and the role of local governments.</p><p><em>Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang adaptasi budaya komunitas buruh pabrik dalam menjaga kerukunan umat beragama di PT Satya Krisma di Tebo Ilir Jambi. P</em><em>eneliti</em><em>an ini</em><em> menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif yang menekankan pada aspek kedalaman informasi yang diperoleh melalui wawancara dan didukung pula oleh metode observasi lapangan.</em><em> Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  pertama, realita kehidupan yang terjadi pada komunitas buruh pabrik di desa Betung Bedarah Barat sangat rukun dan harmonis sampai saat ini, karena masyarakat selalu menghargai dan menghormati, dan selalu mengedepankan sikap saling bantu dan bekerja sama. Kedua, </em><em>faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya keharmonisan yaitu faktor internal dan eksternal, faktor internal yaitu adanya sikap toleransi, dialog antar masyarakat dan juga terdapat kesadaran. Faktor eksternal yaitu terdapat lembaga yang menjadi pendukung dalam kerukunan umat beragama yaitu adanya keterlibatan pemerintah, tokoh adat dan tokoh agama. </em><em>Ketiga, </em><em>dalam mempertahankan kerukunan, mereka mempunyai strategi di antaranya memperkuat tali persaudaraan, melibatkan tokoh adat, tokoh agama, dan memaksimalkan peran regulasi pemerintah daerah</em>.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 9-16
Muhammad Anshar ◽  
Teuku Fahmi ◽  
Fandi Alfiansyah Siregar

 The Medan Mayor's policy of issuing a regional regulation on large-scale social restrictions forced the coffee shop entrepreneur to close down his business for several months. The purpose of this study was to determine the strategy of coffee shop owners in entrepreneurship during the Covid 19 pandemic, to find out the entrepreneurial communication mechanisms carried out by coffee shop owners and to find out the obstacles faced by coffee shop owners. This research is a qualitative descriptive study using survey and observation methods and data collection techniques are measured using interviews and documentation. The central and local governments have not provided assistance to coffee shop owners in the form of injections of funds to stay afloat and be entrepreneurial during the Covid 19 pandemic. The Medan city government should make joint policies with business actors in the city of Medan in general, especially coffee shop owners  who have limited capital and coffee shop owners must have breakthrough ideas and new innovations in entrepreneurship to face the Covid 19 pandemic that has not ended.

LABIBAH Zain ◽  
Syifa ADIBA ◽  
Akmal FARADISE ◽  
Thoriq Tri PRABOWO

Objective. The National Press Monument is a part of the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information (KOMINFO) which has the sole responsibility of developing the communication and information sectors of the government including media and journalism. This research explains the preservation process of the Indonesian Journalism newsprint implemented at the National Press Monument. The purpose of this study is to give an overview of the importance of Indonesian Journalism newsprint to users of the National Press Monument. Indonesian Journalism newsprint is a vital source containing Indonesia’s press history and information about the Indonesian Journalist Association before Indonesia gained its independence. National Press Monument collects and preserves old Indonesian newsprint and journals on various subjects. Methods. The qualitative approach and observation methods are used for this research. The observation method is used to focus on the preservation practices. Alongside the observation, the technique is the application of in-depth interviews. These methods are used to explain the processes of newsprint preservation. Results. The results of the study have found that National Press Monument used four approaches to preserve newsprint material: preventive, curative, restorative, and digitalization. Preventive action is carried out by controlling temperature, humidity, light, preventing human-caused damage and conducting bookbinding action. The curative operation was done by fumigation using Sulfuryl Fluoride (S02F2). The restorative step is done by connecting parts of torn/perforated paper, and repairing damaged binding. Finally, digitalization. National Press Monument also developed a new method to preserve newsprint material which is called freezing. This new method is aimed to protect the manuscript from any harmful organism. Conclusions. These methods can also be used in libraries. The National Press Monument not only contributes to preserving newsprint material in Indonesia but also to develop new ways in protecting the manuscripts through various policies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
NFN Miswarti ◽  
Irma Calista ◽  
Wawan Eka Putra ◽  
Dedi Sugandi ◽  
Taupik Rahman ◽  

<p>Mangosteen is a genetic resource scattered and cultivated by farmers in Bengkulu Province. The study aimed at determining the morphological variability of mangosteen. The study was conducted from March to October 2015 in Bengkulu province using on-site supervision and observation methods. The number of plants observed was 34 genotypes and qualitatively and quantitatively characterized based on the Center for Plant Variety Protection and Agriculture Licensing (CPVPAL) guide. The data of morphology were analyzed by comparing the average value, variance, and standard deviation. Relationship or data grouping phenotypic characters appearance were identified using NTSYS software version 2.1. The results show wide variability in the density of leaf, flower size, and fruit weight, while narrow variability is occurred in plant height and the thickness of the rind. Data analysis of mangosteen genotypes generated similarity coefficients range from 0.71 to 0.91 (71-91%). Genotype 24 and 27 have the closest relationship, with the similarity coefficient of 91%.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong></p><p>Mangosteen; Morphology; Variability; Character; Phenotypic</p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>Manggis merupakan sumber daya genetik yang tersebar dan dibudidayakan oleh petani di Provinsi Bengkulu. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui variabilitas fenotipik buah manggis. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret sampai Oktober 2015 di Provinsi Bengkulu dengan menggunakan metode observasi langsung morfologi tanaman manggis yang telah berbuah. Jumlah tanaman yang diamati sebanyak 34 genotipe dan masing-masing genotipe diamati karakterisasi kualitatif dan kuantitatif berdasarkan panduan Pusat Perlindungan Varietas Tanaman dan Perizinan Pertanian (PPVTPP). Analisis data melalui perbandingan varian fenotipik dengan standar deviasi varian fenotipe diukur dengan nilai rata-rata, varians, dan standar deviasi. Kekerabatan atau pengelompokan data penampilan karakter fenotipik dilakukan dengan menggunakan software NTSys versi 2.1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabilitas luas terdapat pada kerapatan daun, ukuran bunga, dan bobot buah, sedangkan variabilitas sempit pada karakter tinggi tanaman dan  ketebalan kulit buah. Analisis genotipe manggis menghasilkan koefisien kemiripan sebesar 0,71-0,91 (71-91%). Dari dendogram diperoleh genotipe yang memiliki tingkat kekerabatan yang tinggi terdapat pada genotipe 24 dan 27 dengan nilai kemiripan sebesar 91%.<strong></strong></p>

A. Jamali ◽  
M. Mahdianpari ◽  
İ. R. Karaş

Abstract. Wetlands are endangered ecosystems that are required to be systematically monitored. Wetlands have significant contributions to the well-being of human-being, fauna, and fungi. They provide vital services, including water storage, carbon sequestration, food security, and protecting the shorelines from floods. Remote sensing is preferred over the other conventional earth observation methods such as field surveying. It provides the necessary tools for the systematic and standardized method of large-scale wetland mapping. On the other hand, new cloud computing technologies for the storage and processing of large-scale remote sensing big data such as the Google Earth Engine (GEE) have emerged. As such, for the complex wetland classification in the pilot site of the Avalon, Newfoundland, Canada, we compare the results of three tree-based classifiers of the Decision Tree (DT), Random Forest (RF), and Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGB) available in the GEE code editor using Sentinel-2 images. Based on the results, the XGB classifier with an overall accuracy of 82.58% outperformed the RF (82.52%) and DT (77.62%) classifiers.

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